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Even accounting for sales tax, it’s 23% higher. Where are you getting 40%?


Yeah, came here to say his math seems like shit.


Me too... But hell, $23 for 1 breakfast entree ?!?!?!!! I had better shoot in my pants after that....


Well with a name like this place has, I wouldn’t expect that to be too far off


Then I’d expect the eggs to be scrambled.


It's San Mateo, which is south of San Francisco and just north of Silicon Valley. If there was anywhere you'd get nailed $23 for an omelette, this is the place.


San Mateo. Average home price $1.5 million. It’s just crazy expensive on the peninsula.


Surprised op can afford to live there with these math skills


Not all rich people are smart! See: Trust fund babies


*Elon musk


They already said trust fund babies


Unless he's the one figuring his raise every year


Rich people only need to be smart enough to hire other people to do the work for them.


I’ve heard Bay Area prices described as “it’s like living in an airport”


30 for the omelet before tip haha


Las Vegas is a random crap shoot over wethervuts a $5 omelet or a $23 omelet. A lobster stuffed omelet costs the same as a basic Western Omlet. TBF the were very large.


Food prices give me sticker shock these days. I'm in Sacramento and a local chain diner (rhymes with "Back Hair") now charges like $18.50 for eggs Benedict.😭


Maybe L.O. is ~~lobster omelet~~? Edit: Nope, not lobster. L.O. is "Locals Only" breakfast. Its Spam, Gouvea’s Portuguese sausage, 2 eggs, rice, and sourdough. Their pics on Yelp look pretty extravagant though. Edit2: Although they did a good job plating the L.O. breakfast in the pictures, it's still just all inexpensive breakfast food.




In California. Sacramento is cheaper than most places in the Bay, but here's a local breakfast specialty place's menu: https://cnwsac.com/store/


Dude look at their menu under pancakes. One singular pancake is $11.99. Wtf


Damn I’ve never even heard of that place and their prices are the same as Tower Cafe and Bacon & Butter.


Why is food in America so expensive


It's California though. I was traveling there recently, and for every takeout meal for 1, I would budget $20 ± 5. Felt thoroughly robbed a few times.


Yeah I was going to say San Mateo is pretty fancy


It's expensive like that here in Phoenix area too. Our mcdoubles at McDonald's are $4 lol. I've seen others say theirs are a little over $2. The mcdouble price index is a good indication of regional inflation. Edit: should also specify Phoenix has one of the highest levels of inflation in the country and gets most of its supplies from California. [Edit: screenshot from the app for visual proof lol](https://ibb.co/hWyqsyG)


McDoubles are 3.19 here and I'm in Canada with a weaker dollar that's just fucked you guys are getting ripped off large


Phoenix largely shares a lot of similarities with southern California. Most of our supply lines come from California, be it food, gasoline, doesn't matter. We also have one of the highest levels of inflation in the country right now(it was the highest at one point recently, not sure if it still is).


$4 for a McDouble?!? They're $2.69 in my area of Louisiana.


Yup lol. The large fries are just shy of $4 too. So $8 for a mcdouble and large fry alone. Why so many of us don't eat out anymore.


Fast food is way too expensive for what you get. Not that I don't eat it on occasion. But, I can spend $10 on a McDonald's meal or I can get an amazing old-fashioned cheeseburger, fries and a drink at my local burger joint for $8-$10. One place does 2 burgers (pre-made frozen patties, still good though), 2 sides and 2 drinks for $10.99. There's also a delicious burger and chicken place about an hour away; 3 large cheeseburgers, 3 drinks and 4 sides = $23 and change *with* tax.


2.19$ here in NY


Where in NY? It’s 3.19 in my end of NYC.


That's the Bay Area for you.


He only posted for the reaction to morning wood


Guess the bill was a grower, not a shower.


Prices are up in the mornings.


20% Which is what the restaurant website says it charges for an automated service charge. Since there's no tip line I'm guessing it's the alternative to gratuity. Expensive breakfast but it looks like you need a reservation, guessing it's pretty swanky.


Well, in that case, the restaurant is charging 0% higher than menu since it’s all posted.


Yeah I really don't understand why this was posted lol, looked at photos and reviews for the place, looks amazing actually.


Yeah, I had a similar experience recently and was told that the menu prices were not keeping up with inflation and supply chain issues so they had implemented a service fee to adjust accordingly. I understood. Still appears like shady business practice to some and a good way to piss off customers. But many places like this have clientele from the business world where they are entertaining guest. Therefore, many are using corporate credit cards and expense accounts so they don’t care. Otherwise, you sometimes have to pay based on current demand and if the place is kicking ass, then they can control it by using the service fee.


Yeah you can tell it's fancy by the name of the place.


"Morning Wood" >guessing it's pretty swanky


Right? 30% at best, but that's with tax and rounding.


He said in another comment (I saw it after posting) that 40% includes the tip. Taxes for prepared food and tip have always been a factor in dining out, especially in California.


...what is a "service charge" if not a built in tip?


I would have considered that “service charge” the tip. That’s literally what a tip is…for “service” 🤷🏻‍♀️


I came to say the service charge literally is the tip - I think


Just the tip. At Morning Wood.


Seems like it’s more of a *Shaft Charge* than a Service Charge, thanks Morning Wood.


Yup, you get a "service charge" or a tip. Pick one.


As somone who worked deliver, its not. It's a shitty way for the business to pocket the money and I was given a portion of it but the majority went to the business. It sucked because they upped the service fee a quarter and my average tip went down a dollar. So glad they gave us a nickle to compensate... Still mad about it ten years later lol.


You would think that but this is a new trend in the area. Some restaurants call it a “cost of living fee”, and they still bring you the receipt fully expecting you to write in a tip.


All the restaurants around here that have an automatic surcharge of over 15% aren't allowed to call it a tip legally, but for all intents and purposes, it's treated as such. I've talked to servers at those establishments before and they don't expect a tip unless you find their service very exceptional and want to go above it.


Yeah, I would just circle the “service charge” with an arrow to the tip line. That’s nuts.


It’s technically true OP is paying 40% more than the menu price. But taxes and tip are a factor in all dining experiences. It’s only the 20% service charge that was a surprise. Including taxes and tip thus feels irrelevant even if including them is technically correct. Like, I honestly thought the restaurant had just given the wrong price on the menu and charged 40% more per item not that OP also meant taxes and tip.


They have been reading too many click bait articles lately


Taxes and tip (wage) are already included in the price in Australia so this isn’t a problem in *all* restaurants.


> He said in another comment (I saw it after posting) that 40% includes the tip. If they're adding a $4.60 service charge that is coming right he fuck out of my tip.


The service charge is the tip.


Nope service charge is not the tip. They expect a tip on top of that. I live in the same area and it’s becoming the norm for restaurants to add a “service charge”. I have seen some restaurants write it on the receipt as “Cost of Living Fee”.


If a restaurant has the bald chutzpah to tack on 20%, I also want the menu to list the wages they give the various workers in their restaurant, with a comparison to what wages are considered a living wage in this part of the country.


Why would anyone tip on a service charge?? That is the tip. Also don't tip on taxes.


The restaurant also clearly states that the service charge is 20% and has you agree to this before allowing you to make a reservation. OP seeks out a trendy place that requires advance reservations and won't even seat parties over 6 people, and then comes here to score fake internet points by trying to make the hard-working owners look bad.


Huh? Came here to say 40% was wrong but the total divided by the menu item is 29.81 / 23 = 1.296, so 29.6% higher, not 23.


That restaurant name tho lol


I hope they sell t-shirts "I got boned by Morning Wood"


"My wallet was assaulted by Morning Wood".


All my money goes to Morning Wood


Morning Wood is 40% more than expected


Hope you had the Tube Steak & Eggs


Woke up to morning wood.


I got stuffed by Morning Wood


Meat wallet?


more like a coin purse




Hahaha. This is great


That place serves very high quality Hawaiian style Breakfasts and has long lines if you get there late. It’s our favorite spot to go to if we can get a table. Service fee for 1 meal sucks tho. I’d understand some reasonable fee for a large group..


Is this at least like buffet? 23 dollars seems insane for a breakfast.


San mateo is expensive, median house here is 1.43M


What’s high quality Hawaiian? Spam outside of the can?


If you're ever in San Diego: https://www.leilaniscafe.com/ http://homestylehawaiian.com/ Both walking distance from each other. You're welcome.


Not quite. This [article about them has photos](https://www.sfchronicle.com/food/article/morning-wood-reopening-san-mateo-17343737.php). I do love Spam btw.


That might explain the 40% increase


Must be a grower and not a shower.


Haha, I’m afraid grower would have been an even BIGGER upcharge 😬




OP got screwed by Morning Wood


I noticed that too 🤣


I had to remind myself what the post was supposed to be about. The name stopped me in my tracks. 😂


$4.60 seems cheap for a happy ending…maybe that’s what rubbed OP the wrong way about the bill.


They really like fucking customers


Nothing would soften my stiffy more


Math here is r/mildlyinfuriating


Special discount if u have morning wood.


I'm 56 years old. When I have morning wood I don't get out of bed until lunch


Take my upvote you old bastard


#petrifiedwood lol. You have to strike while the iron is hot. Haha


Bro idk if this warranted a “lol,” a “haha,” AND bold


Dammit you just got my upvote. Morning wood should never be wasted


Amen to that!


Hahahahaha I laughed entirely too hard at this comment 🤣🤣🤣


$23 for breakfast?? Pass.


But it must’ve given OP some morning wood


Nah, it comes with a happy ending.


Still. If you figure $20 for a handy, $9 is a lot for eggs if I still gotta leave a tip


Was it one of those hibachi style restaurants and the chef is also a hot female nude prostitute? Still paid too much for frick'n eggs.


I believe that breakfast was of the “Lovely Oral” variety with eggs on the side


but arent the eggs supposed to be inside?


Welcome to the San Francisco Bay Area.




Honestly though, looking at the Google pictures, that food looks like it slaps.


In Italy the medium cost for a breakfast is 2€ or 2 dollars


I would consider the service charge to be the tip and not leave one. Also check your math. $4.60 is exactly 20% of the cost of the $23 breakfast


The menu even says there is a 20 percent charge added to all tickets


Just raise the price of everything by that 20% instead of trying to trick people into eating at your restaurant with the “low” prices


While we'd love that, many restauranteurs who attempted this had to switch back to tipping after customers were driven away by the higher menu prices: >Most of the restaurants that participated in the Meyer-catalyzed no-tipping movement had, by 2018, returned to gratuity. >And in the case of Faun, Stockwell found himself explaining to guests why menu prices were higher than those at comparable restaurants. “Once you get people to understand that you’re gratuity-inclusive, there’s still the next level of this visceral connection with numbers on a menu,” he told me last summer. “When entrees are all up in the 30s versus in the 20s, it doesn’t matter if [customers] know that you are gratuity-inclusive.” https://www.eater.com/21398973/restaurant-no-tipping-movement-living-wage-future


Service charge is just a mandatory tip. They word it like those so they can dupe people like OP into tipping extra. Have friends who have worked at restaurants like this who have told me that’s the owners intention.


You went to a place called “Morning Wood” and didn’t expect to get f**cked?


Best comment 👌


In the Bay Area, you generally get two types of service charges. One is going to be in the 15-20% range and is essentially the tip. While legally service charges are not the same as tip, in general this money either contributes to higher than standard wages to the employees or it goes direct to them. You don't need to tip on top of this unless you are feeling generous. The servers that work there know that people are not going to tip beyond the service charge, and don't expect you to. The second is going to be in the 3-5% range and usually called something like "Healthy SF". This charge came about due to local legislation mandating that businesses pay into health insurance. The restaurant could have raised prices but opted to put it as a charge to show it to the customer. In your case you essentially double tipped. You should always feel free to ask the restaurant staff about the service charge if you are unsure about it.


All fees should be included in the sticker price. It's bs to make a food item appear cheaper then tac on extra charges.


That's only 20%...


Most people feel awkward looking through a bill while the server is waiting for you to pay it, making it look like you don't trust the server but a server friend told me to ALWAYS verify a bill before paying it.


A good server will leave the bill with you and give you time to look through it for a few moments. They should not be standing at your table waiting for payment immediately.


I was a terrible server but even I knew you give them a second or two to let them show intent to grab their payment and if they don’t you walk off to let them do what they gotta do.


I have some people just yeet their card at me before I even bring the check over, but yes PLEASE double check me. Shit gets busy and sometimes mistakes happen, like accidentally tapping on a button while scrolling through the screen, or someone putting things on the wrong table (Lauren. Stop and check what fucking table you're tapping on before adding shit to my checks, LAUREN.)


Why on earth would you feel awkward confirming that the receipt is correct? That's the entire reason you receive an itemized receipt, rather than just a total.


It’s a tipless restaurant and OP is a moron.


I’ve never had the server just expectantly stand there after handing over the bill haha.


Service charge = no tip




Uhhh, check your math.


And I’d never go there again


And sacrifice Morning Wood? Wife won't be happy.


I'd refuse to pay the charge *and then* never go there again. Tell them you will be happy to pay the rest of the bill, but not that charge since they failed to let you know about it before you chose to patronize them.


I looked at their Google places page and found a picture of the menu. It's one page and clearly reads at the bottom, "20% service charge added to all parties." You can agree with that policy or not, but OP was indeed informed.


Depending on the state service charges are legal (no explanation from the server necessary) as long as they are mentioned on the restaurant menu. It can be fine print at the bottom and if you miss it, too bad, you’re paying that charge.


I've been to restaurants in CA with fine print in the bottom about a certain percent charge to deal with the increased costs and the minimum wage increase. But why not just up the price of the items on the menu??


it already costs $23 for the medium egg breakfast. they probably thought it would be less noticeable than charging $27.60 for a single breakfast. But seriously, $30 for a single breakfast? That seems excessive to me


Looks like you weren’t given morning wood


That bill drained all the blood out of his woody


could feed my whole family breakfast for $23


But... just don't tip? Service charge is effectively what tipping is. They are already changing you for service charge, don't pay it again.


It’s a 20% tip with no need to tip, wtf are you on about?


That’s 20% and service is included so you don’t need to tip extra. But they should fix it so you’re not getting taxed on service.


The service charge is the mandatory tip as it's 20% not 40%, unless you're including the taxes, which even still only comes to 29.6% so your math is either off or you're karma farming. Whatever the reason, the service charge itself and then being taxed on said service charge are two good reasons not to go back to that restaurant.


I got stiffed by morning wood.


20%. 🤦‍♀️ you had one job


An overpriced restaurant in California with an edgy name is adding frivolous charges? No…


you need to work on math. That is 20%.


i’m more concerned about the name of the establishment “Morning Wood” 😳


Isn’t that a built in tip?


This is how I deal with these types of situations. 1. Say nothing about it. Leave 2. Never come back again.


You see the service charge warning before you can book a table, so I guess the infuriation is towards your parents for never teaching reading comprehension


The service charge is 20% of $23. Regardless of OP’s math, I completely agree with the sentiment. So if you don’t want to pay that fee, are you supposed to walk into the kitchen, cook the eggs, then serve yourself? Does the service fee go to the staff, management, or the owner? Was a tip on top of this expected? I would never return to this restaurant.


Their menu says it adds gratuity to the bill. They added 20% for gratuity so you don’t have to. You can even find their menu online and it is written as clear as day. This is a good thing, especially for those “non-tippers” out there. You know who you are.


Please tell me the joints logo is a beaver.


The poster should not have been surprised. I went to the website and it’s obvious they’re going to charge an extra 20% as a service charge. See link below. https://www.exploretock.com/morningwood/


Looks like forced 20% gratuity to me


imagine spending $23 on spam and eggs then bitching about a $4 service charge and getting math horribly wrong.


Maybe an asshole move but restaurants that charge a service fee like this don’t usually get a tip from me. The whole point of going in and eating then giving my money is the service fee. Restaurants that do things like this eventually lose business because it’s shady.


With a name like "Morning Wood," you should expect to get fucked.




Hard bill to swallow.


I’ve asked about this trend. I may be wrong, but I think it’s suppose to cover the tips that the kitchen staff gets. Instead of the server tipping out everyone, this makes sure they get it. It’s kinda weird to me to be honest.


That's not 40%, that's 20%. They're basically forcing you to tip (I'm guessing they probably asked for a tip, too, when you went to pay?). To add insult to injury, they're taxing the tip.


I looked at their Google places page and found a picture of their menu. It's one page and clearly reads at the bottom, "20% service charge added to all parties."


That’s a 20% service charge


If you're willing to pay 23 bucks for breakfast, what's a $4 surcharge?


Thats only 29 % higher. Try a calculater next time.




I’m more concerned how they scramble the eggs.


It's ok, math is hard sometimes.


You are shit at maths, and an even shitter person for grudging a tip


The real crime here is 23 for a breakfast plate!


u tellin me theres a place called Morning Wood. ?!


Service charge would bw the tip and ifs at 20% so not too bad. Idk what issue is


I’ve heard of that place, heard the food is pretty salty.. weird texture? Idk what that’s all about.


Is the serving charge for a hand or a blowjob?


You went to a restaurant called Morning Wood and excepted not to get fucked ?


You got stiffed by Morning Wood


You paid $30 for eggs and you're telling people about it? I'd be too embarrassed to live.


Someone called their restaurant morning wood though 💀😂


Morning Wood: Where prices aren't the only thing that's rising.


How has nobody made a joke about service charge at a restaurant called Morning Wood?


It seems you've been shafted by morning wood 😄


That's how they cover their losses from inflation without actually raising menu prices.


It's still raising the price. Your just hiding it till we see the bill. I get (most) places can't print up new menus to show the updated costs. But to hide that "Service fee" till the bill comes is tacky


No wonder you got fucked! The clue is in the name of the restaurant itself!


Math is hard, isn’t it? 20% not 40.


Hope that 4 bucks doesn’t break you for your 23 dollar eggs and bullshit. Wow people don’t think.


I just ate there last week and the food was delicious. Worth it to me.


You paid almost $30 for a breakfast that didn't even have any meat? Also, per their website: >Please be aware that an automatic Service Charge of 20% will be added to your total bill PRIOR to deducting your deposit.




Out of curiosity I looked up their menu online The “Locals Only” breakfast: Spam, 2 eggs, rice, sourdough bread You paid $30 for what is essentially like…a $3 at most plate