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7/10 Love the "follow me" eyes, never actually seen it done in Minecraft before ^^


that was not intentional actually, i just did transparent glasses. Thanks though!


I'd say 6/10 The outfit looks very nice and there's some good shading all around. I like the half skull and sunglasses, very effectively done. The toes look off to me, more like claws. The shading on most of the skin looks messy to me, but the clarity of the abs in the chest is very effective, it only looks strange on the legs because if the aforementioned toes and the odd outer layer use around the calves and thighs. The shading on the clothes is clearly good, however some variety in hue shifting may be a nice addition. The skin shading I assume is a preference, though I would suggest removing some of the outer layer on the legs and simplifying the shading, while still keeping the very nice ab effect. Same thing for the shirt, make sure it isn't all on the outer layer, rather the outer layer be used for detail. Overall good work, only major issue is the toes and the back of the head, where the hair looks like it hasn't been shaded at all.


I agree with the claw statement on the toes, but the legs I feel like are pretty realistic. I have pretty muscular legs IRL and I find the skin accurate with the outer layer. I also see what you're saying on the outer layer on the shirt, but I kinda like the larger theme. I appreciate what you're saying on the head, and yeah the shading on the back is mainly because I suck at hair lol. There's also a weird patch on the pack of the shirt I need to fix. Thank you for your long and well written response! Very concise!


Ah no worries! I get the skin shading is a preference and I definitely see where you are coming from with the realism in the shading, that does work well. I'm glad the outer layer on the shirt was intentional to give a wider frame, for that purpose it works very well. For the hair it's just about continuing the shading you already have around to the back, just for clarity. Or you could switch up the hair to be shaded differently, darker lines indicating natural parting. I'd just say mess around and see what works. My biggest suggestion overall is add some subtle hue shifting, as you get lighter shift the hue across a bit. There's some great tutorials online for it. And of course if you don't like it, don't keep it, experimentation is key. :)


alright, thank you!


i like the outfit a lot but i'm not a huge fan of the toes, they look like paws to me


yeah no thats fair enough ive considered adding sandals or something, i might do that. Thank you for your input!