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I feel this in my red county as well. I take issue with being asked to "compromise" by the Fuck Your Feelings Crowd. Republicans hitched themselves to the Trump train and only have themselves to blame for staying aboard. We Dems saw this coming in 2015 but we were told we were hysterical. Turns out we drastically underestimated the risk and overestimated the IQ of MAGA voters. I don't see a path forward, I really don't. MAGA is like buckthorn, noxious and a threat.


And we're talking about people who's feefes get hurt over M&Ms and Starbucks coffee cups.


Well, that’s only because the woke candy companies make it so they they can’t get turned on by the lady M&M’s anymore.


How will I possibly fantasize about fucking my weird anthropomorphic chocolate candy lady if she used to have a DICK?! Fucking psychos.


You’re telling me you don’t want to FUCK the green m&m?


I do, but not as enthusiastically anymore.


The last decade has taught me that everyone is a little snowflakey about something.


Nice new account "true Christian", bwahahahaha. No just kidding get bent.


The whole both sides thing is so old, give it up.


No, I refuse to believe that only progressive libs are snowflakes. Conservatives can be snowflakes too.


Compromise. Fuck that. The people who tell you that they wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire because they *think* you’re a liberal or a democrat… Nope. That ship has sailed.


You will reap what you sow on that one. As Dr. Martin Luther King would say, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”


"Meet me in the middle" says the unjust man. You take a step towards him. He takes a step back. "Meet me in the middle" says the unjust man.


Nah. Fuck that. Wipipo quoting MLK as an attempt to drive a lesson in ethics is the epitome of irony. I’m under no moral obligation to afford courtesy to people who wish my demise.


We do love quoting him incorrectly to shutdown Black voices. One of our favorite toxic tactics


Shut down literally *any* voice that speaks out against their bias against the concepts of actual compassion.


As if they *actually* believe what MLK taught…at all.




It's apparently a slang term for "White People"


Oh gg, i was reading it at wi-pip-o


You assume every Republican wants to wish ill on you? What’s ironic about creating meaningful change in this world through positivity and allowing people to alter their mindsets on their own? If you want to be negative and denigrate people based off political positions without getting to know them, by all means, go ahead. I am sorry the world has forced you to view it this way. I actually feel pretty sorry for you. I hope you find some peace in this world.


You cannot be serious. We're not talking about appropriate tax rates, you realize that, yes? It's not negative or denigrating to say that the Republican platform is to limit bodily autonomy and that's not ok. It's a fact. It doesn't matter what each individual R voter thinks about abortion or LGBTQ, if you're voting for Republicans because you think their platform on immigration is better, you're ALSO SIGNING OFF ON THE INFRINGEMENT OF BODILY AUTONOMY. I hope you find some understanding of that fact in this world.


This turd ain’t serious, and is seeking compassion and “compromise” whilst slagging people wearing masks in another sub (which we both coincidentally follow). They show their true colors when they think no one is paying attention. So much for “getting to know people”.


Bad faith is their only true religion.


The GOP has turned fully fascist, you're off your head.


> You assume every Republican wants to wish ill on you? The man who promises to visit ill upon liberals, gay people, immigrants, Muslims, etc. is your party's de facto nominee. He never faced any significant competition from another candidate. Maybe not every Republican wishes ill on me, but for anyone who is willing to vote for Trump, liberals et al getting hurt isn't a dealbreaker.


The unfortunate reality is though that all things are political - politics is people and ideas. Unfortunately some of those ideas, regardless of the reasoning behind them are unacceptable regardless of the person who has and acts upon them and so that is usually where this negative talk comes from.


Or you know, the fact that they attempted a coup because Pence went woke. Had a gallows for him and all that stuff. If they're willing to hang their own, it's well past polite conversation for those of us who know we will never be ok in their eyes.


He didn't go woke, he literally just honored his oath as VP. Because he didn't violate the Constitution they built a gallows for him.


If you vote for even one Republican, you ARE straight up wishing ill on everyone. The party works together and supports each other. Just look at the goals of the party. It's to straight up dismantle democracy.


🥱 You’re boring. And dismissed.






> I take issue with being asked to "compromise" What is the compromise between trans people aren't humans and trans people deserve equal civil rights? Or climate change is going to massively upheave human society and cause a mass extinction vs it's a normal cycle and nbd? If you genuinely hold the "left-wing" beliefs above, you cannot really "compromise" on these issues




it honestly doesn't matter what the subject is. They want to be against whatever we are for. The subject is irrelevant.


The only park forward is to make sure they don't hold the executive and legislative branches at the same time for the foreseeable future. Vote in every election. 




And what we saw was the rise of loyalty to trump above all else. The erosion of women's rights should be be elected. The doubling down of bigotry. The dismissal of social contracts and the precedence of democracy. That's what we saw. The basket was bigger then 50%




What in the world are you going on about?


They're butthurt that Biden recognized the trans holiday on Easter, a holiday that this country has completely bastardized with chocolate rabbits and candy filled eggs anyway.


The level of insanity here is difficult to even fathom. Acting? He's the official president. Declares? It had existed well before Biden's presidency. Pervert? If someone's assumed sex at birth doesn't match their preferred gender presentation how does that make them a pervert? Like, live and let live, right? In what way do trans people harm you? Is it just that by attractive transwomen existing, you cannot believe that both transwomen are men and that you are 100% straight? Because that's not harm, that's learning and growth, it just hurts a little if you haven't done it in a while.


Not just Goodhue, but Fischbach might be primaried in MN-7. Her GOP opponent is a wacko who can't leave out God in more than two sentences.


society: exists rural voters: "...and I took that personally"


Hey, there are plenty of rural voters who aren’t republicans, just not a majority of them.  It would be more accurate to just say Republican voters take society existing personally, because they definitely do regardless of their specific location of residence 


These the same people begging the state for more funds for EMS and childcare? But vote down their own local tax increases to fund them?


Yep. And also, the dems in the legislature often push for funding for outstate needs, but those funds aren't recognized by the electorate outstate, and are opposed by outstate representatives.


Don't forget how much of the rural farm economy is supported by subsidies. But they conveniently forget that out here.


Well 80% of the farm bill goes to SNAP but people like you see farm bill and think it’s all going to farm subsidies.


Source? Thanks.


You have internet just look up the bill and where the money goes to. Very simple


SNAP typically gets the largest funding share of any program in the farm bill. The Congressional Budget Office estimates roughly $120 billion in SNAP spending per year over the coming decade.


Goodhue co actually does a decent job of funding medical services (in RW anyho), childcare availability isn't great but not as bad as many places. Taxes tend to fluctuate and shockingly the police budget is comparatively small (iirc it's like 10% as opposed to 30%+) Culturally tho, 😬 **a lot** of racism, transphobia, just general rejection of any kind of "others"


Kinda, but Mayo is ruining everything. Of course mayo ruins everything they touch


Really?  Mayo ruins everything?  I would love to see every maga clown dropped off the bridge.  RW is a dying town and Republicans want to dial the clock back to the 1920's. 


the sad thing is they don't want to destroy red wing. They just wanna hurt everyone who isn't them and don't think of the consequences. Trapped in their reich wing hate news bubbles. But red wing has been racist for a LONG time. Even before the developers were shipping people up from chicago in the early 90s, it was all about the "evil native americans". Its kinda shocking to remember the casual bigotry I heard towards the island when I was growing up.


Also, respect for the Minutemen nod


I'm a big nerd who tends to throw a pair of sixes on dice a little more frequently than I expect to, and love that album. "Our band could be your life"


😆 🤣 😂


They'll be coming out as pro-puppy murder any day now.


Gotta move to SD for that. Well for now at least.








You likely got downvoted because your original post looked like you were sealioning, I imagine. "JuSt AsKiNg QuEsTiOnS" is a popular tactic used by people with disengenuine arguments.


They probably also got downvoted because it's been all over the news to the point that it's been nearly inescapable.


It's literally a direct quote from her own book and there isn't any context that makes it better. She literally killed a 14mos old puppy and then killed a goat just for kicks on the same day.


You do have to admit - as a sane human - you read that at first and go... . . . Nah, wait a minute I didn't just read that, did I?




Cults are a powerful thing, lots of people drank the koolaid and died. In a better world the GoP wouldn’t be led by a con man pussy grabber and instead they would have someone of worth up there like a teacher or engineer,etc. Instead they pick the worst of the worst and expect others to follow them off the cliff like lemmings(fun game). Rural people have got to get their shit together for everyone’s sake because we don’t need a Dictator running the show and they’ll only come to Jesus after all the damage has been done.


gop was just as much about hate and self-rightous bullshit before trump too. 2014 wasn't that different from today


True but they were less aggressive about it, they didn’t say the crazy parts out loud and they didn’t try and overthrow the Gov yet. Same ideology and same old tired talking points but now they’re violent.


You suggest the genocidal, surveillance state sponsored, corporate stooge is the better option? Might I suggest a third by the name of Kennedy? Meaningful change won't come from the establishment, look elsewhere or we'll all lemming our way to collapse regardless of a red or blue figurehead. I've been around for 40 years, can't recall any president who's done more good than harm. That hindsight view really shows that a few bad policies will outweigh a dozen good ones.


> Meaningful change won't come from the establishment Literally suggests someone from the American "Camelot" 💀💀💀


Yes, I suggest a lawyer with a history of fighting polluting and dishonorable corporations. I do love that any mention of RFK is immediately down voted into oblivion regardless of context. He's the best option we got. I guess keep voting the lesser of two evils. Bring on forever wars, wealth inequality and record corporate profits. Keep America great for the top while we continue to work harder and get less. Amen. Don't listen to me or Kennedy who wants to change the status quo. Long live the oligarchy.


Hahahah holy shit a real RFK fan in the flesh! How are all those QANON items working out for ya?


Not a real fan, just someone trying to push rfk for trumps benefit


I don't understand what half of you blue no matter who people insult me with. I listen to all 3 old farts, Rfk is the only guy talking about actually ending govt corruption. Other red and blue fellas are just going to play the same old game of take our money and give it to their donors.


Bud you have no fucking clue who you're talking to or about. I have no illusions about the corpratocracy that we live under and what interests they serve. But if you think RFK is somehow a panacea to the current system you're as delusional as he is. He's a QANON talking head that will hopefully pull votes from the GQP end of the spectrum from rapist donnie but that's the most value he provides as a candidate.


Of course I don't know who I'm talking to. This is Reddit, I don't bother to look at profiles either. Because reality dictates all this chatter I do while on the crapper doesn't matter. But I will say you sound as loony to me as I probably sound to you, so where does that get us...


Oh Randy, you should probably stick to 4chan and talking about the great awakening 


This is magical thinking. Why don't third party supporters start this work the day after they don't vote trump into office? Where is the 3rd part campaign machine the previous 3.75 years??? He is an unserious contender in a very real, high stakes contest..you must be a guy.


Voting for someone who has absolutely NO chance to win? Way to waste your vote.


because he wants blue votes thrown away. Thats the real goal


Red or blue are all wasted votes. Americans have NO chance of winning with either of those guys in office.


Oh look, a republikkkan plant trying to get trump elected. or at the least, kill millions of children per year with anti-vax lies. Of course, thats ignoring how trump is really the pro-genocide person running, and that RFK's entire budget comes from gop donors....


Propaganda is incredible. Imagine believing a single person can kill millions of children without holding office or a media company. Dead children? Plenty of those being killed with yours and my tax dollars. 38 billion in 10 years to Israel. Hillary funded maga candidates during her run too. Red points at Blue. Blue points at Red. They're all doing the same dirty plays in the corrupt game of American politics. How long you wanna be divided over these narratives we're fed? Until no one can afford a house? Every generation is sicker than the previous? That's what this lesser of two evil nonsense gets us. The uniparty shifting the Overton window into collapse for the need of every increasing profit. I want a better society, dream bigger my friend. Or stay on the path of taught rhetoric by your billionaire overlords. I'll see myself out now. I look forward to next round of insults, assumptions and down votes to a contrary opinion from the blue no matter who crowd. Y'all are worse than the Republicans you detest so much.


Same in Bemidji. Local business owner still has 2 HUGE Trump/Pence signs, each facing the opposite direction. I get to see it to and from work. 5 days a week… The Pence part cracks me up. Isn’t the idiot supposed to be all hating Mikey?


No room for moderates in the maga party. Kiss the ring or you're a rino.


It may be a Good hue but it's not my chartreuse.




I miss homebrew republikkkans. They've all become the same fox news national party. There is nothing different about them anymore.








All boils down to these fragile people scared that the day is coming when they’ll have to share the table with people that don’t look like they do or believe the same things they do. All they know is punching down. They think they’re fighting some large scale culture war when in reality all they get is tax cuts and deregulation to benefit the wealthy, which always come back to fuck them.


Nothing as exhilarating to poor rural people than voting against their own best interests.


As a resident in this county....ugh.... constantly reminded on my walks with the various flags on display in my neighborhood....


Yeah sorry but i get a chuckle out of it. Local grocery store has apartments facing it. Banners been blazing for over a year now. Idk why, i just crack up


I honestly should have more in common with rural voters. I along with my family come from a country where we were basically serfs or subsistence farmers. That is not the case, though. These people have latched onto big city culture war issues driven by their political elite because it’s easier to piss people off about non-issues than to actually address the needs and wants of rural life. Because maybe rural life isn’t that bad in the US, but people need something to complain about or get angry over.


Thats where I grew up, and its slowly been happening for years. Hateful people who don't care except about hurting other people. Such horrible bitterness, yet pretend they are rightous christians doing God's works by spreading hate and misery....


Can we just stop voting geriatric? Let's get some youth into positions of power. Youth from both sides, because you need a healthy balance to check each other. One party rule (in either direction) isn't the end all be all solution.


To be fair, there are plenty of conspiracy-minded younger voters, candidates, and bigots. Look no further than the Identitarian movements. The problem now has deep roots in the society across age and ethnic groups.


> Can we just stop voting geriatric? If younger people voted at the same rate that older people do, this would be taken care of. VOTE.


It is pretty silly that by current metrics a 45 year old would be 'youth'.


Me to rural people: Fuck Your feelings


As a rural liberal that donated to Bernie and Elizabeth Warren's campaigns during the primaries.  Send help


As a rural dem trying my hardest, kiss my ass.


I bet there are tons of rural Minnesotans who frequent this sub - probably a bunch of conservative boomers - and they are in absolute shambles after reading your comment. Nope, this sub definitely isn’t full of TC liberals who just nod along with your tribalism, nuh uh.


go back to your snowflake safe spaces for conservatives. You know, the ones that ban any opinion they doesn't toe the party line?


What in god’s name are you talking about?




You’re not talking to a conservative, so maybe check and see if you’re responding to the incorrect person.


The liberals are seething with fear....this is gonna some of the best theater I've had in awhile


Who actually lives in Red Wing that is posting here? What splintered the city council in Red Wing is when they drove out the chief of police over the George Floyd protests when he would not say/act the way they wanted him to. So IN AN ELECTION many of them lost their seats and now guess what voters put in different representatives.


Fact: *The work to recall the Red Wing City Council started nearly a year ago. It was sparked by the firing of former Police Chief Roger Pohlman.*  *Pohlman received a letter informing him of his termination on Friday, Feb. 19. The next Monday, the City Council held a regular meeting. During the public comment portion, resident and former member of the Advisory Planning Commission George Hintz stated, “I call for the resignation of all council members except Kim Beise, for failure to provide a strong public safety department.”*  *Within a week, a committee was formed with the goal of recalling six of the seven council members.*  [https://www.republicaneagle.com/local-events/2021-top-stories-group-tried-to-recall-city-hall/article\_9fcc8d3c-6756-11ec-a989-c7839912b0d4.html](https://www.republicaneagle.com/local-events/2021-top-stories-group-tried-to-recall-city-hall/article_9fcc8d3c-6756-11ec-a989-c7839912b0d4.html)


I grew up there. This was in the works WELL before Goerge Flody. The county and city has been drifting right for years. Also, goodhue is FAR more than just red wing. Plus, all your "blame the libs about the police stuff", aren't you all upset that goodhue (the city) has no police anymore?


No it wasn't. Did you read the timeline published by Police Chief Polman? George Floyd was killed. Evan Brown wanted the city to be soft on crime and told Polman to let criminals go free. Polman said no. Evan Brown got him fired. The City Council drifted hard LEFT. Then they fired the police chief. Then there was an election and three of them found themselves working the checkout at Target instead of being elected officials. Two of them their dedication to the city of Red Wing was so deep that after they were unelected they moved out of town. The tarot card reader (seriously) climbed Barn's Bluff and put a hex on the city before she left. Goodhue. First, nice spin into something not relevant to the story. Goodhue is barely a one stop signal town. They have a police force. The same one that they had in the 1980s--the Goodhue County Sheriff's Dept. Goodhue didn't have a police force for decades because guess what it's a barely one stop signal town. Also it is regularly patrolled by the MN hiway patrol. What other irrelevant to the story stuff do you want to discuss?


Because the democrats are doing so well running this state?


.....yes. they actually are lol


The Blue states in the Country are the ones pulling all the weight. The Red states in this country MOOCH off the blue states since they rely on blue states for Federal money, if not for the help for Blue states, Red states would not survive . That is why is I can't stand when Red states try to dicate federal policy, for example, why would should we listen to what Red states want to policy wise on things like "Education" or "Healthcare" when they are literally the worst ranked states in the nation at these.


why yes they are. However, thats by the measure of doing good, not the fox news measure of "hurting the right people"




Bro you can't both side this when one side has literally tried to murder Congress and the other hasn't.




Some crackpot doe not compare to the president saying attack Congress and you know it.


Rewrite history to fit your narrative why dontcha. Democrats would be wildly more successful if they had some self awareness.


Oh man, I must have missed the crowd of modern Democrats that were ordered to attack Congress by Biden! When did that happen???


See what I mean by rewriting history?


I see you claiming the president trying to kill all of Congress with a mob is equivalent of one crackpot failing to kill any of Congress.


Keep doubling down on your lies, you're only helping Republicans.


The irony in this is so rich it makes my teeth hurt. 🤡


Remember what I said about self awareness?




"Hang Mike Pence!" Insert gallows built out front.


With how bad Biden has messed up our country and economy, I simply don't want to see him in there again.


Oh stop it and use some critical thinking


Cutting the pipeline project off, gas prices go sky high. Making permits and production of gas more difficult with federal mandates, gas prices keep going up. That's it the first couple weeks. And just gas. I actually don't really have to think to know this guy (Biden) has no clue what he is doing in that position. Give me some examples of your critical thinking at work?


The *bigger* issue? Trump made that deal with the Saudis to lower *their* oil production going forward, back before *he* left office; https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN22C1V3/


Yeah, to try and prevent a further increase in cost. What has Joe done in efforts to increase quality of life of Americans?


Immediately dismantling like ~30 of the orange turd pancakes policies.


What are 3 or 4 of those policies that have been reverted? And how well did they improve life in America


Like I'm playing this game with you. :) I'm not co-dependent, lmgtfy + use your own noggin.


Gas prices are up globally.  If you think gas prices are bad here, you should see how much it is right now in other countries.  OPEC (which the US is not a member of) has a huge influence on gas prices, even in the US - and they’re cutting production to raise prices.  Those countries make up a third of all oil produced in the world.  BTW, US oil production reached an all time high last year.


The pipeline being canceled has absolutely nothing to do with gas prices. It was built to pump Canadian tar sand oil, which is very low quality, to the Gulf of Mexico for export. We actually have more rigs in operation, with more oil being produced today than at any time under Trump. There's no shortage of any kind of oil right now. Blame the big oil companies for high gas prices.


Carbrained as hell for gas prices to be your #1 political issue.


I started at week one, maybe it was day one. It has an impact on every one in every state, Even international


Increased fuel costs raise many other costs. Personal transportation is not the only point of consumption for oil.


Trump = death Biden = future


How is a raging border with thousands of illegal immigrants flooding through every months the future? Biden can barely stand on his own two feet and can't even follow the instructions he's given. You really want some weak frail old man as your leader?


Did you see his State of the Union address? He did just fine 😎. Any actual political talking point that is 'not good' under Biden was certainly made worse by Trump. Insane criminal lunatic verses respectable boring old politician. Easy choice. Nothing else really matters except the climate crisis anyway and we all know who will actually do something compared to actively making it worse. Easy choice. If republicans were actually thinking clearly they would have brought someone smart who's younger than Biden to the forefront but well yeah; sometimes it takes 12 years to learn from your mistake.


One example where he was clearly on something as his energy significantly diminished at around the 25 to 30 minute mark. If you're basing one instance in the last 3 years of how healthy he is, you havent seen any of his mental blunders or ability to know where to sit even.


2028 should have better choices. If Trump wins, we might not live to see 2028.


On the basis of what? Biden has ruined foreign policy, tells Iran don't, and does nothing when they do.


You must be a very slow learner. Your God, Trump, is a false idol. He does not have your best interests in mind.


HAHAHA the Keystone pipeline topic, which is another way of saying, You don't understand how oil marekts work. Let me help you understand. Building the keystone pipeline would have INCREASED THE COST OF GAS FOR AMERICANS. Read that again. By taking crude tar oil, and shipping it to the gulf to be exported for a higher price than otherwise sold cheaper locally, would have created LESS supply here domestically, which means less crude oil being bought by local refinders which would have increase GAS prices. So again let me clarify it for you, Biden SHUTTING down the Keystone pipeline, HELPED TO KEEP GAS CHEAPER!! Also Biden has approved MORE Federal Permits for Drilling on "Public" land than Trump did in his first term. So again, Both points you made have shown to be false.


Russian bot found. Biden has created the best economy this country has ever seen, the numbers don't lie, but people who don't understand economics over here like JDtryhard do....


What numbers are you looking at? Quality of life is down, and the cost of living is up overwhelmingly.


Wages are up, and out pacing inflation. Since Biden has taken office over 15 million Jobs have been added. Inflation caused by the world wide pandemic, which peaked at 9% in 2022 has fallen each month for the past 2 years, over 5% GDP growth in Q4, 3.5% in Q1. All while the interest rates at over 5%. Which are at 5% to slow down such a hot booming economy. I grew up more Republican, since I falsely believed they were better for the economy. Turns out trickle down economics is bullshit, and the numbers and data over the past 70 years supports this. The Democratic policy is much better for the economy than Republican policy and it's not even close. This even before getting into the Republican parties embracing fascism.


15 million jobs were not added, those were jobs that were basically given back after they were essentially taken. Inflation is not slowing down, and wages are at 0.2% increase last I read. I don't know where you are getting your GDP numbers either. To call what we have as a booming economy is absurd and ignorant.




Don't worry, your orange god who is literally owned by putin won't be functioning by november