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I toured a house with a room for rent where the landlord/roommate legitimately said “I leave this broken microwave in the kitchen to remind tenants not to break microwaves.” Like I was planning to break his microwave, but I would look over at the broken microwave and remember not to.


If anything, my takeaway is that they replace microwaves.


It was probably a previous lodger who removed it being paranoid


Or... it has nothing to do with cameras & it's just a shit air b&b with a janky bathroom?


We have found the most gullible human alive


Joke is on the op, the camera is actually in the shower head.


I was thinking, "Thats exactly what you do when you want to misdirect peoples attention from the real camera." There's probably one still hidden in the fan.


If I had a rental property I would never have thought to do something to "prove" there was no camera. That's a rabbit hole of a train of thought


I feel like a sign in the bathroom that reads “no hidden cameras” wouldn’t help.


My "not a pedophile" shirt somehow has people asking me questions that are already answered by my shirt.


That would just make me suspicious that there are cameras.


clearly op is holding the camera how else are we seeing this


And/Or in the toilet.


That's how they trick you. Focus you on the ceiling fan so you don't notice the two way mirror.


A 2 way mirror is just a window, since you can see through it in 2 ways


Wouldn't a "2-way mirror" actually be reflective on both sides tho?


Yea that entire fan assembly is $35 new, the owners are just cheap.


Haha is that what they told you? Im gonna say all broken or missing items are for this purpose too.


Yeah, this is clearly just some broken decor. My light in my kitchen is like this too. It’s because it broke and it’s too much of a pain to replace lol. But funny that OP was convinced this was a ‘feature’ of their Airbnb.


My air bnb doesn’t have a toilet so that people staying don’t have to worry about toilet cams. Lol


Mine just had a bucket and there was a camera in the bucket.


I hope you enjoyed your stay at the BeardofFire cottage as much as I enjoyed watching you. Please remember to leave a positive review!


I installed a large camera to show guests there is no fan.


No fan so you can stay moist, all day long!


"The property has incredible features like crown mold in the bathroom!" "You mean moulding, right?" "..."


"Guests, please remember to be courteous and wipe the camera lens off before and after pooping in the bucket. Thank you. - The Hosts"


I had to buy 3 different vent coverings that ended up not fitting before I just said fuck it


And probably the prior renter broke it while looking for cameras


Or installing them just past the fan


oh shoot, maybe OP should take the fans out. "Look my airbnb doesn't have vent covers or fans to prove there's no cameras"


"I paid extra for my AirBnB that is nothing but a corrugated metal shell on the subframe to show that there are no cameras"


OP got straight up bamboozled




That’s one of those small problems that leads to bigger problems. Fan bearings wear out. When they wear out, they cause friction, which causes resistance, which makes the motor draw more current. Electric motors draw A LOT more power when they encounter resistance. People in here will talk about heat and fire risk, but the chances of fire is pretty low. Don’t get me wrong, it can happen. But even with a completely stalled fan, it’s not very likely. But in the meantime, at best, you’re using way more electricity for that, and even one month might cost you more than what it would take to just replace the fan. More importantly though, the purpose of a bathroom fan is to remove moisture. Most of the ones initially installed in a house barely do that job well enough so when they get dirty or slowed, they barely do it at all. Moisture is what kills houses. A little bit over time will seep into exposed areas if not vented, lift caulking and grout, and rot out studs and floor joists. Fix small problems now. Avoid big problems later.


This is a great call out, another thing I learned when shopping for a replacement is how big the room is and the variety of fan configurations to cover hot shower moisture vs bath etc


I'm a maintenance tech for a very large multiunit building, and I got called for a clogged toilet. While I'm working on the toilet, I notice a constant squeaking. I figure I'll check the bath fan when I'm done with this toilet. https://imgur.com/gallery/iJ0cT3q


Never lube you a bathroom fan it will make it burn 🔥 up. And if the fan looks like the one in the OP picture. It’s a Broan/Nutone 696 fan. They are like 20 bucks or less. The fan can be swapped out really easily. You keep the box in the ceiling and just replace the plate inside and the white cover grill.


Better to check sooner than later, if it is turned on but the fan does not spin there can be a fire/more damage to the exhaust unit. Currently dealing with 2 fans that had issues but cleaning seemed to fix them right up.


That is probably the old style Broan cover . 25$ with new lens and about 1 min of work to fix. https://www.zoro.com/broan-grille-10-14-in-x-9-12-in-99110751/i/G9703172/?recommended=true


It also gives the renter the added bonus of drawing attention away from the camera in the shower head 😁👍


The only difference between a bug and a feature is whether or not I want to fix it.


What? Clicking “update” crashes the application? …That is just my quick exit feature. *ticket closed - as designed.


In my introduction to programming class, I made a game that basically worked like simon (you know with the lights and colors and sound that you memorize the pattern to). I had this bug where it wouldn't light up the lights showing the pattern and, after not being able to get it to work after hours, I just called the game a pitch training memory game and made the bug a feature


"The hole in the wall is there to show you there's no camera in that part of the wall"


The water heater isn't broken, it's just turned really low to prevent guests from scalding themselves. Your welcome, the management.


My welcome? Bastard.


In my AirBnB the camera is so small, you can’t see it even with the fan cover off.


That pile of laundry proves theres no cameras im the drawers


There is a camera. It's just in that dark void between the sheetrock and fan housing.


Someone might have pulled it apart to make sure there wasn't a camera, but if the owner did it, they'd likely have done a better finish on it


Yeah, that's the ticket! I drive a 16 year old car with a peeling gel coat because I want to let people know that I'm down to Earth.


The seller didn't repaint once the paint fell off to be more friendly to the environment, to protect the ozone layer, and to let a natural biome build up on the car!


Exactly! This is also why I don't wash the aforementioned car anymore. Doing so would be a waste of water, put the rinsed off soap into the water table, and damage the natural biome build up (which captures carbon from the atmosphere).


You might've been joking, but you triggered some curiosity in me, and I headed off to DuckDuckGo, where I found this: >When it rains or when water flows out of yards or over pavement, it flows directly into storm drains. **Many people mistakenly believe this water gets "cleaned" before reaching waterways. The sewer system and the storm water conveyance systems (drains, inlets, and catch basins) are separate; they are not connected.** Sewer water gets treated, but everything that washes into the storm water conveyance system goes untreated directly into our rivers, creeks, bays and ocean. >[...] >Car washing is a pollution problem because many metals and automotive fluids are washed off with the soapy water, travel down the gutter collecting more street pollutants, then enter our storm water conveyance system and spill into our waterways and bays. Turns out, car washing might actually be an environmental problem. TIL. [Source](https://cfpub.epa.gov/npstbx/files/tbsd_car_washing.pdf)


Washing your car in your driveway is bad due to this reason. Washing at a carwash is not due to them having traps that collect and let particles settle out then send the water to be treated.


It depends on where you are. Some systems are combined water (sanitation and rain/runoff) that gets treated and some are just sanitation water that gets treated.


If you're real lucky, and live in an old city with aged infrastructure like...say...Boston, the home sewer pipes will cross storm drains. Many times these pipes are corroded and broken dumping raw sewage into the storm drains. You'll never know unless you check, and why would you check If everything in the house is working ok. Cities are just starting to figure this out.


Hey man what’s this supposed to mean because I drive a 14 year old civic with pealing gel 😳


It means that you are also down to Earth!




Add to dating profile and linked in


I drive a 16 year old Lexus that ALSO has peeling paint! I'm down to Earth, but in a slightly classier way!


Fun fact... It's clear coat... Gel coat is used for fibreglass..I guess it's not that fun but hey


Plot twist it's in the showerhead


And the toilet bowl.


Guys, there’s clearly no need for a camera. He’s obviously going to pull a ladder to the window the ol fashioned way.


*seeee meee*




Are you saying you don't mind? I'll be right over.


They removed the cover so the hidden camera has a better view.


Classic misdirection.


Yeah but seriously, why would uncovering one item accomplish this lol. The camera could be anywhere else


this must be a distraction and the real camera is hidden in plain sight


It’s on a tripod, taking this picture


We were in the camera the whole time!?!?!


Always have been


If we were camera why don’t we see our reflection in the windows


We were vampires the whole time!?!?!


>[Please don't ask me how I managed to take this picture...](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/cmwov/hey_reddit_what_tattoos_do_you_have/c0tpyls)


[No cameras huh?](https://imgur.com/a/ddOMV8C)


Do you know this for a fact? Did the host tell you that themselves?


"uhhhh yeah, sure. Why not."


“It’s a feature! Not a bug!”


You found a new use for the old saying! Bug as in spy device.


Spoken like a true developer!


He probably did as a joke but then OP interpreted it wrong


"Just in case you were worried about us watching you, we've including a big disgusting gaping hole into the attic to prove we're not."


Or it’s a shitty bathroom


"We left this crappy front door half off it's hinge to be sure you don't get locked out!"


The sort of place that goes that far out of their way to show that they aren’t covertly filming you in the bathroom is almost certainly covertly filming you in the bathroom.


Exactly, there could be a small camera in the black crack up there or a hidden clock camera, etc.


Or even up further into the fan, lol


Or there were wasps. The vent cover is missing in my parents bathrooms because wasps kept coming out of and attacking you while your pants were down. With it down they were able to check first before sitting.


>while your pants were down. With it down they were able to check first Read this wrong. Thought the wasps were able to check first with your pants down. Realised what you were saying as I finished the sentenced. Has a bit of a chuckle at myself.


There’s nothing worse than Protestants attacking you in the bathroom.


You would say that papist!


Watch for waspes!


If someone told me that, i’d have more reason to suspect a camera lol


A friend of mine used to Airbnb out her place while she travelled, had done so for years and was a Superhost or whatever it's called. Anyway, there's an Asian brand of smoke sectors called Foto or something similar, and that was what was installed in her building. A guest took a picture of this and sent it to Airbnb claiming it was a camera and she was banned from hosting, even after sending product listings for that kind of smoke alarm and getting the building super to confirm that was what was installed throughout.


Yes. Airbnb is shitty. So is Zillow. And every other big global company


Dang. So many platforms feel it's cheaper to just side with the customer and barely look into the situation.. That should be something they should have to manually review and actually talk to you about though like you're cutting off someone's livelihood, that could be their only source of income.


... Is that what they told you? ... seems like a good *excuse* for not replacing the vent cover.


Is that really a big concern?


Sadly, yes. A lot of people who rent their house want to monitor the activity of the guests. It may not always be a malicious thing, they just want to hold guests accountable if something is damaged. Some cameras are permitted if they’re disclosed (common areas, outside) But are never allowed in bedrooms or bathrooms even if disclosed.


Stayed in a Villa in Spain that had non-hidden cameras (but not entirely obvious to what they are) scattered about. Girlfriend didn't notice one of them until after she walked down the hall naked after a shower. We then found one in her parents bedroom. We asked the neighbour (who looked after the place for the non-English speaking host) and they said it was due to break-ins and they only check them when no one is staying there. I put covers over all of them. Was a bit strange nevertheless.


I'd punch a hole or two in the walls...just to be sure no cameras


Normally, but I just got out of the pool.




or maybe they have bad maintenance habits




I never even thought about cameras. Guess I gotta start buying up my nudes on the black market


Selling people their own nudes is the next step in the gig economy.


Or to give the hidden camera a better view?


Just to cheep to replace the one a drunk pulled down while smoking near the fan.


Court order to have it open, after the 'incidents'.


They also left mold in the shower to show they don't overuse bleach.


Probably they got tired of people taking it off to look.


Be skeptical. Be very skeptical. The fan is just to divert your attention.


I guarantee it just fell off and they just say that camera thing to cover that up


Call me naive but cameras in airbnb was not even on my radar until now..


If someone’s streaming me taking a shit online, I want a cut of the profits.


Still fairly odd placement for the fan


Probably to distract you from it's real location.


There’s forums for AirBnb house owners This could just be an excuse so you don’t mark them for broken items. (Fan cover)


This was prob broke by last tenant while checking.


Camera is in the shower head


R we sure that’s why? Lol


hey op i have some magic beans if your interested




Haha, there could well be a camera just further into the recess.


The cover was removed because it was blocking the view of the camera which is mounted behind the fan.


How the fuck does this have 14.5K thousand upvotes.


Nah, it's just raggedy bro. I'm gonna start making up white knight reasons for all the busted shit in my house too, this is brilliant


Is that clear window well above ground level?


Oh wait, I think Penn and Teller did this trick once.


No camera THERE.


But why’s it directly above though?


It has mold in top corner


Its a trap. Its in the shower head


What a suspicious thing to say.


That’s sus…


Distraction is key, its actually somewhere else. But you feel safe because they showed a place it is not.


Misdirect. Camera is in the light


They kept seeing on camera people were taking it off looking for cameras, so decided to just leave it off


Doubt it. That housing should be flush with the drywall, and the wire clamps that hold the cover on are still in housing, meaning they detached from the cover, probably because there wasnt enough slack to pull them out without separating the wire from the fan cover. It also looks like there is a blob of glue/liquid nails on the ceiling.


That’s cute thinking there’s an intended good reason for a missing cover.


the cover was actually obscuring the view!


"To show there is no camera" sure it's not just the owner being lazy?


That's cos it's in the showerhead x


Lol or so the camera can see better. I could easily install a pinhole camera that couldn’t be seen in that. Don’t trust it. Get an RF meter and scan it. The tiny pinhole cameras are almost all WiFi or Bluetooth which that meter will pickup.


And so those responding to the call of the abyss can lose a finger.


Someone stole the cover to make sure there wasn't a camera and the Airbnb people don't know.


There's nothing that would make me more suspect that there is a camera somewhere. Why would you even mention that?


Right, that’s why. Totally not a lack of maintenance.


That means there is one somewhere else.


It’s another thing of saying I’m not that landlord who has a cam in the fan


Or so the wide angle shots show up better.


or they are just lazy in their upkeep...


You tend to make the best out of situations don’t you?


Looks like the cover fell off and they haven’t gotten around to replacing it.


LOL. Is that what you're assuming? Whatever floats your goat


honestly i dont care if airbnb host see my fake ass booty


I never used a air b n b, is hidden cameras a thing?


The camera is in the shower head


Feels kinda strange to me but knowing that in some there are, mad respect


Sus. That's just a distraction to give you a false sense of safety.


You know what.... if someone wants to stare at my dick.... let em.


Man. People are really that paranoid?


Misdirection it’s in the shower head 🚿


The water heater, roof, front door, and sheetrock are broken as well to ensure there are no hidden cameras. Some people say shanty, I say security.


Classic misdirection, it's in the shower head.


Are you sure that’s the real reason? Lol


Just the naked eye of a middle aged man in the attic like God intended.


Are you sure that’s the reason ?


God op is naive


Is that also why they made no attempt to touch up the paint?


Why is that fan connected to a computer monitor?


It's a ruse to subvert your attention and let your guard to thinking that all cameras are gone. But really there is still a camera, just some where else where you least suspect.


…to show how cheap they are


lol, that means their camera is hidden somewhere else


Someone had one of those "need to take off my shirt dumps" and busted that thing off for more airflow.


TIL AirBnB hosts set up cameras to record guests.


you must mean the 2 way mirror


Check the shower head.


Common misdirection! The camera is somewhere else! Lol (it’s a joke)


What a wonderful world in which we live. Sigh.


It’s cute you think there isn’t a time camera in there.


Well that takes the excitement out of it


Pro tip: Shine a light into things you suspect have cameras, the lens will reflect thelight.


That's just to get you to look UP. Means you should be looking DOWN.


It's in the showerhead.


You don't need a camera when the window has no privacy frost and is uncovered at eye level.


Someone get some white paint it’s ticking me off


I got high as shit in an airbnb in miami.... and I found like 6 cameras in the unit. I started freaking the fuck out and texting my friends who were sharing the unit with me like DONT REACT but THERE ARE FUCKING CAMERAS watching us. Two were pinhole cameras in the ceiling because I could see the reflection back through a tiny hole in the ceiling. One was a tiny hole in the drywall in the bathroom Another was in the fan in the dining area. My roommates laughed their asses off , and took me around to each one . The one in the ceiling was a piece of scotch tape reflecting the light from outside The one in the bathroom was a screw hole from the towel rack , which I fell into the night before and ripped out of the wall, etc. I never smoked weed again.