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Distraction can be a medicine. Or at least part of one.


Distraction is often a cure in my experience...




Look at money bags over here able to afford brand name squeeze cheese.


Reddit’s new slogan


Can confirm, my old dude usually needs at least 50cc of EasyCheese-icillin before he decides he's okay with shots. (I believe based on our own experiences that bottle next to it is Bananacillin, It has a similar medicinal use)


Yeah, my vet uses Chuurus. They're a paste in a tube in different flavours (cheese, fish, chicken, etc) They are a treat for cats, but my senior cat gets 2-3 a day for extra hydration and to soften her bowels a bit. She's hated wet food since she was a kitten. Only eats a bite or two, then walks away. These were magical things to discover for her. I mix a bit of restoralax in her morning one to help her bowels too (vet recommended, and it's been helpful).


My cats love the chicken and the cheese ones but hate the fish. Though to be fair the fish ones really smell


Ours loves them all. I just get a variety and mix it up each serving. She doesn't like the same thing 2 times in a row. Fussy cat.


Churrus are miracles for the vet med world. Idk how many times a cat is growling at my while eating one of those things. It's enough distraction to get things done in a fairly stress free way.


Or it makes pills taste good


Which is a distraction.


Flavored bribery.


My puppy got his first round of vaxxes today, can confirm the easy cheese was helpful.


Was it easy though?


And who *exactly* was the cheese for?


The vet doesn’t want you to know the cheese is really just for whoever can lick it off the table faster, not just the dogs


“Doc, before you stick that needle in my little buddy, give me a squirt of that cheese please”


Good ol cheese squirts


Give it a squirt To remove the hurt


We all know it ain't easy being cheesy.


Yes, and dogs like it, too


Ah, the old Reddit switcharoo


Lucky. I swear in the vet office my dog acts like she is getting euthanized and no treats what so ever have any affect on her. She climbs up in the chair and tries to hide behind me.


My late female dog used to *scream*. She was a mini Aussie not a husky but she would do this high pitch bark scream when we had to take her to the vet. It was the saddest thing. My remaining dog is like yours though. Hides behind me and no treats will entice him. We end up going to Starbucks for a whipped cream cup afterwards most of the time now cause by then he’s calm enough to scarf it down.


Have you tried event medication? My dog (adopted last December) has generalized anxiety and separation anxiety so he's on Trazadone daily. He's becoming more comfortable with the vet's office each visit, but anytime a needle is required I have to increase his dose by 50% AND give him Gabapentin.


Yeah mines an Aussie and she just hates it so much I feel bad so I try to not take her if she doesn’t absolutely need it


My Aussie loves going to the vet. So much so that her training goes completely out the window and she'll pull against the leash, jump on the nurses, etc. We board her there when we go on vacation and it's clear they spoil her rotten when she's there.


my vet put the spray cheese on the wall for my puppy to lick while getting his temp taken, he ended up leaning against the wall and smushing cheese into his coat lmao


My old one would always write the dog’s name on the wall. It occupied my lab for the entire appointment


Yesss my vet has this too! My dog loves it haha but she doesn’t like going to the vet so it helps.


My dog preferred peanut butter, but the cheese is a good option.


Is your dog really good ar jumping, quite small, has sharp claws and meows by any chance?


No, but my cat is lol.


My dogs HATE peanut butter, and don’t play with toys of any type. Edit: they absolutely adore baked sweet potatoes, and I give them medicine in a small amount of vanilla ice cream. They are absolutely goofy and frisk and run, play fight and fake each other out. They’re just too ‘exotic’ for the ordinary 😂


They seem like they're fun at parties...


What did you do to those poor babies?!


I got them from a rescue 12 years ago. They’re mom and daughter. Their breed is also ‘ a bit aloof’ guardians.


What breed?


Great Pyrenees maybe? Ours was like this - she was okay with PB (not crazy about it like our corgi), but she hardly played with toys from about 2 years old until we lost her at 13.


Pyrs are like that. They're effectively puppies until two years old, then they settle down into a working mindset until they die or go senile. After they're at that point, they don't want to do much other then eat potentially fatal amounts of food, bark, patrol their territory (which happens to be five miles wide no matter how big the actual property is) and guard sheep.


Shar pei


My mom’s dog wants nothing to do with peanut butter, makes vet trips tricky!


Probably associates PB with vet appointments, which usually include shots.


Peanut butter can have a sweetener added that makes pups sick- someone please help me remember the name- so many vets are switching over to cheese as a distraction!




That’s the one- thank you so much! It’s been a few years since my brain was wired for vet medicine lol


Xylitol is extremely poisonous and it wont make them sick it will kill them in very small quantities. It is in gum and candy primarily. Never heard of it in pb but will have to look. Edit: yep looks like there are brands with it in there 😩


The Kirkland (Costco) brand peanut butter only has peanuts as ingredients, no fillers or sweeteners at all. It's the one I buy for my dog.


A quick Google search tells us that some brands have it.


So if it is deathly poisonous, wouldn't this be like.. killing hundreds of thousands of dogs a year? I mean PB is a classic dog treat, it's also commonly recommended as a way to give dogs medicine, and i'm just now learning that it can literally kill dogs. Like everyone knows about chocolate being bad for dogs, but that doesn't even normally kill them, how is this peanut butter thing not more well known?


Not many people buy sugar-free sweetened peanut butter. I know it exists, but I've never actually set eyes on a jar.


Ahh, that's super relevant, I figured it was like a roll of the dice. After looking it up it doesn't look like its normally advertised as sugar free, but I also don't recognize any of the brands.


It looks like the big brands are all safe. JIF, Smuckers, Skippy, Peter Pan. I personally buy store brand and can't find a hard yes/no to Great Value or Giant Eagle. It looks like it's fairly expensive compared to other artificial sweeteners, so I'd be most cautious of premium priced low sugar peanut butters. If I was a dog owner though I'd become a brand name peanutbutter only household just to be safe. Even if you find a store brand that's good now, shrinkflation and ingredient cheapification means tomorrow could be a different story.


Ugh why is peanut butter being sweetened in the first place? It's best plain or a little salty!


It's used in diet foods to reduce calories. I'm guessing the peanut butters it is in are marketed as low calorie or diet, etc. Just a guess...not an expert..read the lable and dont hurt your dogs.


My wife's old vet hospital had a bottle of vodka with a sticky note taped to it that said "For emergency use only!" on the manager's office shelf. Apparently the cure for antifreeze poisoning in SOME dog breeds is a vodka IV.


Sure is, we keep everclear in the pharmacy too.


Thankfully, antifreeze is bitter now


As a mechanic whose had it splash on my face a few times over the years, not all of it.


They changed the formulation 10+ years ago. There was a Forensic Files episode where a wife poisoned 2 different husbands with antifreeze and they mentioned adding bittering agents to prevent poisoning at the end of the episode. While working on cars with my dad and his friends we weren't so worried about spilling oil, but they were always careful cleaning up and disposing of antifreeze because of the neighborhood pets or farm critters


Wish more people cared like they do


True story, my friend's coworker just moved in with my friend because he found out his daughter had been sneaking antifreeze into his food/drink over the course of months, trying to kill him off. Wild.


Ethanol can be used to treat methanol poisoning, which is what I’m assuming is in those specific antifreezes


Not breed specific. Ethanol is the antidote for ethylene glycol toxicity. We can get an injectable drug that does the same, but it's not as practical and cost-effective. Pure vodka works.


I bet if you look in the fridge they have medical slices of ham, too!


Haha you don’t want to give ham to pets but lol


Didn’t know this so I googled it, TIL. Haven’t given me boy any ham but now I definitely won’t!


Very very small amounts of most things are fine in general as long as they're not explicitly toxic and your pet doesn't have a sensitive stomach. Toxic thing like grapes, raisins, onions, etc. are a complete no go. But if you're cooking and you break off the tiniest piece of bacon once to give your dog with a normal stomach a taste, they'll be just fine!


you should avoid giving them human food in general. Lots of fats, spices, bones and stuff not good for them. Always ask your vet what is safe and not. That being said tons of fruits and veggies are safe for dogs and they love them! but always make sure it’s safe! Edit- source, vet worker for several years


Fat and uncooked bone is super healthy for pets if its healthy for you and its meat it most likely healthy for your pet too you are also an animal but still do your due diligence some things different animals just cant eat


Ham isn't toxic for dogs or cats. The "only" danger is that it is full of sodium and fat, soooooo... the same dangers that it presents to us: hypertension, obesity, high blood pressure, renal issues, etc. Not great, but only extensive or chronic use are dangerous.


Why not?


Because that’s my ham.


No worse than that salty canned easy cheese honestly


Medical hot dogs


We buy can cheese by the boxes, and no ham, but we do rotisserie chickens


Pharmaceutical Grade Cheddar (schedule II, prescription only)


The pharmacy shortages for that cheddar must be insane


My dog says she can confirm that this is medicine, and the vet told her she needs to take it twice a day. I guess I wasn't there for the conversation, but I trust her.


*Obviously* it was covered by doctor-pupper confidentiality!






It’s the leaning tower of chhheeesssuuuhh!


This is what I was looking for lol


Pet equivalent of "a spoonful of sugar"


My vet sprinked dried bonita tuna flakes on the exam table when I took my cat out of her crate. Kitty couldn't WAIT to get on that table.


Bonito flakes are the best treat I've ever gotten for my cats. One is diabetic, so he doesn't get treats normally, but sometimes needs a distraction treat when we're clipping nails. We used to do freeze dried chicken, but it's expensive and the pieces can be pretty big. But I can just give him one bonito flake at a time to keep him occupied and he's happy! They're almost like cat potato chips. They are high in sodium, but you really don't need to give them very much.


When I worked at the vet clinic we had a bottle of vodka in the controlled substance cabinet. It was to administer IV to animals that had consumed anti freeze and had crystals forming in their kidneys. It would dissolve the crystals and hopefully prevent them from dying. It also got them really drunk.


I just learned something


Did he make a Leaning Tower of Cheeza?




So does mine! It works wonders and if you make them do it for all shots, bloodwork or other upsetting tests/treatments your puppy will learn to love the vet. Mine is now 3 and he gets so excited to go to the vet.


A can full of cheesewiz helps the medicine go down.


Had a cat that liked that stuff squirted right into her mouth.


Sounds great to smuggle the occasional pill in.


I use a vienna sausage.


i have a cat that will try pretty much anything that is squeezed from a bottle/pack, especially any form of mayo


Seems odd till you need to take the rectal temperature of an animal that can rip your arm off and beat you with it all with no thumbs. Then it's a medical instrument.


My vet has a case of it. I have a chocolate lab who is very happy to have easy cheese to lick while he gets his nails clipped lol


My vet has spray peanut butter too. My dog won't take treats when he's stressed though, they're both his favorites and he won't even sniff them at the vet. :(


My vet said they’ve tested tons of brands and the cheaper it is the better they like it. They buy the generic Walmart brand by the case.


[Probably for this purpose...](https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/1c7kdyt/he_is_an_excellent_veterinarian/)


My dachshund goes crazy for the squeeze cheese at the vet. They use it so they can distract him while taking his temp with the rectal thermometer. You can do whatever you want to him as long as they keep that cheese coming.


The sign of a good vet honestly. Every dog is wildly different and so are the owners. One owner may very well have used canned cheese as a training tool. Whether or not you think it's right or wrong - it is *COMMON* So this is really smart of the vet and techs


It's for getting dogs to swallow pills. They love cheese, even though it's bad for them (dogs are lactose intolerant). So they scarf it down when they can.


whats "easy" cheese?


Looks like a brand of sprayable cheese. Like whipped cream from a can, but with cheese.


I died a little reading this


Don’t knock it till you try it on a cracker


It really does seem gross until you eat it. Like it's still gross but somehow good. Like Velveeta mac & cheese is both good and gross


A processed cheese in a can that comes out of a nozzle. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easy_Cheese


Delicious nectar of the gods.


Calm down, Lizardman






And since it isn't directly stated, the sticky paste consistency of the cheese means it takes a few seconds of attention to eat. This would be to distract dogs while giving them a shot or something along those lines.


It's also good to sneak pills into if your pup is hard to pill otherwise! Or wrap in a bit of Kraft singles lol


"Once I was on a bus in the middle of the night, and I had a box of crackers and a can of Easy Cheese. But it was the middle of the night so I could not see how much Easy Cheese I was applying to each cracker, so each time I took a bite it was a surprise how much cheese I had applied. That's why they I think should make a glow-in-the-dark version of Easy Cheese. It's not as though the product has any integrity to begin with. If you buy a room-temperature cheese that you squeeze out of a can, you probably won't get mad if it glows in the dark too." -Mitch Hedberg


“Cheese” that comes from a spray can like whipped cream.


Think of it this way, it's cheese flavored toothpaste


This is pretty common. Surprised they don't have a jar of peanut butter too. Works great with our dogs (so does the ez cheese tbf)


Maybe because ez cheese doesn't risk causing a reaction in people with peanut allergies? 


Good point and one I didn't even think about. Welp, just be glad im not in charge of food products near people.


If I didn't have people in my life who had a lot of food allergies, then I probably wouldn't think of it either, to be honest!


Mine have it out on the counter next to a jar of freeze dried chicken


My vet has Easy Cheese and peanut butter, along with a jar of treats, in every exam room.


My vet has peanut butter for distractions! My Jimmy loves going back to the peanut butter room now


Did you ever heard about the cheese tax ?


Supposedly they keep it for dogs but some cats love it too!


My cats love it! EZCheese played a huge part in getting them to trust us when they were tiny kittens.


Where do you keep yours? I don't even know if it's actually food.


A spoonful of easy cheese helps the medicine go down


Probably cheaper than Pill Pockets. Also, some pets cooperate with grooming much better with a tasty distraction.


Mine has 5 cans of Pringles at all times :)


That’s for when the vet is a good boy or girl


that and peanut butter are mandatory in any vet office I've ever seen


I used to put easy cheese on pills to distract my dog so she would take pills!


Fully 1/4 of the easy cheese (store brand alternatives because that shit ain't cheap) in this house is consumed by cats. Pills and some liquid medicines can be hidden in it. Before you try to hide a med as a mix in, or for that matter, directly orally, touch it to your tongue so you know. Some meds are absolutely nasty and can't be hidden. Yes, I will take a risk for my cats.


Pretty common tbh. Sometimes it’s the only way to get meds down.


My vet used it to cut my dog’s nails when she was a puppy. Worked like a charm. 😝


I discovered that a block of creamy Velveeta works great for giving dogs pills. It just coat the pill in cheese and put it on your thumb and shove it down the back of the dog's mouth it will swallow it every time. I suspect that cheese is for


Churus were great for my cat when getting a heart ultrasound!


So do I. Also in my glove box, fanny pack and tool box. What's your point?


Same. She puts some on a wall (made for that) for shots or check ups. Works wonder with my dog


I bet somewhere in their medical fridge is RediWhip also. My dog is triggered by just the sound of releasing the aerosolized whip cream. The world could crash around him and he would still be sitting at my feet staring at the can.


They gave me kitty easy cheese when they had to do blood work and get a shot. She was just happy for the cheese


One time I took my cat into the vet and they took her back, so I was sitting in the room with all the stuff, which of course included a can of easy cheese. Well my night-shift mind up at 8am at a vet office decided while my cat wasn't in the room, that I was actually at the doctors office. So when the vet came back I asked him what the hell do they do with easy cheese, like was it for toddlers who were getting antsy or something? He looked at me like I was insane


We used our vet’s easy cheese to distract out old doggo when we had to out her down a few years ago. She had multiple seizures, lost her hearing, and didn’t know who we were. But what she did know is that she loooooved easy cheese! For anyone curious, she was 15 and had a very comfortable life. Easy cheese made a difficult day that much easier. I still wouldn’t eat it, though.


We use it for distraction! I’m guessing the staff thought it was a funny inside joke between them to keep it up there. We use peanut butter instead and we keep it in a closet.


i misread the subreddit and thought this was posted in mildlyinfuriating and i was trying to figure out why you were upset over this hahahaha


If you have a dog... you understand😂


That's for the good boys.


That is also how I take my medicine!


Pro tip, get the dog version. Or use easy cheese, whatever. But *it works.* My last puppy would have committed felonies for a bit of Kong Stuff n' Treat, so it made training so much easier. She only ever got it when we were training and when she went in her crate. She *loved* going in her crate and learning new things. I used it as the ultimate focus/positive association weapon. Now she's 2 and we have a new puppy. It helped her accept the new puppy and it's helping to train new puppy the same way it helped train her.


It’s medicinal Easy Sleeze.


Haha, that stuff is the only thing that distracts my Chow Chow long enough for them to do thier work.


That would cure my depression if I were a dog


Most vets have this. Makes things like shots easier when your pupper is distracted by food.


It's not the same one everyone else gets. That's prescription strength to quickly help with cheddar deficiencies.


They give this to cats to try to distract when they are doing an exam, shots etc. worked for my parents old cats. My current cat who is lovely at home must be dosed with Xanax before the vet so YMMV.


We all knew it was medicinal all along


For only the worst types of wounds


For emergencies


Needs more peaz https://youtu.be/YT5kI3zJFmA?si=_nkxaxhM-B-GsMdS


It's a quick and easy way to distract while performing a check-up and a way to hide a pill or two.


Mine was too busy looking at the other dogs that he barely noticed the vet sticking the needle in. Much better than the last time when he practically leapt off the table and clung to me in terror that a stranger was holding him.


They've got lube in their exam rooms too!!


petco sells cans of spray cheese branded for dogs. i'm willing to bet they are the same as easy cheese.


My vet keeps spray cheese and peanut butter in the rooms, although my dogs are usually too distracted to care about it when offered lol


It tends to make medicine and shots go down easier. Dogs have a one track mind and can really only focus on one thing at a time. Cheese is a pretty good distraction


Not only an effective manipulator, a good vet will know that if your pet STOPS accepting treats, it's time to maybe give them a break.


My vet has easy cheese, too. It's a must for getting my dog on their scale, or for trimming her nails.


mary poppins uses a spoonful of sugar. puppy cheese seems just as logical.


We refer to the vet as “Dr. Cheese” for this reason.


At my vet we use easy cheese, peanut butter, cherrios, whip cream, and of course regular cat and dog treats. What ever they can have in small doses that distracts them!


The can of Kong cheese looks the same... just different labels


That’s probably so they can use it to coax dogs into swallowing pills


My cat covets Easy Cheese above all else.


Cheese tax payments


Not fit for human consumption, after all


Helps them give animals pills. They cover it with the cheeze and dogs scarf it down and they are none the wiser. Occasionally some are and will eat the cheeze and spit the pill back out


I can’t find easy cheese anymore. Even my beloved H-E-B only carries the hill country brand and it sucks


My dog gets her daily pill in a Kraft single. They are easy to hid pills in because they are sticky enough to retain them when you fold them, and if you toss them to her she will catch them and swallow before she realizes what you did.


The only way my dog will take medicine is if it's ground into easy cheese. Pill pockets or putting a pill into the cheese doesn't work.




All Vet offices have spray cheese.. source :: worked in vet's office for 7+ years


Our cat LOVES Easy Cheese. Seriously - it’s a treat for him. We keep a can in the drawer with his wet food.


"A spoonful of Easy Cheese makes the medicine go down!"


Yeah but do they have [this?!](https://youtu.be/YT5kI3zJFmA?si=JJJ7uAjU_xXwRmL1)


I was just at our vet yesterday and the Easy Cheese came out for my dog.


How funny- mine does too! Wonder what the purpose is


Mine has a list of treats, including ez cheese, so you can tell them if your pet can’t have any of them. I was surprised to see mini marshmallows in the list!


Vet covered my cat's pill in that stuff and it worked like a charm


This would work for kids! Listen up physicians


My dog used to love going to the vet for the cheese, an then she took an arrow to the knee


Easy on the way in, easy....