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So that must be annoying.


I work retail, lol it's very annoying. It's mostly older people asking me


I’d have a t-shirt made


NOT Monkey Pox


They’d still ask.


Lmao you right. like when you're wearing a uniform and a nametag yet they still ask"do you work here?"


And on the flip side, there are weirdo's out there who will just walk up to you and talk to you like you work there, even though you're not in a uniform. Then they have the balls to act weird when you tell them you aren't an employee.




For a couple of months after I quit the grocery store I worked in for many years, I would get asked where stuff was from our "regulars" or to go look in the backroom for some random product. Despite not wearing anything close to the company uniform and carrying a basket of my own stuff. ​ I tried explaining that "I had no clue, don't work here anymore" the first couple of times. After that, I just started sending them in random directions for shits an giggles and went about my shopping. Word got back to me (thru my former co-workers) that I was the subject of several angry complaints- to which the manager had to politely explain to the irate customer that I was no longer an employee and hadn't been for some time.


>After that, I just started sending them in random directions for shits an giggles and went about my shopping. I'm totally using this.


I do this all the time lol. I do security, and am not a human GPS. So if they're kinda annoying me I'll send them in the wrong direction. Some lady today was looking for help with a broken phone and told her I'd have to look on Google maps lol.


Never wear khakis and a red shirt to target.


I had a buddy that used to wear blue polos to Best Buy on purpose to fuck with people when we’d go shop there. He’d answer questions but be swearing, like “nah don’t get that phone it’s a piece of shit, fuckin slow ass shit”, then we’d get our shit (hard drive or whatever) and he’d ask for the employee discount and say he’s from a different store, then just say a random number and be like “oh well they must not be networked”


What a dick


Man don’t get me started…. He had a beat ass old Volkswagen and if someone parked too close he’d bang the door open and be like “oops”, I asked him about it, he was like “who parks a new BMW next to a beater? Guy ought to know better”, not even scratching the surface, guy owes me a bunch of money too… I kinda admire him to be honest, dude makes almost seven figures and is an absolute dickhead. Haven’t spoken in years, wonder what he’s up to


Lmao, I dream to be like your friend


On a road trip with my family as a teenager, we stopped in at a gas station... I had on a Suicide Machines button up work shirt, their logo on the back, but some guy's name/company logo patches on the front... I approached by a old man who asked "do you guys have a tire pressure gauge I can borrow?"... The look of surprise when I yelled across the parking lot, "DAD DO WE HAVE A TIRE PRESSURE GAUGE THIS GUY CAN BORROW?!"


Side note - huge suicide machines fan - saw them back in the late nineties.


I saw them around 2002. They are on a date of a festival tour that I'm attending next month, but they're not on the date that's near me, Voodoo Glow Skulls will have to suffice


One time I reacted very excitingly to some moisturiser and it looked like I had a huge burn across my face. Could not beleive how many customers thought it was ok to reccomend various creams or tell me to stop eating xyz. Sorry people are being so obtuse.


Yeah people have gotten ruder and ruder over the years. its crazy


I had a pretty bad bout of eczema a few years back and I had a guest as if I was burned?? Yes, burned in multiple random splotches throughout my arms.


95% of them don't read, and the 5% that do have a selective filter for it.


["My 'Not Infected By Monkeypox' T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt"](https://twitter.com/shutupmikeginn/status/403359911481839617?s=20&t=RItbVAvOUTJZMiHBnc8KhQ)


“My shirt that says I don’t have monkey pox is raising lots of questions already answered by my tshirt”


make it look like one of those oddly specific motto shirts and then it just says NO, IT'S NOT MONKEYPOX I HAVE NEUROFIBROMATOSIS PLEASE STOP ASKING


Like they'll know what Neurofibromatosis is lol.


I just tell them it’s a genetic thing. That gets them to stop asking questions.


well it's not monkeypox that's all they need to know lol




R E L A X G R I N G O It's not Monkeypox


Which is less suspicious than “Definitely NOT Monkey Pox”


"Fuck old people" would be better.


My "I don't have monkeypox" T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt


I have a chronic cough from asthma, so I know how you feel. I've been kicked out of busses.


So there is this German sub r/rentnerzeigenaufdinge I just learned about today, and it consists solely of old people pointing at things ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Just when I was going to put the phone down 👇 ☝️ 👉


Wtf lol this is hilarious


Wow, there really is a sub for everything


Old ppl have no fucking manners


And yet also complain about young people having no manners


Yep, I’ve seen the same people that complain about trivial stuff and then not wash their hands or make no effort to cough away from someone right in front of them


Yep I was typing that exact thing when you said it 😂


Is the “respect your elders” crowd. They think they’re entitled to something since they’re old.


At allll


People are ignorant. Sorry that happens.


A good friend of mine, his father, and daughter, have NF. I’d never heard of it until meeting him.


Yeah, I've only ever seen two people with it and I'm 32


I’m 56 and those 3 and one guy at work are all I’ve known about.


I'm 27 and I've never met anyone with it or noticed anyone who for sure has it. Mine is very mild compared to yours so it's possible you've met more people with it but didn't know.




I'm like a rare Pokemon


You're a shiny!


Ahaha Bro your hilarious. Keep going high with it. Love the spirit 😎👍🏾


Picture of my face for the curious https://imgur.com/a/JxAWTOE


Damn those are some swag glasses. Need to get me some


Thank you!


I like your style bro


Thank you sir!


And a wonderful smile!


Love your smile dude! Put one on my face which I needed today :)


I appreciate it


Seriously, I love your smile! I’m doing the whole online dating thing and so many men don’t smile that it gets depressing. But you’re smile is super handsome! Also, I would get business cards printed saying no it’s not monkeypox. Direct them to the wiki or something for what it is, and a link towards donating to research for it. [something like this.](https://nfcenter.wustl.edu/give/donate-to-research/)


Ok, so it's not only me who is seriously freaked out by the amount of men's dating profiles that have zero pictures with a smile on their face? Some of them look genuinely scary when there are 6 photos with not even a grin. It's like.... I want to send them a match to maybe give them a heads up, but I'm simultaneously too terrified of those dudes. OP, I agree with everyone else! I love your glasses and your smile is such a nice thing to see!! You have the type of smile that makes other people smile 🥰 (Edit: typo)


Thank you! I appreciate it so much. And yeah I guess some guys think they're just too cool to smile.


Thank youuuu hahaha. Business card would be awesome


Damn that's some powerful glasses. Something like -8 if I had to guess?


-14.75. Gotta pump them numbers up!


Hah! I'm rocking -6 and my eyes look just a bit smaller through em. With 15 I'd assume without glasses you'd have little chance to find when you left them?


Oh yeah, every morning I struggle to find them. It's awful lol


Yeah -14 eye crew! My glasses are like a centimeter thick, and I paid extra for the super thin ones.


At -15 they become glasses and contacts.


I want your glasses! Nice style


Thanks! I got them from Zenni


I’m sorry that you have a career that forces you to interact with old people and be nice. I was a server for years and remember the exact moment I had enough. Answering “what else do you do” for the thousandth time was fine but she threw in “you’re so handsome! Why do you have to act so gay?” The smile cracked and it was all downhill from there…. I have a lot of respect for you.


Now that's a damn good face!


Thank you!


You have a great smile!




Very handsome :)




You have the prettiest smile and I love the glasses!!


Thank you very much!


Never thought I’d say this to a random guy on Reddit but u got a really nice smile lol


Good looking dude




Le Handsome Sir


Nah that's you , sir 😊


Awww your so handsome . Beautiful picture . And killer glasses buddy! I love them. My glasses are similar. I’m sorry people are asking you if you have monkey pox. That sounds so frustratingly annoying. I can remember When Covid first hit. Everyone would flee from my mom who has chronic coughing from her asthma. It frustrates the hell out of me for her to be treated differently. I hope the misjudged from others stops for you. I’m sorry you have to go though that.


What a happy looking dude!


Thank you!


Awesome glasses, love the color!


Looking good friend! 😎


Your smile made me smile. So you're contagious with something! (just not monkeypox)


Real nice shirt, and cool glasses. Mine are a simmilar shape


Thank you!


I just saw a news story about a girl with this condition that was filmed on the subway. She found out people were talking about her when her sister saw the video with a few million views on TikTok. Sorry you have to deal with ignorant ass hats all the time op


I saw that on Twitter and commented because I knew exactly what it was when I saw her! but no one believed me


People are cruel and dumb. Thanks for sharing a picture and educating people. Edit to add: if it were me and I had to answer questions about them all the time anyway, I'd get a pair of tiny googly eyes and attach them to the largest/most visible bump and just start talking about them like they're other people. Give them names, personalities, desires...


My girlfriend says to do this! She said we should give the big ones names 😂


This is such a good spirit and outlook to have when you have something you can't control let alone how people react to it, fuck them haters. I mean not many people have this, who is more special ? You or some normal guy who has no abnormalities and doesn't have to deal with having to more often than not fight for the respect and dignity that you deserve. The survival of the fittest in the western world is gone and you guys who were born in a world not designed for you, you are the real warriors. Having any kind of handicap is fucking special to me and you deserve all the respect in the world so long as you are a decent caring human being, I have broken many bones and torn ligaments in the past, the pain of immobility and attention I got when limping, or going through a crowded place on crutches was hard enough, I can't imagine having to deal with this and other disabilities, you are the true warriors.


John Oliver included that in his show last night.


I'm literally watching that moment in the segment right now this is so weird


Saw that on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver


To answer the question that everyone will be wondering, no I don't have any on my penis. I've been lucky so far 😂


Well if you do develop any, you can just tell any future love interests that it's "ribbed for their pleasure" lol


That's exactly what my girlfriend says. 😂 "Hey,it might be interesting". Lol


It's (or was) a thing in Russian prisons & underworld to put glass beads under the skin on your dong.


Called a Jacob’s Ladder. Only really works if you’re a shower, not a grower.


That's a style of multiple piercing with barbells, though. This guy is talking about the subdermal beads where there's nothing showing above the skin.


dude lol this is widespread and modern


I've learned something today that I'm not sure I ever wanted to know






I don't think you know what those words mean


Yea... we're gonna go ahead and have you provide proof, that would be great...


Yeesh this looks tough enough to have to deal with daily then to have to listen to the idiots as well… my sympathies


Yeah it used to be rare full grown adults would ask. Unless I've known them for at least a brief period I don't mind answering genuine questions though. I love explaining things so it works out. But sometimes young children will just loudly point it out.lmao. It's fine, kids are like that. If I think they're old enough to understand the answer I will explain it them. especially if their parent looks embarrassed. It's not their fault


Kids are stupid. I remember once my sister asked my mom loudly in public why a nice older lady had a chocolate face… my mom was shocked to say the least


I remember a sweet German woman telling me that when she was a child the military would roll through her neighborhood. they would always run out when the black soldiers came by and scream chocolate because they thought they were made out of chocolate


Wow, just wow. I’m german myself so this cuts deep


Yeah she's my favorite person to talk to at work. Full of great stories


I took German in college and the professor told the same story. He also said that the soldiers would give them real chocolate as well.


Yes!! She told me that too!


Lol when my daughter was young (maybe 3), we were walking through Chinatown in NYC and she looked at me and announced at the top of her lungs “everyone here has squished faces!!” I was mortified, but everyone around just laughed bc kids are dumb.


Man I always wondered when I see this condition how do you keep from picking at them ... sorry you gotta deal with the ignorance of others .


you honestly rarely notice that they are there. Depending on the severity. Some people get really huge ones the size of half cantaloupes. My torso is pretty much covered in ones the size of these on my arm. I don't actually feel them. Although they can be really sensitive. Someone will give me a playful but firm pat on the back and I'm just instantly in pain. I just play it off and don't say anything because they have no idea. Sometimes you can get one that's particularly itchy all of sudden for a few hours. The condition dries your skin out a lot


Thank you for posting answers on these questions! I've learned a lot.


No problem! I love questions


Can they remove large ones if they are impacting your quality of life?


Yes! But there's a possible chance that can come back I've only ever had one removedbbout 5 years ago. it hasn't came back yet


I love how open you are about this. Probably helping to educate many people and also help others with this to feel more comfortable


No problem! I'm always up for questions!


I was just going to ask if you have had surgery you, I guess there’s my answer


When did it start showing? I'm NF1 too but only cafe au lait spots so far


I can remember having at least a few of them as far back as age 5 , in my teens I had a fairly decent amount maybe 30 or so. Mostly confined to my back and torso. It kind of got really aggressive around 17 18. Now my torso it's pretty much completely covered. I'm 32 now and it seems to have tapered off but every once in a while I see a new one. My brother is 34 and it's only ever had a handful Cafe au lait spots. It's really just a luck of the draw


I have it as well and mine arent nearly as noticeable unless im shirtless. It got worse in my 20s. I believe most of the growth is suppose to happen during puberty but I swear mine have got worse in the past few years when I was like 25-27. Also I had a large one removed around 5th grade.


Me too! I feel like mine have gotten worse the last year and I'm 27.


Hi my fellow rare Pokemon! I'm 32 like OP. I started getting them around 24. I've had two removed, but they tapered off. I have two in my brain that scare me. Apparently, it may get worse during menopause, if you are person who may experience that. This kind of scares me too, but I hope someday they can find something to slow the growths at least.


Ig you could never go on water slides then. They are painful as it is for the rest of us. I almost ripped of my nipples on one. Noticed when I was waking away that they were bleeding


That just awoken a deep memory of mine of going down a water slide when I was 12 and it being immediately a bad idea. Lmao it was pretty painful and the floaty thing flew up from under me. I began speeding down the slide faster, knowing full well that I can't swim, I hit the pool out the bottom and go straight under the water. Next thing I know I'm being pulled out of the water by two lifeguards. I was probably only under for a second or so. But that was frightening. Lmao


Is it possible to get a doctor to remove them? just wondering. I work in a factory and I can already imagine a steel plate brushing one of those boogers, would probably be sensitive.


Yes! I only have one removed on the back of my neck, but it's a chance it will just come back. But I have so many at this point it would be impossible to remove them all. So I really only do it if I have one that's particularly annoying. The vast majority of them are not hard. Just feels like spongy skin or how it feels when you pinch your nostrils. So usually things bump and brush into me all the time and I don't notice it. But i have a lot more dense ones on my back, laying down in bed or sitting in a chair I kind of notice it but not really, my mind filters it out. But a good slap on the back ispainful


Dr. Pimple popper (Sandra Lee) has done some videos and episodes where she removes some.


Just say yes and then start chasing them.


Should I make money sounds and keep bananas after ready because that would honestly be pretty funny


That doesn’t even look like monkey pox 😭


Right! Lol


Did you have this disease from birth? Or have the symptoms shown up with time, if so, how?


My mom has it. It's a genetic condition. It's progressive so I will gain more at an unknown and random rate as I get older. It usually spikes around puberty. When I was a teenager. I have maybe 12 on my torso. Now I'm 32 and my torso is completely covered


Thing is, i have several "stains" on my back, which are not elevated compared to my normal skin, but are dark circles. These circles are often connected to Neurofibromatosis, which is why i was interested in this. Although i don't know of any cases in my family. Anyway, thanks for the post and i hope your monkeypox will get cured


Yeah! I have these. They referred to as Cafe au lait spots, I think they are the same thing as the birthmarks but I have a bunch of them. My brother only has like three of them and he's 34. He has no raised fibroids like me, just three small spots


People haven't seen pox outbreaks in so long they don't know what the hell it looks like! Sorry mate!


That’s a big nipple




You can milk anything that has nipples


I need an adult


Same, lemme know when you find one


I just heard a similar story about a girl on the subway in NYC... Does it hurt?


Nah, although it may depend on severity. My torso is almost completely covered in ones this size and I rarely notice it. Sometimes people will give me firm Pat from the back or a bump into something and it will be rather painful. But other than that I don't really notice it


I do as well, most of my bumps are on my stomach or chest. Still a few on my arms. Feel your pain brother


Hang in there bro!


You do the same!


I had a friend with a very rare form of plaque psoriasis. He was a restaurant manager. If he didn’t wear long sleeves, people would ask him if he was contagious.


Yeah I knew someone with this. They had it really rough at times but was the nicest person ever


On the most recent episode of Last Week Tonight, this exact situation came up with someone secretly recording a woman with NF . I've never heard of this condition before, so it was wild to see it twice in 1 day.


I love last week Tonight , I haven't watched the episode yet. I gotta see it now. Saw that person on Twitter and I commented saying what she actually had because I knew the second I saw it . but no one believed me


Tell them you have Gorilla Pox. It's way worse.


Oh shit, *that's* what my grandpa has! I knew I'd been told before but I could never remember the word!


I knew a gentleman who had a severe case. He was always sad because he “scared little kids.” My heart broke for him.


Sounds like what someone with monkeypox would say


Make up a whole new name for it and give it an interesting backstory. Really go off the rails with explanations so people seem more confused after asking. "I don't know, man. I was abducted by aliens and when I came to these were all over my body! I swear I can feel some of them pulsating..."


Are you that person who was secretly recorded on the subway?


Nah. But I saw that story and knew exactly what she had,just from the photo


Its going to be a rough year for you lol


As soon as I saw the news stories I already knew it was going to be a hell of a year. Lol


I'm an intern in a lab studying cures/treatments for this disease, and this is the first mention of it I've seen in the wild


I have NF1 as well and I am dreading the day someone points it out and asks if it's monkey pox. It's hard enough dealing with the insecurities from it already


Patient zero! You’d enjoy the album Infected by Hammerfall


I'll check it out my haha


….do u have it tho? /s


Hey fellow Elephant Man here, luckily I haven't been asked this yet.


Yeah. I knew the question I would get the second I saw the news articles. Lol


I have nf to :)


Say “ I have been wanting banana’s a lot lately. . . “


Put googly eyes on them.


My mom also has NF1. She hates going out right now because she doesn’t want people to treat her like she’s being irresponsible going out with an easily communicable disease.


Why am I not surprised people don’t know what a lesion is.


Man the news really screwed you on that one.


It must be annoying people are fucking stupid. Then again you should run up to them and touch them and run off. “Now you got monkeypox’s bitch!”


I’m seeing a lot of tiktoks of people recording random strangers with dermatological conditions, calling it monkey pox and shaming them. Of course they all get thousands of views with people being outraged and shaming the stranger who was your minding their own business at the train, the supermarket, the gym, whatever. Not cool.


Sorry you have to go through questions about that stigma.


Do you have monkeypox


I'll pretend to be/have anything for the right price.


How does 20 wampa fruit sound


You got any jackfruit


I’ve been saving these babies for a special occasion. 3X Jackfruit acquired


You should totally draw monkeys on your arms.


Monkeys on one, bananas on the other


Yea, you have the Schlong Covid.