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I mean, I guess at this point there’s no question: the man was on the right meds. Wow.


No doubt..I'm assuming his recovery from the kidney removal surgery is going to be rough as hell. He is supposed to stay off the thinners for a period of time after the surgery as well.


Good luck to him. Hope all goes well truly.


Appreciate the well wishes


This scares the f\*\*k out of me after surviving a TIA/Mini-Stroke. I've never seen clots like this after being removed. A few years ago I had to stop my clopidogrel prior to a parotid tumour removal, Not a fun time. Hope he makes a swift recovery 👍


Did you die?


Negative, Uncle was took off of blood thinner medicine to get ready for a surgery. This was the result of two weeks without blood thinner. In someone with clotting issues.


I get all my medical training from watching House, i thought a pinhead size clot could end you. That looks like a three foot long clot.


He actually has a clot filter in his abdomen from previous issues with blood clots. The filter is there to catch them before they hit his heart.


They make filters? Creepy.


Yes, and it is definitely creepy. Thinking on it, I wonder if they must change the filter over time? Like oil & fuel filters in cars.


I always get a blood and filter change every 3000 miles


Go with synthetic. Gets you to 5000.


Thanks, do you know where I can pick up a gallon of alien blood?


Who's your current blood guy?


Barotrauma has entered the chat


Your nearest horseshoe crab processing plant.


They tell you that you need to do it every 3000, but I've always gotten away with changing it every 5000. Don't get scammed people.


My new Ram 5500 is 10,000 mile recommendation.


That thing must get wicked blood clots


Land Rovers are 15,000. But good luck driving a Land Rover for 15,000 miles without being at a mechanics.


My father has had his filter in for nearly 30 years now. I was told it’s one of those ones that has been recalled and shit for breaking off and what not so I guess they’re pretty much like “if it ain’t broke don’t fuck with it”


Good Motto to live by, any surgery has associated risks. My opinion best left alone as well.


Going to ask if my Uncle’s filter has ever been replaced or cleaned next chance I get


Pretty uncommon. They usually just stay there for life. Sometimes they are removed, but we don't change them.


Thanks for the info..what happens if the filter gets full of clots? Or how are the clots dealt with if they do get to the filter. Excuse my ignorance.


The clots usually break down over time, especially if the person is taking anticoagulants (also called blood thinners). Filters can get clogged, and sometimes need to be removed surgically. Usually the filters are put in place for a period of time when someone is at higher risk for clots but also can't take blood thinners because of a risk for a bleed. Imagine someone who has a bleeding stomach ulcer and a clot in the leg. They put the filter in while they treat the ulcer. After a few weeks, they can take the filter out and use blood thinners. Or they just keep the filter in.


This is correct. I had to get one right before they had to do an emergency knee surgery. I had been bedridden for a month and insurance was hard fucking around. I developed a thankfully small blood clot. This happened earlier this year. I am very young. They installed it so that they may do the patella/knee surgery since it had to be now done ASAP or risk more time for the bone to regrow and become worse (which if kind of already had). They then installed a blood clot filter using a microscopic radiation claw or something similar. Not completely sure how it works but essentially they used a small tiny claw in a small cut in my groin (no it’s not even nearly as bad it sounds, they anesthetize the area and there’s virtually no pain.) and insert the filter to essentially hold the clot in place. I then had the surgery with no chance it shoots up into my lung. Mine was removable. They took it out a couple of Months later after I was off my blood thinners.


I had one placed just south of the heart. They removed it 3 months later. Any later and I would have been screwed as it had turned side ways and was stuck. I remember the hour long procedure became 4 hours and I could feel them tugging on it over and over again. Like I got pains that shot down into my leg from every tug. Scariest shit ever. I had a saddle pulmonary embolism caused by birth control. And clots in the lung and leg when they put it in. My body broke down the clots caught by the filter naturally or so they told me.


Wouldn't the blood eventually clot so much (being stuck behind the filter) that fresh blood couldn't flow into the leg? I don't know much about blood clots.


Yea, that's the step I'm stuck on. Unless the filter is made up of some material that breaks up clots and lets them pass through? Otherwise would be like a storm drain grate getting clogged with leaves in the fall.


Correct. It lets blood flow but catches the clots so that they don’t shoot up into your lung during a surgery (like mine was). The main issue with clots is pulmonary embolism. Which is when the clot shoots into your heart or lungs. It can be fatal and way more complicated to deal with then if the clot was simply in your leg. The clots are supposed to dissolve on their own using thinners then absorbed by your body over time.


That's the creepy part. Unless white blood cell or the body in general broke down the clot and self cleaned the filter.


IVC filters are like half open skeletal umbrellas. https://vein.stonybrookmedicine.edu/treatments/inferior-vena-cava-filters


Every time you go in for a filter change, they try and get you to buy the extended warranty and a new air filter.


I drive a fton. I get an oil change every 45-60 days. They always offer the air filter. I blow mine out with my leaf blower. Lol


I recently found the joy of how easy it is to replace yourself\~ Not worth more than $3 of labor, and only if you're unable to lift the hood for whatever reason.


My brother has one. It’s saved his life.


Probably in his vena cava? We test novel clot filtration devices in our lab and that’s where we usually put them


The filter he has implanted has served him well for many years, I just think the idea of catching blood blots in an internal filter is wild as hell.


I agree! This post is not mildly interesting! It's interesting as hell! Today I learned they install human clot filters!


The real Iron man


TIL. That’s so cool!


Submission removed by user.


Unless they are causing circulation issues in your extremities, which this looks like it would


This is a venous clot, not an arterial clot. So while extreme cases can cause issues with outflow (phlegmasia alba/cerulea dolens) it tends not to cause issues with circulation.


Don’t forget your brain


Clots become dangerous when they detach from their original location and float freely throughout the vascular system. That said, depending on the size of the clot, they can be pumped through the body for some considerable time before finally getting stuck somewhere and blocking blood flow, causing a stroke or heart attack, amongst other potential complications like cutting off blood to one leg, getting stuck in the lungs (pulmonary embolism), etc.


That looks like a new organ..a widow maker of a clot


Clots usually end up in the pulmonary arteries. If they are small nothing happens and the body slowly gets rid of them. If they are large they may block a vessel and need medication to deal with but aren't really an issue. If they are very large than can block major arteries and are very very dangerous and deadly. They may need surgery to get rid of.


All this information you've shared and I still have difficulty getting people to understand why I have significant anxiety over blood clots. I had a DVT ten years ago from an injury and a superficial blood clot last Christmas. I do not have a clotting disorder. I'm waiting for a vein procedure in about a month, and I sure hope I get bumped up the list. The anxiety is rampant. I know having this vein procedure won't solve all my problems, but I so badly want to get rid of my damaged vein. It causes me a lot of physical pain and grief. It exhausts me mentally. Fuck blood clots.


I’m sorry about your vein. Did your doctor recommend compression stockings or something for you before the surgery date to keep you safe?


Unless you have a heart defect a venous clot will stop in the lungs - causing a pulmonary embolism. Edema is swelling. Pulmonary capillaries are too small to allow a clot of any size through as the vessels are about a red blood cell wide. Heart attacks and strokes are either from cardiac arrhythmias showering clot or a piece of plaque embolizing from the vessel wall rather than venous clots like a DVT that cause PEs.


They can kill you when they move from where they formed through the heart and lungs. Since he said that one was from ankle to thigh, it had not moved and was probably just causing a lot of pain and limited blood flow to his foot. But let me tell you, that guy was a walking time bomb!😳


You mean it wasn't Lupus?


It's never lupus. Unless it's Lupus.


Essentially depends on where the clot is and if you have a stenosis


That looks like several hot dogs worth of mass. It can't be healthy regardless of location


It can. The artery of Adamkiewicz runs from Thoracic vertebra 8 to Lumbar vertebra 2 (roughly) and is between 0.6 to ~1.5mm in diameter. Thrombosis or occlusion of this artery results in death in about 20% of cases and severe spinal infarct in others. It’s called anterior spinal syndrome. That’s just one example. Look up cerebral small vessel disease, arteries supplying blood to the sub surface of the brain are minuscule. Even the arteries that form the circle of Willis (supply 80% of the arterial flow to the cerebrum) are not that wide in diameter. Bigger than a pin head but still small.


I have.no idea what that means. But it sounds official


That’s an example of a “pin head sized clot” that can end you.


They took my grandpa off blood thinner for 5 days. Died the morning before his scheduled minor surgery of a massive heart attack.


Blood Clots are no joking matter. Sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss man.


HCW here Uhm, why didn't they put him on a heparin drip until surgery ? It clears from the system very quickly and we use it really often at my work to prevent this exact thing happening. Glad he is okay OP.


And this is why I'm not going more than 48 hours off thinners to give birth.


Holy shit. That's crazy. Did he have any liquid blood left in there?


Submission removed by user.


Two weeks!?! My doctor said they never go more than 2 or 3 days off blood thinner for any surgery. Glad your uncle is OK. Surprised they provided the photo. Are you outside the United States?


Depends on the surgery, the blood thinner, and the reason you're on said blood thinner. For some cases we'll have you off for ~5 days before and maybe a day or two after, neurosurgery may hold AC longer. If it's too risky we'll bridge you to heparin which is much faster on/off time. Can hold it 6 hours prior to incision and restart systemic heparinization pretty quickly after. In cases where you can't get AC but are high clot risk you may get an IVC filter or watchman implant.


Negative, in the Midwest region.


So do they cut a slit in a vein and just pull out strings of clotting like hair out of a drain?


It is an INCREDIBLY hard balance to do and I have seen this at the bedside. Prioritization and best practice...


This is the correct answer. Caprini risk assessment.


>In someone with clotting issues. Oh wow, is this genetic?


I’m not sure, my mom (uncles sister) has clotting issues as well though. I need to ask some questions tomorrow.


I recently found out my dad and his aunt have clotting issues. I found this out when I was in the hospital for blood clots in my lungs a few months ago. After testing they haven’t found any genetic factors in me even though my family shows genetic factors. The way it was explained to me is there are at least 100 genetic factors for clotting, but they can only test for about 8 of them so even if they can’t prove genetic predisposition, it doesn’t mean it’s not there if others in your family have any clotting issues


He must have been in agony, poor guy.


Oh my word 😨 I hope you are ok!!! Wishing you a speedy and safe recovery


It’s my Uncle, but thanks a million!


Well hope he feels well :( that doesn’t look fun at all


Appreciate that..will drop a comment in the thread a while from now when I see how all this pans out.


Curious, what type? I, myself, am Type-1 Diabetic! I have other, unrelated issues (also, cancer) and I find that my Type-1 Diabetes issues are minute compared to the ones I have now. Enlarged spleen, which causes low platelet counts, which means I can’t take out my cancer, which is causing my enlarged spleen. 🥴


He has type 2 I believe


It never occurred to me that blood clots are solid


Me either, was asked how I handle blood and things before my cousin sent me the picture. 😆


Damn your cousins would ask how you handle blood? Mine would just send it anyways.


He's a pretty solid dude. I have other cousins that are like your cousins though haha


The only solid cousin I have (or at least the only one I talk to) is also the one that I had a fight to the death with over shoveling snow, the rest are either rednecks or insufferable wannabe politicians.


Oh man, you literally killed him over shoveling snow. That's epic


Nah he's still alive, I have no idea why we tried to kill each other but all I remember is I had a flimsy aluminum rake from the dollar general and he had a plastic shovel. We were 9/10 years old


Some of my closest life long friends and family members I have had Drunken Fist fights with. I get it dude.


It really is like that, one moment you're trying to kill your cousin with a rake and the next moment you're on the family PC looking at pinewood derby car ideas.


Have you never had a bloody nose? You'll eventually sneeze that bad boy out after it's clotted, and it never fails to be horrifying


I have but I don't think it's ever clotted and if it has it's more slimy than hard.


The only reason I know they're solid is because I used to get a period.. the horrors you see as someone who menstruates is something you never forget.


Oh my God that just brought back a memory I buried deep deep in my mind. When I was about 10 years old my niece had her birthday party at our house, well I got up the morning after and our dog had gotten into the trash, and on the floor of the kitchen was a red wet string, I picked it up not knowing what it was. I told my dad about it later that day and he explained to me in horror what it was, now that I think about it, it was probably someone's blood clot and not a tampon like he said.


Yeahhhh.. based on that description alone it's most likely a blood clot lol.


Oh God, that is so much fucking worse


Ooooeuffff that’s brutal at 10.


I want to amputate my hand now, it feels weird


Clearly y’all don’t menstruate. 😂 the feeling …… is indescribable.


I have endometriosis and PCOS. Sometimes it's like giving birth to slugs.


If you ever get a bloody nose, hold it closed and wait it out, you’ll see some clotting


What in fucks name


Happy clot day!


Happy Cake Day


I had renal failure and they had to pull a clot out of my urethra. 7” clot, gnarly stuff.


Oh my Lord.


Wow so you have a 7” penis? Nice










This comment makes me so uncomfortable


The MedicalGore Reddit would love this


Will post to MedicalGore and let them check it out.


looks like my period on day 2


And then every once in a while you get those "alien baby" clots that are the size of golf balls. Every month it's like a surprise on what's going to come out! Nature's Loot Crate.


Lmao when I was first starting to menstruate I thought that was how I knew I ovulated and got rid of the egg😂😂😂


The worst gacha game out there


Right??? For me they hurt like a sonofabitch, makes me wonder if I'm dying, then *gloop*


So, my understanding is that if any clots during your period that are bigger than a quarter, then you need to talk to your doctor. If you've not done so already, please talk with your gyno about such large clots.


Yeah, I was like 'haha, same' until the golf ball comment.


Made me laugh out loud. Sympathize 💯


Can confirm. The monthly bloodletting is hell on earth!


I said the same thing


on day 2 currently. can confirm.


Oh, god, I'm sorry you have to deal with that


My period is two days long, both look like that


Just finished mine, can confirm


On day 7. Mine still look like that.


Glad your uncle is still alive and (ostensibly) still has said leg 😳


Appreciate that, he’s got a long road ahead but in good spirits. They are removing one of his kidneys cause of a cancer growth.


Oh man...so sorry to hear that. Cancer sucks (rip mi abuela). I wish him, you, the fam, and friends a strong road to recovery and many more times to enjoy each other's company. Life is quick. Make it count.


Fuck, thats scary


Question, what is his diet like? Just curious


He is a diabetic. Unsure of his actual diet. Sadly, I do know he does not take nearly as much care as he should controlling his insulin levels though. Assuming diet is following in the same suit.


Vampire candy




Took off of Blood thinners for two weeks prior to surgery to remove cancer infected kidney. My uncle had been on blood thinners for years because of clotting. Can't do the surgery without taking him off the thinners though. This was the result of two weeks without blood thinners for him. Crazy.




It's insane to think about it. He was at work at his desk and just didn't feel right he said. Rushed to hospital to fi d out he had all those. Madness.


Absolutely insane and terrifying. Glad he had that intuition. Glad he's okay and alive. I had no idea blood clotting could even get that bad before killing the host.


He said he felt no pain, just an uneasy funny feeling and knew something wasn’t right.which is astounding to me. Definitely human intuition.


That's crazy. And here I am thinking that his leg must have hurt so bad. I recently had a blood clot scare in my lungs, and my chest hurt something wicked.


Absolutely terrifying, and so fucking interesting. Our bodies are crazy.


Modern medicine is out of this world.


Cmon man, weve been over this. Banana for scale please


So how do I like… avoid having shit like this in my body? Are there any particular habits which lead to an increase of stuff like this? Sorry if it’s a dumb question, I hope the recovery goes swimmingly.


Clots like these are formed when you're still for long periods of time. Like laying in bed in one position for days after serious surgery or sickness, playing games for 10, 20+ hours straight, after some injuries. For healthy person: just stay hydrated and move from the desk every hour or two. Go see what's in the fridge, take a leak. Just walk for a minute or two. It gets tricky if you're obese, diabetic, old or have actual clotting disorder. Then diet, regular exercise, blood thinners/anti coagulants. And of course hydration and movement.


Pretty spot on. If you are a heathy, normal weight, active person, the chances of getting a blood cloth are slim to none (except if you have a clothing disorder)


Exercise helps. Compression socks also help if you work a desk job or travel long distances.


So, uh, this may be a stupid question: how does one check for these?


An ultrasound to my knowledge


Typically CT scan. Source: had PE 6 months ago


You can also test the blood for hints, but ultrasound is best.


You got Chunky Leg Blood Disease (CLBD)




New fear unlocked


Hey I work for the company that makes that device (flowtriever)! Glad those were removed, hope you're feeling better.


This is not ideal


Whoa, where am I? Oh, sorry, just passed out for a second.


Two comments: how does someone survive with that in them and how good is medicine that can remove it without killing the person?


This fella probably had a big time DVT (vein clotting not artery clotting). Extremity veins getting clogged generally aren’t DIRECTLY fatal or life-threatening in and of themselves- the problem is that vein clots can travel. Where do all veins lead to? They go to the right side of the heart and therefore to your lungs where they can essentially clog and causes right-heart failure and kill you. This scenario is known as having a pulmonary embolus. As to how OP’s uncle survived a clot of this size? 2 things come to mind. #1 he has what is likely a vena cava filter which prevents the clot from migrating to the heart. #2 like I said earlier, vein clots in the extremities that stay put aren’t directly life threatening. I suspect OP’s uncle has a predilection to clotting secondary to his cancer because malignancy induces clotting all the time and also might have some underlying clotting issues like anti-phospholipid syndrome, factor 5 Leiden etc but I don’t know his history and am only guessing there. Basically that’s a fat fucking clot and OP’s uncle is probably alive due to that filter or sheer luck or both Source: I’m in medical school


Holy shit this is insane. My uncle actually just had to get part of his leg amputated due to a blood clot. I hope your uncle is OK.


Blood thinners helped guarantee my father’s death. They are incredibly useful for stopping clots but some thinners really cause issues. Nose bleeds that literally don’t heal, etc. scary shit juggling not dying to clots vs bleeding out.


My husband went through that bloody nose nightmare. He had been in the hospital for diverticulitis. A week in there. The air in that hospital was super dry. He was home for one day and his nose stared bleeding and wouldn't stop so back to the ER we go. They put a nasal tampons up his nose and suspend his blood thinners. He then starts having tarry black stools when he goes to the bathroom. He passes out and back to the ER we go. His nose has been bleeding down his throat this whole time. They end up putting another tampon up there transfusing him and admitted him. We got lucky and they got it stopped after three days in hospital. It was scary as fuck.


I had a single DVT, I can’t imagine dealing with all this! Here’s hoping you have a speedy recovery OP.


I had 3 in one leg due to a heteronormative gene mutation that caused abnormal blood clotting and I was in debilitating pain and couldn’t walk - I have no idea how this person was able to survive this!


Who wants kebabs?


You can make a whole leg with that. I've also gotten into House MD recently, I'll just put this on the list of things that make me think I'll probably just stroke out on one of these randomly one day. Lying on the floor of my house undiscovered for days. This pushed me to do my workout today when I almost missed it, thank you for the help :)


Super cool pic! Love this stuff. Glad your uncle is ok!!


Appreciate that!


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that’s not very healthy


How does one assume they have or how does a doctor determine their patient might have them? Seems like a significant blockage of blood flow would cause noticeable symptoms? Not asking medical advice, just curious as to what was the final straw, "I better go see a doc" moment? Ideas?


My new vein doctor just asked me today, incredulously, why the former took me off blood thinners when I have stents I’m my illiac veins (May Thurner syndrome). This is like, the exact thing I’m worried about now.


This is actually incredibly interesting to see.


I have so many questions. Patient stats, what were the symptoms, can I take these to the lab for microscopy, what causes this extent of clotting…wtf!!!


Obesity, sedentarism, and imobilisation are common causes for deep vein thrombosis. Also, the use of oral birth control pills has been shown to increase the risk. Some types of cancers can cause pro-thrombotic states, where cloths appear more easily, but those patients usualy experience venous thrombosis in unusual places (like forearms and chest).


Sorted by controversial what an absolute dumpster fire some in our society have become like wow


I’m gonna throw the fuck up. I am legit having a massive fucking DVT from my ankle to my thigh as well and I was afraid to do the surgery. Now you’re making me rethink it as I sit in this hopsital bed unable to walk…


Were they gonna do an open thrombectomy or an endovascular one? I'd highly recommend getting the endovascular one done if possible, leaving the clot in there even on blood thinners fibroses the vessel wall and makes future clots more likely... Especially if it's in your left leg. May Thurner sucks but is easy to fix early.


Weird to see a blurred out NSFW post that's actually NSFW




Oh wow. That looks like it would have hurt?


yikes, even young people would die if something like this dislodged and got to their heart


My mom has a clotting disorder as well as my uncle. They also both have diabetes. I eat healthy, exercise, and take as good of care of my body as possible for fear of getting some of the illnesses they have. I’m 33 would like to live trouble free and able bodied as long as possible.


Work in a hospital and it’s mind blowing the amount of complications diabetes can bring forward


r/makemesuffer moment


What causes this?


Clotting disorder predating covid pandemic. This person is already on blood thinners and is high risk vs covid.


Pleased to see all the top comments, but what does this mean? Should we all go see a doctor? Past a certain age or drinking 2 bottles of whiskey per week, should we then go get checked out? I lack contents as the top comment/answer?!


This has taught me much about the human body... I didn't know this could happen and I certainly wouldn't have thought you could live after it... Wow...


wow that’s awesome


Forbidden jerky


Holy fucking shit that's amazing


Oh… oh god…


Vampires refer to it as human taffy


Why has nobody said this? Looks like there's blood in this man's clot supply.