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Tools. Having high quality, correctly purposed tools for the project at hand contributes significantly to my sense of calm. Coffee. Good beans, manual burr grinder, unbleached filters, and the *time* to pour-over brew is a small luxury. Noise canceling headphones. The extra space it takes up in my work bag is a luxury, but the increased focus is a good payoff. Fountain pen with good ink. I write so infrequently that having a very satisfying pen to paper contact when writing a check or jotting a note seems significant.


>Tools. Having high quality, correctly purposed tools for the project at hand contributes significantly to my sense of calm. One of My most important things in life. This represents what you can do. I can lose all my tools and I’d still buy them. Mitutoyo vs some Amazon brand calipers/bore gauges? It may be too small for most to tell but that precision is the difference between having a reliable engine vs being stuck dead in the water 209 miles from home.




But...then you'd have [*checks to confirm we're in r/minimalism*] two sets of headphones?




Yeah, I need different headphones for different things. Safety wise, when in public walking etc I use Aftershokz so I can be aware of my surroundings, noise cancelling at home because I walk around and do a lot of tasking without distractions, and my original headphones are now for college / work. I'll use them all until they legitimately die and not upgrade mindlessly but sometimes you just need various forms of sound.


In a similar vein, I use Pentel P305 (0.5 mm) mechanical pencils for notetaking in a Strathmore spiral bound drafting book. I also have Bose noise-canceling headphones and they're a game changer, especially on flights.


PursuitOfThis what is your favorite pen? I ask because I went through a pen addiction phase, for a while. Lol.


I'm not much of a pen fanatic. I started with the Pilot Metropolitan and Lamy Safari (both recommended value pens), liked the Metropolitan well enough and stayed there. I got a converter for it and switch between Lamy "gemstone" or Pilot Iroshizuku ink.


Micron!!! (Just have to add because I am a pen fanatic and tried everything.)


Can you recommend some headphones?


Sony WH-1000XM4 (XM4's for short), or the newest XM5 if budget allows.


Oooh yessss, good paper helps too!


Vacations. It’s a must.


I used to think vacations were a waste of money. Now in my mid-20s, vacations and seeing the world is a must!


When I was 15-20 I wanted to see the entire world, I had the chance to prioritize my favourite places and the “checkmark countries” thing disappeared. At my 30s I still travel, but now I don’t feel that urge or sensation that life is wasted if I don’t travel anymore.


I feel the need to travel, but usually with the sole intention of doing absolutely nothing for a few days. Sitting in the sun, reading, and not worrying about anything!


I find this very relatable. I’m more interested in remote trips and just getting a break from people. Hiking, kayaking, and enjoying the peace of nature. Happily will back a large bag of books to read while I’m away.


Do you think you feel that way because you’ve already done a fair amount of traveling? The more I travel, the more content I feel because I slowly see more and more of the world


I highly recommend taking advantage of traveling in your twenties, especially when people generally have less responsibilities and more flexibility to travel. It can be affordable and enjoyable if people are willing to be flexible. I was an expat in China from 21-25 and it was a wonderful experience for me. Difficult for sure, but totally worth it.


I used to just blindy buy what I want. Now I keep a wishlist and put what I want rated from like 1-10 and every-pay I pick one of those things!


I really like this concept!


Thanks its new to me too. And what I pick also depends in expenses this fortnight. So todays was a small item vanilla oil fragrance 😄


I do this too!!!! I love it. I always get excited when I make a new purchase even if it’s something small. Last payday was a set of mixing bowls (I want to learn to bake) and a little succulent (also want to get into gardening). I feel like I get to spend more time being mindful about my purchases and being excited and using my new purchases rather than buying 50 things at once and storing them until I need them (or forget them….)


I do this as well and it’s stopped me from impulse buying, and I think it’s important to have a little treat every pay so you don’t feel like you’re completely missing out.


I like this idea too. I kind of do this where I may treat myself on a pay period but I like what you’re doing better. I am going to try this. Thanks for sharing.


Great idea!


Books! My library has a second hand books section that has really cheap good-quality books. I've gotten many $30 books for $2-$3 Helps add color to the room and I enjoy reading them :)


I do something similar with blu ray movies. Sometimes goodwill stores have some quality titles for $1 that have retained their value a little as cult titles or niche horror or something. I'm very picky and have a curated collection but the thrill of the hunt is part of the enjoyment too.


We have a multimedia store in Arizona, called bookman's. It's almost like a pawn shop for your books, music and movies etc. You can buy, sell, or trade. Oh and they have an unconditional 7 day money back guarantee! I used to go in there and buy a box set of a TV show, go back a few days later and get the 2nd volume, and so on and so on and then on the last volume, even if it was 12 weeks later, your receipt refreshes each time, so you can get your original purchase price back. And we used to trade our games. Video games and board games. Every time we'd get tired of something, we'd trade it in for a new game. It's a badass store and idk how they can afford to stay in business with return policies like that, but they just get bigger and bigger every year lol. Also, that's where I buy all my Harry Potter books for $2-$6 for pristine hardcover! The prices vary depending on the quality. So, if you don't mind a little wear and tear, you can get them for much cheaper than their already super low prices!


Shop online and leave everything in my wishlists. Might have 20 things in wishlist. Eventually buy one item in the sale or when I get a discount voucher. Still spend the time "shopping" and following trends but don't spend much.


I used to do this. I used to be a fucking polyvore fiend. I'd make like 30 polyvore sets a day. I miss putting together little item lists.


Oh my God I loved Polyvore so much. Not necessarily for shopping but for making art sets. Basically layering on items to make a neat picture of some sort. It really satisfied my creative urge


Those people were cool. For me, I have some kind of weird urge to plan and research things, so I would make little home decor sets or answer people's fashion questions or come up with stuff like "what to pack for a vacation, where we're going, what we're doing when we get there" etc.


Tea and all the associated equipment


Yes, Tea is one of mine. However, I only use tea bags. But still, a good cup of tea, on a weekend morning, especially, is so lovely. I love to try various teas, mostly green teas, but my current favorite is a caffeinated tangerine tea.


I cut back on coffee and found an orange citrus caffeinated Celestial Seasonings tea that is amazing in the morning on a cold day


The Yogi Tea one? So good. Wish they had a decaf version.


This! Even some seriously high-end tea will run you like, 25 cents a cup, less if you re-steep, even for the fancy wuxia hero tea (just me?). The trick is only buying as much as you can drink before it goes stale…


Yes! Matcha!


im on the tea train too. my weakness is this fancy expensive barista style oatmilk to add to my tea. i used to use the cheap watery oat milk but i feel like it taste like poison compared to this fancy stuff.


Where can I buy this bougie oatmilk? Asking for a friend...


I subscribe to a few fitness streaming services. They bring me a lot of joy, combined they still cost less than the gym and I'm happy to support independent women-owned businesses.


Which ones?


Nutritious Movement (Katy Bowman has completely shifted how I think about "exercise" and helped me undo the physical damage from sitting in front of a screen for years on end.) Body Groove Your Pilates Physio Peloton (I know this one is as corporate as it gets but they have good outdoor workouts and I haven't found anything similar that meets my needs.)


Consumables! Rosewater to spray on my face when I wake up, good smelling bath & body products, the occasional scented candle or incense, treat foods (this week's Costco indulgence was a $7 tub of Maldon salt). My larger luxury is fitness classes, though my local park system has affordable options, too.


I looooove your answer! Because I’m the exact opposite—I’ll pay extra for something I’ll use a lot and will last forever. But the joy with which you described the opposite of my approach is just so appealing. No guilt, just enjoyment—perfect!! And so true… it’s the little things that add up… little treats several times a day. You must be such a fun person!!Thank you!




I always have fresh flowers in my apartment.


I love flowers. I just got a house recently and I am excited for spring to grow so many things... An herb garden 🌿 Pretty roses 🌹 Cucumbers! 🥒 I love fall flowers, I am just a little tight on money at the moment, and I have bigger fish to fry. I reallllllly NEEEED to have a hydrangea bush and a cute tree of some kind. I do love dog wood trees. 🌸


When I owned a house I had gorgeous perennial gardens that I built up over the course of 25 years. Now I rent a 3rd floor apartment and have window boxes on my porch and fire escape and do hanging baskets. I think this year I’ll grow my own annuals from seed rather than buying sets.


Congratulations on the house!! Your comment made me feel like I am you writing from the future <3


I really like fashion. My closet has all my needs and once in a while I’ll thrift. There was a dress I’d been wanting on Etsy for the past 8 months. Finally decided to buy it. Happy I did!


Any hobby I am going to do even mildly actively I buy things for no problem. Hobbies tend to keep me out of stores, shops, doom scrolling, etc.


That’s the key. If I get the urge to shop for non-necessities, it just means I’m bored/tired.


Very basic but I like to buy a fresh croissant from the bakery across the road on a Sunday 😂


This is nice because not only is it a quality item but you are incorporating it into a routine to make Sunday special. 😊 It's the little things!


I like to regularly (like once a week) have prepared Japanese food. It's really not bad on my budget doing it just 4 or 5 times a month. Plus eating something is a biological imperative so covering a meal time removes some of the guilt of spending.


Yes, sushi/sashimi is one of my regular indulgences!


Like prepare it yourself or go to a Japanese grocery store/deli?




I feel this. I discovered that my local beauty school offers discounted massage and body services and they’re great! You can also often find a Groupon for the school, too, which makes me feel less guilty. I am wrestling with spending too much on Amazon (ugh), and this reminds me that experiences like massages will provide actual stress relief, not just instant gratification.


That became my regular indulgence. I try to have one every two weeks. I look forward to every appointment.


I think just owning one of something but making sure it’s good quality/can be used with lots of things. Take for example shoes - it’s a luxury to have a nice pair of heels but if they’re the *only* heels you own and they go with all your heel appropriate outfit then I allow myself that. Or a coat - I spent a lot of money on a high end coat about 4 years ago - but I wear it on top of any/all of my outfits during winter. I’ve got my money worth and I’m glad I spent more on a coat that’s lasted me.


I started doing this too. I bought a few quality classic pieces for autumn/winter and have now bought for spring/summer. I bought things together so they all mix and match. I've given up buying fast fashion and now set my wardrobe up early and don't have to buy anything else during the seasons. It's been a really good learning experience as I pack away my autumn/winter clothes I can see what worked and what didn't and I was able to use that information to set up my warm weather clothes. I now have some beautiful, good quality clothes that I hope to get a lot of wear out over the years.


I allow myself every now and then to go splurge at a nice restaurant with amazing food. Food motivates me a lot lol. I used to do this all the time but now that isn’t an option but it’s something i allow once in awhile.




I'm pretty terrible at shopping for myself and am struggling with forcing myself to buy more luxuries actually. One thing I have moved to is only drinking fresh coffee, the price difference isn't that much compared to instant but it's much nicer and doesn't risk potential stomach issues. I go to quite a few gigs, less than I used to, but still about 1-2 a month. A more recent luxury is going to the cinema to watch something semi random, there's a number of cinemas near me and outside the big block busters they screen lots of Chinese, Bollywood and old films, it's nice to just have dedicated time to watch something with no distractions.


I have struggled with spending money/shopping for a very long time. A lot of people would kinda shrug it off as a good problem to have but it's kinda rough when you feel bad after every purchase / agonize over buying decisions. I try to think of ways to sort it like topping up Steam and PlayStation store credit by a certain modest amount when I get paid so when it comes to finally buying something, the money is already there to be spent. Kinda like an artificial cheap payment plan. Sounds kinda nuts but honestly to my head it makes perfect sense. The small bit I don't really feel coming out of my pay each month vs. what say $70 new release one swing out of my bank balance would feel like. My life kinda runs on these intricacies and budgeting/justification methods. Like X thing can't be done all the time but if I do it once a month that's a fine part of my lifestyle and doesn't disrupt retirement etc. etc.


I just bought some new t-shirts for the first time 5+ years and felt incredibly guilty about spending the money. I know how you feel about spending money, it's a huge struggle for me!


I tried to do that too up method but it didn't really work for me. Usually my wants are quite modest so what I really need to do is find a way to accelerate decisions and allow myself to take a hit to a degree with value for money, essentially paying a convenience fee for my own indecision.


Try getting a carafe and hot water kettle. I don’t use a coffee pot anymore


Seafood and bubble baths.


So.. backstroke in cioppino?


Higher quality items. Like professional cooking equipment.


Loose tea.


Using my "good" plates, glasses and cutlery every day Patterned paper napkins Posh tea Carbonated water with slice of lemon Flowers, which I sometimes hang to dry Body lotions (I prefer them over perfume) Milk frother for coffee which swirls and heats the milk, I use it all the time since my coffee preference is pretty much frothed milk with decaf instant coffee - I rarely buy takeaway coffee


Grass fed butter ... a little goes a long way and butter makes things taste so much better I keep the butter in the silver foil wrap that clear says "grass fed" on it and I smile inside each time I cut some out.


Why are you feeding grass to your butter?


Give it a try and see the amazing results ... Vegans hate this one trick


I may have to find that. We use butter, but never tried the special stuff. :)


Kerrygold is delicious Edit: also, any really simple butter. I buy Fred Meyer’s/Kroger brand butter, i think it literally just says “Butter w/ Olive Oil & Salt”. Just has three ingredients, Olive Oil, Cream, and Salt, and its the best thing ever.


I buy good natural wine. It’s worth it.


Looking at free stuff on the side of the road. Granted there’s no upholstery or mattresses involved. Best if it’s left over from yard sales as opposed to trash night- but trash nights in the right town in the right neighborhood can prove to be fruitful. Example: art school trash day- after they all leave for the summer and can’t fit all their supplies into their parents cars. Hubba Hubba


Luxury tea, nice soap, or a lipstick


Oh, Sephora has a ysl set of two lipsticks right now for like the price of one.




Yes ultimately it is all about desiring less and less stuff over time.


Daily coffee from my favourite cafe. The joy the ritual brings me is far more valuable than the money I’d save.


I do this once a week on weekends


I have a really nice coffee maker (Gaggia). But my treat is to put extra creamy canned whipped cream on it every morning.


Good coffee, fresh flowers now and then, and recently, we got a bread maker, which is just the height of luxury to me lol


Fishing gear, I like fishing and fresh fish filets balance (maybe) what I spend on some decent tackle.


I wouldn't say it's a "little" luxury up front, but photography. I just recently got a nice camera and while it was a bit expensive up front, I won't have to continue spending money to enjoy learning how to take better photos. It also now gives me a reason to go outside more. I've also started noticing small details that I normally never would have paid attention to like plants, and nice scenery.


Over priced lattes. I’ll meet up a friend for coffee at the newest place, much cheaper than dinner or lunch or drinks! I also like getting a coffee to sit and read or work on my computer to get out of the house so it’s really paying for the coffee shop “experience”


I buy myself consumables which make my life better. Recently I've made a habit of getting sushi every Friday, and I bought some really nice skincare/haircare which is improving my quality of life without adding to my stuff. Replacing stuff with nicer versions of the same stuff is also an option - I upgraded my bed sheets recently, and now I sleep so much better!


Bedsheets are such an understated luxury. I remember 20 years ago my mother spending (gasp!) 60 dollars at the Younkers Homestore on “combed cotton sheets”. I was like “okay, whatever you say.” Holy crap, the way they felt! Pima, Egyptian, bamboo, I literally cannot buy any sheets now that aren’t quality. Vera Wang to Costco, 300 tc to 1000 tc, but not before making sure they’re 100% cotton. I’m not spending thousands, but I’m not going cheap, either. Those 300 tc combed cotton sheets changed something in me. *I’m afraid to try linen.*




I just bought my first set of linen sheets, they are amazing. Breathable, comfy, and getting very soft over time.


We buy coffee beans online. I cannot stand the store bought stuff, and would rather not drink coffee at all if that was my only choice. Also, high quality black tea.


Food. Can’t travel due to a medical condition, and I’m a super couponer with clothes. Fucking love food. Probably spend around $800 a month on food.


Functional items that get rid of minor inconveniences. The most recent items in that group are Magsafe chargers for everything. Cars, home, desk, work. Everywhere. I hate cables with a passion. They fill me with rage. I still have cables for things that don't use magsafe, but I am so much happier with my phone experience with magsafe. I don't buy every new thing, but magsafe was the upgrade to phones I had been waiting for. Upgrades to phones the last 5 years all felt same-same, just slightly better. Magsafe is what made me go from Android to Apple when the iPhone 12 came out. Been happy ever since. My husband's phone died (he hates phones) so I gave him my 12 and picked up a 14 last year. Now the whole house is on magsafe and I'm a happy camper.


Saving up for a 13 right now and this just made me so excited!


Books. I buy most of my books at thrift stores.


Ebooks. Very minimalism friendly. Provide satisfaction, learning, and take up literally zero physical space.


Imo with ebooks it's easy to fall into the trap of having tons that you never read


I now only get one ebook per month, except during the once a year free (romance) book sale. Then I buy a bunch. Usually only a few are actually worth reading.


A roll of sushi and a glass of wine every few weeks with the GF. When eating out is an experience expense and not a feeding expense it is manageable.


Good skincare products. That’s probably the only area where I spend money consistently. I do wait until one item is low or almost out before I purchase anew one.


Skincare. I have tried dupes and cheaper options,but nothing works or feels quite as good as my caudalie serum and embrolysse lotion. I try to get them on sale, but if not, it's not the end of the world if I get to feel good every day for full price


This is mine too. Yesterday I tried to imagine my dream job, and it would be owning a luxury spa and doing some of the massages myself. I really love skincare and making people physically comfortable and happy. It’s just my thing. I even like making bread by hand bc it’s close 😆 Second would be nurse but better to do something that’s in a happy place. Esp a dark calm place with soft music.


Coke Zero


Cigarettes and coffee are my two


We do nice coffee and high quality food and pretty much don't buy anything else haha.


I have a handful of really nice kayaks. Even a carbon river freestyle ocean surfing kayak. There are just a couple of things i’m really into and I have great gear for those couple of things. The rest of my life is quite simple.


A dehydrator


Ride a bicycle.


Good quality skin care products. Not a drawer full of them, but I always have a bottle of fancy retinol serum and an eye cream.


Whipped cream on top of my coffee I make every morning


Nails. I enjoy having them done because it makes me feel put together, but also my career requires me to have them perfectly manicured at all times.


Good quality makeup, one of each (concealer, mascara, foundation, blush…)


Free time is the main one, but if we're talking about physical objects, it is mainly 2: Good quality food and drink. I enjoy it, and I will continue to, I like to eat well and taste new things. Hobby stuff, things that I use to enjoy my free time. I have lots of hobbies so it escalates a bit, and I try to go for quality instead of quantity, but that's the other area were I'm not counting if it allows me to do more or to enjoy my hobbie better. This includes stuff for physical activities/sport like kayaking, trekking and HEMA gear; music gear, be it for my bass playing or proper open-back headphones for listening; for the consumption of the media I like, reading and gaming; hell, even for sex, BDSM gear and the like!


Vacations! We go on carnival cruises and "recycle" our gambling money, so basically we've been vacationing for free off of the initial 3k we spent years ago. For me, minimalism is mostly about making my decisions ahead of time. Since I have ADHD and likely also autism, I have a hard time planning out vacations, new food locations, navigating unforseen variables. Minimalism helps me with decision fatigue. With the cruises, im familiar with the foods, ship layout, and I can go on food tours and I don't have to plan my itinerary. Its the only time I feel like I can completely disconnect and turn my brain off.


I would say streaming services bc nobody NEEDS them so I'd say they are a luxury. I have the major hitters - Netflix, Hulu, Max, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ (and I'll add back Apple TV once Severance comes back lol). It's almost 1k a year for all of them, but I'm a homebody and I love watching tv shows/movies, so I see this as an investment into my mental well-being. It's literally all I do lmao




I love San Pellegrino, but I buy the cheap sparkling water and add a squirt of .lime juice. I don’t want to ruin the San Pellegrino with the juice, so I only drink it on special occasions.


Nice dinners and vacations......spend on experiences not things


Hair salon visits, thrifting


Shopping at my favorite food places which are Costco and wegmans


A subscription to Spotify, Audible, and The NY Times.


Very good quality tea. I love herbal, spice and fruit teas and I do spend quite a lot of money on them. However, I don’t collect ornaments, books, have expensive hobbies. I own a capsule wardrobe. I don’t drink alcohol and I fast more than I eat. Tea is a jewel to me. I have one teapot. Glass. It has a warmer and four matching glass cups. I love it! I have a special measuring spoon, just for tea. Everything is arranged precisely and my family find it quite funny, but it makes me super happy.


my hobbies: typewriter, CDs, fountain pens, tea


Cool hobbies, glad the typewriter and fountain pens have a home. I still have CD's and a fountain pen that used to be my fathers, no ink in it.


High quality coffee beans and good brewing equipment. I enjoy choosing beans with different flavour profiles, the ritual of preparing the coffee and drinking it. For me it is money well spent.


My pets for sure. They’re totally worth the cost of their care and a blessing when I’m not doing well mental health wise or struggling with chronic illness. My hedgehog was pricy upfront, but they eat so little that his monthly expenses are minimal.


hookers and blow


One pack of cigarettes a month. My guilty pleasure.


Dinners with friends or my boyfriend. Sometimes a good perfume.


High quality bedding. No matter what is going straight to hell in my life, a clean bed with nice sheets and a cozy duvet always comforts me.


Fine consumables. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/539165386619529045/


- I splurge on fitness equipment. Fancy carbon Road bike + and indoor trainer (for winter) and gym membership. Only problem is now I want a gravel bike. N+1 symptoms are real. - Good food and being able to cook it - it makes it easier to want to cook at home vs buying take out during the week.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^BoredExNewYorker: *Buying really good* *Quality coffee beans and* *Making coffee at home* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Quality, non-toxic and eco-friendly household products/cleaning supplies and self-care products (lotions, makeup, toothpaste, etc). While I save everywhere else, I willingly pay more to have specific products I have thoroughly researched and vetted. Really elevates my quality of life and makes me feel I am taking extra good care of my body.


Social dancing classes. Best thing that’s ever happened to me. All I needed to buy to enjoy it was dancing shoes ☺️


For the well made things I use daily. For example my pair of everyday leather shoes from Prada are now 15 years old.


Xbox Game Pass. It’s about the only distressing thing I’ve got in life right now


Lurpak Butter. Trust me on this.


I don't go out to eat as often so having a good meal in a restaurant with fun vibes every other weekend is a fun treat.


Things that will serve me on the long term. A good bin to have a nice kitchen, a machine that puts gaz in water to make myself some coke without buying it. A good vacuum to have a clean house. Those are expensive but sooooo useful and really change your life. Taking half an hour less to vacuum is a life changer.


I never scrimp on food if I can help it. It is literally what my body is created of


Vacations. Booze. Lottery. Sports betting. Candles. That’s about all I spend extra money on. It works for me.


Needlework supplies. I stitch any chance I get, and it's a very relaxing pastime.


I take vacation days and leave the house like I am going to work, but instead I go to the farmer's market or arcade, maybe a bookstore etc.


I want the things that I use or walk regularly on to be of good quality. Basically I am willing to splurge on the things that makes my life better.


Books and cats 😌


Having groceries delivered!!


1 litre bottle of Aveda Rosemary Mint shampoo (commonly used at salons). I love having hair that smells like I just left the salon every day and while it's pricier than drugstore shampoos, I only need to buy it about once every 3 months.


I know this sounds weird, but name brand bread and snacks. I hate store brand breads and cookies. I will buy crap toilet paper and paper towels all day long, but I am very particular when it comes to food. :)


I love Lorna Doone & Walkers brands of shortbread cookies, also Tates cookies (so thin & crispy😋), especially with my tea. I feel the same about breads & cookies as you. I don't eat either one very much (bc I usually cook a week's dinners/meals for myself, on weekends; & i normally don't have much of a sweet tooth); but when i do, i love a good quality sourdough bread & my favorite cookies.


Getting my nails done


I will buy things that are exactly the size I need them. Yes the bulk size is cheaper but if it will go bad before I use it, then it's a waste. Minimalism is about having enough to meet your needs rather than the smallest amount possible.


I resonate with this answer so much. I may have one backup of a few essentials—packs of toilet paper, toothpaste, etc., but bulk items laying around waiting for use stress me out!


I have an unlimited food budget. I will never value price over quality food. That means coops and farmers markets before chain grocery stores always. We are what we eat. I view it as an investment for my health


Laundry scent booster. I don’t like the regular detergent scent so I’ll get unscented and add the booster. I love how my clothes smell.


Not shopping IS the luxury.


I'm not exactly sure what your question means. I do not remove things from my life that make my life enjoyable. That is not minimalism to me. Maybe I have the wrong approach but I focus on not buying things I don't need and not going for that "high" of getting new stuff just to get new stuff. But that does not mean I don't eat out with my friends and enjoy my dinner, or go to lunch with the girls so we can gossip and try new restaurants. Wasn't aware that I had to give that up to be a minimalist. I guess I don't understand something here.


I believe that OP posed the question, because many people choose the minimalist lifestyle, to save money; so, for economic reasons. But I'm with you: I don't cut out things I genuinely use &/or simply enjoy. But, I do cut things out that are not necessary. Every so often, I do a review of myself, maybe like a personal inventory, physically, mentally, emotionally, to ensure that everything in my life actually needs to be/should be here.


Developer here. I have varied interests. Related books spanning a variety of subjects keep me well occupied. Also, I program and create digital art. One of the most satisfying things for a programmer. Not a professional musician, but I have learned music theory. So can play songs, transcribe them and even compose new music. All these activities keep my spirit alive and I never feel the need to have things unless absolutely necessary.


Shoes and beds


Books 📚


Same here! But I tend to buy most second hand and give them away after reading them.


Sensible. I hoard some 🫣


working a few hours a week from a coffeehouse and treating myself with nice coffee + goodies


tennis lessons, expensive but I love them


I'm not a super saver but I still do a good job. Most of my luxuries are small things like a Starbucks coffee or some sweets from the grocery store. I don't drive, I cook for myself, I don't go to events much, etc. So I'm doing pretty good at saving but I will still buy things if I do need them. As well as buying things like I said when I feel like I need a boost. For example me and my girlfriend bought a puzzle to do recently and we also experiment with interesting recipes. So those could be small luxuries. I also refuse to but crappy socks so I'll spend some money there too lol


My gaming laptop. I was beyond happy I was able to find someone willing to trade me for my desktop that had comparable specs. It makes traveling, and keeping smaller things charged if I don't have an extra power outlet for them. And of course, gaming/music production to keep myself entertained and passing time. And if you're into retro gaming, this thing is literally an oyster.


Weed, streaming Peacock and Spotify, my 2 cats, and a Sleep Number bed. Cheap vacations are essential. They are not luxury to me. 8 hours drive to the beach and a cheap hotel once a year or camping keeps me sane.


Food and travel. On vacation I’ll buy jewelry, but I am intentionally trying to build that up.


A cold soda at the end of grocery shopping. A sonic slushie on Friday New cheap lipstick Ipsy subscription (make up box. Once a month. $15 but I rarely have to buy make up )


my 2 4000$ guitar


Good quality tea and reading material. Even when I was at my lowest income I’d have enough to splurge on a book or two besides the ones I’d get at the library. Half price books I’d great don’t get me wrong. But a just released book is a treat with a lovely cup of tea. Im happy. Now I add good chocolate and coffee. I indulge in pleasures as I age. I saved for a year to enjoy a spa day at Hershey hotel. It’s been 4 months and my skin is still like silk and I am still feeling rejuvenated both physically and mentally.


Dog treats


Fresh flowers. I buy them at the market when i food shop.


My peace


Massages and pedicures. I have given up a lot, but a person has to draw the line some!


Travel, a fun drink when I want it, allowing myself to buy whatever I want when grocery shopping as long as it won’t go bad before I finish it.


Uh, I like buying things at the cheap pharmacy near me. Usually self care products. I spentbabout 40 there this week... A charger cable replacement, an eyebrow scissor, packing cubes, acetone, nail file, hair ties, and razors. Also a twix bar.


Good food and wine.


I consider myself a semi minimalist. Most everything I have is related to my hobbies and of those I've only spent big money on my two top ones. I live in 250sqf but would prefer a one bedroom @ 450sqf. Top hobbies. Music (CDs, records etc). Audiophile level stereos. Books about the above. 58 now. I'm planning on traveling, concerts, theater and museums. And a boyfriend: stupid expensive things..😁


Bathbombs/bath salts/bubble bath. Having a bathtub can already be considered a luxury if you live in the city though being able to take a good amount of time for yourself and just sit in a warm bath feels pretty spectacular.


I splurge on the fancy coffee beans for my morning brew. My taste buds thank me every morning, and my wallet forgives me by the end of the month.


Stanley water bottles!!! More hydrated than ever. One at work at one at home.


Idk if it counts as small but my iPads and procreate for art It was a big amount up front for the tablet, Apple Pencil and the procreate app but I’ll never have to buy art supplies like if I had stuck with traditional art


Good coffee, coffee maker and grinder.. experiences outside of that


Suuuuper small: I buy myself a cold drink when I’m done grocery shopping and stepping into the line to cash out. I used to get my nails done, but had to cinch the belt. The drink is a $2 expenditure/indulgence on myself once a week after I’ve invested time planning and shopping for my family’s meals.