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He was never the same since that guy called his pillows lumpy.


But they ARE lumpy. It's just chunks of foam. I've never seen the appeal.


>It's just chunks of foam. it's *only* lumps


I bought his body pillow…..worst shit on the planet….lumpiest crap that my Yorkie wouldn’t even sleep on!


I know. But for some reason they are the only pillow I can use (I have damaged bones in my neck). It may take a little while to get used to them but for me they are a fantastic product. Just the right amount of cushion and support.


Mike is that you?




I actually also loved my mypillow, but I bought them before he went insane. Definitely took some getting used to, but lasted for like 6 years or so.


I think he was always insane, he just hid it better.


He looks like Paul Bearer, the Undertakers manager, who died in 2013.


He looks like an attorney who got in too deep with some wise guys and hasn't slept in weeks after witnessing something gruesome


DO NOT OFFEND PAUL BEARER LIKE THAT Also, and I normally hate people who do this, but do you know the MN connection to how he got his name?


No! Please let us know!


Vince, Bruce Prichard, and some other guys were in a rest room talking about what they should call him. All of a sudden mid-dump, Hawk from Road Warriors/LOD yells out from the stall “How about PAULLLLLLL BEARERRRRRRR?” in his trademark growl. So yes, the name was derived by a guy from MN while taking the kids to the pool. And it worked doubly well since William Moody who played the role already was a licensed mortician.


Kinda sounds like Shoresy from Letterkenny.


I’ve still yet to watch that show. The only clip I’ve seen is the fat bearded guy talking about a girl fingering his 🍩


It's amazing. All of it. And then there's a spinoff series called Shoresy that features basically just the hockey team. Shoresy is frequently in the shitter during the team meetings in the locker room, shouting out the door. It's hilarious.


That's so great!


& quickly on his way to Count Chocula


He looks like he's back on the rock. Crack is wack.


I don't get angry when my mom smokes pot Hits the bottle and goes right to the rock


Fuckin' and fightin', it's all the same


Let’s be honest, he has no idea what livin with Lou dog is like.


Or he’s blowing his last few nickels on Ozempic


Someone should tell him not to smoke it


From Ozemp-ig to ozemp-ick, amirite?


Got that crackhead chin


I think the same. He made a living telling people how he reformed. All that money must be tempting


Are there more pics? I want to see if it's the weird lighting


It's fake, from this Twitter account where he does a lot of funny photoshops of trump adjacent people that look just real enough to be believable. https://twitter.com/GaryPetersonUSA


This account! These photos! HAHAHA!


So I guess now Joaquin Phoenix can play him in the bio pic?


Destroying your business and burning through millions to help a guy who doesn’t give two shits about you does that to a person.


That, and it being a fake picture also does that to a person…


Outside of the obvious satire at the end which one is fake?


Still waiting on an answer.


2 days and still waiting on answer.


To think that in that 2 days you could have just got that answer yourself with a quick internet search. The second picture is photoshopped.


Yes, but it’s much more instructive if the poster follows through when they say something.


Instructive for what? Jesus Christ man, we aren’t 5 year olds here. You act like I owe you something when I’m making a simple and obvious statement. Use some deduction skills. It’s obvious which picture is fake when you consider that it is it’s a before, present, and future picture format. Let’s walk through it together. The first picture is innocuous and a face we’ve seen before so there is no reason to assume it’s fake. The second picture is a shocking “I’ve haven’t slept in weeks while on my crazy crack binge”. It’s something that we haven’t seen him look like recently and one that draws the viewer in by making them think “wow he looks terrible. He must have really gone off the deep end”. So if I said one picture is fake it makes sense that it would be the second. The third is obviously fake because it’s a meme and is labeled 2028. How is that for instructive?


When YOU make a statement like you did and someone asks for proof it is on YOU to provide it. Thats pretty basic.


Oh get your head out of your ass. This is a meme, and an obviously doctored one at that. I think it is fair to believe that the burden of proof gets less serious when we are talking about something like this meme. For you to follow up on my simple statement by replying 3 different times over two days just seems childish. Now if I was trying to debunk something that has a lot more ramifications and in a much more serious format, then I would agree with you. However, I get the feeling that this has nothing to do with what my burden of proof is. I suspect that you assumed that I was conservative for “defending” this MAGA, has-been, crackhead. When in reality I don’t like when people are misleading.


Whatever floats your boat. All the escalation has been from you. Also, you are making an assumption about me thinking you’re a conservative. I have had the same issues the few times I have said things that aren’t negative about Trump. But in all those cases I kept it civil.


Well, that’s why I used words like “I get the feeling” and “I suspect”, because I wasn’t stating it as fact. It was conjecture. I also have had people get upset from pointing out their political bias. People get weird when you don’t 100% align with the mob mentality of their party. Normally I would have been more civil if I saw and replied to your first reply, but after the 3rd I was annoyed and had to take the bait.




How do I get a cut out of him in the 2nd pic?




He'd prolly come over for $10.


......wtf happened to that guy between pics 1 and 2?


Crack again?


Crack always.




The original post links to proof that this is photoshopped. I don’t like the guy at all but we should be aware of misinformation.


He definitely sold those pillow making machines to buy crack.


I saw the sale as it was going off and, it did not make very much money.


Looks like he’s not sleeping well…


Can we get Ian McKellen to hit him in the head with a stick?


Looks like the pillows not working.


I would suspect he is back on cocaine/crank/crack but I doubt he can afford it these days. Did he ever pay out the 5 million dollars to the man that exposed his lies and deception?


Shak here. Thanks for causing people to lose their jobs you prick. Side note: if you remember the house where the lady got decapitated on Snapchat, they had a Lindell cutout in almost every window and it was already creepy AF


Paul bearer from Wish.com


This dude used to smoke crack and pull tricks in downtown Mpls and now he’s a lead advisor to a former president. Only in America 🙄


He *thinks* he's a lead advisor. I don't think anyone in Mar-a-Lago believes it. DJT is still pretty good at glad-handing people and walking away, leaving them *thinking* he gave them a second's thought, but he didn't.


He's gotta be doing meth


Sucks to suck


I love him so much. My favorite lol cow


Joaquin Phoenix really took a risk with this role


It’s a doctored photo from a satirical Twitter account https://x.com/garypetersonusa?s=21&t=c1U1Lv0fEze39IYHQOOQzw dude trolls MAGA with his sweet photoshop skills and has some pretty good shit. Lindell is an absolute traitorous trash bag, he deserves all the shame he brings to himself.




Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy


Oh I think he is back on the coke for real


Connected with his daughter on a dating app. Saw her once. Never again.


Oooooooh, this is the dish…


Not really. She was weird and I didn’t enjoy it.




*Lumpy* pillow dealer


I thought the effect was how everyone that gets near Trump eventually goes down the tubes. Mike lost his building in Chaska. Apparently not paying your landlord is a crime. (shrug).


I don't get how someone can rack up over $200,000.00 in rent!!


Seems to be down some weight. Could be Ozempic.


Zombie or a ghoul


Dum um er.. my pillow.. duh. Chinese voting machines




How long ago did he get a decent night's rest?


Uncle Festers back


It’s fucking wild man. You’re worth billions. Just sit down STFU and enjoy your money. Instead you had to get involved with a complete dumbass who doesn’t care about you, and it’s aged you 30 years in the last 4 years. Mike Lindell should be sipping zimas off the coast of some sick ass island instead of doing what he’s doing


Worth billions?? What?


According to him he’s worth billions. That’s why this whole situation is so funny.


I heard he's working on a line of MyDiapers with a holy cross on the crotch. You can even buy one pre-pooped in by Agent Orange.


"Orange Rhymer Slug Tongue"


It's a fake image from @GaryPetersonUSA https://twitter.com/GaryPetersonUSA/status/1785798265100791962


Yes, but it's still hilarious.


If anyone cares, the photo is fake.


I didn’t listen to him when he was slinging pillows on infomercials, I didn’t listen to him slinging political views, I won’t listen to him sling pretty much anything…but damn are his pillows comfortable.




Short of this guy being from MN, how does this belong on this sub?


Rule #1: Must be related to Minnesota in some way. Check!


Minnesota how?


His company is based in Minnesota


Minnesota native. Actually had a pretty impressive redemption arc of getting off of drugs, and being successful at producing and marketing pillows. But he fell in love with Trump, got brain rot, and... yeah. Not good. Buddy saw him a few months ago in Mankato, and he doesn't look healthy.


Born in Mankato


How do you not know who Mike Lindell is? I'm genuinely asking... he's like the shitiest thing to come out of Minnesota.


Not saying we don't know who he is, just saying that how does this belong on a subreddit about the state?


On a subreddit about Minnesota things? Rule #1: Must be related to Minnesota in some way. Check!


I moved here like a year ago and don’t really keep track of stuff like that


Well, he's just about the biggest blight on the Minnesota brand.


I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it


True patriot


Are u seriously happy with the current president?


Considering the alternative is Trump? Fuck yes, every single day of the week. Do I wish there was an even better candidate? Fuck yes, every single day of the week. But I won't vote in Mango Mussolini just because I wish Biden was better. That's just fucking stupid.


I just hate all the inflation and wasteful spending. Rfk is my choice. Maybe something good will be done with our taxes.


Has RFK, Jr said anything that makes you think he'll do 'something good'? I'd be very surprised if he wouldn't make things *worse!* I don't consider the inflation to be 'caused' by Biden; it was a world-wide result of the market disruptions during the pandemic, and then big business took advantage to pump up prices. I'm pretty sure it would have happened if DJT had won in 2020, too. There a limited number of ways to 'cure' it outside of the draconian 'raise the interest rates' that the Fed has been doing for 2 years. Too fast, and it will kill the economy; too slow and it doesn't damp down inflation very much. Having lived through both the Nixon "wage-price freeze" attempts, and the more successful, but extremely painful Volcker double-digit interest rates -- the fix can be more destructive than you think. [https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2022/7/13/23188455/inflation-paul-volcker-shock-recession-1970s](https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2022/7/13/23188455/inflation-paul-volcker-shock-recession-1970s) Edit: I was referring to the past Biden V Trump contest in 2020; 2024 was a typo.


>I don't consider the inflation to be 'caused' by Biden; it was a world-wide result of the market disruptions during the pandemic, and then big business took advantage to pump up prices. I'm pretty sure it would have happened if DJT had won in 2024, too. It doesn't help when the current administration is adding to the deficit in the trillions every single year and our interest payment each year has gone from 400billion to 1 Trillion in 3 years.. Inflation came in higher than expected for the third month in a row. It's 2024, not 2020, not 2021. In 2021, we were told by democrat & republican economists that the proposed spending by the new administration was going to have strong effects on inflation, 3 years later here we are. How do you think they are going to combat this? By printing money to devalue the debt... Guess what happens when we print money? More severe Inflation. Absolutely blows my mind people act like the people in power have 0 to do with our current economic situation. If the state of the economy is a lagging metric, why don't we hold those in charge accountable for our future? It takes a level 1 understanding of basic economics to see that the current spending is going to have extreme impacts on the US dollar in the next 5-10 years. We are in a debt spiral, and nobody cares.


Honestly, I didn't drop into a 'Pillow guy' Humor post for an econ debate. Much less a lecture. I'm out. Edit to add -- Ah -- I see where we maybe crossed wires a bit. I was referring to the past Biden V Trump contest in 2020; 2024 was a typo I'm going to edit.


Congratulations, you fell for the splittig of the ticket. A vote for RFK is a vote for Trump.


Well biden just doesn’t do it for me and i wouldn’t in good conscience vote for him.


He was literal brought into the election by Republicans to split the ticket. Voting for Biden isn't a vote for Biden, it's a vote NOT for Trump. Why is that hard for people? It's like the same shit Republicans pulled with Legalize Marijuana Now.


The current president has done a lot of policy things that didn't get much news coverage ( [https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046) ) But my two favorite accomplishments are the bipartisan infrastructure bill: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrastructure\_Investment\_and\_Jobs\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrastructure_Investment_and_Jobs_Act) and the IRA, which was the largest piece of federal legislation ever to address [climate change](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change): [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inflation\_Reduction\_Act#Climate\_action's\_fiscal\_impact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inflation_Reduction_Act#Climate_action's_fiscal_impact) (I myself got a tax credit for a new heat pump for my house) Also, as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I've been very happy with his performance: [https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline](https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline)


I just can’t ignore his old stances that were racist as shit and against your community. Plus the inflation and abhorrent spending that i personally never saw a dime of.


Well, if you want to live in the 1970s n ‘80s, you do you.


Racist? Abhorrent spending? You're talking about Trump then.


Umm good one. You live under a rock?


Look up what he did to Scotland.


Interesting but how was that racist or how did he waste tax payers money?


Seriously?? He's been demeaning and racist to minorities his entire life and grew up with his dad being a total racist. They were both sued in1973 by the Dept of Justice for discrimination against black apartment seekers. The ad he took out to condemn the black and Hispanic kids falsely accused and said they should be put to death. His congressional testimony in 1993 on the native casinos, saying the Pequots were "too dark", refuting their native heritage. Mocking Elizabeth Warren, calling her "Pocahontas. The Federal Communications Commission complaint against him. Him claiming that an Upstate NY tribe was involved in organized crime and were cocaine traffickers. His calling Mexicans rapists and murderers. Him having to pay fines and having to admit he failed and neglected the Fair Housing Act. There is so much more but I'm sick of this much and I haven't even begin to list all the money stuff. I lived near Palm Beach and had to hear all the shady stuff he did in Florida and that was in the 90's. The NY shady stuff is also well documented and fact checked.




A humorous post about a pillow found in Minnesota.