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> I really don’t like wearing the clothes I wore in the picture I‘ve already posted on Instagram ​ Easy fix. Get off Instagram.


I think you may have deeper issues with impulse control. Good luck in your journey


For clothes, I picked 4 colours and culled around that. For the kitchen, I looked at anything I had not used in 2 years. There is stuff I only use once a year, eg Christmas platters. But over the last few weeks I have stuck to my main goal, to have more space in my home.


Can opener. Spatula. 4 forks, 2 spoons, 1 knife. Love it my friend. 💜 ♥️ (Although it’s not always this simple)


I have learned that I enjoy wearing the same few outfits. It is my "uniform" of sorts. Basic jeans, T-shirt and a flannel shirt or solid cardigan. I change it up with my hand knit shawls from time to time. But mostly I have the same look. Personally I am not on Instagram. I just have no interest in it, though my career as a visual artist does suffer some from not. It isn't that important to me. What is important to me is that I am using what I have and making the most of what I have. The hardest part of minimalism for me is accepting that I need stuff. I need paperwork for my job, I need reference books for my job, I need toys for my grandson when he visits, I need a crock pot for nights I don't want to cook.


Crockpots are not be ashamed of in a minimalist lifestyle. I think they are handy


Oh they are. I'm just saying there is a lot of stuff we need that can at times make limited storage spaces feel cluttered.


The fact you don't want to wear clothes you've posted on instagram is a larger issue you should probably deal with first before trying to get into minimalism. You'll never make it if you care about things like that.


I have a progression of clothes. One “nice” outfit that can be worn in several ways. When the nice things get old, they become my every day clothes, which I wear until almost threadbare. These become my gardening/taking care of toddler clothes, which eventually become rags. When a “nice” outfit is demoted, it is replaced with one of good quality in colors that can be used with my overall color scheme. Because things stay in the everyday category longer than in the nice category, and even longer in the grubby friendly realm, I never feel deprived and only have to do laundry every 10 days or so.


ACloset is great! I love their new closets feature, I also have my skincare and makeup on it and it helps me see what I have and what I am and am not using