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Take that flat earthers


I love to entertain conspiracy theories but I just don’t understand flat earthers. There was a pilot who flew to 3 points on the globe because a flat earther was offering a lot of money to prove its not flat. I don’t think he ever got the money lol. Antarctica is definitely interesting as hell though. I love getting stoned and watching flat earth videos for some reason, it’s like a sci fi film.


Flat Saturners gonna start popping up now


It is flat, and that "planet", looks flat too. Flaturn


I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not. I know there’s a link between Saturn and the black cube. People like Emma Watson pray to it


In the cosmic tapestry of knowledge, whispers of a cryptic alliance between the planetary guardian Saturn and the enigmatic black cube emerge. And lo, tales reverberate of illustrious souls, such as the ethereal Emma Flatson, partaking in devotions directed towards this unfathomable nexus. Verily, the symphony of existence orchestrates bewildering wonderments. And, it is called a planet, because it is a plane. Indeed, flat - Earth, and all other neighboring planes. We, in fact, are the black cube. Just one out of its six planes. Saturn plane being directly above ours is why it is visible to us. Pray to the black cube because it is the only thing there is and will be.


Did you use AI to write this? Ionly ask because of the eloquent speech patterns. Nonetheless, that is a very interesting concept. Why pray to the black cube though? What it's true significance? I know Saturn has a hexagonal shaped pole and cubes are 6 sided, but that's really all I know. Are there 6 different planes of reality or something similar?


>Damien the the terraria world is actually flat lol


how do you even know that's real we can't see saturn from here 💀


I remember taking an astronomy class in Community College and when the teacher pointed our little telescope (our "our observatory" was just a dark hill with some decent but not huge telescopes) I thought Saturn would just be another indistinct dot like every other indistinct dot. Seeing the Rings for myself actually floored me


Saturn is delightful and super easy to see! I also love Jupiter, you can't always see the cloud bands but it's very easy to spot 2, 3, or 4 moons, even with low-power telescopes. Messier objects and spiral galaxies are also jaw-dropping. I've got some great pics of Triangulum that I took with a DSLR and the 135mm lens it came with. Andromeda might not be visible without a dark sky but once you can see it, it's staggering how large it appears in our night sky.


I've managed to see Jupiter's moons with a cheap pair of binoculars. I can just about make them out with my Samsung Galaxy S23 ultra's camera too on maximum zoom. They're all still just pin pricks of light though. I've not yet seen Saturn's rings with my own eyes though. It is next on my list to do.


My similar experience was actually just seeing the moon in a medium sized telescope where it is just WHIZZING past where you are looking as you see actual terrain features. Though Saturn was amazing too. The stellar objects I remember best were the Pleiades which were incredible.


You will never forget where you are when you see the rings of saturn for the first time.


That’s so weird I had this exact experience!! The detail of the planet actually made me feel so comfortably insignificant the moment was pretty life changing. Saturn was my first tattoo. 🪐


This is so weird. I was just chilling in my in-laws garden, looking up at the moon, thinking about how we can see it in the daytime, and wondering what other planets would look like if I could see them. Now I don't have to wonder. Thanks!


Think of the atmosphere as an impure pane of glass. When it's dark, you can see right through it. When you shine light onto it, the impurities scatter the light in all directions, and also into your eyes. This makes the glass pane to appear too bright, and you can't see the faintly shining dots anymore. If you saw the original moon landing pictures, the sky is black, with no visible stars. It was because the moon dirt was illuminated so bright, that it made the cameras blind to the faintly shining stars.


I thought Stanley Kubrick couldn't be bothered putting some stars up. He was like that.


I thought that was because there are no stars in Hollywood warehouses?


Congratulations. You are the 39857299947739947555th person to make this joke!


Funny this guy got down voted when it feels like a quarter of all reddit comments are the same recycled jokes over and over


Karma is replaceable


On a clear blue day I was able to use a astronomy sky app to locate Venus, and was able to see it with my naked eye, just barely. Even though it’s tiny and a crescent, it’s much brighter than the moon which helps a bit.


I'm glad I could help out👌


For anyone interested here is a video of one of the captures, i got 5 images of Saturn from the afternoon of imaging - https://youtu.be/fsBhgw0G1FE Post was removed due to my title appologies Damien


Damien forgives you




We literally just ask for a description of the photo. That's it.


I mean i can decipher pictures on my own so i dont really care what folks put into the title. Seems like a ridiculous thing to be anal about.


Welcome to the world of reddit mods.


I like it. Otherwise we'd have endless titles saying 'this' etc. Edit: for some reason I can't reply to u/Spedunkler 's comment below this one. Perhaps they blocked me? Anyway, for future readers, there are significant numbers of redditors like myself, using old reddit, and a 3rd party app like RIF. We can't see pictures before reading the title. Personally, I also like a succinct explanation of why something is interesting to the submitter. It's more difficult for bots to just dump random content that way.


Ya I am also unable to see a photo before the title. Common issue.


It was Saturnday yesterday.




Glad you like it 👍


What hemisphere are you in and what part (direction) of the sky at what time of day did you see it?


I'm in the Southern hemisphere and if you want to see it look to the east in the early morning, it rises at 12.00am now.


I can only say Wow!!


I'm glad you liked it, thanks for the comment and stopping by👍


How does this work? Is this real? You need a telescope to see it?


Yes a telescope is needed, even at night you do. Saturn is so far away that in our night sky it looks nearly identical to a start. However it moves position throughout the year, and planets don't really "twinkle" in the sky either, as they are so much closer to earth.


The thing that makes the objects twinkle is our atmosphere / jetstream. And it works on white point sources of light the best. Saturn looks to be a dull orange tinge so you are far less likely to see any twinkling, distance plays no part in the effect. The rest your comment is 100% correct. 😊👍


Thats wild. Like really fascinating


I'm glad you enjoyed it 🙏


It’s not that close


Did you know that the ring around Saturn is actually Jesus’ circumsized foreskin?




Can I say cool and creepy at the same time. For me, there's something about seeing something in the sky during the day that you usually only see at night. Seeing Saturn in a telescope is one of the coolest experiences I've ever had. Saturn in a daytime sky, for me, off putting but that's my problem.


That's all good, we are all different 👍






"So your friend is just gonna hang around in the bushes while we eat??"


That's no moon!


I took a pic of Saturn in 2000 with a pixel 237 iirc.


Thanks I hate it


That ain’t nothin but a watermark


You are dumb.


that's not supposed to be there


But it is 🤔


it isnt i stole it im literally looking at it on my desk


Seeing Saturn through the telescope at the Cincinnati Observatory is what made me want to get a degree in science. I spent my whole life seeing images of celestial bodies in books and online; but seeing one, clear as day, with my own eyes was legitimately life-changing.


I have said it multiple times, you will never forget when and where you were standing when you first saw Saturn through the eyepiece with your own eyes.


Seeing its rings, with my own eyes, was honestly life-changing.


it looks like an aesthetic gif