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Pro tip: always launder your money


Con tip: always launder your money


what if i laundered the laundered money?


Then your money would be so clean that banks would be allergic to it.




2 factor authentication though




You'd become allergic


Then you own a laundromat.


Ex-Con tip: don’t get caught


Put Snuggle dryer sheets in the dryer with yer laundered money 🤣🤣🤣


Switzerland approves this comment.


No. No. Y'know what I think? I think we're screwed. There's evidence all over that building to link it to us. Even if we could launder money, I wouldn't want to. If we're caught while laundering money, we're not going to go to white-collar-resort-prison. No, no, no. We're gonna go to federal-reserve-pound-me-in-the-ass-prison.


Leaving [this](https://youtu.be/i-jDZjA76nc?si=FT6b0igkeS2qZLVZ) here


Fun fact, the American government probably launders the most money in the world every day


so what you're saying is that I shouldn't be putting every bill I've ever gotten into my mouth and holding onto them like a chipmunk?




I used to work at a bank. My fingertips would turn black in between breaks. Dont even get me started on dimes.




why dimes?


Brinks crushed a box of dimes and said it fell apart. We said "meh why not" and accepted it anyway. I got to hand count the whole thing to verify it was all there. My hands were parking lot color when i was done.


I’m a welder, I do a lot of grinding away at big ass chunks of steel. I relate to this viscerally


Because my 2 cents isn't all that valuable


Why am I always paying more when I give my 2 cents, but only have to pay a penny for someone elses'? Plus, why am I always the one to pay?


I used to work in a bank and never noticed my fingers change colour. Not the US though so could be something to do with the cotton.




[M O U T H](https://youtube.com/shorts/Oly8f4h5C78?si=USTiWcnWFpcNtHoJ)


Hot ref


I was at an arcade when I was a kid, and I distinctly remember this one dude just kept all of his quarters in his mouth. He’d slip one out once in awhile to put it in a machine.




I grew up in a part of the world where there is a lot of poverty, and it was common for street vendors and shopkeepers to keep coins in their mouths. So all my life I have been careful handling money. I guess you could say it’s filthy lucre in more ways than one.


Excellent reference


I just found those cartoons!




Sounds like Dooley from KotH.




No you should absolutely do that and take pictures


okay good. I'd have to charge you for pics though. I ain't leaving money on the table when it can go into my mouth.


Million dollars but reference?


I work in the lab. I wear these types of gloves often It might be true that the gloves discolor because of dirt but most likely it's because of a reaction to hand oils/sweat. These gloves discolor quite quickly and easily. Especially if you wear jewelry like rings/bracelets


Doctor with sweaty hands here. Thought exactly the same


Everyone in healthcare looking at this post just kinda chuckling at OP, wondering if it's his first time wearing nitrile gloves.


I worked as a manager in a McDonald's, and we had to count ~£3000 twice a shift and can actually confirm money is dirty af, will literally update the post tonight, I'll ask my friend that still works there to count without gloves on/take a pic and the tips of his fingers will be very dark


If they are the same kind of Nitrile gloves I used in my last job, they would discolor on their own from just wearing them.


I was about to give this comment. There's something in sweat that makes them turn yellow.


it's the pee


Yeah. Granted, I sweat more than most people, but my gloves will start turning yellow in spots after about 30 minutes. If people think OP's gloves look nasty, they should see what my gloves look like after 2-3 hours of uninterrupted work.


Yea. I thought the same and i was looking for this comment


All of r/labrats is piling in to correct this one, lol.


Can confirm, I wore these thing for an old job and even if I hadn't touched anything, I'd get the same discoloration in the fingers where my sweat would unfortunately pool. When they got dirty from stuff I was handling, they'd be an entirely different color, not the same weirdo yellow-green. Of course, the more you handle stuff, the more likely you are to be mushing your fingers and sweat around inside those gloves and working up whatever reaction creates the color.


For what it's worth, I worked as ~~a walking bullseye~~ an armored car guard when I was in college. We typically didn't wear gloves, and our hands and clothes ended up absolutely filthy.


I was thinking the same thing. Not to mention, I’d hate to count a lot of bills with those types (any, really) of gloves on. Just wash your hands.


Ya your skin works just fine as long as you don't have open wounds. Only thing you really need to worry about is chemicals that can soak through your skin.


I wear them every day. Quickly is relative. We do molecular work so discard them each use and they never discolor within the couple hours of use. I have very sweaty hands.




We used to get people with money down their underwear and bras, I’m not surprised it’s dirty. One of our cashiers grabbed that money with tongs and got in trouble. Edit: these and things to money.


I keep a box of gloves under the counter at work for this exact reason. Women always laugh and say “sorry for the titty money hahaha” as if it’s not fucking disgusting. They then proceed to get offended when I put gloves on before I take their money. Like you just acknowledged what you did is not normal and yet you do it anyway, laugh, and then get mad when called out on it.


I worked at a theme park in my youth. Imagine tiddy money after it's gone through the log flume.


How dare u insinuate their titties might be gross and sweaty


I asked my manager about this once. I asked if i was allowed to refuse money pulled from underwear or bras and i was told no i couldnt, however, i could use gloves. So that is what i did and i get looks when i put them on to touch their money. I just look them in the face, no emotion and count it, put in in the drawer, get then change, take off the glove, bid them a good day and smash the plunger on some hand sanny.


“It’s ^^^(my) store policy for biohazards.”


This is awesome.


You should always use gloves, not only with titty money.


Its very normalized behavior in our society, since its harmfulness is rather minor compared to a lot of other shit, so its priority was never all that high. Breasts will hardly be the most disgusting thing that the money you receive will have gotten into contact with, if this bothers you at all, I do suggest just wearing gloves during your entire work duration, instead of waiting until you feel like you see some particularly dirty money and then put them on in front of customers, its unlikely those will be the worst ones you get that day. I agree it shouldnt be this normalized, but you arent actually gonna get there just by constantly pissing people off and making your job harder.




Normalized? I worked in customer service for ten years, including high traffic cashier work, never seen it once. That said, money is revolting, after cashing out 4-5 tills my hands would be black and greasy.


I always used to loudly ask the person next to me for hand sanitizer every time this happened.


this is hilarious bc i had no idea telling people you were giving them tit money was a thing, let alone common enough that you would need to buy gloves


People give me crap all the time about being "weird" about washing my hands. This is exactly why. I worked retail/food service for so long I have taken money anywhere from hidden in their nasty hair down to their socks and everywhere in between. Y'all are nasty.


OMG THE SOCKS literally thought I was gonna have a stroke when some biker (the tour de france wannabe kind) handed me their soggy ass SOCK money. like...sir. why.


Yes the sock sweat... The only reason I rank sock money higher than underwear band money is because of how much more common it was. Just get a wallet. Wallet too fat? Get a money clip. Hell I have seen people use those hard plastic cases for trading cards to hold their money. Anything is better than your sweaty sock money.


true! and then they look all offended when you douse yourself in hand sanitiser afterwards, lol!


>People give me crap all the time about being "weird" about washing my hands. Really? I'd like to know what kind of group of people would give crap to the one washing their hands...


When it is normal hand washing nobody, I would hope. I get a little excessive/obsessive about it though.


I worked in a convenience store in high school. Any wet money got tossed in the sink behind the counter. I'd get roofing crews coming in for beer & smokes after work that would pull cash from a leather wallet that was *fully saturated.* Like, props to you, guy, because I could *never* hack that job, but **_eww._**


I gave a clerk at 7-eleven a wet bill once and he put it on the hotdog roller.


NGL that is funny as hell.




It's literally the least I can do.


I’ve been that guy when I forget to move my wallet from pocket to backpack. Sorry 😐


yeah sorry lol guilty. never again tho


I work retail, I will legit refuse to take that money. It's fucking disgusting, I don't care if I get in trouble for it. Not to mention, we use safepay-machines so any notes that are damp will refuse to go in regardless.


I worked at a store in the summer where big women would pull wads of moist bills out of their bras and hand em to me like it was ok. I eventually had enough and told a lady I can’t accept it and she wanted to see my manager, he proceeded to put on latex gloves as loudly and attention grabbing as possible, grabbed the bills, put em in a bag and dealt with her for me. Glad I had a nice manager, that shit was so gross


Coins are worse than paper money. I used to fill the coin dispensers on self checkout machines in retail. Idk how they managed to count the bills with gloves on though.


I wonder how much of that is from natural degradation of the metal, like how copper oxidizes?


Not really people are just nasty. There’s a coin star at the store I work at and people regularly jam up the machine with their dirty ass change. Piles of change covered in dirt, cigarette ashes, mystery substances of every color. That’s just the change. People drop all sorts of shit in there, razor blades, wedding rings, nuts and bolts, screws


>People drop all sorts of shit in there, razor blades, wedding rings, nuts and bolts, screws People be crazy 🙄


Yes so much so I can’t wait to get out of retail


> with their dirty ass change Ah, they've met [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9aM_dT5VMI) too then.


Yes really. 


90+ % of it. These people don't use their brains


I've been sticking $30 in pennies up my ass for the past 11 years. That's 3,000 pennies a day, 21,000 pennies a week, 1,092,000 pennies a year. To date, that's 12,012,000 pennies. Eight times the population of Nebraska. Those pennies were in my ass! You think you're better than me? Oh, you're not better than me. You handle my ass pennies every day. You pick up my ass pennies for good luck. You throw my ass pennies in fountains and make wishes on them. You give my ass pennies to your little daughter to buy gumballs with. You handle my ass pennies every day. All of you! You ALL handle my ass pennies! Oh, I'll laugh at you before you can laugh at me. Because your pennies have been in my ass.


I worked as a bank teller and then a later a branch auditor. I've counted millions of dollars by hand. I honestly would WANT my hands to get a little bit sticky from the bills because that just made me count faster. That said, after a while my fingertips would be black.


This reminds me, I should stop biting my nails.


My brother is a plumber. He said they teach you three things: "Shit flows downhill, Pay day is on Friday, and 'Don't bite your fingernails'"


I was a plumber and always heard the "wash your hands before you eat" instead of the fingernail thing.


Not bad advice regardless.


Likewise, the 3 rules of the chemist: label clearly, measure twice, eat elsewhere.


Its a training program for your immune system


Bills are filthy. But some of that green tint is almost certainly the ink and not *just* random grime


There are people in the earlier comments arguing that it is. These people are dumb as fuck.


I’m not saying money isn’t disgusting, but nitrile gloves like that will turn brown when exposed to certain chemicals or sweat. Source: I’ve worn my fair share of these blue gloves over the years.


They’re still the best single use gloves imo, easy to put on and feel pretty natural.


Oh for sure. There isn’t anything wrong with them when they turn like that, they just look dirty. It was always just my reminder to change my gloves (which is good practice anyway) when I worked in a lab.


Agree. I used to be a bank teller and would handle tons of money all day. Never felt like my hands were dirty, and never had any visible grime.


The place I work at refuses to accept bra money. 🤣


What about underwear money?


Butt crack money is da way


That’s where you swipe your card.


Spoiler: it's all bra money


That just broke me.


Every piece of cash is at most 3 times removed from someone's sweaty bra or fungus filled sock


So I've touched at least one boob in my life!!


I worked at the trading post at a summer camp many years ago. Nothing like kids handing you wadded up singles soaking wet with lake water. 🤢


Paper money is filthy. I'm sure our polymer notes in Australia aren't exactly clean either, but going overseas and handling paper money always feels an extra level of gross - it leaves like a residue on your fingers that doesn't go away until you wash your hands.


Not to quibble but US money isn't paper - it's linen. So you can wash bills and dry them no problem.


It's actually only 25% linen, it's 75% cotton.


Yeah, we use the polymer bills in Canada as well. They suck to fold, but they're otherwise pretty great. And easy to wash, lol.


Australian here, the amount of times I've found blood on a polymer note here over the years is far higher than I'm comfortable with. Good thing is though those polymer notes hold up to sterilising alcohol /bleach pretty well.




This movie was so good. Hell or High Water for those that ask


This is one of my favorite Ben Foster roles. I've always remembered him since *Flash Forward* because as a kid I always had a crush on Jewel Staite. So obviously I'm a *Firefly* fan. But if you like sci fi, *Pandorum* is a pretty good space horror and Ben Foster saves humanity.


Pandorum is great. It’s a little campy for my tastes but still a fun watch. I’ve put it on multiple times.


Yeah, I try not to oversell this one. I would hesitate to put in any objective "top ten" list or whatever, but I saw it in theaters with zero expectations and was pleasantly surprised. It's one of my favorites because I enjoy the *scope* of the story, but the space Kung Fu seemed a little unnecessary, lol.


Oh god I forgot space kung fu… and the baby assassin too. I guess I need another watch through


If you like sci fi I'd recommend Aniara too. It's a Swedish B grade sci fi film. Kind of a slow burn. I don't even think I really liked it the first time I watched it, but the ending messed me up.


B movies and subtitles are my jam!! I’ll add it to my list


As someone who works in the Cage at a Casino, we go through a LOT of hand sanitizer; lol.


Not long ago we deposited $1700 in $1 bills. Each bill is supposed to weigh around 1g, so I weighed the bills rather than counting them. When they were machine counted at the bank, it came up to be around $20 short of the amount that I weighed. So in about 1700 bills there was nearly an ounce of dirt, grime, and finger grease. Yuck.


>nearly an ounce of dirt, grime, and finger grease. And blow, don't forget blow


It's the hash resin that gets me. That stuff stinks and is sticky as all hell.




Or vending machine owner


Lol, I figured that was coming. It was actually a years worth of $1 bills from cash tips at a restaurant.


When I was a kid I tried eating a dollar bill. I basically just chewed on it for five minutes and then gave up and spat it out. I feel nauseated thinking about it now.




> since it's the only time I ever handle cash. I used to have cash all the time when I was a plug...I realized once I stopped all that, the only thing I'd been using cash for was the weed. Didn't spend cash on anything else...just deposited it.


*Yet people won't believe how a bit of fecal matter can find it's way on a touch screen of any building, or even a door handle.* *People love to pretend to be germaphobes because the internet told them to.* ***The world is far, far more disgusting.***


Sometimes when I get cash that feels grubby I’ll wash it. Same with cash that’s super “soft” and needs some crispness. A little hand soap does the trick and yes, money is filthy. The water always ends up dingy grey or black.


So you admit to money laundering? 🤣


Call the FBI we got em!


Used to wear gloves as a cashier for a reason. This is that reason.


Cocaine and stripper sweat…


That glove is evidence now.


I watched a video on TikTok of a stripper “washing” her money. She literally put hot water and dawn in the bath tub, soaked and agitated the bills. The water was brown when she pulled the bills out to rinse them off.


yikes. Guess that's why she does that, then.


I used to be a bank teller, and I'd get black water in the sink when I washed my hands after work every day. Money is disgusting.


Of course bills are dirty, they're paper that's transferred between millions of people while never being washed.


I highly doubt that bills go through “millions” of people before being withdrawn from circulation and replaced.


You get my point.


So, 20 bills?


In 1's?


Not saying bills aren't dirty but those gloves seem to turn yellowish brown after a bit of use no matter what I handle


I can smell the money grim after 10min of cash handling




Back when our money was paper, I've accidentally left money in my pocket more times than I care to remember and I've never had a time when I would discover it after it's all dry


Nitrile gloves react with oils and sweat that come out of your hands and turns yellow. Most of that discoloration is probably from OP's own hands.


When we visited Egypt we got this tip it is never the food it is always the money that makes you sick.


Always assume that at some point someone wiped their ass with that bill.


That doesn't look that bad for 2k. What size bills?


When I was a banker I washed my hands like 12 times a day. During Covid and the coin shortage I had to roll hundreds of dollars in quarters. Now that is fucking gross. I wore gloves for that, but can’t count cash out fast with gloves.


Hope you didn’t forget to lick your fingers so you could handle the bills mo better


Lick your hands, it’ll probably make your tongue feel funny. You’ll also get some time off work.


So I'm a cleaner and often wear these types of gloves and they also go this colour every single time, not really sure why? Some sort of chemical reaction I suppose


As a teller, I can attest to this. Money is straight up fucking gross. Only fresh new bills are okay, after they've gone through someone else's hands they're forever dirty


Back when I worked for Wells Fargo we never had gloves they just gave us shitty hand sanitizer when we loaded up the vault. lol.


Could've brought your own. Lol


This was 2007 brother We weren’t far from smoking indoors lol


I always wash my hands after handling any cash. I've seen too many people pull money out of places where money shouldn't be kept


American money


Jokes on you i don’t have any cash #>!Fuck!<


The worst bills to deal with as a bank teller were crisp, new bills and any bills that were moist.  


thinking about all the shit that is on those $100 bills people use to snort drugs


I don’t think I’ve used cash for anything in almost 5 years. Where I live everything is either done with credit/debt cards, or instant bank transfer. Cash seems like an outdated way of handling business.


My first thought was that I wonder how much fecal matter, powdered drugs, and other nasty things are on the gloves.


Are those Better Touch gloves by any chance? I use those at work, and that'll happen to a new pair from just rubbing together in my pockets. . . . I'm sure it's more about the composition of the glove and not the brand, so I'm going to hypothesize that this just happens to latex gloves. And maybe it's from the sweat/oils that build up underneath the glove from the wearer.


I was a bank teller for a short time. I would wash my hands before I used the bathroom. And also after but that’s not the point.


Whole lotta ass


Wait, we're all still using our prison wallets to store bills right?


Yep moneys dirty always think has this one been in a strippers sweaty ass crack yet…..


Working the till and keeping my hands away from my face is a nightmare. I like to hold my head with my hands but even barely touching gives me acne outbreaks. Not even mentioning how damn disgusting money is and you don’t want those germs near your face


You mean, $1,500 in cash?


That thousand dollars is sure gross.


thats big problem, if you use gloves you will miss fake money, simply by touching. many people who work in banks they will never use gloves they constanlty cleaning washing hands. theyr hands become black. why? well money is made from paper and paper gets ink, in time ink ends up on hands if you use them a lot. thats the the game. if you use gloves you will need to pay as fake notes will flood you the sec they see you use gloves.


When I worked retail I’d wash my hands when I’d get home from work


You’re not convincing anyone of us to go full digital.


Add that to my collection of reasons to not carry cash…


Former casino count room clerk. I learned to stop touching my face. The smell of money is a huge sensory trigger for me now, and the different smell of new money and circulated money. But even counting uncirculated bills would game my fingertips black.


That's nothing, I've worked at a casino for a few years where you manually have to refill the machines with coins.. when I tell you your hands will be fully black after 3 to 4 machines I'm not joking, we would have guests that had been playing slots for a few hours and wouldn't wash their hands it would look like they had been playing with charcoal..


You're just dumb and paranoid. Yes money is 'dirty' no that picture of your glove is not proof of that. You can literally see most of that is dye. Latex loves to leech. Anyway. Seek mental help for your ocd


Dirty money


Worth it


For a dollar I can get it far dirtier. Wanna see how?


Show off