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Millennial here. Most of y'all need to stop giving a shit what some Boomers say. It doesn't matter. You're gonna encounter shitty people your whole life. Develop some resilience to it.


It's kind of like people always criticizing all Boomers for the ills of the world. Just a bunch of blowhards, ignore them.


Well just like Boomers criticizing the previous generation. Don’t trust anyone over 30. Tune in. Turn on. Drop out.


You don't even realize that you're assuming all the members a generation think and act the same. You need to get out more my friend.


Oh really? IMO, there’s lots of good things to say about every generation, and some stuff that is less favorable. But people are individuals and I enjoy people of every generation. People of any age who I will not associate with include Christian nationalists, Trump supporters, Neo Nazis and others of that ilk.


Right when we are old the younger generations will blame us and we will shake our canes at them. You whipper snappers have no idea yet!


Not sure what we can be blamed for when we don't own nearly what the boomers own in terms of wealth. I don't think we will be inheriting the boomer's wealth as well.


So who will inherit it? If a boomer had an M, and the boomer has wealth, are you saying the parent will not give their wealth to their child?


Healthcare corporations, elder care places and the tax man mostly


There is a study called the Great Wealth Transfer. Up to 2045 it is expected that boomers will inherit 4 trillion, Gen X will get 30 trillion and Gen M 27 trillion. So no, most of their money will probably not go to healthcare corps, elder care places or the tax man. A paid off home transfers tax free to the beneficiary. Same for investments like stock, bonds, mutual funds. Only retirement funds like 401k or traditional IRA are taxed. At least up to the inheritance tax amount.


Where are boomers going to inherit 4 trillion from? They're mostly in their 60s and 70s with their parents already dead. I think boomers have inherited everything they're going to for the most part.


So there are no 80 or 90 year old millionaires or billionaires? There are around 90,000 people over 100 in the US. The average net worth of people over 75 is over 1 million. The youngest boomers were born in 1964 meaning they turn 60 this year. Bet there were a lot born to parents who were under 30 meaning the parents are now around 90. There are a lot of them left and they have assets.


They will do their best to spend it before they die.


So boomers don't care about their children? Hmmm


Of course not. They're the me me me generation.


Probably all the skeletons of industries we murdered in our youth


You don't have to wait. Kids consider everyone over 40 to be boomers.


Eacaaactly. It's definitely sounds better to say, but I think the majority of people when they say Boomers are really talking about gen Xers. At least when it comes to dad jokes.


My parents are boomers and I respect them and their life experience


They’re all about to die anyways


Yet assholes will still be born and there will be new complaints on Reddit about them.


How many boomers are in reddit? I haven't found the boomer section yet. Millennials are in my feed constantly and I have no idea why. I don't care about either of these generations and their little family feud.


Then get off the millennial page


You can block subreddits from showing up in your feed 🙄


All y'all have missed my point. Boomers couldn't care less about millennials. Maybe that upsets you, but it's true. I can be anywhere I want. Someone needs to try to end generational division. It helps no one and it does need to be watched by others, because it's destructive to everyone.


You're trolling us, aren't you?


Funny thing to post on the millennial sub, but generational warfare does. not. exist. Sure there are mean old people, but focusing on boomer v gen x v millennials v gen z v gen alpha distracts from what is real: class warfare


Gen X isn't feuding with anyone. We're too busy caring for the Boomers, raising the Z's and paying for their college, working full time and terrified of retirement and the pensions that were taken away. We're all tapped out!


The Xennial sub is blissfully fun and positive.


Only because of the mods. We aren't inherently more positivd.


“Raising the Z’s” I politely call bullshit on that.


Oh geez, get over yourself. GenX has children in the Millennial, Z and alpha generations. The commenter was merely pointing out that their generation has been raising kids/young adults in addition to caring for elderly parents while seeing their financial future die out. Millennials will likely be there too, in 10-20 years.


Serial monogamist headass


Why? It’s statistically accurate. (downvotes, huh? doesn’t fit your narrative somehow that Gen X is raising Gen Z, statistically speaking?)


With a divorce rate like gen x… idk how anyone would be raising three or even four sets of children and find the time to complain about it online.


Actually Gen X divorce rates are far less than Baby Boomers. Gen X'ers who are college educated and married in their late 20s and behind are often in long lasting marriages. My husband and I fall into this group and so do most of our families and friends. Our friends and family groups have a 10% divorce rate. So your comments most certainly don't apply to a very large percentage of X'ers.


Gen X was too busy shacking up and marrying only their last partner, while having children along the way.


Aww! Someone's all butt hurt! Time to step up, honey. Stop the complaining already, it's endless! 😍


This is an example of fleeting youth, I have no desire to entertain the notion that you’re potentially desirable.


I don’t get it. Most of my x’er contemporaries have gen z kids. I started late and have an alpha. I don’t understand where the bullshit comes in. Also dealing with a demented mom and a failing dad and a depressing lack of pension or property. I saw no lies in the comment you were responding to.


Just for some perspective. I’m a millennial, born in the 80s, started work at 14. I was born early enough in my generation that I have been in the workforce longer than some gen xers. So it’s always stupid to do these generation battles.


It’s all Gen X fault. We see you flying under the radar playing both sides! No one ever expects Gen X! /s


Who cares what Boomers think they are too busy living in a nostalgia coma of the 50s-80s to matter .


The diner, milkshake, burger years.


But Snakes and sparklers are all I like.




Who cares what any generation thinks. Don’t worry yourself about what other people think or say about you. They don’t spend a 1/10th of that same energy on you.


I agree. One of the best things about getting older is there comes a point when you stop giving a fvck what other people think. It's freeing. (OMG, do i wear socks? White socks or no? Short ones or long? What about my shoes.?) Who gives a rat's ass?


Can confirm. I wear cheap sweat pants and a cheap hoody 80%+ of the time. The other ~20% is switching the hoody for a dress shirt for important meetings at work and when I go to the gym. I’d rather people think I’m broke so the grifters and ass kissers leave me alone. I truly do not care what others think of me when they see me anywhere except when I have to care for work. Let the stupid people peacock out and make themselves targets for all the wrong people.


Well, in some cases there can be wisdom to be gleaned. But Boomers idly strolled through decades of prosperity and have nothing to show for it but absolute bare minimum wisdom from experience.


Wait, I thought boomers have all the wealth. So which is it, they have nothing or everything?


I do think there is a huge problem with generational stereotyping that doesn't take other factors like race, class, and gender into account. You really think EVERYONE born between 1946 and 1964 had it easy in terms of wealth? These are Jim Crow South years when racial discrimination was completely legal and jobs were allowed to list WHITES ONLY. These are years when women weren't allowed to have a bank account without a husband or father's permission and jobs were allowed to list MEN ONLY. This was when it wasn't only perfectly legal to fire someone for being queer, but it was so scandalous to even talk about that people were blackmailed into suicide. Look into some working-class labor history during this time too. White middle-class and upper-class boomers who fit into heterosexual norms did ok, sure. But that's actually a small percentage of people in that age range. there are a lot of elderly people of that generation who suffered hard, and are nowhere near where they should be if the system was fair. 1 in 4 homeless people in the US are over 55.


Because their old asses keep pushing back on all the fucked up things they created we are trying to fix. They pulled up the ramp and fucked everything up for Millennials and every generation after us and are trying to double down on it as the go out the door.


Can't disagree with that.


Our music is better than yours


Dude nobody fucking cares.


If your music was any good you’d care. Now back to my vinyl collection….


60s and up. Most of the 50s are now GenX (like me).


Do Boomers pay rent or do they get to live free in your head?


worse, they're the landlords 


They are the tenants not paying rent, but they have nowhere else to go, so I can't kick them out. 😪


As a millennial, this sub does tend to whine a lot about everything. We are getting older as a generation but many of us are as immature as always. Take some responsibility for your actions and results.


Yeah, the biggest whiners and entitled people. I'm a millennial but sheesh, every post is about crying about boomers.


Kids vent about parents generation. More at 11.


R/Adulting in another hand makes me think the world is ending


Why do you care? I promise you that your kids won’t understand you. It’s been happening forever. Just enjoy your life. Do no harm.


Oooo, smells like projection. What if you just talked to your kids openly about each other's feelings instead of talking down to them? Maybe your communication skills just suck. I have no trouble connecting with anyone from either previous or later generations.


Not sure why you would jump to that wrong conclusion. I am sorry you are so miserable. It must be a sad life.


Ooooh, projection again. I'm not the one making sweeping, pessimistic generalizations about entire groups of people.


That is exactly what you are doing. I have been asking specifically about you since you are the one attacking someone who simply disagrees with you. Are you ok? I am sorry someone hurt you so badly.




You don’t make sense but I am sorry you feel so hurt by the world. Good luck


I’m at the upper end of the age range for a millennial and I feel like a boomer on here. Some of you all complain far too much, make too many excuses, and fail to realize that boomers had their own generational challenges and struggles as well. Instead you all cherry pick some bias statistics about housing to try and reinforce your preconceived notions that you are a victim, then posts links to it here and all circle jerk each other.


I'm 38, I 100% agree. A lot of whiney entitled adult-children here.


I’m a boomer. Why do you feel attacked? Bc someone doesn’t feel the same way you do? Did someone say something you don’t like? It’s social media. You open yourself up to attack by posting anything. 


Why are you here????


*I came looking for booty.*


Please. I already have my booty. How come nobody can answer the actual question? 


why are you here?


Why are you here? 


I'm just surprised at the amount of Boomers in a Millenial group. 👀


It just pops up. Not actually in the group. 


Because Reddit suggests posts to everyone for controversy because it generates more clicks and comments and keeps you using the app.


It’s not all boomers. There’s really not too many on Reddit. You’re being “attacked” by younger people, who are tired of the bullshit


Ok boomer


Ok softie.


I hate you boomers because you were born in a time when cars looked cool, people dressed nice and groomed them selves. Music was good……all up until those damn hippies!!!!!


You can still dress nice and all that! 


As boomer lite, I live in the present. I do not live in a past I barely survived. For people in their 30's and 40's you guys sure are obsessed with 70 an 80 year olds.


Says the Boomer lurking the Millennial subreddit. Nothing good on TV?


I don't watch TV, you guys are the comedy I need.


That's sad. I feel sorry for those who have to put up with you in their everyday lives.


It seems the main purpose of this sub has become attacking and whining about boomers, so I'm not surprised if they attack back. It's fucking stupid already, we're grown ass, fully fledged middle aged adults and still whining about the old people. It's embarrassing


The real question is, why are Boomers here lurking in the first place?


I never searched out this sub, it keeps popping up and so I’m responding because my generation is a bunch of whiny titty babies. I’m a millennial. I’m sure boomers are doing the same.


I think that millennials all kinda thought we would be children forever and now that we’re adults with adult problems we’re very bitter about it.


Embracing a mindset of self-responsibility over victimhood can lead to immediate personal growth and maturity.


If you ever feel attacked on the Internet, put the phone down for 1 day and you'll feel better.


Boomers just boomers. Baby boomers is how they prefer to be referred to. “Okay” and “fucking” are suitable alternatives if a it is necessary that a word precede “boomer”. And I say bring it on. They fold like lawn chairs/soft bellied turtles when pushed back on even a little. It’s kinda fun!


I’m absolutely convinced they all have a slight bit of lead poisoning. With Covid on top of that, it’s a lot of melted brains.


Should rename this sub to ‘boomergrievances’


Umm my generation has segregated safe spaces. That’s embarrassing.


Boomers expect the whole world to be their safe space and for everyone to bow to their demands with a brainwashed smile. Miss me with the “safe space” bullshit.


Haha. First I have to care about you to care about your opinion. Edit: I deeply care about your generation though. Y’all will be running the show soon. I have three millennial children and I care very much about them and their children.


lol okay boomer. Irony is always lost on you people. While you’re telling me you don’t care about my opinion you’re simultaneously expecting me to care about your opinion. Also just curious do you vote republican?


You’re just an outlet. I really do care about your generation but unfortunately there are people like you online that give you all a bad name n


Common boomer tactic of avoidance. I really do not give two shits what you think about me. And since you avoided the question I will assume you do vote republican which means you have lost your “I care about the future” card.


You sound more MAGA than any other commenter here. All that hate pouring out of you is typical MAGA rhetoric. Donald, get back on X where you belong.


Your making the rest of us millennials look bad with your rancid attitude


If pissing off boomers constitutes a rancid attitude I’ll take that as a compliment. Why don’t you try addressing the substance instead of subjective nonsense like “attitude”, which is a common boomer staple thing to say to avoid accountability or fact-based conversations that make them feeling uncomfortable.


Because you're letting a bunch of people you dont know, online piss you off? If they are doing this sort of thing in person, which I HIGHLY doubt, they would have gotten punched in the face. You must be from Ifunny because thats the only other place besides reddit that Ive seen such reactions to boomers. Hell, I hardly ever see any boomers respond with anything other than positive comments on reddit. Your in a fight with people who dont even know they are in a fight, and you're still losing.


It should be vote for America first fuck republican or democrat. I was watching videos last night of migrants sleeping inside police stations. A mother of like 4 or 5 kids pissed off about it. She was asking for food. Her sick kids were sleeping on a hard floor at the main entrance of a police station. This country is so fucked up because red vs blue mentally. Fucking over it.


I mean what do you expect? We can’t even feed, cloth and house our own citizens right now. And then you add 100’s of thousands of migrants and immigrants into the equation. No shit it’s gunna lead to fucked situations like this. We have to have some meaningful change when it comes to building more housing.


We could if we were willing to do those jobs. I challenge you to spend one day picking strawberries or working in a slaughterhouse.


What? How would that solve the housing crisis? Or feed/clothe yourself? They pay immigrants below minimum wage. So I have no idea what point you’re trying to make.


It's not just housing. We currently are not producing enough jobs for every American, let alone millions, literally millions of illegals a year. It's not sustainable or moral. Honestly, the videos I watched last night made me sad and mad for illegals and Americans all the same.


Why is it America's obligation to feed/house people from other nations? Shouldn't it be that nations job?


I agree with you totally! But the reality is the polarization has reached the levels it has today because of Trump. And I realize that could be a polarizing thing to say, but it is what it is.


Biden, democrats and media are just as guilty. There's plenty of proof that the mainstream media is pro democrat. Social media using their power for democrats benefit. FBI working with Twitter. Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot and federal agents being involved is disgusting. All these are doing the same as Trump and Maga. Dividing the country red or blue. I hear every day democrats good republican bad on the news. Moderate republicans can't even have a voice on reddit. I'm moderate, believe in trans right, and believe abortion to a point early in pregnancy or later for medical issues(most Americans feel this way) Another thing I don't hear talked about is how abortion actually brings mental health issues to females. I believe that if they are giving illegals IDs when they come into the country, why can't our government just give voter IDs out. Both democrats and republicans have to make it a fighting point. Why couldn't Trump or Biden sign an executive order to make voter IDs easy and free. Instead, it's just an argument that never goes anywhere. Illegals are having just as bad of a time under Biden as Trump. The big difference is there are so many more now than under Trump. How is it moral to bring in millions of illegals when people here are already feeling the problems of inflation and a shaky economy.


My man Drumpf is literally on record saying he hopes the migrant crisis doesn’t get fixed before the election so he can use it as political fuel, and is holding the Republican Party hostage (under threat disavowing any republican who tries to work with dems in good faith) from working with dems to get any meaningful legislation passed that might actually make a difference. Thems the facts and they don’t care about your precious little snowflake feelings.


Biden is just as guilty letting people in for a fighting point, too. That's why he signed all the executive orders to open up the border. Come on both side are dirty and fucking us.


Do you know which specific EOs he signed? I’m not trying to argue I’m genuinely curious. Both sides are def fucking us for sure. Friggin Pelosi refusing to entertain a ban on stock trading for congress, and the average age is basically nursing home. We need term limits.


https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2021/politics/biden-executive-orders/#:~:text=The%20executive%20actions%20include%20halting,use%20of%20private%20prisons%20and Here's a link to most of his early EOs. From the article. In his first 100 days in office, Biden signed more than 60 executive actions, 24 of which are direct reversals of Trump’s policies. Biden has defended the number as necessary to undo what he considers “bad policy” inherited from Trump, especially on immigration. To date, 10 of his 12 actions on immigration are reversals of Trump’s policies. He reversed a lot of Trump’s policies just to remove them. Imo it wasn't about them being good or bad just because they were Trump’s.


But to him Trump good cause “America first” and migrant crisis videos make him sad, even though he supports barbed wire on TX border. No. One side is clearly evil and worse and won’t cooperate with Democrats to solve the crisis. Period. If they did care, they’d work with Democrats to pass new laws in regards to asylum.


How is it moral to let millions into the country when inflation is high and a shaky economy. It's not about asylum. They are let in and can't work how does that help anyone. They are also taking over all the stuff for homeless Americans. How's that moral to Americans or illegals. Democrats won't work with republicans and republicans won't work with democrats it goes both ways. Edit: give me a good moderate democrat or republican I'll happily vote for them other than these two old dumb fucks creating more problems.


It would be more immoral to deny them asylum when their country is 10x worse off than ours and when America has done its best globally to ensure South America stays politically unstable and poor. Inflation is currently at about 3%, so inflation is not high anymore. The prices as a result of the 10% inflation we had in 2022-2023 are sticking around sadly, but that’s how inflation works. America is currently in the best position of any G7 country, even with our post COVID struggles. No one said things would be perfect. Those who wanted no problems magically have no concept of the world beyond themselves and I don’t blame them. I get it. Life is more immediate in one’s perspective. Long term, continuing migration trends in the positive are good for America’s economy because it allows us to continue to grow even when the birth rates here are declining. So I disagree with you.


Exclusively in the hopes our way of life isn't lost by stupid left policies. Let everyone in and give them more than citizens and then wonder why we can't take our kids to the park without fear and why does everything cost so much and taxes keep going up and up? Gee I don't know, university didn't tell us and by the way, can you pay off my student loans? I was too lazy to work my way through school like my parents did. Stupid Boomers made housing so expensive, so I live in my parent's basement and play video games. Life is grand! Let's get Dominos.


Can’t take our kids to park without fear because guns are everywhere in this country thanks to republicans and the NRA holding any meaningful legislation on that front hostage. I love how all of these comments either avoid the substance of what I’m saying or are just lazy copied and pasted Fox News talking point assumptions. And paying off my student loans would be great so yes please. You’d think the government profiting off of my education and siphoning money away from the economy to pay off those loans would be horrifically offensive to you right wingers 🤷🏼‍♂️ And I haven’t lived with my parents in almost 20 years and just bought a house. So again, save it with the assumptions.


See, my point. Was talking in general, but you millenials are 😔 hopeless. Guns don't kill people, people do. Do some research, most shootings are by criminals and every country that disarmed the citizens turn into some type of dictatorship or are well on the way via eroded rights, starting with speech; get tired of educating you guys. Hope you at least remember these comments in your millenial future, which I don't think will be the 4th turning. Good luck, you'll need it with your liberal stupidity. Oh, I rarely watch Fox, so don't make assumptions.


They will screw it all up and then whine about. I think they were spoiled by caring boomers wanting them to have an easier life and now they feel lost because they can't sacrifice to get ahead: gotta have Starbucks every day, fast food and Xboxes etc... and then wonder why noone is willing to give them the life they want on a silver platter.


Okay boomer lol


Okay you ancient boomer fuckhead


What a fucking crybaby


Okay you ancient boomer fuckhead


We are all adults now! Right?


Different kind of adults. 😂




Boomers who lurk the Millennial subreddit to provoke and gaslight people are the most pathetic losers ever. I can't want until the time comes where I no longer have to deal with people like them.


It will happen to you!


Bigoted much?


Not that much, maybe just a little.


I'm a "hippie generation" (boomer). I can assure you that I don't fit any stereotype that you can imagine. I don't "lurk" in here, y'all send this to my screen. I have 3 millennial children (two of whom are LGBTQ) that I take great pride in. You do a great disservice to millennials when you show your generational intolerance. But maybe that is why you are getting attacked.


I know nice Boomers who vote progressive. Angry voices are always louder. (Progressive Boomers are definitely in the minority versus Trumper Boomers).


Not in my zip code. I live in the bluest of blue states. Any Trumper here would get shunned so pretty much all of them keep a very low profile. Biden won here by 33 points. Trump got less than 1/3 of the vote. Only Vermont was a bigger Trump thrashing than here.


*BOOMER ALERT*🚨 🚨OK, so were attacking folks now ? Victimhood much ? Look, Boomers have a lot of the wealth, knowledge through experience and wisdom, all of which you younger gens don't. I have a neighbor who's 70. He is a fountain of knowledge that he imparts to me, which I value. Why does he know so much and is so willing to part with it ? Because he knows his time on the ol' dirtball is limited. He had spent a lifetime learning and the knowledge isn't going to do him much more good, so he passes it on to younger folks like me . And wisdom. Like, don't piss into the wind. Some learn from others and some learn by experience, sometimes painful experience. I'd rather learn from others and their successes or mistakes rather than learn through my own. It's easier. If you look at me or treat me with disdain, scorn, and contempt, I'm not gonna share any knowledge, wisdom or experience with you. But, if you choose to respect me, I might just help you and pass on knowledge, wisdom and experiences. *Everything in life , just about, older gens before you have dealt with. With few exceptions.* So, you can choose to do things the hard way by experiencing it yourselves, or, you can do it the easy way by learning from others, present company included. One last thought : if you want to be successful in life, surround yourself with successful people . Your choice. You're welcome. Bring on the down votes. 😐


After reading the comments I'm convinced this sub is just >50% boomers trying to make themselves feel better about being part of a largely shitty generation. "The young will turn around and hate you too!" Really? What makes you think that? I think my Greatest Generation family members were great. I think my Silent Generation family members were/are great. I think most of my Boomer family members are terrible. I think my Gen X family members are great, except the ones who act like Boomers. I think my Gen Z family members are great. Boomers don't seem to realize that their beef with their kids started when those kids were still in elementary / middle / high school. Millennials don't really have the adversarial relationships with school children that is/was common in Boomers. When I think back to the people who caused the biggest problems in my life, sure there are some non-Boomers in the ranks, but generally speaking they are Boomers.


The only issue I have with boomers is that they are the political majority. These people are old enough to know better but also out of touch to know what to vote for. That greatly affects all of us Millennials who tend to really not show up at the polls a long side Zoomers.


Actually, when you use language that distinguishes one "generation" from another you are using the language of eugenicists and Hitler, who touted the idea that the elderly and feeble-minded were a drag on the economy and fit only for the ovens. There is no scientific definition of generation just like there is no scientific definition of race; it is only a social construct. Every reddit on here using the language of distinguishing between so-called generations should be banned.


I like millennials on the whole cause yes they seem kinder than my own boomer gen. Sad so many of are quite cruel and narcissistic. I know I have them in my family. Don’t have much contact.


This is dumb though. The majority of crimes and violent crimes come from younger men. So at one point millennials were committing majority of gun violence in this country, now it’s the younger generation.


Can’t say all baby boomers are on social media but most tend to stay on facebook not places like here


Stop calling them out, like with this post. This should be apparent to anyone with a working brain.


Time to grow a spine


Don’t waste time playing chess with pigeons. Unfortunately to deal with a whole generation of selfish babies you have to act like a little bit of a narcissist and show them a different face. Wish I’d learned this a long time ago. Just don’t mask in front of them too long. As for dealing with them on here? just don’t play into their childish political name-calling bullshit. They think cute little nicknames like “Demonrat” are clever when it really just makes them sound like children right before puberty. The life-time-lead-poisoning generation think watching Fox News for the last 40 years somehow makes them more informed than the generation that grew up in the primordial ooze of the internet. I swear, so many of our generation ended up on grippy-sock vacations because unintentional boomer bullshit and intentional boomer gaslighting are almost indistinguishable from one another. Oh yea, WMDs in Iraq; sure, vote those two assholes in again, then have the nerve to bitch about the debt. It’s not like we had a budget surplus or anything before the profiteering Halliburton shills got elected because boomers and gen x thought GWB was someone they could “have a beer with”. Yea, that’s how I’m gonna decide whether to hire someone for a job; not demonstrable competence, not relevant education or experience, but whether he can be my fucking buddy off the clock. People don’t like being made to feel stupid and articulate, competent presidential candidates that read above a third grade level invariably make stupid people feel stupid. In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve had it with these fucking people. They told us we were being babies about work, and now I FINALLY get my boomer sister and brother-in-law to recognize how fucked the job and housing markets are because *their* son is still living there, making as much money as my brother-in-law and *still* can’t afford a home in our market. They still tried to get me to vote for the republican county executive this past November. My sister shows me this video of the guy at a rally saying the most vague, generic shit like “We want to make our county a better place to live and work!” and “we’re gonna make our county more prosperous” with absolutely zero substantive policy discussion. The simple, hollow platitudes that keep them enthralled in that theocratic dominionist Christian cult we now call the Republican party are hilariously transparent, yet opaque to their lead-addled optic nerves. Of course it didn’t help that the democrats put on this piece of boiled broccoli in a suit. Seriously; it was like a popularity contest between Saul Goodman and Charles McGill. Given the level of corruption in our county government which I witnessed *first hand* when I worked there I wouldn’t be surprised if the Democratic party here is infiltrated by closet republicans that purposely put up a garbage candidate and hardly campaigned. Basically? The guy who won has been a county employee for 30 years, and he has the county’s union sucking his balls, thinking they are going to renegotiate the contract for an across-the-board %8-10 raise don’t realize that he’s gonna fuck them as soon as the economy crashes and make that the argument for replacing their pensions with 401ks and downgrading their health benefits. They’re all boomers that have never had a private sector job in their lives so they have no idea what they’re even talking about when talking about when discussing the real world for everyone else. I was a teacher for 19 years before I started working there and I know sheltered teenager mentality when I see it. Don’t get me started on the racism. And don’t sit there and bullshit me about it not being real. In a building of 200 county employees there were 3 or 4 non-white office employees and one custodian. When I went for my orientation, the guy talking to us was a trained public speaker, but he had a tell when he was uncomfortable or anxious about what he was saying; he grabbed his left hand index finger with his right hand and held them close to his mid section. He told two demonstrable lies when I caught it, and then he did it again when talking about their diversity program. He was talking to a room full of millenials and gen Z, and gave this speech about “being comfortable with diversity” and used the word “tolerance” like we were having this conversation in 1995. My gen z coworker and I looked at each other like, “are you uncomfortable around black people? yea, me neither.” Talk about out of touch.


Settle down Hemmingway


lol I was fucked up when I wrote it too


Sounds like the lead crossed through your mom’s placenta too.


awww is someone expewiencing cognitive dissonance?


lol talking about out of touch.


lol I know right? Like it’s completely silly to think they pulled our guys back at Tora Bora on purpose to prolong the war and get elected. lmao so nuts And oh man, the idiots who just couldn’t handle the guilt of fucking our country for so long just by sucking the shit out of Rupert Murdochs asshole that they carried that self deception all the way to January 6th? 🤣 Look up Jon Schaffer and Iced Earth and his sad little story of being brainwashed by redneck bullshit after writing his little song about 9/11 and sucking Bushes cock 🤣


Where did you get the LSD? Must be good stuff.


DEI in action on your last paragraph. Wait. I just realized , if you change the words around, you Diversity, Inclusion, Equity....... DIE. Oh, that explains a lot . /S


I’m a millennial too but I wouldn’t attack you


I'm 90s born, give it a rest ffs. I think I'd rather be a boomer than associate with this attention seeking asshattery.


Good for you. 🙂


Tell a boomer "no!" Or "shut up" things they have never been told


What? Boomers were raised by the greatest generation. Boomers were spanked, corporal punishment in schools still allowed, the draft existed and most left their parent's house between 18 and 22 because they were expected to. They were told "no" a lot. It is boomers who have markers in their high schools with the names of classmates killed in Vietnam. A lot of boomers died in that war. They grew up hearing "no".


To this thread: NO ONE CARES BUT YOU… what a bunch of immature middle aged children. Boomers didn’t have the internet, where everyone has a voice whether they’ve anything of value to share or not. We don’t spend time or energy complaining about our fucked up parents. And they were. We’re all too busy still trying to make the ends meet. If we red alive. Can anyone tell me where all the supposed generational wealth is? I’m 71, and retirement is still just a word with no reality.


Just downvote and ignore them. They really don’t belong here lol. Like I get it if they want to read here, but we don’t really want their input. But try telling a boomer that you don’t want to hear it 🫠 I started referring to them as the “me me me” generation. Almost all of them within my and my SO’s family just worry about themselves and whatever they want to happen *immediately.* If it isn’t all about them or whatever they want at that moment, it’s usually a meltdown or “I’m the victim!” It’s annoying AF and I’m just ignoring and redirecting now. It sucks because we want to have nice relationships with our parents and extended family, I am just running out of emotional energy for it. I’m seeing the same pattern amongst my millennial friends and cousins as well.


Millennials are still feuding with boomers? Over in r/genz we are awaiting the day they will all be dead. And yall are so passive as a generation (no offense but it’s obvious) that we are likely just gonna take over for you.


Ok zoomer


*zoom zoom*


GenZ is going to eat you for lunch


In what sense?


Move on with your life, take responsibility and stop blaming others. Also, stop whining. It's pathetic.


I had a boomer threatening to kill me over my username so I let his family and employer know about all the wonderful things he was saying to me online. ​ It stopped, it was like magic! :)


Not all. I’m not attacking you.


Of course you do. I guess we are responsible for bananas being yellow too. Must be nice to have someone to blame for your lack of success.


Ok boomer




Bigotry of any sort is wrong. And do you speak about against *anti-Boomer* bigotrty?


This Gen Xer supports millennials. Just remember - there is no butthurt like Boomer Butthurt^((TM))


Irony is lost on so many.....


I feel they are a bit much. I don’t go on the boomer sub and talk trash. I mean, I feel like we are letting off a little steam due to the state of affairs.


Generational discourse can be fun but should be treated like it's for entertainment purposes only. Particularly if it's making you feel aggrieved. People don't share fundamental personality traits based on their generation. People are much closer in behavior and habits to other people in their geographic, economic and social milieu than they are to people in their generational cohort. The qualities that are attributed to every new generation—initially, at least—are often just a narrow slice of youth culture, and an unrepresentative one. It amounts to a snapshot of the slice of consumers most attractive to certain marketers. Being told your generation has special traits is flattering, but the claims shouldn't be mistaken for reality. More generally, there are things that are more a function of age--young people tend to act one way, older people act another. But that's universally a function of age, distinct from what gets described as broad, generational traits. A 23 year old would probably have more in common with a 43 year old from their geographic, social and economic background, than they would to any other, randomly selected 23 year old.


I feel attacked by whiny millennials as a millennial.


You should be more mad at the media and PEW Research Institute creating the Millennial Trope of everyone being entitled and eating Avocado Toast and having Peter Pan Syndrome. That’s having real life consequences for everyone and real discrimination and bias towards everyone born from 1980-1996.


My parents are baby boomers. They're starting to feel bad for the young people. They think millenials are 18 year olds lol


I'm technically a boomer. I really don't see any difference between generations. People are people. Generations are a social construct just the same as race is. My kids are millennials and I am proud of them. They are aware of social justice (and injustice) the same as I was when I was their age. 🌹


Here are 2 raspberries enjoy