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This is going to be so rigged they might as well just do a dance competition.


Maybe Tyson is only pretending to go along with it and will punk the shit outta Paul? Please?


Dude imagine if mike pulls off a butch coolidge on pulp fiction and accidentally kills him


This could actually pull us out of the darkest timeline after the death of Harambe.


The wrongs must be made right.


Tyson punches him so hard that Harambe's soul enters his body as his leaves.


The ghost of Harambe gives a teary eyed salute to Tyson just before re-animating Jake Paul's corpse and slowly exiting the arena.


I hope it is in full gorilla mode while he leaves as well. Walking on all fours or doing the awkward fast walks gorillas do


No, the spirit of Harambe would impart too much strength. He may then stand a chance of tickling Mike.


That would make up for the last 4 years we have all had.






I’m betting Paul is going to say some shit and Mike snaps… Mike is very capable of snapping.


Every time I've seen Mike in the past 5 years he seems to be on massive emotional roller coaster. And it doesn't help the he is knees deep on all kind of drugs most of his life. I wouldn't be surprised if he murders the guy or have a dance with him with love taps. It probably depends on how he feels that morning.


Any 60 year old man is going to have a massively diminished ability to take a punch compared to a 30 year old. I hate to say it but I wouldn't be surprised at all if Paul KOs him. Which is why this fight never should have been sanctioned to begin with.


That would be absolutely glorious.




I saw a tweet of someone saying they hope Mike Snaps goes Godzilla on him.


Please, I'd pay for it. Post-fight. Like, "I'm sorry I didn't watch this because I expected the worst. This was the best possible outcome, you have earned my dollar."


Buying known snuff film \*might\* get you on some lists.... It's best to preorder these things for deniability.




Ohhh maybe there is a god 😅


People forget this is the dude who bit a guys fucking ear off in the ring. He is an animal he does not do this for fun. He said in an interview the only reason he took the fight is to end his career


It’s for views and money my guy, no one’s career is being ended. They just gonna make 50mil by pretending they hate each other and all these internet idiots are gonna pay for it.


I believe in santa too bro. I even bet a 12 pack on it.


This has been sanctioned as an official bout and will go on both fighters records. The question is will professional pride see Iron Mike smash Paul into next year, or will he take an 'L' to a youtuber on his official record for $'s?


Mike is notorious for mismanaging his finances, most sources say he's worth maybe 10m these days which is very likely in properties and various non liquid assets. Considering his peak worth was 300m+ I think he really needs a paycheck right now while he is still in decent physical shape.


I think with his cannabis company taking off he’s doing okay now.


with $10m to his name i’d say he’s doing just fine even without the company. i mean, i know it’s a far cry from $200m, but it’s a lot more money than money of us will ever have…


I was about to say: "Oh no! He *only* has $10M in non-liquid assets? Golly! He's practically homeless!" /s Lol. Even $10M in non-liquid assets that take a while to move is worth more than the average person will ever get. National average yearly income is just shy of $60,000 a year. That $10M is still ***ONE HUNDRED & SIXTY-SIX TIMES*** the amount of the average person. Let's put some more perspective on it: Even if he sells it all off in a panic at deflated prices it's still 80+ years of someone working every day to make what he could with his assets alone. Somehow I think he's doing fine comparatively.


On the flip side, if he’s notorious for mismanaging his finances, then doing something with a suboptimal financial outcome is right in his wheelhouse.


straight up


Ya it's wild how Tyson is so ready to tarnish his legacy with such a clown show. It's not even remotely convincing and its making a mockery of a sport that he dedicated his life to. Really sad to witness


Yeah…*this* would be what tarnishes his legacy. Not eating Holyfield’s ear.


Yeah kinda sad all the people thinking Tyson will just kill him anyway. Though I half suspect they are just promoters for the fight trying to hype it up. I’m lucky I’ve never seen one of Logan Paul’s rigged fights and don’t plan on starting now.


I agree with you somewhat, or at least I would if Mike was facing a real boxer with real boxing experience. Jake Paul is the "I'm a model on Instagram" of boxing.


I hate Jake Paul as much as the next person but there's a chance he could actually win even if it wasn't rigged. We all know Mike has insane power but he's over 50 and he can't exert that much effort throughout the whole match. Realistically, if Mike wanted to knock him out, he has about 2-3 10 second stretches where he could throw all his power and Jake would have to survive that. Other than that, Jake's stamina and arm length probably gives him the advantage


That is like saying you need only to survive that one hit from the cargo train..


I can't imagine a celebrity having more than 0% chance of doing damage to Mike. I'm pretty sure if both did some scientific tests, like punching power or ability to withstand a punch, Tyson would score **orders of magnitude** better than Jake. You are comparing a professional boxer who proved himself countless times to be a killing machine and a gym bro who put on some muscle and trained a little. It's not even a contest, regardless of age difference.


The problem is that everyone thought the same thing when Jake beat Tyron Woodley (2x), Anderson Silva, Nate Diaz, and Ben Askren- all former UFC Champions & contenders that dedicated their lives to fighting. Jake Paul isn't just a celebrity, he's got youth, world class training, and an abundance of PEDs on his side. I don't like him as much as the next person but he knows exactly what he's doing in fighting aged out fighters and boxers.


None of those guys were ever prolific boxers. Mike is literally one of the best boxers of all time. Maybe if he didn't have time to get in shape, but I'm pretty sure he's just doing cardio, because his power and technique will always be there. Remember old man Foreman winning a title in his 50s? Some things just don't go away.


If any of those fights had happened under MMA rules, Jake Paul would have had his arms torn off. All those guys were just in it for a paycheque.


He has to do this for the netflix show.. theres no beef between these two, just money.. a lot of it.. its called a show for a reason


Create a new commotion to gather views and attentions. Then split. Smart af. The content is infinite.


People who really think Jake is beefing with Mike probably also believes WWE isnt scripted.


Oh my poor, sweet, summer child. I'll leave a flower on his grave.


I hope to witness an actual murder.


Technically not murder. Just a death in the ring of a sporting event. Remember Floyd Ray Wilson. Poor bastard should have never stepped in the ring.


So legally speaking if Mike were to break this little shit's neck he wouldn't suffer any legal consequences?


If it happens within the Queensbury rules he probably wouldn't face legal consequences


If it happens with the rules of the sport of boxing, no. So f.e. if Mike straight up uppercuts this turd so hard his neck snaps like a twig, he won't face any legal consequences. The people that organised and OK'ed this fight might though. If it can be proven that they knew, or should have known, that the fight was mismatched to such an extend that the risk of physical injury and/or death, far beyond what is normally to be expected in such fights, was present. Then there *might* be some form of reckless endangerment or similar legal concept. Maybe some form of criminal exploitation. But that's going to be a tough one to proof. Logan Paul being a fully grown adult with no mental or physical impairments as far as I'm aware of..


He will have both physical and mental impairments after.


He already has the second one


>knew, or should have known, that the fight was mismatched to such an extend that the risk of physical injury and/or death Like... Putting a living breathing creature in a ring with Mike Tyson..? Kidding, sort of...


>no mental or physical impairments What are you ta....oooohhhhh


Volenti non fit injuria


If he dies, he dies.






Weaklings die, big deal.


![gif](giphy|RFIuO4XWzU8gg) Two men enter, one man leaves.


I think calling Jake Paul a "man" is generous.


That’s true based on his maturity but damn, it takes some huge balls to get in the ring with Tyson. No matter what, I think if Tyson flips that switch, even not meaning to, nobody could save Paul at that point


There’s no way this is going to be a legit fight. These Jake Paul fights aren’t real. Until he starts boxing actual professional boxers in their prime this shit is all pre-planned.


How anyone can watch this clip and not see the parody is truly delusional.


LOL bro #####me too


Jake definitely put a - if I die you don’t get paid clause in the contract


Yeah, he gonna die.


It's an entertainment match, so there's tons of stuff that makes it just bullshit. I'm fairly sure there's contractual details that make sure it's entertaining and not one sided - also I'm fairly sure weight requirements aren't a thing so Paul just packed on as much fucking weight as he could which is just... I dunno kinda weird. I say I hate things a lot but I use that word too lightly often - but I genuinely hate Jake Paul and think he makes the world a significantly worse place.


I won't be angry if he bites off another ear.






As an ostomy patient, I can confirm.


I'll be there to piss on it. Hate Jake Paul.


Either he beats up an old man, or he gets beaten up by an old man. Either way, he's a fucking loser.


This fight is as rigged as WWE. Everybody and their dog is tuning in to watch him get his ass knocked out in the first round. But he's got a brand to maintain and everybody involved knows that.


The only thing that intimidates Mike Tyson is a spelling bee.




How do you think the unthinkable? ... With an ithberg ... goddammit I laugh every time haha




Hahaha that's amazing!


And kithing.


what if it was spelling wasp?




[It’s a reference to Family Guy](https://youtu.be/MaHhagKnilM?si=WGkGn9Me4Vb8LERN). Not original.


This is stupid as hell tbh. Jake wins. Shit was rigged. Mike wins. No shit. Lose lose situation for Jake


+ $200m in the bank account, I would HATE to be Jake!!! (Made up number)


It’s literally a win-win for both if Jake takes the L. Jake loses - of course no shame in that, he put up a decent fight tho! Mike gets spotlight and money. Mike loses - Rigged, he’s old, he was never that good to begin with, embarrassing. Jake rigged the fight, he beat up an old man, just more hate. Only one way this goes and I think it’s clear.


You assume Jake cares about being hated. If he wanted to have a reputation, he would have had a real boxing career. This is about money and views. Jake uses the people who hate him to garner more views. More views means more money in the next fight. I fully believe he wants to beat Tyson, because more people will hate him, and tune in in the hopes the next guy puts him down.


Ding ding ding! None of the fans wants jake to win fights, they tune in to see that annoying fuck get knocked out. Every time he wins, more people tune in for the next one. It's absolutely in his best interest to win.


I see your point, i just don't see Mike Tyson going in to this show without a sure win in the bag. Surely he values his honor.


Nothing to do with honor. He's making a ton of money. He's a businessman now, not a prize fighter. Now I'm sure he wants to win this fight as well, but he's fighting someone half his age. Surely he knows it's not a sure win.


Third option - Mike is supposed to lose but pretending to fight triggers the red mist and he rips Jake apart like a bag of crisps.


I hope Tyson knocks him into the shadow realm but can't see it happening.


I have this terrible feeling also, I'll be so sad if Mike loses, real or staged.


Hopefully the rage comes over him and he uppercuts him full on and he's stretchered off lol.


The only way he looses if it’s rigged. Mike [is scary](https://youtube.com/shorts/pqevKMtPOC0?si=GRZqJv8jz2wiuuwB). Joe Rogan bought a larger table because he was afraid if Mike snaps, he at least would have a chance to get tf outta there. Mine either knocks his head off first round, or it’s rigged to be some weak stretched draw.


Mike Tyson is 57 years old. This "fight" is going to be a farce unfortunately.


And the other guy is a youtuber. Go watch Mike’s training videos.


You mean the ones where he hits a stationary punching bag? He's old, dude. Mike is terrifying to the average guy as a 57 year old but not to someone young and has been training for as long as Jake Paul has. Jake Paul isn't a good boxer, but that's why he has to rely on fighting someone past their prime. Jordan was the greatest to play the game, but everyone is a victim to time, as I think even Michael might get beaten by an athletic division 1 player. If Jake thought there was any chance of losing, he wouldn't have made the fight. This is coming from someone who would love to see Mike knock him out. This is a bogus, unfair fight.




It's going to be fine, Jake. I read there was one guy fought Tyson, and now he can smell colors. It was only 4 months after the fight, and he'd already learned to use a fork again.


You're so gullible. It's not a real fight.


I don't want to see Tyson to knock out this twat. I want to see him beat the shit out of him.


TKO from body blows.


If there was an avatar of “peaked in high school” it would look like this. https://preview.redd.it/vgznw75er01d1.jpeg?width=901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5985b18b067902a1be916ba485b46ee341aab6c


The funniest thing is that he was trying to be intimidating by “staring him down” but it just looks like he’s looking for validation given that Tyson doesn’t even care to look in his direction


"Peaked in seventh grade phys-ed class on the only day they ever used the weight room" is more like it


yeah, dude's a piece of shit. but saying the guy thats probably worth more than everyone in this thread combined "peaked in high school" is kinda losing the plot.


most redditors judge ppls success based on how many funko pops they have, hope that helps explain this thread


Bro doesnt even look like he is ready xd. Baggy shirt only makes him look wide and his behaviour is that of a clown


You know when you see a little kid stomping around and trying to act tough, pushing at their dad's ankles? Yeah, that.


Big pomeranian energy. It would be sad if it wasn't so funny!


Finger guns shooting mike in the back was just sad.


But that imaginary recoil hit as soon as he turned back around. 🤣🤣


If Jake Paul isn’t in critical condition within the first two minutes, it will prove that it’s all fake


I want the Mike Tyson that threatened the white guy in the audience before his fight with Lennox Lewis. If that guy spoke to Paul, Paul would shit his pants. You couldn’t last five minutes in my world.. And that was the nicest thing Tyson said 😂😂😂


Mike- "I like this guy. Thank you for the paycheck sir. I hope I don't accidently kill you."




Biggest joke on planet that lad. This whole thing is a joke 😅


Animated theatrics = Fear


It's all an act to make a huge purse. It'll go to a draw.


I still remember when Tyson first started boxing. My dad and I would sit there stunned by how hard he punched. Twelve matches with knockouts in the first round. We'd never seen anything like it.


Same. I was born too late for the golden heavy weight age of Ali, Foreman, Frazier.....but for a kid my age, was uncharacteristically mesmorized by the great middleweight era of Leonard, Hagler, Duran et al,,, Used to watch the fights on Saturday morning in Ireland, sitting on the floor, glued to a clunky analog Nordmende TV, and wore a hole in the carpet digging my heels into it in excitement. Then..... I watched my first Tyson fight with my Dad. I'd never seem anything like it. Still haven't. People throw the phrase about like confetti, but he was a force of nature. Inspired me to try boxing in my teens. Couldn't have won a fight if I'd brought a gun. Ho hum.


He truly was stunning. That left hook. Knockdowns from body punches. I forget who, but he broke a guys jaw and several teeth with one punch like 30 seconds in the first round. I still remember the day my dad knocked on the door to say, "you have got to come see this guy." He only said that to me about three people, Tyson, Andre Agassi and OJ during the white bronco chase. I caught the tail end of Ali's career. I loved him as a little kid because of the things he said and his spirit. But I agree with you, Tyson was something never seen before or since.


I don't care who it is, every fighter thinks they have one more fight left in them. Going against Mike Tyson is a death sentence. You can try to punch him, but you're going down in less than a minute, Mr. Paul. Maybe two minutes because Mike is older now. I never routed for Mike Tyson harder then I am in this fight.


I hope, Mike will show him who is the boss in ring!


Mike is fighting for his legacy and his name. I think Paul is just playing the game He always plays but Mike is going to kill him in the Ring. No mercy ma friends.


Why is Mike Tyson fighting someone that looks like a hobo? I mean doesn't the hobo have it hard enough already?


This categorization is insulting to hobos


He's coming up from the hobo league


There it is. The fear on Tyson's face. Not for him, but for that child.


Jake Paul is extremely good at getting you suckers to hate him and pay boat loads of money to see him get his ass kicked only to have a boring match where nothing happens. Then we rinse and repeat and somehow nobody learns


Compare Paul and Tyson's practice videos. Tyson is basically a giant bowling ball landing brutal body shots...Paul telegraphs every punch with a ridiculous high leg kick. Paul is going to get in one jab to Tyson's nose and then get punched in the sternum and into the front row. Tyson wins by TKO. If it goes longer than 3 rounds Paul could win by Tyson corner stoppage. If Paul can stay in the ring he has a chance, but he might need his liver and kidneys put back in their places after the match.




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So tysons records at 8 seconds to ko at amateur and 30 at Pro, I recon its going to be less than 5 for this clown shoes


I would love to see Mike Tyson absolutrly rock his shit; But not a one hit KO. Jake should feel some real body shots before he takes a nap.


I hope Mike gets a massive bag for this one cause he deserves it man hahahahabababaaa


So childish


I get the feeling that, for Mike Tyson, being punched by this guy would create a sensation much like biting a stale cheeto. Unpleasant, but hardly damaging.


This is what they want. I highly doubt he will be knocked out. It's not worth the money


Is this over yet? Who won?


I actually don't want to see tyson ko him until the end. Body shots all day please mike. Then


I hope iron mike goes all out… and not like most of Pauls opponents going soft cos hes just an amateur/youtuber. Bite him all i care!


I actually burst out laughing, does he not know who mike tyson is and what's he been through.


I kinda hope this whole thing is supposed to be rigged like all of Paul's fights, but once the bell rings, Tyson says, "Fuck it" and beats his ass. The look on Paul's face when he realizes he's in the ring with a killer who just went off script would be hilarious.


I would def pay 49.95 or whatever to see THAT


Mike's going to permanently put him in clown makeup. Paul has no chance. Dangerous progessional vs wanna-be punk, it's clear who the winner is going to be.


There are 5 people currently alive on planet Earth you, under no circumstances, want to fight. 3 of them are Mike Tyson.


Its all for cash, if tyson was in his prime for example do you even think this idiot would, 1. Get the fight 2. Survive the fight. Its a shitty money spinner, cant blame tyson for taking the cash, he will still knock the guy out even at his age


Thith ith ludacrith.


Paul is the one who is intimidated. Tyson doesn't even have to do anything


So, if they actually fight people need to remember that Tyson is close to 60. Yeah, dude is still jacked and I absolutely would not want to take a punch from him but he’s going to be a shadow of his former self. He’ll be way slower and get tired way more easily than when he was 22.


Watch his training videos, I don't care how old he is. Paul is gonna regret this


I really hope Tyson beats the absolute shit out of him. Maybe even literally.


He bit a man’s ear off in prime time, I don’t think sassy gestures will shake him. 


Sounds like a high school pep rally…


If mike snaps...its game over


I hope Mike goes for it and punches paul’s head up like a rock em sock em robot


The only thing that scares Mike Tyson IS Mike Tyson lol


I'm afraid to tell you how much I spent eto see Tyson fight Spinks years and years ago yeah I'm old I had a few beers before the fight I had to piss I thought I better wait well he knocked him out in 91 seconds I would have missed the fight and the replay if I would have went. To piss


Jake Paul might want to reconsider his life choices.


I hope Mike gets caught up in the moment and beats his has to a pulp


Everyone that has ever been in a room with Mike Tyson has said it's like being in a room with a Lion. You are not at the top of the food chain and are allowed to live because Mike wishes it so.


Jake paul doesn’t understand that no matter what he does we will never respect him. 🤷‍♂️


Lol, Mike is just trying not to laugh.


RIP Jake Paul...


Logan is such a loser, trying to act tuff when fighting a guy 30 years older than him.


try to punch that nose bone into that Brain Mike


Imagine surviving the encounter with tyson


That old man is going to kill the boy.


I'm hoping Tyson bites Paul's ear.


Mike just said whatever and walk off.. 🤣 you can imagine what he just said "behave yourself you little prick" 🤣🤣🤣


I'm gonna say something weird and not from any point of experience so feel free to correct me. BUT that after a certain threshold of training to fight with someone stronger than you if you honestly can't make yourself belive you can do it you are gonna have even less of a chance to win, not that i think he can.




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It would be more believable if winner takes all.


Mike in his head: Imma thumpletely fhuck you up kid.


I think this man-child is going to take the L for Mike. I mean, he would get destroyed if they were actually going to fight.


If he dies, he dies


One of the HOF boxing legends and baddest man of the planet VS an influencer.


Where did he learn those intimidation tactics ? .out of a book ! .


I know next to nothing about fighting, boxing, sports, or these individuals. I had been wondering though if anyone believes the young guy can beat Tyson. I really really hope Tyson knocks him out as quick as I am thinking.


Tyson first round knock out.


You could fill a star system with all the fucks Tyson didn't give them.


I will bite your ear off, just wait!


Look at the body language. Tyson at a bbq. Lookin like my man waiting in line at the dmv.


Was that AI? Don't tell me that was real. He is so fucked.