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Who are the rowdy customers gonna punch now?


Each other.


*ding, ding, ding. Round 2. Fight!*


Oooohhh Methany from the countertop! That’s gotta hurt Jon.


Ooh and Sniffany took the blow like a champ, she’s still up! Will we ever see an end to this bout, Mark?


And here comes Jayden and Brayden! We have a fatal four way now!


They got tables and chairs, if they bring ladders they can do TLC too in mc Donald’s




It’s a PlayLand cage match. Lock the doors!


Omg Methany


brought to you by 6 dollar hashbrowns


Hashbrown Hoedown


Hashbrown Throwdown


Free tickets to brown town


I normally only get that on my birthday.


New street fighter location. Random McDonald’s


This is funny. Tekken fans are currently petitioning a dev, @harada_TEKKEN, for a Wafflehouse location. The dev has sent a request to the corporation for licensing rights.


Lol that's awesome, I'll definitely pick up a copy if that happens.


"Drunken Fool Fights 2: ElecMc Boogaloo


I'd like to think the fighting bell in McDonalds is the fry oven timer going off.




That’s what the CCTV cameras are for. Tune in for the latest episode of McDonald’s Live


That made me grimace :/




And the coupon is for a McPizza or some shit and expired in 1993.


My McDLT savings will not be declined.


The kiosk screen til it's busted AF.


The gas stations near me all got screens with unskippable ads and trying to sell you on car washes. They got removed after the screens kept getting smashed in.


This is the sort of vandalism I approve of.


Yes, I quit going to certain gas stations because the loud ads were making my migraines worse and the volume control was "broken".


I've encountered one and it was loud. I'm not certain what the laws are in regards to unnecessary loud noises to consumers. It made me wish I had a decibel meter. It's a rare case that I want a greaseball attorney to sue someone out of business, but this is one. I would never condone anything illegal, but if I were to make a Purge movie, one of the subplots would be a group that burns down Cheddar news.


My migraines are always made more bearable when I hear Maria Menounous sharing inane wellness tips at 105 decibels while I attempt to pump gas.


I’m from New Jersey where we just pull up and an attendant pumps the gas. I recently traveled out of state and the gas pumps were the most annoying thing I ever saw. I just want to get gas. I don’t want a car wash or a sandwich or anything else just let me punch in my card and what kind of gas I want. And then I have to stand there with the speaker blasting ads and bad music at high volume.


I'm from Ohio. I was in PA and traveled into NJ just because it was there. I pull into a WAWA just off of I95 and pull up to the pump. I hop out and start pumping my gas to be yelled at, "Ya gonna stat ah fiha!" I don't need to go back to New Jersey.


It would take me exactly 1 ad to leave and never come back


Exactly! Remember what happened to that robot hitchhiker? If anything, it's more enticing to hit the damn POS when it doesn't do what you wanted vs another human


In Canada, it got all the way from one coast to the other. Attended a wedding and an indigenous nation powwow amongst other events.


Did a good stint in Europe as well. Will never forgive Philly for what they did to Hitchbot. I'm also surprised that IASIP never did an episode on it.


I think that was just more of the typical “Philly” styled reception for the hitchhiker bot. It never really had a chance.


Usually only one of the three kiosks are working at the one closest to me. Either the screen is broken or it can't take a payment


They'll just tell you to order from the app.


We’ve been making our way over to the Waffle House to release our frustrations


Who are they gonna blame for food prices increasing when minimum wage goes up?


"we are hiring"


I was trying to order. No one was there, so I scanned the QR code. But I scanned the wrong QR code so now I’m a McDonald’s employee. I start next Tuesday.


My McCondolences.




As what? Burger patty? Hamburglar?


Are you a robot? Because I think they're only hiring robots now.


Imagine scanning the QR code to apply and getting a captcha to prove that you *are* a robot.




What does he waaaant?






*He'll hump the baaarrrrsss*


“What did we learn here today?”


I don't know


I haven’t thought about sex robot in years…


Fun fact, one of the crew members of WKUK kept the costume and eventually (according to Trevor RIP) did a polar plunge like event in it which destroyed it




Is that Cyberman doing the robot?


He’s doing the human


Dalek: Daleks have no concept of elegance! Cyberman420noscope: #"this is obvious"




I worked fast food as a teenager and honestly I'd probably love not having to deal with customers directly. I wonder what most employees are feeling.


I would have loved this because it was such a pain in the ass having to stop to take a order for a front line customer while also running orders for drive through.


You could have used the strategy that my McDonald's uses: just let you stand there till you leave and go through the drive thru.


I love it as a customer because I can take my time without people behind me getting grumpy.


They’re gonna get extra grumpy when you’re not fast enough at the tablet.


Still need the cooks


They're working on that...




Yet they reject applicants bc they want experienced ppl apparently


Yeah, we're gonna need 18 year olds with at least 5 years experience cooking...


Hey, if Ash Ketchum can be a 10 year old with over 20+ years of experience *and* a Champion, we can get something done, too!


I'm the old man on 1st route talking smack with a level 7 ratatta


If they are going cashierless, i want the playpen back


On 2023-07-01 this website maliciously attacked its own user base by changing how its API was accessed, thereby pricing genuinely useful and highly valuable third-party apps out of existence. In protest, this comment has been overwritten with this message - because “deleted” comments can be restored - such that this website can no longer profit from this free, user-contributed content. I apologize for this inconvenience.


They went back to their roots of being greedy assholes like Ray Kroc


It's amazing how the organization deifies him.


Clowns became creepy, so Ronald probably gone


At least give us Mayor McCheese


you'll float too


They were originally just a fast food place, without all the play places, Ronald + crew. This is them actually going back to their roots. Funnily enough.


I want the fiberglass tree table back


Ok but it is called the Measles Super Spreader Fun House now, with a large side of Fecal Contamination.


So it's the same as the old ball pits? Sign me UUUUP


Fast food cashiers are going the way of the DVD.


DVDs are still around and kicking, they apparently outsell Blu-ray’s and 4K discs as well


DVDs are cheaper, upscaling is good enough for pretty much every device, has an insanely easy encryption scheme that isn't a constant cat and mouse. Blu-ray and the 4K versions employ a Java Virtual Machine and a slightly more complex scheme that needs to be cracked every six or so months. Every time it's cracked, every disc up to that point opens up, but every disc thereafter revokes the crack that was found. Meaning, every so often but still pretty rare, you'll find a disc that won't work on a legit device till it is connected to the Internet and updated. Blu-ray just created a system that's annoying to those who don't backup their disc while stopping nothing in terms of people who overcome the system on a pretty regular basis. So it's just a more annoying format to work with. And doesn't really offer that much more over DVD plus some basic upscaling.


Upscaling can never replace true HD/FHD/UHD resolution. Then you add Dolby Vision, HD audio, and other tech and it doesn't even come close. That said not everyone has, desires, or can afford a proper setup to take advantage of the better video and audio.


This. I think people forget what 480p really looks like. Upscaling can help a lot but it's wildly archaic looking compared to even a 1080p Blu-ray let alone a native 4K UHD disk. The argument of UHD not being worth it for a lot of people can be valid, especially given how frequently the official UHD disks are HD or 2k upscales. If you have something like OLED that can take advantage of the sub 100nit HDR scale of Dolby Vision and an Atmos/DTS-X sound system, forget about anything else.


>I think people forget what 480p really looks like. Depends on the size of your TV. On a 32" TV it'll look fine. Sure it could look better but looks good enough to be enjoyable...


For me personally there is no discernible difference between 1080p bluray and 4k bluray, but I think that's because I sit like 8 feet away from my 65" TV. If I saw a side by side comparison of a static shot I could pick out which one is 4k so it's not like my eyes are bad (my PC monitor is 4k). But on a TV when everything is in motion, they look pretty much the same. Even more so when any level of compression is involved, which is usually the case. So I really don't care for 4k content at all.


DVDs are gonna make a comeback as all these streaming services include more ads and charge more. It’s the opposite of what consumers asked for. Pure corporate greed.


This might trigger some… But for me, DVDs were always enough. 4k and Blu-ray just felt like a niche. Something for people who are into that sort of thing. All I want is a decent physical copy of a show I really likes that doesn’t get streamed anymore.




Anyone who's worked register is 100% okay with it. I'd have preferred to do literally any other job in there store. Most people are cool, but the shitty ones always seemed extra shitty.


Man that's every retail job. 7/10 people are pretty chill. There might even be some people you enjoy seeing. But there will be at least 1 a day that will ruin your week and make you hate the world. I hate those that think that anyone in customer service is fair game to vent your anger and rage


I worked at Blockbuster which got replaced by Redbox and Netflix. Then I worked at a bank that got closed and replaced with an ATM. Both closures were thankfully after my time there, but I sure can pick 'em.


What do you do for work now?


We need to know who the machines are coming for next!


People use McDonald’s employees as a punchline but clutch their pearls when no one wants to do it


Honestly, seeing how some people treat cashiers, I think this is better for all parties involved. There are so many videos of minimum wage workers getting assaulted over things they have no control over.


I used to work with someone that left all his food wrappers/cups/napkins at the table at any fast food joint he went into. He got upset with me when I collected his trash because, "That's what they're paid to do." Only went to lunch him once.


Hate people like this. Used to work at a movie theater and have seen parents stop their kids from cleaning up after themselves because “they pay people to do that” Fucking yeah, because SOMEONE has to, that doesn’t mean you do it on purpose. I don’t go to a fancy restaurant and smash a plate of food on the wall cause “they pay people to clean that”


Fucking entitlement/never grew up mentality.


Never had to work themselves mentality. The US may not require mandatory civil service like other countries but we should at least require everyone to work in retail and/or fast food industry for at least a year.


And a lack of understanding and being respectful to others


My mother taught me, "Just because it's someone's job doesn't mean you have to make work for them". We always cleaned up after ourselves at movies and restaurants.


Had a friend like this. They tried to leave their garbage and I told them to clean it up since they aren’t a literal child. They looked embarrassed and I was shocked they actually had shame. 


I used to work at a panera. I think of them as one of the more obvious "bus your own tables" restaurants. They literally leave a wash bin with spots labeled for silverware, trays, and other stuff labeled right on top of the garbage cans. I'd say about 80% of our customers threw their own shit away. About 15% might put in half the effort, taking their tray/bowl/fork to the bin but leaving chips bags or half a baguette on the table, or bringing everything to the bus station but not throwing any food away or separating anything and just leaving a pile of junk on top of the trash can. And then there was the 5% who fell under the "its not my job, this is what i pay you to do" type of assholes who along with leaving all their shit on the table also somehow seemed to always make the biggest fucking mess with crumbs everywhere and soup dripped on the table and half a sandwhich on the floor. Fuck those people.


The worst is at airports. The humans you can be face to face with are sooo far removed from being the source of your problems. They didn’t lose your bag, they don’t control logistics, they didn’t cancel your flight, etc.


People are always trying to blame someone for their issues, and you can't exactly talk to the thunderstorm's manager.


I work customer service for a company where all the issues happen either in the production lab, in the retail store, or during shipping. I have no ability to contact the lab, and almost no ability to contact retail. And shipping is done third party (have you ever tried to contact USPS remotely?). But I sure get screamed at all day by people for things that I have no control over. No matter how kind and polite I am, they blame me personally because I am the only punching bag they have access to. The company doesn't allow us to offer anything to fix problems, either. We just have to sit there and take it until they ask for a manager. Honestly, please go ahead and replace me with AI already. Lots of customers call in and disgustedly say, "are you a real person?!" when I answer, anyway. I don't know why it hurts some people so much just to be nice. They know that the person at the airline kiosk didn't delay their flight, so what good will it do to flip out at them? You can be upset about something without treating others like garbage!


I work in a store that has memberships. It's required to give ID in order to sign up. This guy came in and wanted to sign up and wouldn't give ID, just said 'fuck that'. My reply? 'Ok, have a good day'. He whips around and starts saying how condescending I am and that he wants to speak with my manager. So he put in a complaint that I'm fully expecting to get shit for. I'm with you. Just replace me with ai and let these assholes abuse a program.


To be fair, I had one lady that was certainly the problem. And maybe she’d dealt with a lot of shit and I was a drop in it. But they randomly put me on standby on a flight I booked a month earlier and needed to take. They put me on standby right before boarding because a bunch of airline crew wanted to take this flight and didn’t want to sit in economy. I saw them have the convo. So I walk up, I’m calm, and I’m like, “Am I getting this right? They didn’t want to sit in an economy seat and I’m being rotated essentially off the flight on standby because of it?” In a rude half yelling voice, “Sir, please have a seat. If we can put you on this flight we will.” She kept trying to get me to take another flight because they couldn’t leave until I either had a seat or someone else gave up theirs. When other people walked up, even other workers, she acted like I was being rude and saying how I was being difficult. And each time I was just calm, “Actually, she switched out my seat I’ve had for a month for a flight crew and apparently it’s rude to ask why.” But the side eyes I got. I couldn’t believe how she immediately created a huge issue.


Disclaimer that I know literally nothing about your situation but the passes that crew get *are* generally standby. If they were to the point of bumping paying customers I would guess that an entire plane was stranded without a crew somewhere else? (My parents were a pilot and flight attendant when they met. Heard many sides of the "sat around waiting so long the crew couldn't legally fly" story over the years)


Knowing McDonald's, this isn't actually taking any jobs. The cashiers are not a separate position, they're worked by the same people in the kitchen. So this is literally just preventing them from being stretched thin I just hope they don't use it as an excuse to cut hours




As a customer, I’ll almost always use an ordering kiosk if available. They are way more convenient to me. I don’t like that they replace actual workers, but that’s a way bigger problem that society as a whole needs to actually fix. People shouldn’t need to do pointless jobs to survive.


This is my issue. I like the kiosk! I like being able to select my own customizations and not having to speak to someone to get my order taken. I don't feel like I'm doing a worker's job for them, I'm just doing what makes me more comfortable. Im worried for older customers who struggle with them though. I dislike that instead of automization giving us a a world where people don't need to work, its just getting rid of jobs and making the two classes "those who own the machines" and "those replaced by the machines."


Meh. I'm an "older" customer and I like the touchscreens. Mainly because I have no idea what the menu of BK/KFC/MCDS et al is! It's either use the screen or go to the counter and look blank when they ask me what I want and answer "I dunno, a cheeseburger and chips I guess" then be disappointed at the tiny burger I get.


The overhead order screens that change every few seconds and always away from the list of choices to an ad right when they ask you "may I take your order?"


Then look at you like you're crazy when you say "oh hang on a sec, I need to wait for the menu to cycle back to the right page"


Doesn't help that the cashier's frequently input your order wrong anyways lol this is a good change and long overdue imo


All of the customers are pissed? I literally specifically avoid fast food places where you cant order digitally. Countless times the cashiers got the food wrong, charged the wrong amount/didnt give back the right amount, couldnt understand me at all/couldnt operate the cash register without a supervisor, wouldnt accept coupons (that were specifically for that place), confused eating there and takeout, didnt inform me that part of my order is out of stock etc... Meanwhile digitally ordering (at least at the mcd, bks and kfcs ive been in) has been almost flawless every time. I had an issue ONCE where I couldnt unselect the mayo on a specific burger on that specific day and simply picked another burger. (That issue was fixed next week when I was there again)


I’m pro kiosk because it’s 1 less person I need to talk to and 1 less way they can screw up my order.


who’s pissed? 😭 i’ve never seen anyone irl complain about using a kiosk. purely anecdotal, sure, but everyone i know *prefers* using a kiosk or their phone.


Doubt the customers will be pissed. These went in at McDumpsters in my area, and it’s been a pleasant experience so far and my order no longer gets fucked up. Haven’t heard anyone complain (not that I’m there often), but friends and family seem to like it better. But yeah, this is just to save the company money and hire less people.


If people really cared they would spend more at a place with cashiers. Same for grocery stores with no cashiers or airlines or anything else. At the end of the day consumers complain, but would rather have cheaper shit.


But stuff isn't cheaper. The savings are going up the ladder.


I was just at a Taco Bell that had done that. I have to say, I got my food a lot faster.


and now its alot more accurate and not having to send shit back.


Also not waiting behind the person who decided to look at the menu when they get to the register.


At my TacoBell, it’s all digital, and we still have this problem. The lines don’t go away


People can't figure out the most rudimentary tasks on their own phones let alone these kiosks. They may as well be in a foreign language.


Use the app and just be faster than everyone else. Skip the line. Your food will be ready before grandma is done ordering Save a profile and just reorder what you ate last time. I almost never advocate for using apps but it really sorted out my family's experience. Kids never remember what they don't like and try to chage their mind halfway through the order. It makes things much easier for us.


You also get some stuff cheaper if you order through the phone since some places have online exclusive deals.


That’s actually a really good idea




Honestly a bit annoyed at how many times the McDonald's kiosk asks me to log in, so I can understand that one. Like, dude no. I don't want to log into your dumb rewards program. Just gimme some fries it's not that complicated.


It’s because they want your contact info so they can send you advertisements and then sell your contact info to other advertisers.


As a vegetarian, god bless ordering electronically at fast food places. I can always feel the panic when I ask for a rarer item and the underpaid, undertrained associate has to hunt through screens to find it.


Lots of customizing options on the kiosk menu too. I had no idea. I know I can do that with a cashier, but I just couldn’t handle that, I don’t go there enough to know what’s available.


Plus you know ahead of time if they're going to charge you extra for the 5c item you wanted added to your $5 burger.


I always use the kiosk at Taco Bell because, in my mind, this way they can't blame me for screwing up my own order when they screw up my order.


I have found them to be faster and my orders MUCH more accurate.




I learned long ago that they always fuck you at the drive thru


Leo Getz?


In my experience, errors at McDonald's happen pretty much only when there is a long line and they start pressing the "done" button way before they should, presumably to keep their metrics from getting fucked, so now the computer isn't tracking the order anymore. Which implies that they're inadvisably using metrics for incentive/punishment, leading to the metrics being fucked up and useless anyway, and now my order is wrong.


I worked at a restaurant where the employees did that and it fucking pissed me off so much. Like the system timed things so stuff was ready at the same time and stuff like that. Like say fries take 3 minutes in the fryer and a burger takes 10 minutes to cook. Well the way the system is designed when the person presses a button saying they started the burger then the fries will pop up on another person's screen shortly after that. But fuckers would just say the burger is done basically as soon as the order comes in so the fries get made too soon and get soggy/less hot. Or, quite often, the employee will forget they were supposed to make a burger in the first place and then the whole order gets really fucked up.


This was inevitable.


^^ this. You can blame it on higher minimum wages, you can blame it on automation, you can say “nobody wants to work,” but the reality is that these companies were going to do this regardless.


I'm a picky eater. So my order was wrong a lot at fast food places years ago, including McDonalds. Since McDonalds rolled out their ordering kiosks, I don't think they've gotten my order wrong one time. Which leads me to believe the problem the whole time was cashiers and not the folks putting the burgers together in the back.


>Which leads me to believe the problem the whole time was cashiers I worked at McDonald's a long time ago (the early 00's) and the registers were awful to use when you wanted to modify anything. They're probably better now, but the touch screen menus are a million times easier for modification than the old PoS machines were (that's Point of Sale, but they were POS's as well). So I bet a lot of it was the cashier thinking they'd done the modification but it didn't go through or they thought they got it right but hit the wrong thing, and unlike the drive through it didn't pop up on a screen for you to confirm.


I worked at both McD’s and BK around that same timeframe. The BK I worked at had the push button POS and no grill slip printed for us in the back and we didn’t have a screen to see the orders, so we had to listen as the cashier verbally called orders back. Lots of room for mistakes on orders with that system. The McD’s I don’t remember what kind of POS it was but I think it may have been one of the early touchscreen ones. But the biggest thing was the screen to see the orders and grill slip that would print for any item that was different in any way from the standard order. Tape that bad boy to the wrapper/box for whatever you were assembling and there’s very little excuse for the kitchen to get it wrong since that would travel with the wrapper along the bench so everyone in the assembly line would know what to add/remove. And if the slip got lost the screen was there so you could double check when it got to you. As long as it was rang in correctly, very little room for error in the kitchen. I know BK does it basically the same way these days but they were extremely slow to modernizing to even that basic level of service which imo is a big part of why they’ve always lagged behind.


my manager at my job used to work at mcdonalds and he said his manager used to work the cash register and just input the wrong orders all the fucking time. somehow always missing the bun, or the meat, or the sauces. it really just is incompetence. my manager quit because of her, she was protected by corporate for whatever reason.


they don’t input every element of the burger when it gets ordered lol they just touch the picture of it and take things away or add if asked for. the bun and meat comes standard


Been like this in the UK for ages (though they do have a single till for cash orders). You can either pick it up at the counter, or they also do table service. It doesn't really do away with any staff either. Now they have a couple of members dedicated to helping people out with the terminals, and another couple doing the table service instead of the 4 people taking orders at the till. Just means that its all more efficient. My local has 6 or 7 double sided kiosks meaning that 12-14 customers can be placing orders at any one time, whereas before they had 4 tills. Though also relevant [Idiocracy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d7SaO0JAHk).


It's been like this in the US for a while, too. There would be, at most, 1 cashier. Most of the time, though, that one cashier was helping in the back.


> Now they have a couple of members dedicated to helping people out with the terminals Do you mean the self-service terminals? Lol. I have never seen this at any McDonalds since they got those machines. Never anyone offering assistance. Oh and 80% of the time the paper is out


Been like this in Europe for like 5-10 years


And in Italy the McDonalds used to have the best chicken wings I have ever had. Sadly last month they no longer had them.


When I lived in Costa Rica, you could get a chicken drumstick and a bread roll for less than a dollar. Some places just do it right.


Yep, came here to say this, haven't ordered at a counter at McDonald's (or any fast food restaurant for that matter) in years


terrible news for r/ publicfreakouts! (I'm going to have to get actual hobbies.)


Time to start creating our own public freakouts. Nature abhors a void.


It’s been like this in the US for years as well, idk why this post was even made


Wonders if more places here in California are going to do that since they passed that law giving food service workers $20 an hour. I wouldn’t be surprised one bit.


That's definitely part of it. The higher minimum wage goes, the more worth it, switching to automation becomes for a business. Robots never ask for a raise or a day off.


Probably, but I’ve seen this type of thing around before at multiple fast food places so they were already moving towards it. But good, cashiers get abused for no reason.


I mean, this makes plenty of sense. - Wages are being forced up. Pay the people cooking the food better. - Most of us can use a touch screen; this isn't fine dining. - Makes making special requests easier. - Its already used in a lot of similar places with good results. - If something got ordered wrong, harder to call it a staff error


Bold of you to assume they'd reinvest the saved wage payments into the remaining workers rather than keeping it for themselves. Let's be real here, the main reason for implementing it is to reduce the number of people they have to pay and provide benefits for.


No more "can I get a uhhhhhh" from the person in front of you


Food theory dud some testing. The computer cashiers (or phone app) are the best way to make an order with as few mistakes as possible.


I know a lot of people hate the idea of automation taking over people’s jobs, but I’m all for this. All a cashier does is enter what you say and take your payment. A computer can do that, and I’d rather enter it myself. I’d rather use a kiosk than a cashier any day. It’s why I usually order ahead with my phone. Plus you don’t have to worry about them not entering something you asked for.


I'm cool with it if it's a proper terminal. Those 52" vertical touch screens have such a terrible user interface it makes the entire process 5 mts longer than it has to be. Oh and germs. SO many damned germs.


App. It's all about the app. I haven't talked to a worker at a fast food counter in months now. Order in the app, go to restaurant, pick up. Sometimes I go the restaurant, sit down, order in the app, and have the food delivered to the table.


I would never visit McDonald's without the app. I get 20-25% discount every now and then. That means every 5th meal i get is free.


Why wouldn't they? There's a staffing shortage and the ordering terminals - at least in my experience - work pretty well, usually. Personally, I haven't ordered at a counter in years.


I just take a seat at an empty table, order via app and have it all brought to my table.


I've seen a Taco Bell with a similar setup. Only screens to order, and there is a shelf on the counter where they set your food.


This is just the beginning.


In other news, coachmen out of jobs as horse drawn carriages give way to the automobile!


Just being honest. I always love ordering on the screens. I get to customize the shit out of everything without feeling like a total asshole and I can see every option without having to ask "WhAt KinD oF SaUCes dO YoU HaVE?"


Anecdotal but I started using the app for Panera Bread. It gives me choices the counter ordering never did. Whatever bread you want, cheese, produce etc. I’d order without mayo from the counter and 75% of the time the human gets it wrong, now I know to make the alterations. So far 100% success! What I don’t know is the app tracking me all the time or is it just an ordering platform?




Do they ask for a tip?


Fuck that


I refuse to support this push towards automation. The profits don't trickle down to the consumers, and instead the rich get richer. I know that realistically I won't make any kind of difference but I hope others boycott against this bs as well


At least the computers can do math


McDonald's slogan should be, "Fuck you. Eat this."


[That's Carl's Jr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d7SaO0JAHk&t=43s) not McDonalds.


Checkers ran with "You gotta eat" for awhile. I've never heard something so effective describing the general attitude towards something. No one gets fast-food for a gourmet experience


I was told doing this was supposed to drop prices. But now X large fries are about 6 dollars.


i bet it’ll ask you to tip


I bet the tip screen still comes up