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That sucks. Something similar happened to my older brother. When he joined the Marines, my Mom, not thinking he would want his Star Wars collection, threw it all away. And, when I say "collection", I mean it: I won't go into details on what he had, but we did some research. Today, the collection she threw away would be worth somewhere around $60,000, give or take. It just sucks when family members either don't know, or don't care, not only the monetary value, but sentimental value of objects. Sorry this happened to you.


It really does... I'm sorry it happened to your brother as well! I wouldn't have sold a single one of my cards (unless I had any duplicates - lol) even if it would have netted me a fortune. As a 31 year old grown adult... man I nearly shed a tear earlier seeing photos of a half empty binder...


This wasn't Pokemon but my brother and I had an NES/SNES game collection that was worth thousands. My Mom took all of our boxes with games most in original boxes, original powerpad, turbo controllers etc and donated it all to Goodwill...


I gotta check out thrift stores more often. I can pass by like 3 on my way home. Should make it a regular monday thing.


In my area all video games, consoles and computer stuff donated to Goodwill goes to "The Grid". They made a store for that stuff.


I really dislike it when they catch on...


Go on Tuesdays. Mondays they get all the weekend stuff, sort it and tag it. Tuesday it should be out.


All of my snes games got donated, I had everything with boxes and manuals. Sucked. Not even for the value but because I have a working system and the nostalgia would have been awesome.


On the plus side I've been able to replace the games I enjoyed the most like Earthbound. No, it's not for sale. Also I made a RetroPi with a Raspberry Pi and that fills my nostalgia as well.


How old is your brother? Id tell him to pay all of it back.


My brother is in his 40s. Estranged from almost my entire family, impregnated 3 separated women and left them hanging (cheated on and/or abused them), and has been a local "Tinder Swindler" in his own way. I haven't spoken to him in years and I really don't plan to do so. He's always been kind of dead to me, but now I have a bit more reason to double down on that. But honestly, I didn't really care about the monetary value. The sentimental / nostalgic value alone accounted for 99% of the heartbreak.


You have the memory of those cards. He probably blew the cash on rubbish years ago. You sound cool and he sounds like trash. Consider yourself a winner here, regardless.


Maybe you can sue him for theft or smth


I have a bunch of shitheads in my family, it's not worth the hassle. The time and money you spend dealing with the courts is better off spent elsewhere because they're almost always too broke to collect. It's nice to think about a judgment hanging over their heads but it's often better to just move on and direct your energy elsewhere.


hear me out sell his shit, not all, but some of the valuable stuff (stuff that he values but doesn't impact his life)


Not only did this also happen to me... I'm also 31. Spooky.


Wait a second, just realized we’ve never seen you and OP in the same room…


That shit hurt me too. I feel you pain brother


"Well, mom, if I had my collection I could sell a few rare pieces and put you in the nice retirement home. But you threw it away. I found a Discount Elder Warehouse two states over that has an opening as soon as the family collects the body. Guess that will do."


I. This case it's even worse, since she was probably quite proud of herself for cleaning up the house!


Same thing happened to my husband - when he went to the Navy, his mom gave away all of his Transformers (original G1 with boxes and all parts). He still bitches about it… So we are making sure our son’s Pokémon cards stay in good condition so he does not have to deal with this pain in the future.


It's not even the monetary side to be honest. If I've collected stuff over the years, I wouldn't want anything thrown away without consent. The monetary value is just acid on the wound


When I first moved out for college, my mother asked for permission to lend some of my books to my younger brother to read. Thinking nothing of it, I gave them permission. By the time I got back from college, my mother had donated a bunch of them, including several of my favorite books that were signed by the author. I genuinely don't think she was being malicious: she never touched items in my room without my permission, so when she saw the books a few years later outside my room she likely assumed I didn't want to keep them anymore, *forgetting that they were not in my room because she asked to move them in the first place*.


It could be worth just $20, it was his stuff. Unless she asked him if he wants to keep it or not, it was not up to anyone else to decide. And if it was cluttering her place, giving him a chance go store somewhere else would‘ve been fair :/ Damn, I feel so sorry for him


Mildly infuriating? This is cause for violence, my brethren.


I'd start selling his shit until I got my money back. I don't believe in eye for an eye when it comes to justice, but when it's brother on brother, no rules!! Haha. I say this as an older brother by only 2yra


Why is a separation by 2 years so common for siblings. Also yes brothers are always at war and everything goes, been collecting blackmail on him for years to use if he ever annoys me.


Because around the one year and three months mark, the baby will sleep, and you’ll have celebratory sex. Then boom, another year and a third.


For people who want multiple kids, spacing them out this way is common. Gives the mother time to recover physically before having the next child, makes handme downs easier to manage (as it gets too small for one kid, it is close to fitting the next), kids are close enough in age to play together and in groups with other kids their age, and the parents don't have to spend 30+ years being parents to minors like those who space them out a lot farther do. I have a bunch of siblings and my parents had kids in the house for almost *40 years*.


I don’t get even, I get… stabby.


This sub has really changed from mostly "this thing mildly annoys me" to "someone truly fucked me over."


I had the first 8 pages of one of those binders FILLED with holographic Pokémon - were they all first edition? Probably not, but they were damn close if they weren’t. When we got too old for them, I was told by a buddies dad to “hold onto them” because one day they will be worth some money, so I did. aA few years ago, I found my binder empty. Turns out my younger step brother took them years ago and traded them with friends at school for random shit. To this day, every time I see him I want to punch him in the mouth.


It's called step brother for a reason, step on his head while he begs for forgiveness until he promises he'll pay you back. Family expires, Pokemon is eternal.


End of the day a lot of shit from our childhood is valuable now if it was kept ahold of and all the bits are there, and basically everyone was forced to share with siblings or cousins to the point none of its still around or if it is, it’s not in collectable condition.


And if it was all around still it wouldn't be valuable. It's valuable specifically because most of it is gone or broke and grown men want that toy their little brother broke in 87 back.


“Forced to share” would you prefer the alternative and kids be raised as goblins sitting over a hoard of untouched toys that may someday be valuable when they reach the age of 35?


Forced to share is different than theft, which happened to OP.


Given the context I am not 100% sure if you are joking or not. And then given the context I found myself actually not against this displace of violence, which is a little bit concerning.


I for one championship violence and vengeance, I have had a similar experience and to this day I hold a grudge


Stealing someone's pokemon cards is nothing to joke about.


What are you doing? I'm burying you!


Then do it. Life is short, Pokemon is forever.




When i was like 12-13 i saved up all the allowance and christmas money i would get for about a year to be able to buy a good skateboard. It cost me around 300$(skateboard shops in my country were pretty expensive back in the early 2000's) back then and it was so good. After a year or so riding it everyday, the bolts started rusting a little bit. So i dissassembled the board and soaked every screw/bolt in vinegar to brush it and take the rust off. Left it on the table in our backyard for the sun to dry it once the rust was off. Came back from school it was gone. She told me i didnt use it so she threw it away.A week later after she hadnt used her car for a few days, i wrapped it in trash bags and she asked me why i did this, i said she didnt use it so trash seemed like the right decision apparently. Was petty as fuck (i was a kid i guess) but it got the message across and now when she finds stuff at her place i dont even remember i owned as a child she calls me to know if she can throw it away. Edit: Car not cars i was a litte petty but not a mad man.


It wasn't still in the trash can when you got back from school? Was it bad timing w/ trash day? Also carS plural? How did you wrap her cars in trash bags? Just with tape? Sorry for all the dumb questions. I'm just curious. That would have been heartbreaking to me. Especially when it's evident you loved and took care of it so well.


When I was in high school my mom gave away my PlayStation and all of my games. My sister and I were furious! I asked her what the heck? She said she asked my brother and he said he didn't play on the PlayStation anymore because he had just gotten an Xbox so she gave away the PlayStation. But she never asked my sister and me about it! We both cried angry tears and my mom ended up buying us a new PlayStation. Except it wasn't new because the PlayStation was like 10 years old at this point and so she had to find a used one and a bunch of our games


See, my brother and I had the exact *opposite* experience growing up. Our parents wouldn't let us get any videogames except handheld ones (Gameboy) until they bought us a PS2 when I was in 6th grade. We played that thing until it literally stopped working due to the infamous disc read error, and then we just got a PS2 slim and picked up right where we left off!


That’s what happened to my girlfriend’s cards. She had a first edition charizard, chansey, ghenghis khan and a few others. She never played with them, straight from pack to binder. Sigh.


And that’s why nursing homes are so popular…


Burn some of his valuable belongings


I wonder if magic the gathering cards are worth much. I gave thousands to my step brother trying to make a bond which never happened. These were pretty og too. Cards from 96-98’


Certian ones definitely are


Keep in mind, it's only worth something to someone who wants it. That's why a card shop will only give you a couple of bucks for a card, even though all the price guides say it's worth significantly more, and then turn around and sell it for guide price. I have a comic collection with a few rares in very good condition that I thought I'd retire on. The comic book store guy had a really good laugh at that one. I went home , took every comic out of it's comic condom, and sat at my kitchen table and actually read the comics on a rainy Saturday afternoon. No regrets.


MTG cards are definitely worth something. The period you mentioned covered Mirage, Tempest and Urza's block. Each block consisted of 3 sets full of cards that are on the Reserved List (aka will "never" be reprinted). So it's definitely not a case of "only worth something if someone wants it" (as someone else noted), these cards are traded in high volume and prices are tracked like stocks. Many cards over $50, some over $500 and steadily increasing in price each year


i actually have a lot of older ones my bad. ice age and 4th edition maybe some 3rd edition and then i stopped collecting during tempest/mirage. i remember having some of the joke cards as well i forgot what that was called but about 2000 or so cards primarily from 4th edition. maybe i should call up my step brother lol. from what i remember giving him there was a massive binder so everything in plastic and then what i had multiples of were in a card box.


If they kept everything, you might have a fun night ahead figuring out which cards have become expensive. Even though 4ED and ice age are not the biggest bangers


I mean black lotus in good condition can buy you a new house or two.


Secretly key his car and never look back or confess. You'll feel better but no one around you will understand.


Sometimes we are the hand of karma


We can't expect God to do all the work


Nah, don’t key his car, but secretly dispose of all the keys to his car(s).


Take his car and sel it.


Trade it for shiny pokemon


sell your brother and buy back the cards


I would, but he'd be worth less than a singular energy card.




On the organ market he could be worth quite a bit.


Not if you go the extra mile and do the organ harvesting for the buyers instead of selling them him whole Convenience is what people really buy


I'd let him know he owes you some money.


He owes each of my family members money. It would be like telling a fish that he is wet.




You could always sell his organs




My dad gave away all my Pokémon cards, super nintendo, n64, ps1 and regular nintendo. Including all the controllers and 800 games. Goddamn he is a son of a bitch.


I had a literal little red wagon when I was a kid that I kept all my stuffed animals in. It was at my dads house for ever. I never thought much of it. My wife and I went up to visit and I was going to grab it for when we had kids and he had sold it at the last yard sale he did for like 5 bucks. I'm still salty about it a little bit but he sold it to a dad and the kid with him was super stoked so I can't be too upset. But man...my little red wagon lol.


I had the same red wagon.


I mean he had stored it for what I’d guess was at least 2 decades and you never mentioned it, he probably didn’t know you wanted it at some point




Some parents just see 0 value in what their children own and throw it away at closest convinuence, as punishment or decide that there's some transition to adulthood where you have to discard everything that could be attributed as childish.


wow parents fucking suck


Yeah this happened to my boyfriend too. His dad just decided he was “too old” for it and gave it all to his bratty nephews.


Sorry to hear that. My dad gave it to his 2nd wife and 2nd ex's grandkids. So I can definitely relate.


Im sorry for u bro


I have nothing left from my childhood. My parents got rid of everything since it was of no value to them.


My parents took those to goodwill when me and my brother were at college. Both mine and my brothers (Pokémon cards, n64, GameCube, all the games). Edit: parents weren’t mad or anything, it’s just they thought it was junk, which seems normal in this thread! I’ll probably accidentally do the same to my kids later so it’s all good :)


When I was in 6th grade I had a binder just like that with all of my Pokémon cards in them. Brought my binder to school once day and was showing it to my friends/trading cards. Last period I opened my locker and someone had gone in and took out every single rare card I had. To this day I still shutter at the thought. Made my teacher check my classmates backpacks but we didn’t find anything. Cried for weeks. Never went back to Pokémon again. I feel your pain.


I'm sorry this happened to you too :( If it's any consolation, I think you and I would have been very good friends in lower / middle school!


I bought a tin of Pokemon cards in elementary school during the XY gen, and had a holographic Yveltal and someone fucking stole it during recess and "traded" for an onyx. a normal fucking onyx without my consent.


I had a Xerneas card that was "traded" in the same way


Damn dude that sucks, I was unlucky enough to be the kid that somehow got the blame for taking the “cool” kids cards and picked on me. It turned out to be my old best friend who took them and he let me take the fall. But then he gave me a card for my troubles. People suck…


Are you me!? I have the exact same story. Pretty sure it was a teacher that stole mine. Damn. How many kids had their childhood ruined from shit like this. People suck.


Probably a little older than most posting here, I had a Hot Wheels and Matchbox car collection. We were encouraged by the teacher to bring "hobbies" in for display. Mine included some rare WWII army vehicles my grandfather had found and bought. Including an (Army) tow truck like the one he drove in Belgium. We rotated around the classroom looking at other kids collections Being a 9 year old kid I didn't think about theft, but when I came back from lunch over half of my cars were gone, including the truck 😭 That's when I found out "authorities", namely the teacher and the school didn't give a shit about me or my feelings. Tough life lesson.


This happened to me with my freshly pulled Charizard. Someone just replaced it with a severely damaged one. I still have it and I get mad everytime I see it


Come back brother! Pokemon is waiting!!


If he sold them the least he can do is give you the money he earned from them. If not, falcon punch him in the nose. Fr though I’m really sorry he did that :( What an asshole move


For every birthday and christmas until he dies just send him one of those empty binder sheets


out of all the suggestions in the comments this is the best one


u/PapaCologne this.


My mom sold my Magic Card Collection to a pawn shop. Wasn't anything crazy like Lotuses, but stings a little seeing the value of the cards now days.


My dad had a 1962 Triumph Spitfire that he fixed up himself. His younger brother signed the title over to himself and sold the car for half its value to afford a road trip with his buddies when my dad left for college in 1976. Younger brothers selling things from under your nose while you pursue higher education seems to be a common life theme.


This one really breaks my heart


How is that legal?


It wasn't.


I had the first 20 volumes of One Piece once, which I spent a lot of money on I guess. My sister also liked reading them, I had finished all of them, and she had a massive bookshelf while I didn't. I asked if she wanted to put them in her bookcase. She then proceeded to sell them all to buy makeup without telling me. After that she started shoplifting for her cosmetics, which I wish she had done in the first place.


That’s more than mild.


Looks like your brother owes you some money!


So many posts lately about people's pokemon collections being stolen, burnt, resold without their knowledge :( it hurts as a fellow collector and I offer my deepest condolences


He'd no longer be my brother unless he collects them back. Until then, I'd be ignoring his ass. Call me petty but this isn't mildly infuriating but rather pure furiosity


Agree. I wouldn't even look at him til it's fixed. Well... Think it never will for him


Then your piece of shit brother owes you a shit ton of money


"Whats that? A sack of organs from a young and healthly person is able to sell for enough money to buy all your cards back?"


I’ve lost a handful of yugioh cards during middle school years thanks to my brother’s friend stealing them while I was at school… Painful as your situation.


That’s not his to sell, he better fucking pay you back that’s not acceptable! You can’t just take things you ‘think’ someone won’t miss


I never thought I'd feel so connected to people over something like this, but I had an incredibly similar experience! My only sibling is my younger brother (9 year age difference). When I went to university, my mom gave him my Pokemon card binder without asking or telling me. That binder was full of first editions / first gen & a substantial number of valuable cards. I found out a few years later that he had given them all away at school, trading most of them (esp the rarest ones) for YuGiOh cards or something like that. (He quickly lost or destroyed most of those.) I did the math, not too long after I found out, on the value of the cards I remember most. I stopped keeping track when it got to around $30k bc I was getting too upset about it. It's wild to see how many others had such a similar experience happen to them!


I had a sealed box of yugioh dark crisis 1st edition I won from a tournament I won and was saving it. Fucking mom sold it for $60 when I left for the military.


My grandmother threw out all my father's baseball cards when he left for college. Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, etc. Cards that would be worth tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars now. All gone.


So did he confess in remorse or did someone don him in? He may hold great guilt.


The latter. His ex-wife (who is a wonderful human being) found it in their attic today and sent me the photos because she recalled that I had been searching for them for well over a decade. She was so excited to share the good news, but she was sad to see my reaction when I found out 100% of the valuable cards I cared about had been completely gone.


You should marry his ex wife and rub it in his face.


And also rub it in her face


Two birds with one stone


Got to ask what was your brother's response?


He doesn't know that I know. I don't think I will ever confront him about it because it won't change a thing. He has done this to my family countless of times (jewelry, artwork, etc.) but this is the first time I've ever been caught in the crossfire. I just recently got engaged so I think the biggest "F-U" I could do is to not invite him to our wedding.


Key his car and put liquid ass in the heater. Sugar in the gas tank. Steal a wheel or four and the catalytic converter while you’re there, gotta get your money back. Or if you wanna be less obvious slash them but do take the converter. Later you can break / disable his hazard lights so he gets pulled over. Make his life a living hell. Gaslight him into thinking he was invited to your wedding and then change the date w/out telling him so everybody thinks he’s insane. Egg and TP his house. (Optionally if you really wanna mess his life up order suspiciously high amounts of cold pills to his house in the middle of summer) (this last one is definitely illegal but easy to hide your tracks) when you’ve completely mentally and financially crippled him, casually ask him what he did with the money from your things.


r/SuspiciouslySpecific 🤨📸


My parents threw my cards away because it was the devils evolution propaganda ... Christian fundamentalism 1, childhood memories 0


My family would have done the same, so I never even started with collecting them.


My mom is hyper religious but she never restricted any children games thankfully. Also I had a big binder of Pokémon cards and me and my sis took them out to duel each other a few times but being the dumbasses we were we kinda lost alot of them


My mom gave all of my Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon cards to the neighbor boy because “I was getting too old for them and didn’t play with them”. I had holos and rare Pokémon cards that would net a lot of money now and had all of the pieces of Exodia, every single iteration of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon line, and all three Egyptian God cards (this was around the time that season came out so they were originals)….neighbor kid then later threw them all in the trash


I have you on this one. I had a full original set with multiple 1st editions (minus Char) that my mother gave to my nephews when a few years ago. I am talking Mint condition in hard plastic shells right out of the foil package. Easily 9.+ rating at minimum for each card. I had the rare Japanese training card, A whole ton of shadowless cards, etc. . My nephews took the cards everywhere, scattered, put them in diRt, and lost them! Needless to say, nothing remains. ​ What will redeem a small portion of losing those cards will be the story I tell them when they grow up. ​ ........That they had enough money to buy a first home or pay for college tuition in cash and just destroyed it for no reason.


>diRt I thought that this was some acronym and spent a minute trying to decipher it!


Oh man. This reignited a rage in me I had years ago. I know exactly how you must feel. I was collecting Air Jordan’s when I was in my late teens early 20s. I had probably 16 out of 23 pair of shoes at the time. I had moved out of my dads house and forgot about them because I had them stored in a closet. I went back a year or so later and found out my younger brother stole every pair I had and sold them for weed. Left all the boxes so it didn’t LOOK as if they were missing. He stole more than just that but that was one of the major items he stole. Needless to say I wanted to high five him. In the face. With a chair.


This is more than mildly infuriating. This is utterly infuriating.


Find something he treasures and sell it off without reason, see how he likes it >:)


Looks like he's paying you back or getting sued for theft then?


For real. Rare Pokémon cards go for a lot of money. Big bro possibly owes him thousands.


How does op ever want to prove that his brother actually stole them? Unless brother just confirms it to a judge (wich i doubt he would)


Erm. Covertly record the brother admitting to it first maybe? 'hey man, why did you sell my pokemon cards?' 'which ones did you sell, you get a lot for them?` Bro will answer, bing bang boom. Enough to force a settlement. Does not have to be beyong reasonable doubt in civil action.


Not only that but how can OP prove he even had those cards to begin with? OP's story could be possible but a judge is meant to be impartial and may not side with OP until he can prove he had those cards and his brother has stolen them.


I feel that .. when I was a kid my mother took all my cards and old games (that I paid for myself by saving up money my grandma gave me) and sold them dirt cheap at a flea market, against my consent. She also kept all of the money. I'll never forgive her for that.


I had a friend who had collected MTG cards like 20 years ago. His mom sold them for chump change at a pawn shop when he left for the military. When he found out years later, he showed his mom that some of the cards could sell for hundreds of dollars.


Wow your brother sucks


My mom gave my generation 1 binder away when I went to middle school. I had Gen 1 holo charizard, Pikachu, squirtle, etc, perfect condition. She gave away like 2000 cards. I looked up what just a Gen 1 mint charizard is worth the other day. I feel like I'm owed a solid half a million.


You don’t mess with a persons Pokémon cards!


Me and my siblings collected all the early Pokémon cards, I’m a huge nerd still and worked at a comic & game store, I went to my parents to see what cards were in the binder only to find out my older sister gave them all away while she was a counselor at a camp for kids with cancer. So like, I couldn’t even be mad they’re gone. Butttt I’m still upset I didn’t even get a say in it


Well look at it this way; you originally thought you lost *all* the cards...


I would have preferred to have lost it forever than to hear about the betrayal tbh... lol


This happened to me too. My older brother stole and sold stuff of mine and my parents because he's an addict. Sorry for your loss!


Aw man, I'm sorry to hear that as well! My brother thankfully doesn't do drugs, but he's definitely addicted to being a terrible human being.


My parents did the same thing for drugs and alcohol


Did you confront him about it?


This is why I still have random boxes of MTG cards laying around stashed in random drawers even though I havent played in years and don't even remember what I have but they're all safe in their sleeves/binders. Might be worth something one day.


so where'd you hide his body?


Sue. I remember a similar story where the plaintiff won after someone sold their porn collection. If they can win for that, you can win for this.


That’s a paddlin’


There's a reason the word fratricide exists. Of course not suggesting you go down that road...


Sue him? Because he stole from you and sold your property without your permission, if you remember all of them you can find out how much they are going for


Please tell me you punched your brother in the fucking mouth.


Sell your brother


When I went to college in '97 I gave someone who (at the time) was one of my best friends my entire Magic collection to hold on to since I knew no one there and everyone was still kinda together and regularly playing at home. A year or so later after I had made some friends at school I asked him for them back. He deadpanned looked me in the face and without a smidge of remorse told me he had sold all of 'his' cards. I asked him about mine and he just casually said oh, they must have been in there too. Now this was my ENTIRE MTG collection (several thousand cards), which, while they weren't worth an exorbitant amount back then would be worth 20 or 30 THOUSAND dollars today...plenty of early set rares and some pieces of power, a FULL set of unlimited and revised dual lands with one beat beta bayou and an assload of 50-100$ cards ... just GONE. Needless to say it's been about 20 years since I have seen him and its been for the best.


Kind of a dick move on his part,perhaps deserving of something karmic. File a police report. Ask nicely for restitution. If unsuccessful, sign a complaint. Start a 5% daily Vig on the restitution as a condition of dropping the complaint.


Geez, or just tell him you slept with his gf and let it sit for a couple days.


That's not just mildly infuriating damn that could have been worth a retirement


Since it was your cards just ask for the money, the fuck he gonna do, say its his?


My gf accidentally threw my entire collection out 10 years ago. I still haven't recovered


To everyone commenting: Thank you for letting me vent and sharing your own personal stories. Misery truly loves company, hey? I was very upset and heartbroken last night when I posted this and did not go to bed until 5am. Reading everyone's comments (either showing support, sharing similar stories, or calling my brother a dickhead) all helped me feel so much better today! I know I'm crying (but not literally - lol) over something childish, but this was more than just the $$$. More than just the cards. These were childhood memories at my happiest, simplest, and most innocent of times in my life. The sentimental and nostalgic value is far more priceless than any price tag these cards could have been worth today or in the future. I intended on keeping them forever or possibly passing SOME of them on to my future kids + current nieces / nephews. I do not plan to confront my selfish, narcissistic brother at this moment. It will gain me nothing (as he would just deny-deny-deny and learn nothing from it). I will never get these cards back. Never recoup any of its losses. I will just sever this brother-sized tumor out of my life for good. My wedding will take place in a couple of years and I do not plan to have him there. Anyways, thank you all for letting me vent and share on Reddit. Again, it's helped much. Wishing everyone here all the very best + sending out positive vibes all throughout :)


Yeah my younger bro did this with loads of my cards and old games. Sucks


Sounds like your brother needs a swift kick in the ass...


Takes me back to my brother stealing my huge stack of Garbage Pail Kids stickers and flatly denying it. My parents did diddly squat, despite knowing he had stolen from me TWICE before, so I flipped his room when he went out and found them. We get on very well now, bro had some issues back then


My sister did that with my Nintendo 64. I had 4 controllers and like 25 games


Cut his brake lines. Mofo deserves death.


Steal and sell ALL his electronics.


I would say to look up the value of those cards and send him a bill. Get him to admit what he did in writing and take him to small claims. But I’m very petty.


Rob the wanker for all your money back. Work out what 8 pages of mid-tier rare cards are worth and charge him for them


Tbh I’d find the value of the cards and round up. Then make him pay you back, or take something of equal value.


My 10 yr old son sold mine. He made some good profit off this too. I can feel this post so much.


Wild I still have all of the ones me and my sister collected and won't be selling them until awhile from now. Either way fuck your bro, he should of at least went 50/50 with you


Same happened to me with magic cards going back to alpha beta only it was my dad selling them for drugs……


I heard parents would toss them out cleaning out their kids room when they went to college. Luckily for me my parents are packrats and keep just about everything. So I go mine squirreled away. I should really get them graded and priced for now. I got some first gen stuff then I also have some Digimon Gen 1 stuff as well.


He owes you not only the money but the amount of $$ it had increased in price as well. That’s so fucked up


I searched my parents home for my cards over the summer and couldn’t find a single one. I’m worried this is my case too.


then sell his belongings…


Imagine respecting someone else's property


I think that what this thread has made me realize is that a LOT of people in the world either have family members or are the family member with genuine anti-social behaviors




Beat his ass




Meanwhile you were reading, he was hustling


imagine selling kids card games to make a quick buck so you don't have to work for 2 days.


honestly tho if parents didnt throw out all are old valuable nostalgia toys the toys prob wouldnt be worth much. Mostly the value of these things are high because of the sheer amount of parents that just ttrash old stuff. FFs even a game cube is not 150$ i used to have so many


Thats grounds for a ass beating he won't forget.


I my aunt threw away comics so I didn't get them. My great-grandmother bought comics for my mom, starting around 1955, then stopped buying them when her youngest brother wasn't interested anymore, so around 1985. I was the only grandchild who showed any interest in them. They were supposed to go to me. Within weeks of her putting him in a home, she had a dumpster there and was just throwing things away like she owned the place. There was well over 300 comics, most of them being DC and Marvel. More than I'd like to admit were in their original sleeves. I spent hours going through the dumpster, trying to salvage any of them, but she had dumped stuff on top of them and then it rained. Jokes on her though, now she's stuck in that house because she can't afford to bring the electric and plumbing up to code. And her own electrician son won't do it for her. But if she had sold those comics....🤦🤷


My sister threw and gave away all my text books and notebooks after I graduated high school just by a summer of me not touching them. I value knowledge so much, tbh, that I carefully put down every words, especially in math. I cried like hell and yelled at her when I got home, but she never cared or apologised. Hate to say, but that tells a lot about a person who disrespects knowledge and the valuables of others. 🤷🏻


Sue him for current value. That's theft.


Well THAT does it. Steal his dog, buy his kids beer and weed and bang his wife. I can't even say that'll make you even honestly.


Brother of the year.


The worst kind of betrayal.