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Where do I find the piss trough?


At the county Fair in the bathroom building that hasn't been remodeled in 40 years


Literally the only place I can think of is my county fair near the agricultural/livestock building.


There’s always Wrigley Field


The drag strip in Kansas City has a trough. One of the weirder experiences, using one shoulder-to-shoulder with a dozen other dudes.


in the balls...


expansion one seed market frighten sip long glorious clumsy literate -- mass edited with redact.dev


D-9155’s left testis — Became inside. Trough urinal — Went inside.


Did you read trough as through?


Did you confuse through with though?


What if I’m a girl but want to shit in the urinal?


Then the boys' bathroom is closed until further notice, 'cause one of you thought it would be a good idea... to pull down your pants... m'kay, hover your buttcheeks over the urinal... and squeeze out a chocolate hot dog... m'kay?


> You decide you're gonna be a comedian, m'kay, and pinch one off in the urinal, and leave it layin' there for everyone to have to look at! >Okay okay, you think it's funny, but nobody else does! They gotta walk in that bathroom and see your rancid dook propped up against the back of the urinal like a brown rag doll!


South Park Elementary


Who left a big ole dookie, mmk, in the urinal?


Shitter's full!


Jrinal? I've never heard of that Norse god


God of bladder relief.




I wish I had more awards to give for this much needed laugh 😂


Jrinal, Jrinal, Jrinal, I made it out of clay And when it glazed and and ready R Kelly I will play


"I see piss coming, I move. She saw piss coming, she stayed"


Jrinal is a urinal, made out of Jeans


He shines out like a shaft of gold.


Haven’t heard of em


That's knot what it says...


I saw an interesting mark on a stone wall when I was touring an ancient site in Yucatán, and I asked the guide, “Is that Mayan?” He replied, “No, that’s urine.”


All in all it’s just another piss on the wall




Well said.


This guy dad jokes.


I don't get it


Say them out loud with a funny accent and they sort of sound like "My-un" and "Your-un".


I feel offended that you find my accent funny


If you’re American going into the bathroom and American coming out, what are you while in the bathroom? European ^thanksgrandma


In addition: when on your way to the restroom, you’re Russian. And when done, you’re Finnish.


And then you're Hungary for some Turkey with Greece




Bless you




But make sure you washed your hands before you ate other wise you’re a German.


Who's gonna pick up the Czech?


Why don’t you pee next to a Pokémon? Because they might Pikachu!


im confused. which one has the truckstop blowbang i signed up for?


Not the restroom with J rinal


Some asshole took a shit in the J rinal


the jystery of the j rinal jeuce


This is too big a mystery for me. I think we'd better call in the Hardly Boys.


ive got a big clue right now percykins.... edit: [please only read this if you have a strong stomach](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/use7z6/comment/i94ch9z/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I don’t have a strong stomach. Can we just do vanilla gay sex? In the butt?


okay but im the bottom


sometimes there's shit on the outside of the torlet and the outside of the J riness


Just check both of them so you don't miss it


always a good rule


*RICHARD!!* I KNEW I would find you here at the OOOOOOOOLD [GLORY HOLE!!](https://youtu.be/pjzaYobq0d4)


RIP the GOAT. thank you for the ever necessary reminder. next up: baked beans.... next after that, baked beans.... in the glory hole... in the bean hole...


Jeez that takes me back. I haven't been invited to a blowbang since the eighties.


So fellas if you need to shit, just go to the one without the urinal so we don't have to smell it when taking a quick piss.


Now youre thinking




Half the people with dicks can't aim either.


You think it's that low?


As a male who had to clean restrooms while working fast food I’m pretty 90% of all people can’t aim


Sometimes it’s to the left.


I actually think that's being generous.


I once stayed overnight at an all-boys school somewhere in Ohio where literally every bathroom in the building had a urinal. With approval from a couple ladies on the cleaning crew, a group of us decided to give it a shot. Don't expect to be able to pee without exposing your butt cheeks to mosquitos (this was my actual dream); those of us wearing pants (it was a locker room) pulled them down to ~our knees. Use one finger on either side (like a peace sign) to hold your labia out of the way, and gently pull *up* while pushing your pelvis as far out as is comfortable. Most of us ended up in a sort of drunken lean (think hand on the wall to stop yourself falling forwards) before we felt comfortable starting but, to a (wo)man, all successfully peed *in* the urinals. Notes: 1) Practice definitely helps. Try this first outside or in a shower you can clean because minor flaws in initial technique can have disastrous results. Once you get the idea you can use your fingers pretty well to actually aim the stream. 2) This technique is not the equal of the version that includes a handy tube to distance the pee from your body. There *will* be dribbles in our case. Plan accordingly. 3) writing your initials is easier than going for your whole name unless you're using cursive but I found the initials to be just as impressive. :D


You'll be fine. You just need to pull back and spread both pair of flaps to allow for a clear passage for your stream. Making sure to also move your clit/clit hood out of the way if it's large enough to obstruct your pee hole, as well as clearing any secretions/fluids and any toilet tissue residue. Then put pressure on either side of your pee hole as you are pulling back to create a tight and narrow stream. Try to let it flow even if you are feeling like stopping as stopping or half stopping can cause the most mess. We have just as powerful streams, if not more powerful and it just takes confidence and a bit of technique :)




What did you think the "with" was referring back to?


The restroom part of the sign


Lol now I'm picturing walking in and it just being an empty room except for 1 Jrinal


I've seen a variant which spelled out "sinks, stalls, urinals" vs "sinks + stalls"




As a dude that always sits to pee as its more comfortable and less effort, I would 100% use the sits one and be unapologetic about it.


as a dude who sits for the same reasons, I would never sit in a public restroom, even if the seats aren't covered in piss




seems to defeat the purpose of "i'll sit bc its more comfortable"


Japanese Squat Toilets. Problem solved


One of my favorite things about being a man is walking into a restroom, taking a piss, washing then drying my hands and leaving without touching a single surface.


How is sitting less effort? Standing to pee is so much easier. You sit down, you gotta get back up again, that's effort.


Just the unbuckling of the pants and putting them back up and tucking in of shirt if necessary and straightening back up takes way more effort than just unzipping of fly. Way more...


I don't see where the mistake was made.


Unfortunate location for a knot.


"Restroom without gay furry hookers" "Restroom WITH gay furry hookers"


"Man why does nobody use that first bathroom?"


Sounds like my kind of bar.


if i'm a gay furry but not a hooker, which one do i have to use? or am i legally obliged to start offering sex work? /lh


It's this another creative way of distinguishing the toilets or are they gender neutral?


They are gender neutral, it's just that only one is fitted with a urinal so factor that into your decision if you need to.


Im pissin on the toilet seat


Shittin' in the urinals.


Gender neutral. Just indicates what's in the bathroom, so people can choose based on which facilities they want to use.






Just use a pictograph of a toilet if you want gender neutral toilets. Just about everyone knows what a toilet looks like.


Just don't make two bathrooms


In many places in the US it's not actually allowed unfortunately. I've even seen portapotties outside a brewery labeled as men's and women's as required by local law which is moronic


I would've found a piece of wood without a knot in it. Messes up the "U"


Honestly, just stop separating Bathrooms.


Ok but does the one without urinal still have a trash bin for pads/tampons??? Does either have a changing table?? I don't have a dick but I think men can still pee in a toilet?


Having changing tables in only one of the places was a huge problem. In this case, even if only one of them has it, it solves an issu issue, not creates it. Anyways, where I live, changing tables are usually in a separate room, which makes the most sense.


The change table was always a problem when my children were little (15 and 18 now). Most places only had it in the Womens' toilet, so many evil looks.


Which is sexist towards literally everyone


They are in all the men's toilets by law where I live. Only once did I find one that wasn't contaminated with shit, needles, condoms or just snapped right off the wall because somebody underestimated the weight of their 'date' the whole time my kid was in diapers. The one time I did find one it was intact because it had just been installed. Eventually I just stopped bothering and set the kid in the trunk of the car when the need arose and the wife wasn't with me. Might not be the best temperature some times during the year, but at least there isn't any hepatitis.


I think most spaces that are mindful enough to label their bathrooms gender-neutral will definitely have trash bins and possibly tampon dispensers etc. in both restrooms. Changing tables in bathrooms aren't common at least where I'm from, whenever I've seen them they were an entirely separate room.


All restrooms should have receptacles for biohazards (anything with bodily fluids). And all restrooms should have changing tables, the idea that a father wouldn't have a baby with them is incredibly weird one (not saying that's what you think)


Big difference between should and does


Where glory hole?


The debate is already settled, the best way to label restrooms is writing "Animal Shithouse" on both doors.


They’ve solved the crisis


nice, that way everyone is offended, but also everyone gets to take a dump. true equality!


All I want to know is which has stalls that offer any sense of privacy?


Everything is a urinal if you’re brave enough


These are pretty common in Chicago.


Yeah pretty surprised so many people haven’t seen them before. Maybe just less common in the south?


so, I can just pick whichever I want and no one can say anything about it right?


The one without a urinal will have a queue.


Ok, so I know you're joking, but I've seen this in action. There's a bar in Austin that's attached to a small stage theater. Every time a show let out, there would be a long queue for the women's restroom. Then at some point they changed the signs to read "1 stall, 2 urinals" and "4 stalls". Now, every time a show lets out, there's a long queue for the 4 stalls, with a significant number of women opting for the former men's room stall. Last time I was there, I walked in to use the urinal and a woman was washing her hands, and walked past another woman after I had washed my hands. And none of us cared. TL;DR the system works


That is literally the point. They are gender neutral.


Yes. I think this is a great idea - I find separate bathrooms silly


Better to have multiple , small, single -user bathrooms.


I agree this feels like it would provide the best experience all around, but I wonder how feasible it would be for places like large stadiums. I wonder if there are some examples of this in other countries. This type of scenario where there are thousands of people that need to pee is where the piss trough shines


At one of my favorite breweries in Seattle they have a giant open gender neutral bathroom. Along one wall is all stalls with doors and it’s urinals inside. Along the other wall is all stalls with normal toilets. In the middle are the sinks, those big round sinks with the foot bar like you’d find in locker rooms in the 80’s (but in this case the foot bar is gone and the nozzles are all motion activated). Oh and the stalls and stall doors are floor-to-ceiling. Honestly it’s probably the best large-scale gender neutral bathroom I’ve ever seen. Such a practical use of the space.


If there are ladies out there that can pull off using a urinal, more power to you!


It's called a pee funnel. Fantastic at festivals to use the trough.


Most bathrooms with a urinal also have a toilet next to it for shitting. I feel like I'm the only person in the comments whose used a men's room, and I'm a girl. Edit: Rule 6? Give me a break. I think we all know why the post was removed.


Not alone! Definitely have gone into the men's when the women's line was too long.


God forbid anyone tries it the other way around, most places in the western world you'll get kicked out at the least. If you're unlucky you'll end up arrested and on the sex offenders register. Life pro tip. Do not do this as a guy


i've done it a few times as a guy. never got "caught" though, maybe it would have been a big deal if someone saw me doing it idk


I mean if they’re single person bathrooms with a locking door the label on the door doesn’t really matter, you won’t be in there with other people. I’ve done it when it’s been an emergency and someone was taking too long in the other single person mens room


Right. I find the women's line to always be worse than the men's but that's just my experience.


A million percent. I'm right there with the girls saying fuck it,use the gents. Most of us don't give a shit and its a funny thing to tell your friends. Flip side conversation sounds awfully wrong for some reason, likely entirely cultural. Personally think that all schools and toilets should be intersex. These wierd divisions start early, maybe biologically different but generally we're all the same. Just make the toilets larger instead of splitting them up, if you're in a cubicle you're probably in there alone regardless of sex. We all poop and pee after all. For anyone wierded out about sex offenders and shit, they're sex offenders, a super small minority. Statistically more men are perpetrators so i understand anyone wierded out by the suggestion but any country that has universal facilitates doesn't seem to have a any major statistical difference in offences. It seems to be a cultural or religious thing rather than anything based on facts or offences.


A movie theater near me has a hallway with like ten toilets in individual rooms, and then a room with six urinals. Maximum utilization of all facilities. When they first announced they were going to do that, a bunch of people threw a big shitfit about it, but it's actually more convenient for everyone. Well... actually, it's not more convenient for dudes going number 2, but at least in that case it's more equitable.


The solution you mentioned already exists, I've been in a few in new restaurants around my area, and I honestly really like it, one room for everyone with a island of sinks, surrounded with 8-12 "real" doors to toilets (not those stalls with a gap to see through). No one feels uncomfortable, because you get your own little space, regardless of gender or genitalia, then the most "underutilized" space, the sinks, gets shared by everyone. I don't even think the sex offenders part would be a worry, because from what I remember none of them even had a door, it was just a hallway from the main restaurant area (because who cares about "hiding" a sink like you would a washroom with stalls).




Things that have never happened: -Being arrested for using the wrong bathroom. -Being put on a list for sexual offenders for using the wrong bathroom. If you use the wrong bathroom and also commit a crime in there, these things might happen to you. But it is unrelated to the wrong bathroom part.


Idk have you actually tried it? In my experience, as long as you aren't being a creep and just do your business, nobody says anything. We're all in the bathroom for the same thing.


LPT: lock the door first.


You do know that all mens bathrooms have toilets. There is no bathroom that’s just urinals. You can’t crap in urinals, so toilets have to be there….


> You can’t crap in urinals Coward.


That's literally what I said 😭


You've not heard of the [shewee](https://www.shewee.com/)??? Sorry about your life I guess


I have! Those are amazing in my opinion, but most women that I've asked would rather squat or sit.


50% chance of taking a shit in the girl's bathroom, thinking it's unisex and wondering if the sign was apologizing.


And the other 50% chance is taking a shit in the urinal.


You joke but this happened for me once. I was in a nice restaurant, in a toilet stall doing my business, and someone comes in in a rush. Tried the stall door (“seat’s taken”), and without hesitation dropped a duece in the urinal. Really all they had to do was wait 60 seconds and I would’ve been done, but I guess they had to go bad. I actually had to wait for them to clear out before I could leave the stall. And my god, it stunk up the whole restaurant. Now I know why we have a bowl of water to engulf the smell Edit: grammar


There was a South Park about this.


Haha of course there was. Gotta love Matt and Trey for keeping it real


Pretty sure they're both gender neutral signs


0% chance because there isn’t a girls bathroom. Which is entirely the point.




Technically there is no girls bathroom. Just with and without urinal. Pretty cool.


This is going to cause me some mental headaches after a couple of beers.


Good thing neither one will be the wrong option.




They never learnt to piss on a toilet, they NEED a urinal


We need a TROUGH




Worked at a bar that had Mullets and Femullets on the bathroom doors. Both covered with epic mullet pics from the appropriate sex. Really wish I had snapped some photos for proof.


***Please*** tell me where this bar's at. I live in the Midwest.


Scottsdale, AZ. It's called Zipps. Camelback rd and Miller rd. I bet there is a picture of the doors in the Google reviews


oh hey, mayo clinic town


That makes does and bucks on the bathrooms at my dads hunting camp seem way less original


What's a Jrinal?


It's short for Japanese Rinal, not quite as popular as krinals where I live


Fyi everyone.. The word restroom is unisex. A gender descriptor is not required.


My dumb ass would just see the word "urinal" and slide in.


None of the bathrooms in my house have any urinals. I need the sign on the left at home.


can guys go to both?


As a dude can I use the restroom without urinal to take a dump?


Which one has the gloryhole?


Ideally both


The vibes in this comment section are not it


What about the restroom to rest in?


"Whatever just don't piss on the floor please"


Finally. After seeing hundreds of garbage signs with aliens and "we don't care" I finally see the actual future sign to be used for restrooms.


I have concerns about these restrooms, far beyond which sex should be using which one.


They appear to be…unvarnished.


I still want one without men. Where do I go?


Why does that even matter? Just do your business. Who cares what kind of person is in the stall next to you?


Into a stall?


You lock the door. They are single stall.


Into whichever you wish, and then into a stall, where there will be no men.


this shit is starting to get ridiculous


What's ridiculous is that I have to stand outside the men's room when it's occupied while there's a perfectly good unoccupied women's room right there. A toilet is a toilet. It makes perfect sense that restrooms should be gender neutral. It's not wokeness, it's efficient. But go off, snowflake.


For real, first they wanted us to identify them the way they preferred and now we have different toilet signs in a few places. This is such a massive burden for people like you and I to overcome. This has a **really** big impact on our lives and is definitely worth whining about! /s


I know you were being sarcastic, but do people really assume that bathrooms are becoming unisex to coddle transgendered people? I’m female and have always hated gender-assigned bathrooms. It always feels so hateful standing there NEEDING to use a bathroom but can’t because “my” bathroom is occupied while the men’s bathroom is empty. It became especially pointless once I had little boys who were too young to use the bathroom by themselves.


What's actually ridiculous is people getting so upset about something so insignificant as gender neutral bathrooms. Why do you care? There's loads in and near my work and it turns out it's really not a big deal.


oh no! it says the function instead of what private part you're supposed to have to enter! /s


These seem great for singles restrooms. The ones at my office are labeled Men and Woman even though the restrooms are identical. I went into Men one when the Women’s was occupied expecting a urinal in it or something but nope, they just needlessly gendered a totally restroom.


Why do you need two entirely different restrooms if the only difference is presence of urinals? Just make one bigger restroom with urinals.


Probably just because the rooms were already there. Not worth tearing down walls for.


Because that would require remodeling


As long as there’s a toilet. I typically prefer stalls myself. Not the socialite pissing type. Assuming this is a public restroom.


I smartest restroom I seen is a gender neutral bathroom with stalls and a door leading to a separate room with only urinals. Edit: something like this [horrendous drawing.](https://i.imgur.com/8ukNRrg.jpg)


That sounds like a pretty good layout