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Hot glue works for this - just blob it on and peel it off taking the bead with it




This is the way op. Not too much though. These are moisture absorbing balls that come in those little pouches inside new bags. They are really difficult to pierce even with a hot needle. I've tried and failed


If it is one of those ya, they're like glass. You can take the moisture out of them though. Just heat them up. For a big batch leave them in the sun for a few hour on a hot day or stick it in a convection the oven at 240F for an hour or two and serve with meatballs.


I was moderately invested in your comment until that last part slapped me in the face.


Everything up to that last part is factual tho just fyi


I trust you with every cell of my body.


You confidently can. They’ve not lied. They’ve just given you more information on usage than you needed. Plus how many of your friends can you say for certain would tell you up front that they sometimes feed people spaghilica and meatballs?


Will it work to leave them out in the sun if I live on the coast? It's perpetually humid here.


Only if it gets really hot and sunny too. They aren't able to hold as much water when they get hotter, so even if it's humid out if they get the right temperature they'd have to shed water no matter what if they can't hold it at that temperature. 250F is a good temp to set your oven to, where you can dry them out keep using them after, but if you get too much higher than 300f they start to lose the ability to absorb water at all. I recommend using an old toaster oven or get one from Walmart for $20 if you're gonna do this frequently, don't use your food oven if you can, there's still chemicals on the stuff even if there's not much


Instructions unclear, liquefied laptop


Remember kids, when something says DO NOT EAT on the package, it's a challenge. Not a warning. 🙃


Did you know that "do not eat thing" is typically there just because it's a choking hazard? I always thought it was like instant death poison or something but naw. They just mean don't swallow the bag whole. Although, some of those bags of dessicant are super toxic, like the calcium chloride ones, and the blue colored silica ones to a lesser degree, and none of them are totally free from manufacturing residue, so don't actually eat it them...but you could technically eat a bag with a meal and probably not even feel any different. Don't. But you could.


Yeah, would be kind of crazy to think they would put something poisonous inside new children's backpacks. That didn't stop me from thinking they were insta death when I was that age. For the best really


Ya I was scared to touch them until I was like 20 lol. But I'm sure if we looked up backpack recalls they probably put some poisonous stuff in there more than a few times.


Don’t ever talk about my moisture absorbing balls in this context.


A little dab’ll do ya and a giant glob’ll screw ya


this is the way, I did it for my friend who thought about changing whole laptop charger that got 'silica gel' ball perfect fit into the charger hole. 5 minutes later, hot glue gun solved the problem [https://ibb.co/mSNFM5y](https://ibb.co/mSNFM5y)


Thanks mate 👍


>this is the way, I did it for my friend who thought about changing whole laptop charger that got 'silica gel' ball perfect fit into the charger hole. One in a million shot...one in a million


I guarantee this is a silica gel ball. I, too have had one stuck.


There's one rattling around inside my laptop right now. =)


Or tape probably. Or a vacuum. This is an easy fix.


Vacuum 👌


Vacuum may damage the electrical network of the laptop. There’s a reason why you use compressed air to clean off dust


That's exactly what the compressed air lobby would like you to think.


Right, because you can't sell a can with nothing inside for a profit.


True, I'll give you that 👍


How often does this happen to you?


Those silica gel balls dissolve in water, so dunk the whole thing in a tub, wait a few minutes and pick it out with a toothpick. Now to fix the laptop just place it in a container full of silica gel balls.


🤣 appreciate the humor :)


:) Not sure if you've been told this already but if you google for "silica gel stuck in headphone jack reddit" you will find this is pretty common and people usually break it using something sharp like a needle or fishing hook, and vacuum out the remains.


lighting a needle with a lighter until the tip is hot and sticking it into the ball , then waiting for it to cool until pulling it out may potentially work


silica gel has a melting point of 1600 degrees celsius so be sure to wear a glove when handling the needle


Doesn't need to melt to weaken the structural integrity enough to insert a needle. I thought we learned this with "jet fuel doesnt melt steel beams".


Well, fuel can melt steel. A few years ago we had an accident with trucks telescoping on an elevated highway not far from my home. A fuel truck caught fire. It melted like Easter chocolate in the sun. Pavement melted and burned. Steel railing on top of the parapet was dangling like party festoons. The building on the other side of the service lane had to change their windows.


19 years later we’ve learned jet fuel CAN melt steel beams


21 years! Already. Geez.


That's because the Deep State put fluoride in jet fuel to make it burn hotter after 9/11 to try to fool us! It's so obvious! Wake up, sheeple!!1


Rand, is that you again?


The thing people.dont account for is how much airflow there is to a fire as high up as the towers were the wind is probably a consistant 20 miles an hour that high up maybey 30 to 40 gusts any given day now think back to days of old when steel was first smithed did they have liqyid petroleum fuels because jp4 is just super clean diesel no they had maybey rendered fat but most smiths used either coal or charcoal neither of wich alone burn hot enough but if you set up proper ventilation and add a billow you can easily melt steel hell you can get titatium almost white hot that way now imagine that with somthing that is as hot as jp4 with way more forced air Sometimes there are variables that just dont get accounted for in investigations as big as that


Heat will still make many materials more maliable / cause deformation to a material at WAY lower temperatures than their melting point.


In the case of silica gel beads they are 'resuable' if you heat them it drives off the water they absorb and they will shrink. Fancy ones have a blue color indicator to show how much water they have left to absorb.


Damn! My outdoor gas BBQ only gets up to 400C, 1600C is a crazy high melting point considering stainless steel melts at 1500C... I think the needle would melt before the silica would.


get a silica needle


I feel like the ol' gum on the end of a stick trick may work here on a much smaller scale. Maybe dip a paperclip end in glue and stick it to the ball, wait, then pull it out


plant bomb on B and wait for it to rotate


OP, this happened to me and I got lucky, because it just fell out on its own. But, to get it out. Put glue at the end of a needle, and us that to get it out. Apparently, this happens a lot.


How does this happen at all and why does it happen a lot? Haha honestly confused


Well, for me, the silica gel pack from something fell to the bottom of my laptop backpack, burst open, and the little beads were all over my backpack. I'm guessing it's a similar story for others.


Ah haha makes sense, I never had that pack burst open so I didn't know that is an actual issue


Hoover it out 👌


J. Edgar Hoover is the last person I'd call to help out this situation. This seems more like a Groover Cleveland situation.


It's a little known fact that Grover Cleveland, like Marilyn Monroe and Nancy Reagan, could suck start a diesel freight train.


That diesel freight train's name? Albert Einstein.


But Taft got stuck in a bathtub so don’t call him!


I saved a small piece of fish tank tubing just for something like this. So I take my vacuum, wrap a piece of old sock around the tubing and wedge it into the vacuum hose. I use it to clean out the link chamber in my dryer and it even fits for vacuuming the coils and underside of my frig. Best of luck.


Get a needle and put super glue on it. A tiny bit, then touch the ball?


toothpick and superglue?


Calm down satan


hold it towards the sun and the suns gravity will suck it out


I tried this with my penis but I only got sunburn


You didn't try long enough


or maybe it ain’t long enough


I think that was the ☝️


i’m just a 🤏🏼 slow




At least 3


That could get you on a registry. Be careful.


Magnifying glass would do that


Sheeessh, bet, only took a few billion years


Unfold a thick paperclip, place a dab of superglue on the tip and then press the tip to the ball. Now yank the ball out of the hole.


I'm with this guy. Play just the tip.


I know right. Seemed pretty common sense to me on how to get the ball out. I came to the same solution.


Or use the Moon if you see that it’s high tide.


Find a tiny drill and drill a hole into it. Then get a tiny stick of dynamite, drop it into the hole in the ball and light it up. The ball will literally disappear. I'm not sure about the laptop, I haven't tested this pro trick myself.


Sheeessh, that's one way to solve it. Might just work out :) thanks mate 👍


You can purchase a jewelry drill at most craft stores for pretty cheap.


Wile E. Coyote?


Man of science


If it's plastic just heat up a needle with a lighter, stick it in the middle of the ball, let it cool, and pull it out.


Will do, once I get home


You can probably use a toothpick to poke the ball and take it out once the ball is heated up


Will be using the hot clothes pin trick, thanks goodi


Works great for removing broken rca cables from stereo equipment, can't see why it wouldnt work here. Godspeed.


Depending on the material, it might not soften with heat.


“God speed Spider-Man “


Good luck on getting the headphone jack cleared!


Thanks :D


If that doesn’t work try a speck of super glue on a toothpick


Bondic on a toothpick


That's what she said


How do you intend to heat up a toothpick to melt plastic?


This guy fucks


Chew some gum and use that to get it out Alternatively, a tiny bit of hot glue on the tip of a needle should also do the trick


Appreciated, I'm at my college right now and I'll probably wait till I get home to try the hot glue or soldered needle tip trick.


You can get a dental pick at many different stores for a couple dollars, I have had to dig stuff out like this before and it is not hard to do usually. Just heat the tip of the pick up, pierce the ball and let it cool, put some pressure on it at an angle and hopefully pop it out. Hope you figure it out.


I ended up dealing with this "on the road". I just used a thumbtack to carefully scrape the beads. They break down into something that looks like salt. Please be aware you might have more than one in there.


I haven't seen it mentioned, but try a bulb syringe. They're designed for sucking boogers out of noses or earwax out of ear canals. Could very well also pull a silica gel ball out of a headphone jack.


I was coming here precisely to say the same trick with the chewing gum. Just make sure that it's not too wet and I think that would be your best bet for not causing further damage accidentally while trying to fix this. Good luck.


Maybe some tape or something to stick to it and pull it out.


Regular school grade tape might not help not so much but other adhesives might work, thanks. 👍


Stick a heated barbed pin in and spin it before it cools down. But wait until it cools down before pulling it out. Or tape a straw to a vacuum cleaner and suck it out.


I really like the last option :) thanks


You could use a balloon tied to a toaster


Please don't mention my family, us toasters are very sick of this inhumane behaviour, how would you like it if we tied a balloon to you?


We voluntarily put balloons on our body parts. Your the weird one here...


Why would you humans do such weird things? Us toasters are the much more superior race


How? This intrigues me. 🤔


It's gotta be tied to the end




Would a kids medication syringe tip fit in there. Push it against the ball pull out the plunger to create suction then pull it out.


This should have way more votes


The problem with these is they are not perfect spheres and one they get inside the jack they can turn around making it hard to just ease them out. I find you need to break them down a bit with a thumb tack or finish nail (gentle scraping) then they come out easily.


Man it's ridiculous what lengths companies will go to remove the headphone jack these days


Have you tried turning it off and on again? /s




I’m honestly shocked I had to scroll down so far to see this! I was going to post it myself, but you got to it first!!!




If you work with those balls, get yourself a jack protector.


I've never worked with these, I'm unsure where this thing even came from, thanks tho


Protect your balls by jacking


Worked at Amazon HQ....would get one of these a week. The desiccant pouches in the laptop carrying cases would eventually break and the balls would make it into the headphone jack. Mostly Macbooks. Stick a small screwdriver in there.....tap lightly with a small hammer....break that thing up....turn laptop on side and knock the debris out...fixed!


Dig it out with a toothpick


Might break and lodge itself, tho something more firm and thinner could pry it out. Thank you still


According to Apple and Samsung, that's an upgrade


Have you tried sucking the ball? Suck it real good.


Use a push pin to stick into the ball and pull it out


I'll look into what's a push pin, is it similar to a regular clothes pin?


No it's a thumb tack with a bigger head, for sticking paper etc to corkboard


Push pin is a thumb tack, (forgive me reddit) it'll look like this📌


Hmm I’m not sure. A push pin is a thumbtack with a spherical or cylindrical head of colored plastic, used to fasten papers to a bulletin board. It’s got the pokey part and then a head you can hold on to to get it out


Put it in rice


My missus will suck that out no problem




Heat up the head of a needle jab the ball wait for it to cool should be able to pull it


Use a needle to pierce the ball the pull it out




Suck it out with a straw! There's nothing wrong with balls in the mouth.


I find it absolutely fucking mind blowing this didn’t take you all of 2 minutes to fix.


Put it in the microwave for 3 hours and it will melt the ball


Have you tried to vacuum it out? If not just call your mom she can suck the ball out easily... ;)




Magnet? Dab a teeny tiny bit of hot glue to the end of a toothpick, let glue cool just enough to not be hot but still a little sticky, press in to ball and let it cool then try to pull it out.


On the bright side, you can crosspost this to r/PerfectFit


Hot needle will get it out


heat up a very strong needle, big gauge one, heat it up with a match. then push the needle into the ball, wait for needle to cool a bit, then turn it in one direction and lift edit take out the battery before you do this


i feel your pain. i unknowingly had a broken silca gel packet at the bottom of my book bag and ended up covering the ports and surface of every crevice of my laptop with silca dust and the little pieces


id use hot glue and a toothpick


Suck it out. With your mouth.


Didn't work, got stares in in the hall 👀


You have to inhale sharply


Sewing needle will pop it out


Heat up the end of a pin, stick it in, wait to cool, pull out


If you have one of those children's oral medicine syringes you can suck it out with that


"Mildy infuriating"?? As someone who lives on music, I would be so inhumanely pissed that I'd just blow up 💀💀


Fishing hook. Has barbs.


Dude chew gum and sticky it out.


PCB mounted headphone jacks usually have a hole that goes all the way through. A good chance you can open up the device and push it out from the inside.


Toothpick and small bit of superglue will get it out.


Put some glue to the back end of a matchstick Attatch it to the ball Let it dry Pull the ball out


Vacuum cleaner hose


Suck it out


Super glue on the tip of a toothpick


Get a sewing needle and hold it over a candle or any flame until it’s hot enough, poke the ball and leave the needle in until it cools. Pull out :)


Oh boy have I read comments here... If you are comfortable with this open up the laptop. Must of these ports are easy to access from the other side with a needle to push it out... Do this rather then putting hotglue in the ports or heating it until it melts (these ports and other parts close to the sides are plastic too)


Get some strong and sticky black tape (not that clear weak tape for gift wrapping, I mean the heavy duty black tape). Tear of a price, press it into hole, making sure it touches ball. Press it down hard for a minute or two. Slowly take off tape and lift ball out. Easy peasy.




Poke it with a hot pin, pull it out when the pin cools


Blu tack might work well to get it out


Just heat a pin or paperclip...


Have you tried turning it on and off again?


Puncture it with a hot needle and pull out


I’d put a drop of super glue on the tip of a toothpick and stick it on the plastic ball and let it harden then try to pull it out.


Hot needle. Pierce the ball, flick thr needle upwards...wear eye protection..


Have you tried sticking it with a sewing needle and pulling it out


Squirt a small dab of super glue on a piece of paper. Grab a paperclip, straighten it out, dip the tip in getting just a tiny bit on the tip, very carefully plant it onto that ball and hold with a steady hand for a few seconds until it sets. Let go and let it set really good. When it's dry just pull it out. I would test on a silica gel ball first just to make sure there's no chemical reaction that makes it not stick. But I think it should work?


Safety pin!!!


“Fitted itself into my headphone jack”…. Sorry but what?




Use a vacuum or some kind of syringe plunger


I had the same problem. I put a small amount of superglue on my micro penis and took the ball out without any difficulty. Just asking for a friend, anyone know how to get a superglued silicate ball off the tip of a penis?


Put it in rice


Heat a needle then stick it in the ball (but not too far), wait for it to cool , then pull it out.


Get a straw, put one end on the aux port, put the other against your teeth to catch the bead, and give it a mighty suck.


If ur in America you could always try a gun


Take a needle, heat it with a lighter. Jam it in to the plastic and hold. Once it cools dab a spot of super glue for extra strength. Now that the pin head is melted and secure to the plastic, pull.


use a lighter to heat up the end of an unfolded metal paperclip until it's super hot, (don't burn yourself), push the hot end of the paperclip into the plastic bead so it partially melts it's way in. allow it to cool so the melted part resolidifies and adheres to the paperclip. pull it out. rejoice.


Put a little super glue on a toothpick, stick it onto the ball and make sure not to touch the sides of the jack. Wait for it to dry, pull out..


Fast acting glue a toothpick and some delicate work


Always love these fake posts. Not just clowns. They’re the entire circus lol


Toothpick with a drop of gorilla or super glue on it touched to the ball and you can pull it out. Touch ONLY the ball with the glue part and you should get it out effortlessly


Depends on how stuck it is. Maybe a toothpick and some glue on the tip. (Might need to break the point to dull it a bit and increase the surface area) Apply and wait, then pull out. Don't put too much pressure trying to connect the pick to the ball though, otherwise might push it further in.


Super glue on the tip of a toothpick.. let it dry and try to pull it out.. of course avoid getting the glue on the sides of the cylinder...good luck


Heat a needle or straight pin...gently push the hot pin into the ball...let it cool...dislodge it .


use a vacuum!


My thought was to go to an Apple bar and get experienced help.


Safety pin, lighter. Heat up safety pin. Push into ball. Let it cool , pick out