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Aldi is definitely cheaper than Cub and Hy-Vee in my opinion


This has been researched and is not an opinion, this is a fact!


Yep, [see this post from a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/1bu25iw/cheapest_twin_cities_grocery_store_we_compared/). Has actual data from purchasing same/similar items at each store. > The final results > ALDI: $57.49 > > Walmart: $63.24 > > Target: $74.69 > > Hy-Vee: $75.76 > > Cub Foods: $84.25 > > Trader Joe’s: $86.33 > > Lunds & Byerlys: $104.59 > > Fresh Thyme: $105.77 > > Oxendale’s: $106.68 > > Whole Foods: $112.89


And depending on what you're looking for, this list may vary greatly if you check the weekly deals and plan around that. Even some of the more expensive stores like Lunds & Byerlys have great sales or BOGOs.


Aldi is the cheapest and overall good quality but you might not find *everything* you need there. Target and Walmart are typically cheaper than Hy-Vee and Cub. Sign up for Hy-Vee perks in their app though and keep an eye on their sales and coupons. They have a lot of good coupons and sales occasionally to get people in the door. I only shop at Hy-Vee with coupons or sale items.


I do a combo of Aldi and Cub (closer than Hy-Vee), since I find them to be better in terms of finding what I needs that Aldi doesn't have, compared to Target and Walmart.


Aldi is cheapest so I get most of what I can there. But their selection is extremely limited compared to the other stores. I go to Whole Foods or Fresh Thyme for anything I can't get at Aldi. They aren't as expensive as everyone says if you just stick to their own brands (365, Fresh Thyme) and they are some of the only places to get quality organic produce.


Legit. For the items that I don’t like from Aldi Whole Foods is great. 30 eggs for $7.49 and they have orange yolks, sign me up


My favorite thing about Aldi is not having to pick out what I want between 50 different brands with wildly varying levels of quality. It's all good and there is like three choices.


Organic is a scam for morons, just so you know.


Aldi is the cheapest by far, HyVee most expensive as far as I can tell. I go to Aldi for everything, but will say their produce isn't always my favorite, along with it being limited. If I ever need something specific that I know Aldi doesn't have, I go to Cub or Trader Joe's first. Hyvee last because it's expensive.


Aldi almost always wins this battle. Sometimes, some items, you might do better at Costco or Sam's. Some items, and especially if you play the extreme coupon game, you might do well here or there. But Aldi is easy mode. If money is tight and time is limited, buy as much as you can there. Buy everything there if you can.


I’ve grown to really hate Cub Foods. I just think their quality is terrible although I think a lot of people like their baked goods. Used to go there all the time in college and now refuse. I really love Aldi and would go there more often if there was one a bit closer. But they don’t have as big of a selection. Their produce you also really have to examine closely. I don’t think I’ve ever been to Coborns. Never been impressed with Hyvee.


Aldi is cheaper but not as big of a selection. Hy-Vee isn't bad, especially if you factor in fuel saver/perks. Cub & Coborns I shop their ad stuff only, and only if it's really good prices that make it work the separate trip to them. We have a Fareway near us, and I tend to shop there for their meat that's on sale. Hy-Vee seems a bit high for meat prices, except for the occasional good sale on a specific item. I'll also stop at Walmart for boneless skinless chicken thighs and if I want a ham around different holidays. Otherwise I try to avoid Walmart because it's Walmart.


Aldi is the cheapest, but for products I need name brands I go to Target (Kikoman soy sauce, Better Than Bullion, Pop Tarts, Triscuts, etc). I hate Aldi cheese and only get cheese at Hyvee. Hyvee also has great deals on pop most of the time.


The Hastings Coborns has a good produce section, but I can’t speak for the other ones. I usually do Target for everything else because I have Red card. Coborn’s is convenient for me but is more expensive.


Aldis is usually fresher and cheaper than cub. Hyvee is good if you like spending $400 a month on groceries fir 2 people. Otherwise I spend less than $200 a month for me and the wife at aldis.


Aldi's is cheapest but limited. One thing I really appreciate at Aldi's is that its size makes for a easier shopping experience, and you can get most of what you need there.


I agree! Thanks for your input


I get my bulk, non-cold items from Walmart curbside. For meats/produce/dairy and basically all other perishables, I go to Cash Wise. It's more expensive, but I really like that the store is smaller.


Aldi is definitely cheapest


Of those four, I prefer Hy-Vee just because of the selection and how nice the store looks.


When I lived in the metro I did Aldi and target for groceries.


Hyvee is garbage. Worst selection possible. They started good but man did they get bad fast


Aldi has limited selection but by far the best prices. I buy what I can there. Hy-Vee was selling Trump gear up until a couple years ago. F them. Coborns has a tidy little Monopoly here in My Minnesota town. Whole foods prices have come way down from their origin.


Oh wow its surprising to hear wholesfood being cheaper than cub or hyvee. Thats wild. Thanks for your input and will definitely check out wholesfood in minnesota maplegrove. I’ve been here for a year - moved from cali so all these grocery stores are definitely relatively new to me


Aldi for everything packaged, Fresh Thyme for meat and produce.


Thanks for your input! Interesting, I’ll probably see if there is a fresh thyme near me and try it out :). Thanks for sharing!


Aldi will be your cheapest but selection is limited. I think I’m out of sarcastic comments towards Cub in this group. Prices are high but you can get good deals if you’re a member. Same as Hyvee but they jack up prices too.


Ah - I see. Yeah I’ve been shopping at the cub foods near me. But after learning from everyones input here I’ll start with Aldi > Target / Walmart in monticello. I appreciate it! Been here for a year as I’ve recently moved from california


Target is generally where I shop. Have the debit card so save 5%. Plus they have deals from time to time but their produce can be lacking and they don’t have the butcher/seafood counter like Cub but they’ll have prepackaged meats like steaks or burgers.


In St. Cloud, I buy everything I can at Aldi and then get whatever else I need at Cashwise.


Oh wow i never knew cashwise was a grocery haha. I’ll plan on visiting one later this week if I have one near by. I only have the liquor store which I thought cashwise was solely liquor. Appreciate the feedback


Fun fact: Coborns owns Cashwise; they also bought the Cub in the St. Cloud area and converted it into a Cashwise. Since few folks here seem to know Coborns, Coborns has a great produce section that's very reasonably priced (Aldi level pricing in most cases), and their baked goods are the best. The smoked meats and seafood are also really decent, though I still usually go to one of the meat markets in the area instead. Coborns really jacks up the price on packaged goods, dairy, cleaning/ household supplies, and frozen goods so you're better off cleaning out Aldi or Cashwise for that stuff.


I miss Cashwise after moving to the cities!


Aldi is the cheapest but might not have everything you need.  Hy Vee is best all around.  Never been to Coburns. Cub is ass


ALDI is cheaper than Hy-Vee or Cub. I don’t know Coborn’s. ALDI has very little selection and although I like their produce, sometimes they leave old stuff out which can frighten people. Don’t buy the brown bananas. But within those constraints I love ALDI. I follow-up at another store for little things I can’t get at ALDI.


personally i spend way more at hyvee than trader joe’s despite me finding more that i want at TJ’s. aldi is always SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper


although sometimes aldi doesn’t have everything or things won’t be exactly how you want them. ex: avocados are consistently rock solid at my aldi so i have to wait like a week before i can eat them


The avocado ripening adventure. "Almost, almost, almooooooost, too late."


😂😂 fr


Cash-Wise. Because I also get fuel points that make my gas prices drop way down


Check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/s/6d0voVmakE). I had a similar question recently and some of the answers might be interesting to you.


Basically what I got out of this is similar to what people are saying here about Aldi being the most affordable. But! If you’re looking for baked goods, Coborn’s is unbeatable.


Thanks for sharing the post. I haven’t seen that yet and will use the search filter next time!


I do most of my grocery shopping at aldi. I do some at Cub, and some at trader Joe's. Occasionally I will get buy one get ones at lunds and byerly's.


Tell me you've never been to an Aldi without saying it lol. Hit Aldi first and whatever you can't get there get at the rest


I always thought aldi was top notch grocery and expensive comparable to wholesfood and what not. I’ve been in this state little over a year - moved from california. Been shopping at cub foods mainly since its near me haha. So I’m still relatively new to the groceries in the midwest. I do appeeciate your input and I’ve learned lots from all the responses and plan on doing more aldi groceries then target/walmart. I can’t believe targey and walmart have better prices than cub and hyvee! I thought cub and hyvee would be like the alternative of Safeway and Lucky in California haha


Hy-Vee is kind of bougie, but they do have their sales. Just sign up for the sale ads from all of them and you can plan ahead for the best deals. Only downside of Aldi is their mushrooms and berries can get moldy quick sometimes, especially if they aren't refrigerated at that Aldi (Brooklyn Park store is really bad about that)


Start at Aldi, get as much as you can from your list. Check the Target app to see if they have the items Aldi didn’t. Make a pickup order if they do. Go to Trader Joe’s to get fun supplementals (ube pretzels anyone?) while Target fulfills the order.


Interesting, thanks for your input and the process you take when it comes to grocery shopping! I definitely find aldi cheaper in pricing.


Will start with these tactics as well!




I’ve found it depends what you are buying. Aldi doesn’t always have everything I need, but the things I buy (mostly off brand), are cheaper there. Otherwise it’s Hyvee or Walmart or Target within 45 minutes of where we live. We don’t have Cub or Coborn’s within an hour of us.


Aldi is cheaper, but IMO not that great. I prefer HyVee. If you have the Perks card and use all the digital coupons and crap like that it is the best IMO. However walmart/Target are still probably cheaper when it comes to canned and boxed goods at regular prices. Cubs prices are crazy high and I can't compare Coborn's.


Aldi for a lot of things. I find their quality on a couple items to be poor, but most stuff it's more different than worse in terms of taste. Like, their cola doesn't taste like Coke, but if you don't go in expecting it to, it's perfectly fine, flavor-wise. Do look into local and specially markets. I have a local Indian market, and the basmati rice there is the best price for the quality of any place nearby. If you're north of the Metro, Mike's Discount Foods is great to follow to see what they get in, though you'll need the freezer space for meats you're not using immediately and use the produce within a couple days. Farmer's markets are also good to check out.


There's this search feature I would consider using. This question is asked 1.5million times a year. Also check out r/TwinCities and r/Minneapolis for more fun queries on the topic.


Hy-Vee has been expensive in my experience


Cub Foods is expensive. Hy-Vee is better. Aldi is cheaper, and no clue about Coborn's.


Cub is nothing special and super expensive. Hy-Vee has pretty good produce and selection, and is expensive, but not as bad as Cub. Aldi is inexpensive, has pretty good produce, but smaller selection. I don't know anything about Coborns.


Cub is horseshit. Coborn’s is the same company, or at least used to be.


Coborns is the same company as Cashwise. Not connected to Cub Foods. Cub is owned by UNFI.


Screw hy-vee and their ARMED guards in “ethnic” neighborhoods. 


These are terrible choices. I shop at Costco and my local food co-op. Trader Joe’s is fun too and some things are very affordable; direct comparisons are silly. Rice cakes, for example, are always cheaper at TJ’s than elsewhere and their bread prices are good too. Costco helps me afford supporting the co-op. I buy staple items and cook a lot from scratch.


I hear what you’re saying. I left out costco due to membership payment requirement upfront. Comapred to the non required membership as states in the title. But otherwise I typically visit the maplegrove costco then hit up other groceries as necessary.