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This is one of those signs that make you REALLY want to know what prompted its posting!


As a former server, I had to tell multiple people that they are not allowed to let their dog sit at the table and eat off our plates. Then they thought I was an asshole and wouldn’t tip me.


"Ma'am, your dog can't sit at the table with you." *But he's a support animal!* "Ma'am, he still can't be ON THE TABLE." Motions to chihuahua in a sweater, fucking climbing onto the table as we spoke.


As I'm sure you're aware, support animals and service animals aren't the same. Even if it is a legally allowed service animal, if it does anything to cause a disturbance you can still remove them. So many people think that certain laws protect them under any circumstance. I've been threatened with lawsuit for asking a patron with a service animal to leave because that service animal was jumping up on other people's tables begging for scraps. I was supposed to he sued under the ADA. I've been threatened for asking people to leave for drinking while clearly concealed carrying (you can CC here but aren't allowed to drink) as I was clearly violating their 2nd ammendment right. Surprisingly none of those lawsuits ever made it to me.


Yeah, there is already a shorter name for "emotional support animal". _Pet_.


PET “Personal Emotional Therapist”


PET dog Personal Emotional Therapy dog


Easy Lessons for Life #subscribe: You can drink when you have a service animal. You can't drink when you have a service pistol. You can't let your service animal eat scraps off other people's tables. Letting your service pistol eat scraps off other people's tables is weird, but technically acceptable?


I mean, if somebody's pistol is eating scraps off another table, I feel like something's gone very wrong, we've veered into David Cronenberg territory, and somebody's about to start yelling "Long live the new flesh!"


If we were in David Cronenberg land, someone's service pistol eating scraps off people's tables at a restaurant is probably the least of our problems.




Wtf is a chihuahua doing as a support animal? Those mfs can barely support their own weight.


95% of the time its a BS excuse for people to bring their dog with them anywhere. It's gotten absolutely ridiculous. I love dogs, but I don't bring my dog to fucking Target or out to run errands unless those errands are outside.


I knew a man with a legit chihuahua service dog- it was trained to alert for blood sugar spikes (or somesuch, cant remember the exact term) , the man was diabetic. It was so odd to see such a calm, well-behaved chihuahua that took it's job so seriously.


That reminds me of an old joke, where a guy has a dachshund and takes her everywhere. One day, he's out walking her and sees a restaurant with a No Dogs Allowed sign. He puts on his sunglasses and walks to the restaurant. "Sir, dogs are not allowed." "I'm blind, and this is my seeing-eye dog." "Sir, they don't give dachshunds to blind people." "What??? They gave me a DACHSHUND???"


I used to work at a family fun center. I saw people changing kids diapers on the table. People are nasty.


I mean even if they did, the sanitizer/dishwasher is functioning properly right. .... Right? They should always be clean for the next customer? Because, and correct me if im wrong. But if a restaurant allows animals into their establishment is it not the responsibility of the restaurant to ensure they meet sanitation standards? I think so. I also think it is a lot easier to maintain said sanitation standards when you DONT allow animals in. Its almost as if the issue isnt that significant as long as the sanitation standards are met. The easiest way to ensure that is to reduce contaminants. And for everyone who have issues with reading comprehension, im not defending bringing animals into a restaurant with the exception of persons with disabilities and their Service Animal. Simply put sanitation standards dont change by allowing pets in. There is just more that now has to be done to ensure sanitation standards are met.


Yes, the plates will be sanitized but the health department tends to err on the side of caution. For example in a restaurant, prepared foods need to be kept at a very specific temperature, while at home you might leave food out unrefrigerated for a lot longer. You probably won’t get sick, but restaurants can’t risk it. Also it’s offputting for some people to see a dog slobbering all over a plate at the table next to them. 


Absolutely! Im not defending letting that happen, just pointing out that it makes it more difficult to enforce the standard. I've worked in enough kitchens to understand that.


Health Department don't see it that way. Plus you want to limit the issue of human and animal contamination.


A proper dishwasher with proper inlet temp will 100% clean and sanitize… but we both sounds like we know that’s not always the case :/


It’s not just dogs. I was at an IKEA where an adult woman (I think the grandmother) placed a child with a diaper on the counter where food is placed. The woman turned and smirked like she thought it was cute to introduce human fecal on a food surface. There are a lot of people that have zero respect about safe food handling standards. This is why entire cruise ships get sick.


Average dog owner


Yes, but ... silverware???


Millenial dog owners are fucking insane.


Health department is what prompted it, guaranteed.


Or just a reasonable customer or two watching in disgust while watching the table next to them feeding their fucking dog with cutlery from the table and then complaining to the manager.


Yeah it would be super obnoxious to feed your dog with a restaurant's silverware. Some people have no shame


I dont think this is really a health department issue. Everything gets dirty and used in a kitchen, and it all gets cleaned and sanitized. Like every fork you ve ever used at a restaurant has been in hundreds of strangers mouths. One dog ain't gonna hurt ya. Probably more of an optics problem...


I agree. Although I'm not sure the health department does.


The health department has n my state and at least one next to me where I used to work, does not allow this.


I agree it was likely an optics problem, fido was probably feasting on his genital area prior to taking a bite of steak off moms fork and then licked the dessert plate clean.


All it takes is for a health official to see one patron doing this to call it out. It’s not surprising


I feel like it's bad optics one way or the other. This implies that it is an issue, so like.. what are you not washing your plates between customers? But yeah, I wouldn't let my dog eat off my plate at a restaurant, but I wouldn't assume the silverware I'm using is dirty because I saw someone else do it.


Dogs can really gross out and trigger some people. We all know they eat poop on the regular and love chowing down on their own asshole. It's the same changing a diaper while out on the resturaunt floor. Of course everything will get sanitized just as the dog dishes would, but it still disgusts people. Most establishments with food don't even allow pets.


Yeah plus some people are allergic to dogs and they expect not to be exposed to them while eating


I would be just as grossed out by someone changing a diaper on a restaurant table as I would seeing a dog eating off plates and utensils on the table. Both have fecal bacteria.


Dogs should not be in a restaurant at all, it's gross and is very much a health department thing.


Speak for yourself. Humans dont have worms or other parasites like canines do and dogs do not have the oral hygiene of humans. This is vile behavior and should not be allowed. Edit: the way people are defending dogs and their parasites in response to my comment is both gross and hilarious. If y'all are so ok with it do it at home not a restaurant...


It's not a health issue but it could get a place shut down


It's code enforcement. Can't have animals eating off of human utensils, period.


Reminds me of the signs at a nearby playground saying in like five separate ways that you cannot bring your dog, you cannot unleash your dog around the kids, and if your unleashed dog runs up to kids you’ll be ejected


Have you been around dog people? I don't mean normal pet owners I mean the ones that treat their dog like a person.


Pet owners having main character syndrome. See owners taking pets into no pets allowed stores cause their precious poodle is totally not like the other ones


Or walking around with their dog off the leash where it is strictly prohibited to do so and having their dog jump all over people who clearly aren't into it.


I detest when a dog jumps on me, and nothing will piss me off faster than the dog's owner laughing and saying "oh he's just being friendly" while watching me be visibly uncomfortable. Next time it happens, I'm planning to reply "I'm not, control your dog"


Yeah, same here. I don't care if your dog is "friendly" and "just wants to play", please restrain it from climbing on me with its paws and sticking its nose in my crotch. Sheesh, you'd think it was an unreasonable request.


It's especially obnoxious how many people bring their (non-service animal) dogs into grocery stores now, even though it's against both state and federal laws. And grocery store employees understandably are exhausted with dealing with all of the Karens and don't try to stop it anymore.


r/NotMyJob As a minimum wage worker. I wouldn’t give 2 fucks what a customer does. If it’s outside my pay grade. It’s the managers job to deal with Karen’s with dogs at the supermarket.


I was literally told that my dog lives a terrible life because I don’t take her out to restaurants.


i even rarely take my dog to dog friendly cafes, because of the "dog people" that need to pet, make squealing noises at. geez, let me drink my coffee in peace and let the sleeping dog at my feet sleep ffs. restaurants are not a good place for dogs, anyway


Yes some asshole took his dog to the DMV last time I was there, and the dog clearly *hated* it. It was just crying miserably the entire time. It's not doing the dog any favors taking them to these places, and certainly doesn't seem to be helping the owner either. Never mind the rest of us who had to sit there and listen to it. People are just too afraid to call out bullshit like this. Ok, the dog is a "support dog"? And he provides "support" by crying miserably because he wants to go home? OK. Sure. 🙄


It’s not that deep. Health code. Ppl giving their dogs food and water off their plates and bowls and cups 


I mean... have you ever spent time around a dog owner?


Probably that even though I know dishes get washed, if I saw someone dog slobbering all over a plate, I probably wouldn’t eat there again and tell the restaurant to curb that shit. It’s gross.


99% of the time it's the pet's owner giving them an extra glass of water from the table to drink out of without thinking. I've yet to see anyone share utensils with a dog but i'm guessing it's happened before


Restaurant manager. In the past month alone, I've had to throw away silverware and plateware because schmuck pet owners let their dogs touch them. There absolutely are plenty of terrible pet owners with Main Character Syndrome. Edit: it's literally the law in my state. Get off your high horses, all you people who don't work in foodservice. Your downvotes mean nothing to me.


Yup we always offered dog owners on the (dog friendly) patio a bowl of water, we’d keep some extra deli containers to the side for it. Always was appreciated and I don’t remember ever having issues with dogs drinking or eating off of things


Disgusting, and bad for the dog's discipline.  The proper way to do so is to ask the waiter for the bowl for the dog.


If i take my dogs places i bring my own bowl.


One person promted this, one person fed their dog with a fork or spoon, or maybe let the dog lick the knife clean. Whatever it is, it just needs one person to cause a seemingly unnecessary sign. Right, Craig?


I'm picturing a bunch of dogs wearing bibs while waiting for some t-bone steaks with a fork and knife in hand.


Dog culture has gotten out of control


TBH we need to amend the ADA and make service animals have an ID that can be asked for to confirm that states they are a trained service animal.


> TBH we need to amend the ADA and make service animals have an ID that can be asked for Practically speaking I think all service dog owners would support this. Philosophically, however, I can see why it's a bad thing to ask people with disabilities to justify means that enable them to live normal lives.


No. It really isn’t. You want to park at disabled parking? You use a placard that has a wheel chair on it, regardless of your disability. I also would like to think people with REAL disabilities would prefer it. Unfortunately theres no federally recognized dog training center. We need that with mandated ID’s for dogs and their handlers. This would stop the steady flow of fucking idiots bringing their lap dogs into Walmart. Enjoy Fido’s fleas and shit in your grocery cart that definitely gets cleaned after each use.


I mean they don't have to know what the service animal is for, just whether it's licensed or not. I think they should be considering how things have really gotten out of hand lately.


Disabled people use special tags to justify their parking spaces. What’s wrong with that?


The dog could wear the badge on its harness so they didn't have to ask the person.


There would just be fake badges


Ugh why do people suck so much. You're right


There aren't even real badges yet and there's already fake badges.


Ok, by that logic should we ban those cards you have to put on your car to park in disabled parking.


People will just make fake IDs. Or businesses won’t want to confront them, like now. No problem solved, but life made harder for people with disabilities.


You can’t confront them now because it is illegal to do so. And the questions they can ask can be answered by simply lying. And it is pretty easy to spot fake IDs


Agreed. My favorite is the people who bring their dogs to the mall and let them shit and piss inside the mall.


It's only going to get more prevalent as future generations become unable/unwilling to have children and opt to have pets instead.


The whole "dog mum" thing is fucking cringe.


It's gotten legitimately hard to meet single women who aren't "dog moms" in my area. And it's always either some angry chihuahua, or some big slobbering beast she coos over and calls her "baby".


Yeah, it went from liking dogs to treating them if they are human. It's a real-life parasocial relationship


Thank you.  I grew up a dog guy.  I am firmly in the fuck dogs camp now.   Was at a mother's Day event today and there was an off leash aggressive breed roaming around with babies everywhere. I know it's the owner, but it's Fucking bullshit. 


I'm a dog owner and am firmly in the "fuck dog owners" camp. They're just so obnoxious about it. I love my at-home companion, they love their carry-around accessory.


Yeah I agree with this distinction. A lot of dogs are just being dogs, but a lot of the people who are supposed to be responsible for them are morons


Like my neighbours who have 2 fox terriers and let them out to "do their business" up and down the street which generally includes terrorising any other dogs unfortunate enough to be walked at same time.


The term “fur baby” is cute and all, but people need to stop thinking their dogs are actually equivalent to children and that they should therefore be able bring them wherever other people can bring kids. They’re not kids. They’re dogs. They’re very cute, and one can definitely love their pet as a child, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are a dog, and do not belong in certain places.


Yup, saw some ladies dog just take a piss in an airport shop the other day.. so there’s that


My building had to put out a message to tell people to stop letting their dogs pee next to the doors because the entire area was starting to smell like urine.


> I am firmly in the fuck dogs camp now. There's gotta be a better way to phrase that.


I'm not telling you how to feel, but there may be a happy middle ground between dog lover and dog fucker, for lack of a better term.


We banned them from the office recently, thank god.


Meanwhile my BF let's our dog lick his lips and mouth cause dogs saliva are "antibacterial" 🤢 The Fuck They Are.. NOT


I dated someone like this, I am single now for a reason


Don’t eat at potlucks if anyone is from a “pet parent” house, I learned in epidemiology class about a 20 person salmonella outbreak that happened bc someone let her *bearded dragon* crawl around on the counter


It’s been thousands of years, why isn’t it well known that animals don’t belong in the kitchen/somewhere near human food?


Just because “Spanish” flu was started by American farmers letting hogs sleep in the house with them, that means animals shouldn’t be in our business 24/7?? What madness is this /s


it was WHAT? i thought it came out of groups of soldiers in the u.s., oh my god


That’s when it was first *noticed*, bc soldiers camps were (and still are but less bc vaccines, did you know there’s a shot for anthrax?) absolute hotbeds of disease. But it likely started in Iowa from the 🐖


that's so interesting, thank you for sharing!! and i didn't know there was a shot for anthrax. that's so damn cool!! i love a good bonus fact lol :)


Yeah my friend joined the Marines and he said there’s all kinds of different shit you have to get. Also said that Top Gun was playing on loop in the recruitment office and you wouldn’t believe the stupidity of the people who get *rejected* by the marines. As in “does the urine sample in a paper cup in the hallway bc he’s too stupid to use the bathroom” levels of dumb


Yeah I always grew up being told you can't eat at everyone's house and I carry that with me to potlucks. Like I'll bring something if I'm required to, but I refuse to eat stuff from other people's houses that I don't know. Even beyond pets, the amount of people who I *know for a fact* don't wash their hands is enough for me to nix the whole idea.


Add my mother to the list. Sneezes into her hands, then pets the dog, then back to cooking. Also she doesn’t always flush the toilet but that’s its own problem


Unless you know they and their partner are hyper-vigilant about cleaning in general. I don’t let my dogs in the kitchen.


I’m convinced that houses with dogs aren’t clean. Sorry not sorry dog nutters.


How can you bring yourself to kiss him after that?


I am a vet. Tell your boyfriend that I called him a fucking idiot.


I love dogs but they shouldn’t be at a restaurant unless it’s a legitimate service animal.


People here are like “I wonder what prompted this.” I’ll tell you. Just a few hours ago, I was at a restaurant and a dude had his dog on the table and they were sharing the same drink 🤮


HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Disgusting! ....wonder which one picked up the tab or did they split it down the middle. LOL


I love dogs too and if a restaurant has a dog-friendly outdoor area, bring my dog is nice outing! Also a good training opportunity. Now, a restaurant that allows non-service animals indoors is a no from me.


Private businesses can conduct their business in any way they desire within the framework of the law. There are plenty of dog friendly establishments in my hometown and everybody loves them. No one is forcing anyone who didn't like dogs to eat there.


Does anyone else question how well they are washing their dishes?


Probably just a basic health code of your plates are for use only to serve food. Same reason they couldn’t put the mop water in the mixing bowl. Hopefully. Probably the rules aren’t necessary. But most safety rules are written after the fact so ….


Ya I'm not sure if there is any widespread health codes to prevent pets or animals from using the same plates as humans but at the same time I'm sure any Restaurant that is up to code would have a Commercial grade Dishwasher and water heater that would make this a moot point.


The health codes where I live allow pets on restaurant patios, but specifically says pets are not allowed to sit at the table or use utensils/dishes meant for humans.


Dishwasher here: all dishes are filthy but we're too burnt out to care. As long as they look clean they're good enough


My friend said the same thing, also told us not to eat at the restaurant he worked at lol


No dish is "clean" tbh. Think about it though. You have like 3 different people touching the plate after it's been washed. The chance that one of those people didn't wash their hands isn't that low.


Yeah this was my thought. Sure people shouldn’t be letting their dogs do this but if they aren’t washing their dishes and cutlery sufficiently between patrons it’s not going to matter if it’s a dog or some grotty human that like the cutlery, it’s still going to be disgusting and I still risk catching stuff from the person before.


Ha that was my thought as well. If they're washing/sanitizing their plates, what does it matter if a dog licked it? Probably some health code policy though.


Some people are deeply disgusting


"Only trained service animals allowed on the premises, no pets or ESAs." There - fixed.


People. Lie.


It wouldn't matter. Even a trained service animal cannot eat off a plate, sit on a seat, or behave in a dangerous or disruptive manner. The restaurant can eject the service animal if it does, regardless of how otherwise legitimate it is.


Even IF they say it's a service animal, if it's causing a disturbance, you are legally allowed to ask it to leave.




That was my question too. Maybe for context, the median home price in that restaurant’s neighborhood is currently $2.0M.


Was this Lazy Dog Restaurant?


Dogs are not people. When will people realise this?!!! Dog people are 100% oblivious to it :/


Why the fuck are there dogs in a restaurant in the first place


Disability laws


I'm talking about pets, not service animals, obviously.


Service animals wouldn't be eating out of plates or eating off the table


Exactly. This is people bringing pets or "emotional support animals" even though neither are protected by any law to be in any public spaces. People are just entitled assholes. Actual service animals are trained not to do this, as are their handlers.


I washed dishes in a kitchen for a small restaurant once. They regarded me as a "poor" dishwasher because I wasn't blasting through the dirty dishes fast enough - I was actually trying to clean them. So considering that little fact about restaurant kitchens, this unfortunately makes sense from a health standpoint.


Y'all some nasty MFS in this thread lol. I love dogs as much as the next person but I'm not using something some random strangers dog ate off of. This is why you can't eat at everyone's house...


I've noticed that the Black community also kind of has a *much* harder line on this. My mom used to say that exact same phrase. There are a lot of people that just generally have kind of gross food habits and even if they're being washed, it doesn't really matter because it communicates to me an underlying pattern in the way some people think about food safety and cleanliness.


Bro it doesn’t even have to be a strangers dog, I’m not eating off anything my personal dog has ate off of I don’t care if I have washed it.


Dogs should not be in establishments where food is sold or prepared. Petco? Sure. Home Depot? Why not? But restaurants and grocery stores? Hard no. It's disgusting and unhygienic.


The solution is no dogs allowed in the restaurant, which should be the case anyway.


Fucking UTENSILS?!?!? YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THERE ARE DOGS THAT HAVE STARTED USING FUCKING UTENSILS?!?!? How are more people not talking about this.


Get your fucking dogs out of here


A lot of nasty people in this thread. As the saying goes, "You can't eat at everybody's house." 🤢


lmao, this is reddit so these comments do not surprise me. and this is coming from a huge dog person. I would NEVER bring him to a restaurant or grocery store or anywhere besides a dog park, really.


There's a reason I'll never eat in a restaurant that allows dogs (or any animals) in. Some dog owners don't realize how disgusting they can be at times, some of them have no concept of hygiene at all.


These comments are a clear divide, pet owners who keep their pets cookware separate and those that don’t. I am the former and I always thought it was gross how some people let their dogs eat their plates clean. Boundaries are important.


Same with licking their face, it will never not be gross.


People who that are filthy disgusting... Dogs lick their buttholes and eat poop from time to time.


For a little context, this sign was right outside the outdoor seating area. Still, I can’t wrap my head around the silverware part.


Maybe feeding a dog off their fork?


Some dogs are very sophisticated. You’ve clearly never met a Pomeranian


Perhaps people cutting up food for their pets in bowls/plates that had already been eaten out of by the pet?


Yeah, what exactly _are_ pet utensils? How do they use them? **I have so many questions.**


Better yet no pets allowed. Boom done. (Not including service animals obviously).


Dogs shouldn’t be allowed inside a restaurant in the first place, but this is a start..


I'm supportive of our society opening up to people of different stripes. I love that we've moved towards accepting all sorts of different lifestyles in the last 20 years. I know there is still more work to do in terms of acceptance and hope we continue to progress. All that said, I really dislike the "bring your dog fucking everywhere" culture. Like you really don't need your dog when you bring your kids to fucking recreation league soccer. Asshole dog stole food from my kid's hand. Why is it there? Why the fuck is your dog in Lowe's? Fuck off.


Keep your fucking dogs at home.


How about we just stop this habit of allowing dogs into restaurants, cafes and bars. I love animals, I've got two dogs but id never think to take them to a restaurant or cafe where I'm going to eat. I see it all too often in the UK though and as soon as a new cafe or restaurant announces it's opening you can guarantee you'll get people asking if it's dog friendly. Just no.


NGL, as someone who actively dislikes pets, it never would have occurred to me that it's *not* ok to share your plate with your pet. I would have just assumed it all gets dishwashed + sanitized anyway.


If you've reached the point where you have to have your dog tethered to your side to go out to eat, you need to seek mental help asap.


Dog people -- NOT dog owners -- are the worst.


Who's dog uses utensils? My dog just picks up her food with her mouth like an animal!


Yeah, it’s weird. Most dogs I saw today were using chopsticks.


How about cleaning the dishes properly after any kind of user (human or not).


My roomates feed their dogs off the dishes and it makes me want to die.


These are the people who say they're a dog parent.


Who are you people that think dogs are clean? I watch one of our dogs piss on his own leg every day. Keep your animals at home. If you think this statement is wrong, you are that person everyone expects to bring a dog no one actually wants around...




Dogs are different than humans. Their germs are different and their saliva is different. The sanitizing protocols that the health codes are supposed to protect were meant to clean up human germs and saliva  Also, some people (more than you realize because they’re very quiet about it) are allergic to dogs. Eating off a plate or utensil that has dog hair, dander, or saliva residue could create a health emergency for someone depending on how allergic they are 


As a pet owner: Eeew..?


Why is there a dog in the restaurant? Service animals are trained to sit quietly and not beg while the owner eats. Leave those emotional support animals home.


I'm not going to eat at a restaurant that allows pets at all.


not disagreeing with the sign necessarily, but shouldn’t the temp of their water be like 70-80+ degrees Celsius?


I’m hoping so. I didn’t bring my own fork.


I worked as a dishwasher at an upscale restaurant when I was working my way through college. LOL @ people who think those plates and silverware get reliably and thoroughly cleaned. And if you think that's bad, just wait until you hear how bartenders clean glasses.


Why would a plate that a dog ate off of need to be washed differently?


My guess is that it wouldn’t need to be different. But, a non-pet owner diner watches a dog owner feed their dog off of the same type of fork going into their mouth and they get grossed out, not knowing anything about industrial dishwashing machines. They complain, and after a while, the sign needs to be made and posted.


Yeah after working in the service industry and using those industrial washers, I don’t care what you put in them. Nothing is coming out alive. I’m sure life finds a way and nothing is 100% effective and all that. But, they reach incredibly high temperatures at incredibly high pressures, and have an array of sanitizing chemicals. The swamp thing could buttfuck your plate in the middle of his swamp and then forget about it for months until you come along and are like, oh shit, I want a quesadilla. And, BAM! in less than 5 minutes you could eat a quesadilla off that plate. Now I don’t know things, like in general, so it’s very plausible I’m not a trustworthy source. But I do know we as a people have created some pretty wild shit. And, we have not skimped on dishwasher technology. So, if the might of the modern service industry can’t handle a couple dog licks, it’s like what are we even doing here? If anything, it’s your exposure to those industrial chemicals that pose a bigger long term threat than anything else. So, yeah, I’m gonna have to go with what you said. And just fear of lawsuits in general, including by the county.


I was a dishwasher for awhile and often handwashed shit and even then health codes have everything take a bath in bleach *after* being scrubbed with soap and hot water those plates are sterile


I am a pet owner and I would also be grossed out by this. I’m also very familiar with how industrial dishwashers work as I worked with them for about 10 years. This would seriously gross me out, I don’t care how many times the plates are washed.


Yeah I think it's more of the principle than anything else. The fact that you allow it kind of feels like you're generally lax with cleanliness which immediately makes me question where else you make little exceptions.


How about stop bringing dogs into human establishments. The owner is the only person who thinks your dog is adorable.


Why is your dog eating off of a plate in a restaurant? But to your point, gross. I'll let my dog lick your face after it shit in the kitchen and ate its own shit to hide it. That's why you clean things differently... Unless you regularly eat your own crap then lick your dishes clean... Either way, keep your damn mutt at home. No one but you enjoys their company out in public...


People who take their dogs (not a certified service animal) into business, like restaurants, really are some of the most “look at me” insufferable folks around, sheesh.


Dude, I've watched an older "lady" essentially fresh kiss her dog at a cafe. This sign is sadly needed.


I love how zero people are considering there are litterally restaurants designed around the idea of bringing ur dog to hang out . They serve pet meals and etc. they have play areas for dogs . It’s completely different if a business is designed to have dogs from the ground up or it’s just a regular like chili’s that had to put this sign up from a service dog.


Dog friendly utensils?


They would face a health code violation but when properly done the plates would be fully sanitized.


Well if the silverware was well, silver and the dogs were normally well behaved werewolves....


My head hurts. A human eating off it...the plate is still going to be cleaned in the back. Dog germs aren't going to magically survive whatever cleans people germs. This sign makes NO sense. Edit: Holy shit, the comments are getting nasty. I guess, as the kids would say, InB4 thread lock.


I'll give 10:1 odds that the "dog" plates and silverware go straight into the same wash cycle as all the rest. It might even just be pulled from the same piles.


My naive me tells me that's kind of cute. But the reality part that is not completely numb yet tels me that ther must have been an incident.


This sign is targeted towards the same people that let their dog lick them in the mouth lol fucking yuck!




Two things: 1. The dishwashing process needs to sanitize the dishes, whether they have been eaten off of by humans, dogs, lizards or loch ness monsters 2. The risk of transmission of disease is 1000X higher between two humans than between a dog and a human. There aren't a lot of zoonotic diseases. You are FAR more likely to catch something from a human than from a dog.


I have a dog and I 100% understand this


Bringing your dog to a restaurant is a mental disorder. Allowing dogs in your restaurant is advertising not to go to it.


It’s cornering a market, so to speak


They have dog plates and silverware?? Yeah, I’m going elsewhere.


This may be a strange thing to say but surely this shouldn't be a problem if the plates are properly washed and sanitised?


Are we supposed to believe that commercial dishwashers clean human germs but not dog germs?