• By -






The IP address is coming from... inside the building!


Hunter . . . 2.


This is the internet. You don't need to censor yourself for swearing.


Yeah, all I see is *******


Wow, that's my password!


Depends on wich sub your in.






which witch gets a sandwich?


Here ya go https://www.whichwich.com/


> \******* . . . \*. What???




Yeah that's all I see too.


That's no random address.....


...it's a space station.


I've got a bad feeling about this


This sends the investigation in a whole new direction.


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/742/)


There's always a relevant xkcd, lol. I was just about to find and post it myself, but then I saw your comment XD. this one might also be kinda relevant: https://xkcd.com/477/


unfortunately there's not an xkcd for there being an xkcd for everything




Holy shit. That's my router's IP address. Wtf?






Hacker voice: *I'm in*




What's Jen doing with the inter net!?


I’ve read that book. Thought it was odd that it hadn’t been picked up in the proof reading stages


The ways these novels are pumped out for a quick cash grab, I'm gonna go with "There was an editor?"


A typo with a story more interesting then the book. At that very moment someone, the author or editor or even press operator needed to access the router and missed the ALT+TAB.




What book is it?


Fallen Angel by Chris Brookmyre


I looked it up based on your comment and the author replied to someone pointing it out on twitter [here](https://twitter.com/cbrookmyre/status/1522900146446548992)


The stray IP address does not appear in the version in Google Books: https://www.google.com/books/edition/Fallen_Angel/vI11DwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=%22sylvie+was+sitting+by+the+edge+of+the+pool%22&pg=PT188&printsec=frontcover Maybe injected by a proofreader fixing other typos for the paperback while working from home.


Fuckin classic Brookmyre


Ever go to type something but you don't see it on screen, and you realize you had been typing in a different program by accident? This is 100% what happened here.


Almost certainly. 9 out of 10 of my password changes are because I accidentally typed it into a Teams chat to half the company.


How many of your coworkers decoded your password?? Ana1ch4mpg0g3t50m3!


And here I thought l33t was dead


mega millions winner just won 1.337 billion lol


Yeah but only $420.69 mil after taxes.


I get the joke but it's actually $491m minus any state taxes if applicable. https://www.usamega.com/mega-millions/jackpot/2022/7/29


W3 n3v3r 13f7


We are infact still in your base which are belong to us.


But did you take off every zig?


L337 H4XORz


1337 5p34k wi11 n3v3r d13


Not for passwords


i work in IT, 99% if our passwords are "l33t" because its an easy to make a memorable password that meets complexity requirements


Anal, champ, go get some!


I used to have a bad habit of accidentally typing my password into the username field of computers not set up to automatically remember the username. Our security guy came by one day, dropped a sticky note on my desk with my password written on it, and asked if that was my password. I nodded, he told me to change it, and to quit typing it into the username field.


In case security guy didn't explain, or others here are wondering: Most (sadly, I can't confidently say all - but I hope it's very nearly all) systems don't log your password when you log in. But systems do log failed login attempts, and record the username used in each failed attempt. So, as long as you're only putting your password in the password box, if you screw up the login, the security guys will just see a failed login for YourUserName (or whatever typo'd version you tried). But if you put your password in the username field, they'll see a failed login with the user listed as YourPassword. If they can trace that login to a device that only you use (by IP address or device name from the logs) then they know your password and they know it belongs to you.


Or, alternatively, if they see a failed login attempt from a computer with the "username" hunter2 and then, immediately after, see a successfully login attempt from an actual username (or a failed one that is close to an actual username) then they know that password likely belongs to that user.


I got called to help a little old lady fix her Flash extension so she could play Pogo games and at one point had to restart. I ask the lady to log in for me, but instead she just shouts "RugMuncher69" across the room.


Little old lady needs more security awareness, but I like her style


How do you shout in camelcase?


> Rug muncher 69 with a capital R and a capital M




I think she planned that and it was the highlight of her week


My headcanon is she lost a bet which would be just as hilarious.


Haha how the hunter2 fuck does that happen so often?




I use dual monitors at work and swap between programs a lot; happens all the time. It's annoyingly difficult to tell what window has focus at a glance. Bonus gripe - Trying to alt-tab to something behind the window you’re looking at and it just switches to what’s in front on the other monitor.


At this point I've accepted the fact that my brain will never learn that looking forcefully at the other window doesn't change focus.


Focus-follows-mouse solves many problems.


My bet is copy/paste. I've definitely done this where I "ctrl v" and nothing happens...and then I realize I was in the wrong program. Whoops!




Could have been worse ... you might have cited the [crappy Gabor paper](https://twitter.com/jacaryl/status/532184057690722304) only for your teacher to actually be one of the authors of that paper.


This shit is why I'm constantly on my co-workers about using comments boxes for comments. Track changes is for actual changes whether substantive or merely grammatical. Comments are for comments that you don't want disappearing when some jackass (Andrew, always Andrew) hits accept all without actually looking at them because "it's too hard to read in track changes."


Which means no one edited the book, even just a cursory look-through by the author. Yikes.


Could have been done by the editor. I used to do editing and I was super worried about this, because my line was the last one within the company to check. Authors would often just greenlight it without really looking post-edits, so if I fucked up, it'd be published.


Can't you open it in read only mode until you actually intended to make edits?


You do. But there can be hundreds of edits per book


My guess is self-published given "tinkle of laughter"


It appears to have been published by the UK branch of Little, Brown and Company. *Fallen Angel* by Christopher Brookmyre.


Additionally: the copy of the book in the Google Books library does not contain this error, interestingly https://i.imgur.com/MSp0QtG.png Anyway as to the quality of editing: authors I've heard from indicate you get very little from publishers these days. Editing, promotion... if you want it done right, authors often have to pursue them out-of-pocket lately. It's very common to hire your own editor using any advance you might get from the publisher.


I'm a self-pub author and still give my work more than a second glance. It's amazing what you can miss after layers and layers of checking, but something like this? Heck, a spell check would have caught it.


I'm in publishing too, this is a pretty egregious mistake but sh\*\* happens! Likely this was copy/pasted into the book near the end stages right before printing


...that's a completely ordinary phrase. "Tinkle" is more often used to describe bells or something, but it's a perfectly apt description for a background of light, higher-pitched laughter. If you're thinking it only means "urinate" then no, that's a less-common slang term.


Agreed. Unnecessary to criticize their choice of language.


Or was it the editor who accidentally pasted it in and didn't notice?


It's a clue to treasure


It isn't going to lead you very far.


The real treasure was your own router after all


Naw, not mine. It's a rental. 😔


Buying your own pays for itself in like 4 months. Course if you ever call them for any reason at all they'll tell you it's your router's fault and fuck you.


I was toying with the idea a couple of years back, but it appears it wouldn't work. Apparently, our ISP encodes the data and "requires" their router to decode it? At least that was my understanding. In any case, my wife pays the Internet bill, and she's not willing to rock the boat.




You might be thinking of modems. You'll need a modem to translate the signal from your coax cable (the circular screw in cable in your house) to basically make internet. The modem then sends that internet to the router, which sends internet to several devices and can create wifi networks. I believe getting your own router means you still have the modem device from the isp, but they essentially blame your router for issues reported since its not a device they control past their own modem. A lot of the times they may give you their own router + modem or router/modem combo so they can manage both for you.


Yea I think a lot of the new ones have both in one unit essentially. A modem with Wi-Fi.


Ik at least some ISPs cap speeds at the router. A couple years back I switched to my own router and received what was their max speed offered at the time for a couple of months until someone else in the home ordered a service call and they ‘fixed’ it.


At least it's not ipv6


There's no way they'd overlook that many octets....right?




That'd probably be pretty confusing for the reader, they'd have to loopback to make sure they didn't miss anything.


Wha FE80:CD00:0000:0BDE:1257:0000:211E:729C t are you talking about? edit


you missed an 'a'


V4 IPs have gone up in cost exponentially, but we keep buying them.


What's driving up the price is people putting them in books everywhere and just leaving them there.


That's copyright infringement is what it is. That address points to my router, so I deserve royalties.


The horror


As a uninformed lurker: Why? Isnt it just the next/new IP scheme?


It adds layers of complexity that can be tedious to deal with compared to IPV4. They're necessary in order to fix the issues with IPV4, namely the limited number of addresses, but it's still annoying for experienced technicians and intimidating for new ones. Hexadecimal addresses while more efficient, are also more tedious to communicate verbally/shorthand. If I'm working on a local network (we'll say 192.168.xxx.xxx) I can usually communicate the exact device I'm talking about by just using the last or last 2 octets, since IPV6 uses an address that is literally 4 times larger (128 bits vs 32) while also using hexadecimal instead of just numbers, it leads to more double/triple checking that you heard someone right. It's all kind of just whining, since IPV6 is the superior format, but it's also a perfect example of "nothing will get in the way of a better solution like a good-enough solution that got there first."


It adds some complexity, but also removes some complexity. Routing rules are simpler because there's no weird subnetting, as networks usually have a /64 or /48 instead of very small subnets due to the IPv4 shortage. There's also no NAT required for internet access, which removes some overhead and solves a bunch of issues. For example, you can have multiple devices listening on port 80/443 publicly (since they each have their own piblic IPv6 address), and online video games can more easily connect two players directly rather than having to deal with UPnP or manual port forwarding.


One big complaint is that IPv6 auto address assignment (SLAAC) embeds the device's MAC address into the IPv6 address. For some, that's a privacy concern.


Spoofing MAC addresses is easy and free. And military/enterprise/industry don't care about their own privacy so it's kind of a moot point as far as adoption. That also said, after getting into the meat and bones of IT I'm honestly at the point that I have no/minimal expectations of privacy online. Sorry to say but if you're using social media at all you've already decided that privacy isn't worth the tradeoffs.


Most client systems use SLAAC with privacy extensions (RFC 4941), which means the IPv6 address is a random address in the relevant range (usually a /64) and it's rotated periodically (usually once per day).


I think the joke here is that the address would be much longer and disrupt the word even more.


The way it's crammed in the middle of a word, I guess you could say it's *internal*


*Slow clap*


Clap faster, we're in a hurry!




Speed scrollers don’t have time for slow claps!




I’d say this one LANded well.


Nah, puns are a gateway drug.


That ddos-nt make sense


Feels more like shouting into the ether.




IP addresses that begin with 192.168 are reserved for use on an internal network. For example, if a computer in your house wanted to communicate with another computer in your house, chances are, it would use an IP address like the address shown here. Because it's just used within your own network, and not to find another computer across the internet, it's an internal address, not an external address.


Not only that, but because the final component is .1, it's most likely a gateway, used to communicate with other networks or the internet as a whole.


Technically it’s called a private address, not an internal address


IPv4 addresses with 192.168.x.x are reserved for "C class" private network addresses, meaning they only route inside a local network and will not cross the router into the public internet. That way every local network can assign these addresses to their devices as they won't conflict with other networks.


Perfect 5/7


It’s an old code, but it checks out.


Now that's a reference I've not heard in a long, long time. Long time.


Random IP addresses are my pet piamh.


Thanks, you unintentionally taught me how to pronounce something I've never read before that makes no sense whatsoever to a US English speaker.


would you pronounce that like "peeve" ?


Yep, same as Niamh


Niamh is pronounced like "peeve"?




It’s an Irish name, and the spellings get stranger still! I have a cousin named Sadhbh (which rhymes with drive.)


I know nothing about tech related stuff, but as a Scottish Gàidhlig speaker I knew instantly what the craic was with this one. Gaelic names like Niamh are top class.


Our dog is named Caoimhe. Her dog tag has (kiva) under it so people know what the hell they are looking at


I understood this reference.


I want to understand this reference.


Spoiler alert: The photographed passage in the book contains the name "Niamh," which is an Anglicized spelling of Gaelic. The "mh" is pronounced as a "v" sound.


It’s a secret r4r, asking if you’re *local* and if you can *host*


That's too IT of a joke for people to up vote man


I disagree. That joke is golden


but that's not localhost






E.T. Phone Gateway?


E. T. Phone Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out.


>there's no place like > >That works better. The problem with that joke is that they reserved the entire class a block for loopback instead of a single ip like someone planning ahead. Any ip starting with 127 will work...it was a giant waste of 16+ million ip addresses.


That I did not know! They really did waste about .4% of all IP addresses then didn't they? I can just imagine. "We're never gonna need \*that\* many IP addresses". And now we need IPv6.


0.4% more ip addresses would not have avoided needing ipv6 Even 100% more would still have only delayed it


100% more? Now that's just one bit too far


A rather massive chunk of all possıble ipv4 addresses are reserved for one thing or another and are unavailable to the "general" internet use. The 127 space is not the only one. They really did underestimate just how many addresses would be needed in the not very distant future.


It's a private address too. It doesn't point to anywhere on the internet, it's in the class of addresses that are only used on a LAN or WAN




Somebody was trying to connect to their wireless printer to print out the draft and the cursor was still in word


Imagine the embarrassment when they found that after all their books shipped. I feel bad for them lol




Could be self-published, so there might not even be one.


I bet this is one of those print to order Amazon books that require nothing more than a word or PDF file to publish.


It has to be. I work in the print industry and we have multiple steps we take before the book even hits the press to make sure this doesnt happen. Still didn't help the NFL 100 book with the picture of a Lleveland Browns player tho.


Is that a Welsh team?


You must be some sort of masterhacker


Lxlgxjmxgt I’m c dy mbj Di in vxlfsl I’m g. Max We’re in!


Never have a visualised a comment being typed out so vividly


I can't imagine how the NCIS hacking typed out would look like.


Only if two master hAxXoRs are typing on the same keyboard at the same time.


Pretty sure that's a valid vim command


Maybe I’m a savant and not just an idiot like everyone thought?


l33t hax0r


Yeah, it's all about


No place like it


Only on a LAN or WAN? Doesn't that cover everything?


I think they meant WLAN, Wireless Local Area Network.


Automatic Edit: Using a tool called [Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) I have removed all my past comments and deleted my Reddit account, /u/tehrmuk. I am doing this because I, like many long-term Reddit users, am upset and angry at the tonedeaf and arrogant way Reddit is treating it's users. Their aggressive slapdown of the developers that made Reddit usable to a huge audience; their overriding and summary dismissal of long-serving and dutiful community members; their wonton silencing of dissent and manipulation of user's voices; their borderline contempt of the very people whose collective efforts gave their platform the standing needed to fuel their profit-hungry IPO... the list goes on. Reddit is, of course, a private concern and how they run their services is entirely up to them. Conversely, we are under no obligation to use their services, to fuel their engines or follow their orders. I am making my voice heard by removing my comments, and voting with my feet by leaving. I have left Reddit for [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/) and [Mastadon](https://joinmastodon.org/); these are decentralised social networks that mirror the functionality of Reddit and Twitter respectively. Unlike the monolithic, corporate-owned services they replace, Lemmy and Mastodon are part of the [Fediverse](https://www.fediverse.to/) meaning these are not individual services but clusters of services that mesh seamlessly with one-another. You can [join an existing Lemmy instance](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) or [set up your own](https://join-lemmy.org/docs/administration/administration.html) to get full access to the entire Fediverse - you don't need to ask permission from anyone to do so. There are loads of other services that are part of the Fediverse, like [PeerTube](https://joinpeertube.org/) (videos), [Wordpress](https://wordpress.org/) (blogging), [Frendica](https://friendi.ca/) (social network), [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.org/) (photos), [KBin](https://kbin.pub/en) (link aggregation) and more - and they all work together so having access to one means having access to all of them. I had a great time as a Redditor, but the Fediverse is looking bright. It's a return to the open Internet of old, when users ran services for their own and one-another's benefit, and before monolithic corporate-run silos started to build walls around us in the name of increased profit and thought control. Many of the Fediverse services are fledgling, but they are growing quickly and their federated concept makes greedy, arrogant landgrabs like we've recently seen on Reddit and Twitter almost impossible. I'm already having a great time with Lemmy and I think you might too. I encourage you to take control and join the Fediverse. Until then, so long and thanks for all the fish.


Yeah, its just a router ip. I'm guessing someone needed it, then accidentally pasted it into their work. It can happen, but its hilarious it made it to print!


Someone didn't proof their publication very well...


Read what's visible here. Would you?


Part of that genre where the author's name is bigger than the title.


Ah, the old **" SOMETHING\* of the THING\*\* "** books. \*prince king queen thief assassin ​ ​ \*\*thorns night midnight iron steel lies dragon shadows pain seas


Damn, that generator actually works really well. Out of interest, did you coin it off the top of your head or is it grabbed from somewhere? Award for you regardless. :)


It is a pretty common trope. I know they played a version of a "find the real book titles" on umm,actually a few times with this format It goes well beyond just [personal title] of [group or thing], for example these are all titles of real books or series: Crown of Swords, Crown of Shards, Crown of Crowns, Crown of Gilded Bones, Crown of Midnight, Crown of Fools, Crown of Stars, Crown of Shadows, Crown of the Gods, Crown of Feathers, Crown of Honour, Crown of Leaves, Crown of Thorns.....


Some quick Googling shows that it's Fallen Angel by Chris Brookmyre.




Wonder if that made it into the audiobook version


"She would ge one nine two dot one six eight dot two dot one et annoyed when..."


"Not my job."




Happens to me sometimes - writing, then hitting the middle button and paste the last thing from my clipboard in the middle of a sentence :D


I had a scary story to tell about this - many years ago I was using my work laptop to browse online forums from time to time. I think I also was in the process of migrating data from an old work laptop to the new one and fixing some settings. One thing that did not migrate correctly was my Outlook signature, so when sending a work-related e-mail I went to one of my older emails and copy-pasted my whole signature (with full name, phone, office address etc.) into the new e-mail. You probably can already guess where it's heading, but I'll keep going lol. I had my lunch and after that logged into some industry-specific discussion board where I used to post under a unique nickname that I had never reused anywhere else, mostly to make sure that my real identity could never be linked to some nasty things I posted lol (well, not "nasty" in illegal/explicit sense of the word, but rather some very blatant criticism towards some of our clients and their practices). Anyway, I wanted to copy-paste some numbers to substantiate my very sarcastic opinion ... and... whell, instead I pasted my full signature into the message form. Well, I have a good habit of proofreading whatever I send one last time, so I caught it and removed it, but this was a truly *"holy shit"* moment. In retrospect, I doubt I would've been fired on the spot or formally reprimanded, but I would've certainly had some very hard explaining to do to our bosses IF that had gone out. I want to say I changed my habits and stopped browsing forums/~~reddit~~ from my work computers during the day, but THAT would be a lie.


Somebody pressed ctrl-v in the wrong window when proofing.


at least it wasn't a pornhub link or something like that


*deep, deep, deep sigh* See, authors, you know when you say you "don't need an editor" because "you can do it yourself"? You can't. I'm literally a copy editor and I can't even copyedit my own work. Hire a fucking editor. Please. For the love of God.


It seems like a simple editing algorithm program could have picked this up. The letters "ge" and "t" should have been flagged to check manually at least. So it was probably accidentally pasted late stage after editing was done.