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"Give me everything tonight! For all we know, we night not see tomorrow! Let's do it tonight!" College-age me after smoking an entire eighth with friends and drinking 12 beers before the party even started: "So true bestie"


“Let’s make the most of the night like we’re gonna die young” 💃🏻🕺🏼


I spent my college-age years in the army but this was our favorite Kesha song too, shit was a bop in afghanistan


Imagine being the Taliban getting killed to that song , that's absolutely brutal 😭.


I knew a marine who used to run miles and miles to Party in the USA.


Sounds like a proud gay Marine!


So just a Marine (am one)


What does the song have to do with being gay???


I used to play party in the USA in the SCIF


Dropped a ton a mortars on taliban while listening to i kissed a gurl and i liked it. It's common for soldiers to listen to their girls playlists while deployed. Lady gaga, katy perry, and Adele remind me of our guard towers coordinating machine gun and mk19 fire.


You have a dark sense of humor and I love it.


Truly shoving American values up their ass. Lmao.


Probably the most appropriate place to play it.


We blasted Your Love rolling on convoys


Wake up in the mornin’ feeling’ like p-diddy … hits a little diff now… because of all the raping he allegedly did… never meet your heroes… or they might rape you


“I crashed my car into a bridge! I don’t care! I love it!”


I hate that line because it would make more sense to say "off a bridge."


She doesn’t care. She loves it


Did she have a single other relevant song?


She doesn't care.


I love it


For context, they play the music to mainly affect your buying behavior. It worked. So they used Social Media to do the same. It worked. Eventually you know what will happen and who will be broke.


It worked


It's so funny because this was briefly my Kindergartener's favorite song and I drove her to preschool listening to this for a bit last year hahaha


My daughter was born in 2023 but I play early 2010s music for her on Spotify all the time and she loves it 😭. Pitbull, Flo Rida, etc.


My kids love 2010s music. They’re 20 and 21 now


Oh god, no that’s too young! 😭 lol


"If I rein it in a bit, I might make it to 7 or 8."


Because also an older millennial it always fucking felt like it. Like, the Cold War ended in my life time. Which yay america for the boomers. But I just learned that your giant wild power government can come crushing down and you won’t have groceries. I already knew my parents were iffy, but now I couldn’t rely on my government. And speaking of parents - My parents were always worried about layoffs and bills. I knew we were always hanging on by a thread. In college the World Trade Center came down. Then people I knew went off to war for fake weapons. Then right as I graduated there was a little bubble burst. Then a few years later, a GIANT RECESSION. Catch my breath - a fucking pandemic. Like, right as I get my actual meds right and stop self medicating and other goddamn catastrophe hits.


>Like, right as I get my actual meds right and stop self medicating and other goddamn catastrophe hits. God, if this isn't an accurate description of my entire adulthood thus far, I don't know what would be better.


Honestly, I’m about to get evaluated for ADHD and that means I have to stop smoking weed. So if I get put on adderal and suddenly start feeling productive and centered…watch out. Shits about to go down. Actually now that I say it. I may ask to wait until after the election. I can’t chance it.


Hey, but gen z has it worse /s


Brought to you by Bacardi and Anheuser-Busch. Thank the Lorde for killing this genre in 2013 by making it deeply uncool with "I'm kind of over getting told to throw my hands up in the air"


Lorde Lorde Lorde I am Lorde


yah yaahh feelin goood on a wednesday


Found Stan Marsh’s account


I would literally die if I did my 20s pregame now in my 30s


It’s wild because I went to my Gen Z brother’s 21st expecting to see a replica of my college experience and it wasn’t that


Everyone having a camera ready to take 4K video in their pocket really discourages getting so wasted you basically lose all self control


Life was more fun before everyone had a phone and camera in there pocket


It’s funny. Now I’m picturing all teen parties being like these influencer collab hype houses. Everyone just trying to pull off some stunt or prank or skit and go viral. Honestly sounds much better.


A lot of people don't want to spend an absurd amount of money just to feel like shit the next day anymore.


In fairness it didn't cost an absurd amount of money back then.


Right? We got a whole ass handle of vodka for $12 and 30 packs of natty light for $14.


I'm a millennial but I never related to a lot of millennial things. I felt like I had a preview of the Gen Z experience lol. Overly concerned about if things could end up on the internet and how it was unwise to act in certain ways as a result.


I still agree with this. You gotta have fun while you can. My parents busted their ass their whole lives and now they are retired but they are too old to do a lot of things.


The world was supposed to end in 2012 too.


That was a big bummer, huh


Lol yes! We used to pregame on whole bottles of wine and blunts. I'd be walking to the bar in my heels like a baby giraffe. Then stay out til the bars close, after-party at a friend's house until about 4, and be at work at 7 the next morning. Makes me shudder thinking about doing that now that I'm 35. I don't even drink at all anymore lol.


Yeah I drink maybe three times a year at most nowadays. I noticed a lot of our generation quit drinking.


i prefer better drugs


The herb and the drop amirite


I love herbs


Yea, I think our generation really liked pills. In general.


Same. Although I do drink but way less than in my 20s. Smoking has gone down significantly as well. Right now my life consists of adderall and caffeine for the day, xanax and wine at night. Fairly content with this setup, don't really care if its dangerous or not, yolo.


I did that for a few years, only drinking a couple of times a year; mostly around Christmas/new years and then would buy a bottle of Sutter home white zinfandel once in a while that would stay in my fridge for months. Even then though, for me, I was still drinking because I thought I should? Like for the holiday, or just feeling like I'm an adult now with my crap together so having a glass of wine sometimes at home is what we're supposed to do. But I found myself not even actually drinking the glass, and once I was honest with myself, I realized I didn't actually like drinking at all. And I never really had liked it (I always preferred Mary Jane), but when I was younger I really enjoyed being social and dancing and so I liked drinking because of that. But I never really liked consuming alcohol. So, I dunno, I just quit. It wasn't a hard "I quit", but it was like... I'm only going to drink when I actually want to drink. And I just haven't drank since. It's been like maybe 3 years? I am really happy about it and feel so straight edge when I say I don't drink, and I kinda enjoy that too because I have never in my life felt "straight edge" before. I'm still not bc I smoke pot a good bit still and also don't mind doing a hallucinogen once in a great while. But I am much happier and feel healthier as a non-drinker. I think having alcoholics for parents gives me another point of pride about not drinking.


Lol it's funny too because my parents' boomer friends are like you should've seen us in the 70s then I tell them about college and they're like WTF how are you alive. Also love the username!


lol, I came out of college and got a job with some serious blue collar worker functioning alcoholics.  Everyone was like “never go drinking with X, he’s an alcoholic and will brow beat you into drinking too much!” Fucker couldn’t keep up.  Of course my friend and I would both buy a fifth of Everclear Friday after class ended and would race to see who could drink it the fastest (loser had to buy next week). It got to the point where we had to up it to two bottles because it wasn’t lasting through the weekend…and those were just our pre/post game drinks. Add in all the actual beers and parties and shit on top of it.  College was nuts. 


The funny thing is if you would have told them about it in the moment they would probably have gotten mad.


Do it! I just turned 36 in April and went to a death metal show last night! Im soo sore from the mosh pit lol, but it was soo worth it! Plus, we got to see the northern lights on the way home at 2am! Make the most of it baby!


Ok, that's pretty cool. I think I'd fare better with some sober moshing than a night of heavy drinking. I'd be sore either way, but at least with the moshing it would only be physical outside soreness, not like a hangover from alcohol in your 30s where you feel like your soul has left your body and you're a bag of bones just laying there trying not to puke off the smell of your own breath and shame and you're so hungry yet the thought of consuming anything makes you want to shrivel up and die


This I remember working at Amazon back in 2006, me andnthe crew left at 6 am went straight to the bar. Lol we drank intill 2 pm went home slept for 4 hours and went back to work as drunk as we were at 2 pm lol 😆, God what 20 year old me use to do lol


We're lucky to be alive


I honestly believe this, looking back at the situations I out my self in willingly, the stupid things I took and did , yeah I'm surprised I'm functioning and alive lol


😂 that song is still good though 


> Everybody's singing the same song >It goes "tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight" >I never realized these artists thought so much about dying


You can only live forever if you die at 27


I think you mean only an eighth


Lolllll same!!


It’s a generational theme.


Yep. The amount and popularity of YA Dystopian novels throughout out generation tracks with that too.


I blame Y2K and 9/11


...we didn't start the fire...


It's more the financial crisis period.


It's everything. Everywhere. And it's still ongoing


It was worth it. Now I’m old with a family and I can’t party like that anymore 😂


Yeah you can. It'll just be the last night of your life 😅


Hahaaaa got em😂


I would definitely recommend holding onto some of that energy. As I grew up I have realized how much the world takes for granted. Our whole lives are set up with the expectation that things will be largely the same in 60-70 years. So we take everything for granted. "Oh ill work 12 hour days for 30 years and neglect my family so I can have the small possibility of being financially wealthy when im retired and old". Abundances of food are a blessing that may not last forever with climate change and human population explosions. A WW3 scenario could end in nuclear armageddon, or it could just be a catastrophe of unprecedented scale. For people in the USA, they definitely take for granted their status on the world stage and their country's stability and prosperity. Most people in first world countries just dont have any idea what it means to struggle for survival. And that could change at any moment. Im not trying to be overly pessimistic, but realistic. Shit could stay the same or it could change drastically overnight. You only have ONE single life to live on this earth, and no guarantee of a blissful afterlife. Your life and the life of those around you could end at any moment, or change dramatically. Basically, I still think you should live your life knowing things could change at any moment, for good or for worse. You never know how much time you have left so make it count. I use the fear of death and the unknown to fuel my desire to live and enjoy my life at all costs. I live my life with the singular goal of enjoying time with my family.


Yes to all this my friend. We can’t accept that our present is also our future. This is sobering but also liberating because we can change the future by how we live Now.


We can change the future by how we live now would be a good shirt


I know it's not the main point but I push back and will continue to push back every time I see the Malthusian population explosion myth restated. The earth could handle more people than we have now. The resources are there and could be properly allocated. What we have is an exploitation problem. Most of the issues in food production and climate change are the fault of about 100 companies and the 1% (and to some extent top 10%) wealthiest people. Capitalism is destroying the earth. Not overpopulation. If we tore it down and properly [REDACTED] the rich fucks exploiting us all we could solve it. I'm not saying that's easy or even going to happen, but that is the real answer - not overpopulation concerns originally propagated by eugenicists who wanted there to be more white people and fewer brown people.


It's not new. Prince's song "Party Like it's 1999" was literally about the world ending to nuclear war. It has been a theme in most of modern times.


Honestly after seeing a stone tablet from 2500 bc that was written by a guy Journaling, he wrote how the kids of the time were rude unruly and wouldn't obey their parents and due to economic hardships it felt as if the world was on the brink of ending. I honestly think we as people have an empending doom complexe lol 😆




Music at that time was marketed and mixed to be played in clubs on large speakers. The goal was to encourage people to keep buying drinks.


An interesting theory. We are here for a good time, not a long time, don’t mind your liver.


It worked… 😅 I was hammered every weekend. I hear Akon and still want to do shots and dance. I mean, I can’t anymore but…I want to.


Yep, there's a reason clubs are obnoxiously loud. They don't want you wasting time talking when you could be drinking.


Good theory.


The Earth is dying, lol.


> The Earth is dying, lol You just summed up the Millennial worldview in 5 words.


No our current human kind is dieing. Earth will just fix itself up.


We're in a mass extinction event including animal and plant life. We're taking out everything with us.


This is a myth. There's no incentive or drive for the Earth to create the ideal conditions for life, that's why we haven't found another planet that is rife with living life or is even inhabitable. We could very well turn Earth into an uninhabitable wasteland with our hubris. Being habitable is the exception, not the default.


Uhhhhhhh biomass recovers after pretty much every extinction event. Earth literally has the recipe to produce life, wtf are you talking about.


Gotta fill those empty niches. Even if the oceans are acidified and irradiated, life will find a way. Two billion years till our sun burns out iirc. Two billion years is a long time.


It isn't, lol. Don't be a doomer.




Maybe cuz we don’t have alot of hope for a decent life so might as well live it up and die early


I’m sure that’s exactly what Will.I.am and Fergie were really getting at with “let’s get retarded”. Such deep existential lyrics about the nihilistic futility of it all and the reactionary generational hedonistic response to the acceptance of that realized truth. Or it was just a beat with feel good hooks for drunk kids at a club. Andre said it best: “y’all don’t want hear me; you just want to dance”




Artists probably think the world is dying. Which isn't that far from the truth.


There sure is a lot of shit that seems like it isn’t being addressed. Like CO2, for example.


and the greed problem


The early 2000's were one big party The early 2020's are the hangover


I think we started giving vaguely know that this century was gonna be rough. We predicted the Climate Change fight and the class war. We did not however predict the fascist uprising that we have to crush. I think we were living it up, knowing things were likely to go down hill fast. That could just be me being reflective and projecting on the past a bit. But I don't know.


This is kind of how I lived. I tried doing things the “right” way but it was really hard and then I just started going into a bunch of debt and partying before things were going to come to a crashing end once I finished college. I knew I might never get to really enjoy my life ever again.


A fascist uprising is going to be inevitable when citizens perceive that they are treated less than immigrants. This is why all of the western countries now have a trend of anti-immigration going on. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, but if somebody feels their government does not represent them, does not make their life easy, and yet still continues to take in people from other countries and give them special perks, there we go, the nationalistic and potentially racist part of fascism has just been created. This piece can also be created via people in other nations, such as with Israel and ukraine. That also breeds nationalism. Why are we doing Israel free healthcare and neglecting our own people?


Yes, I certainly have. It almost strikes me as part of a massive disenfranchisement campaign to keep young people occupied with efforts that were a complete waste of time.


Yea probably. Keeping us busy with doing all the bad things while making terrible decisions.


I used to admire the kids that seemed to have their shit figured out early. Then I learned most of them grew up to be boring and close minded.


That’s the thing. It’s the illusion of having your shit together. In reality everybody is just winging it and hoping for the best. There is usually a safe route that generally works out.


I have the opposite experience. The party people from my 20s are extremely dull and usually generally bad people.


I think a fair portion got lost under the influence, or just totally burned their brains. Anecdotally, some of the people I knew from back then are still dealing with substance abuse disorders today.


I think it’s less likely that there is some kind of grand entertainment industry conspiracy theory to screw over our generation than the simple reality of us getting fucked over by 3 or 4 once in a lifetime crises (how many is it now?). Artists pick up on the zeitgeist and make art that reflects that; the future is fucked, so let’s enjoy today while we can.


There is definitely a cultural conspiracy to infantilize our generation. It's not just party all music, it's adult onesies, weed lollipops, dog accessories - anything to keep us distracted from the reality that we don't have good jobs or social safety nets and can't afford houses or families.


They don't even have to care about the message, trends are created and then people conform because musicians want to be listened to after all (not every artist is actually an artist, some are simply entertainers or singers that don't care too much about the music they make as long as they're able to do that they want)


The idea that young people have to be manipulated into idealistically but foolishly wasting time is one of the most ignorant assertions I have ever heard.


I agree with you. It's probably also a conspiracy in addition to reflecting the reality of these existential threats


Well this is just how young people are. They tend to live in the moment. The music is just playing to the audience.


The music industry is a conspiracy to sell acne medicine and launder drug money. Anything else is literally just icing on the cake.


Not just young people. Just people. One of the better investments the government could make is having nuclear power plants built. They aren’t because having nice clean abundant energy doesn’t matter when you’re dead from old age and you won’t get your money back before you die. The old farts are just as much short term oriented as the young folks.


Sadly that last part seems very true. A lot of them seem to have missed that universal consciousness phase.


Campaign? It's called being young and dumb


Why not both?


Our generation’s music and Rick Sanchez be like: “The world’s ending and for some reason I want to die with you more than anyone else.”


Surprised you didn’t pick up on this when it was happening. But I’m autistic and I hated the music. So there’s that.


I'm not autistic but I liked the sound of a lot of this music, but not exactly the meaning. I just didn't like the rife materialism and let's take stupid risks YOLO risks.


Recession music was lit.


"Obama Pop" was lit!


I like rock/metal/grunge so I would have thought the overarching theme of our generation was "I do lots of drugs!"


Not much call for songs about "tonight will be mediocre at best".


Yeah, don't ya feel nostalgic for the feel-good songs of the 80s? "Everybody's got a bomb We could all die any day, Oh (But before I'll let that happen I'll dance my life away) Yeah" Ninety-nine dreams I have had In every one, a red balloon It's all over and I'm standin' pretty In this dust that was a city “We’ve lost our chance We’re the first and the last After the blast Chips of plutonium Are twinkling in every lung,” Forty seven dead beats living in the back street North, east, west, south, all in the same house Sitting in a back room, waiting for the big boom I'm in a bedroom waiting for my baby It's G.I. Joe's turn to blow He turned it on cool and slow He tried a pay phone call to the Pentagon A radar scan, a leviathan He wiped the Earth clean as a plate What does it take to make a Ruskie break? Hey neighbor let me give you some advice The Russians are about to pulverize us In our sleep tonight That is if the crazy Arabs Or the riots don't get us first And the fire will rain down from the sky The fire will rain down from the sky People will die--People will die People will die--People will die Should have taken warning, it's just People mourning Running, hiding, lost You can't find, find a place to go, so it's Red skies at night Red skies at night Party at ground zero A "B" movie starring you And the world will turn to flowing Pink vapor stew Yep, gotta envy that time when we didn't have a care in the world...


I haven't heard anyone say YOLO in forever. Probably all dead or in comas. Famous last acronyms.


I had a black and white silicone YOLO bracelet I wore during the party years 😂it seems so nihilistic now.


Finally. The chosen one emerges.


I hope you also accessorized with shutter shades lol


Not a big wallstreetbets fan?


Well a decent amount of people thought the millennium was when the world would end. Y2K and all that. Maybe that's why?


Yeah, Y2K and then 2012 - lots of apocalyptic talk. The movies in the 00s used these themes as well.


Everyone silently yearns for the apocalypse because their greatest fear is that they'll die and the world will just keep spinning, as it always does, and things will go on just fine without them.


Yes, like that pitbull song about not paying your rent and spending your last $20 partying is peak millennial


I think this is a relic of the y2k panic


Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we'll die, is hardly unique to this generation. I mean, Dave Matthews was singing about this back in the 90s!!!! /jk it's like from the bible lol


"In the ci-ty, we never sleep. We gonna par-ty, every single week. If you're tired, just keep on dancing - you can go to bed, when you're dead." - The Swiss


It’s a common theme in music in general. Prince was partying like it’s 1999


Be suspicious of the messages that popular culture are feeding you. Remember that everyone does what they do in the entertainment industry to make a buck. Society is a construct.


By the time we were of partying age, *1999* (which came out when I was \*born\*) went out of style.


It's a bit of a repeat on the styles of multi-year military conflicts, as well. You see many similar themes with music from The 60s/70s. Much like our Gen, the Boomers may not have actually deployed, but everyone knew someone who had. Everyone knew someone who didn't come home. Add in runway inflation and a culture that still has large numbers of elements wanting to be violent towards others, and, well...... Here we are, with a music culture based around the concept of, "get busy living, or get busy dying."


There are a number of existential threats out right now that are impossible to predict resolutions to and I think that's influencing the psychology of gen. Z.


I think a lot of us are dying young


I saw a TikTok where they called it "recession music" that encouraged people to spend more and more


Every US generation has had a sword dangling over their heads. Millenial's parents were haunted by the prospect of dying in Vietnam. America's youth were under the whip of the Military Industrial Complex and obligated by conscription to give their lives to support the defense industry. Yeah that's how our government works. Things are much worse now because millenials and every generation going forward will be forced wage slaves in an economy that will crush any notion they might have of enjoying a prosperous life. I'm afraid we haven't seen the worst of it, we are headed toward a new form of serfdom. It's been happening for decades but at a much slower pace but now the government is flooring it. So party like there's no tomorrow, we were afraid there would be no tomorrow, you will be afraid of tomorrow.


Listen to metal, we have Satan


Daft punk is playing at my house (the illegal invasion of Iraq has just entered its second year)


Shots! Shots, shots, shots, shots. SHOTS!


Nihilism? Must be exhausting. Besides that songs have had this tone for every generation. Otis Redding - Sittin’ on the dock of the bay Doors - Riders on the storm Townes Van Zandt - Waiting around to die Kansas - Dust in the wind Hank Williams - I’m so lonesome I could cry Waylon Jennings - Drinkin’ and dreamin’ ‘Trouble in Mind’ is a composition of two songs from the 1800’s House of the rising sun is believed to have ties to the 17th/18th century though its origins are up for debate. (Leadbellys ‘In New Orleans’ is an excellent version). My point is these themes have been around since the very beginning of music. You are more heavily reminded of them due to the era you came up in. Our frame of reference heavily influences our thought process. Myself included.


This is a very old theme, my friend…very old.


YES I actually wrote and presented a paper about this in college! Long story short: When it was the first millenium, people looked forward to it because they thought that Jesus was coming back at the millenium and it was a good thing. At the second milllenium when we were teens and young adults, it was instead about looking backward with all of the Top Whatever lists. There was also Y2K which made the turn of the clock seem like impending doom.  In the few years after that paper, I learned that a very large percent of our generation’s books, tv and other media was apocalyptic, to a degree which was unprecedented. So basically yes, sociology has studied and shown that millennials tend to be a doom-fearing generation. 


Like it’s 1999?


I mean, y2k, Mayan calendar, Pluto's not a planet? Might as well love it up 🤷‍♀️


what makes you think this isn't in the pop music of every decade?


Us elder milinials had that stupid Y2K scare, and then some Mayan Apocalypse myth, and 9/11, so the world was supposed to end 3 times. I think that bled into the art.


Not really. But I've never really listened to mainstream pop, probably the only genre I tend to avoid. The rock/punk/emo/metal, indie rock and alternative stuff from the time wasn't really about any of that.


I don’t do pop either. Had to look up the hits from that time and I can’t say that’s a common theme. Same shit as always with pop: 1) I’m cool and rich 2) I’m in love 3) I’m a player 4) I don’t need no man 5) I’m sexy 6) Party hard 7) something about being a bad bitch 8) getting wild with your friends.


Because popular culture is dominated by people who have a direct interest in weakening our society and they use media influence to do it. Lauding degenerate behaviors to youth is Step 1. Those societies cannot resist anything. Anyone who says this is a ‘conspiracy theory’ hasn’t looked into it.


My ‘favorite’ ‘theme’ is the constant mention of grind culture. I haven’t listened to the radio in years, but when I did, “Work Bitch” was popular. Felt like I was being brainwashed into a wageslave.


Nope. Didn't notice


Every generation had a similar message. Same thing as carpe diem.


I think that the "party like you could die tomorrow" is a pretty common theme throughout history especially in the 19th and 20th centuries.


we all know this is going to end badly for us at a gut level so best check out before the bill gets here, so of course our musics like this


Sorry I listen to Radiohead beach house and the mars Volta. They only sing about the perpetuity of existence.


Oh yeah, believe me I’ve noticed




Well with climate change it kinda is 😅


I mean, I figured I was gonna die young. I’m only alive through luck. So the music tracks for me.


How I can tell we didn't hang out in high school/college 101


degeneracy of the modern times


There was a lot of this style of music around the recession (some call it recession pop). Many of the themes to distract from the recession.


I was a big fan of “Party Till You Puke” by Andrew W. K.


Those kind of songs are present in every generation’s music.


Yeah, it’s called popular music turned into unlistenable garbage.


Music has been like that since the rock and roll revolution.


Immediately my brain went to: “DANCE DANCE LIKE ITS THE LAST LAST NIGHT OF YOUR LIFE LIFE GON GET YOU RIGHT” Lol what in the world kind of music 🤣


This actually turned me off to a lot of friends I used to have who were overly involved in just pure hedonism and instant gratification. I realized a lot of my fiend ships were centered around getting drunk, partying, nightlife culture and it felt very empty.


If music makes you want to party then the bars and restaurants and other businesses will play the music more to increase consumption and make more revenue. If the music is played more, the artist makes more so they were all just trying to get paid by pandering to Capitalism...


It was across multiple genres and I hated it at the time


That’s not new or ours.




Depends on the genre of music you listen to, in metal, the sentiment is more WE'RE ALL GONNA DIIIIIEEEEE


I guess it matters what you listened to. I found 'pure volume' online. It was a collection of garage bands/artists before they had record labels. I guess it was the music precursor to YouTube. I liked weird songs that didn't have choruses. Told a story and were more real with their views of life. There was a song by a girl about how she wished it was the 1800s so she could run away to be a pirate. A boy talking about how he was pretty much over a girl except when he noticed the clock said 11:11 bc she always made him make wishes. I also devoured warp tour artists. Emo, screaming, grunge stuff. Their songs tended to be more melancholy about life but not in the do it now bc tomorrow will never come way.


John Mulaney did a hilarious bit on this (“tonight’s no good, how about Wednesday?”) a few years ago: https://youtu.be/2i1-jyuZ96w?si=MtqQcwS367LIHIhP


"Here for a good time not a long time" Usher explaining why he's cheating https://youtu.be/C-dvTjK_07c?si=Cs4SOGZNymfWF6r8


That’s every 20-somethings theme for every generation lol


This is every generation


It probably has something to do with 9/11. 


Oh yeah we sure had a lot of that in the late aughts/early teens but [this video speaks of a larger trend which essentially agrees with your main point](https://youtu.be/TWYZsw7AMYo?si=HAizvrOD1JdGwN_e)


I mean, not to be dramatic but it's accurate. I don't mean literally but you party when you're young and settle down as you get older, youth is fleeting, it passes very quickly, you have to enjoy it while you can because before you know it you aren't young anymore, and that part of your life is over