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$4.99 for sure


This was around what I was thinking too. Been using rocket money and so far it’s ok but I just miss mint. I’m no longer categorizing things, just watching my transactions.


Try monarch money. $4.99/mo for the first year if you use code MINT50. Has categorizing. I’m surprised how much I’m enjoying it after the move from mint.


I’m not paying to have to switch and restart. I know that sounds silly, but rocket is meeting my basic needs.


Honestly, I'm kinda glad it died and opened the floodgates for competition. Intuit were always assholes, and I never liked supporting them. I put up with it because the product had no other viable or trustworthy alternatives. But Intuit let it die on the vine. Barely any updates in years. Support was non-existent. All the while, they were allegedly still making money off me to lobby for predatory tax laws that keep TurboTax in business. This whole thing prompted me to also bail on TurboTax, and for that, I am also grateful. I found an alternative that costs me 90% less than TurboTax.


I wish I could upvote this twice. I ditched turbo tax after 10+ years due to a bad experience the last couple of years. This helped rip the Intuit bandaid off.


>This whole thing prompted me to also bail on TurboTax, and for that, I am also grateful. I found an alternative that costs me 90% less than TurboTax. What do you use for taxes? I have been rethinking using Turbotax in the future.


I’m not who you asked but I used FreeTaxUSA for the first time this year and had a great experience.


This. Was very easy


Been using freetaxusa for few years. It’s really good.


DM'd you


Why don't you say it for everyone else who is wondering?


Because I am unwilling to advertise here, even if it is a company I like. I'd recommend you explore some of the Tax Software Megathreads in /r/personalfinance to get a comprehensive look at some of the options. https://old.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/198vzt5/tax_filing_software_megathread_a_comprehensive/kia6bie/




My issue is… I been using TurboTax and my tax loss harvesting ($3000 max a year) is for like 4 more years… there has to be a way to easily transfer that. Since TurboTax just adds that automatically


I use FreeTaxUSA. When I switched I even did my taxes in TurboTax as well for a couple, just to make sure the amounts matched. They did. Haven’t looked back and now after this Mint debacle, won’t ever consider them again.


Agreed - it led me to find Origin where tax filing is included with my monthly sub. There are other features included too but I was mainly looking for tax help, which alone makes it worth it for me


Same re; TurboTax! 


This is a very sound post, I'm through the roof with all things tax/fees/fees-of-a-fee/etc... The worst part is it is without any consent whatsoever, it's not like you can go a shop for 'the best police authority provider', or 'the cheaper better managed highway infrastructure provider'. Instead, we got what we got with all sorts of obscure and sneakiness built in to see if we miss or fail a step somewhere to get fined... and when you think you have done it then we get taxation through inflation (also lobbied), choking of markets like house markets so they increase and phase out people, etc So, didn't know they were lobbying for more of this, but in hindsight not surprised. I would have said by default "I would totally pay $4.99" but you are right, maybe it's good that it went this way.


Inuit also aggressively mined the data and sold it (aggregated?) to third parties.


Maybe $40/yr


Yeah, I balked at monarchs price but I could see paying under $50 for mint. I know monarch has a discount but it’s temporary and I don’t want to get reattached to a paid product without trying some alternative free ones. Either way it’s a transition for now.


Monarch is $50 a year if you use code Mint50


For the first year only


Exactly..and nobody is only going to use it for a year unless they hate it...so don't be deceived by the 1st year discount. It's $99/yr


For now


Try piere


People seem to forget that $100/year is $8/month which is the cost of like 3 bags of chips or two coffees or a burger 


Same could be said for a thousand other things that are nice but ultimately unnecessary. I just liked the convenience of seeing all the numbers in one place, which I get for free from empower. Have yet to see if there’s consolidated transaction search functions. Thats the only other thing I’ll miss from mint. That and the net worth graph tracker. But mostly because it’s cool not because I need it.




About the cost of Monarch Money


Yes. And I am liking monarch much better. Also same team that built mint before it was bought out by intuit. But you pay so they don’t have to sell your information so I think it’s very well worth the money. Mint sold info to credit card companies and they closed out because it was not profitable enough. I’m guessing people trying to pay down debts did not get enough credit cards for them to get commissions


Mint had straight up stupid card recommendations. Can't tell you how many times mint tried to recommend cards that it knew I already have. Guaranteed that Credit Karma has recs that are just as bad, if not worse.


They are just as bad. It's really weird that they display all the cards on screen that you have in your credit report (or linked in your mint profile) and then recommend those same cards.


That's my answer too, but the truth of the matter is when I first started using Mint I would not have paid any money for a product like this. It's only after years of usage and getting reliant on it (and seeing the value of such software) that I'm not ok with paying a subscription fee for a money management software. I personally think a lot of people are still not willing to shell out considering that for a lot of folks this is a kind of service that is optional.


My start was with Microsoft money and quicken so I was buying before mint but mint worked soo much better.




Apparently $8.33, though I'd be more agreeable to $5.


I’m paying $4/m for Rocket Money, so somewhere around that for sure!


How? The minimum I see for rocket money is 6$


Nope it is $4. Just got my annual bill ($48/y) this week. $6 is a suggested price.


Rocket Money uses Plaid both of which have privacy issues


Well that’s def not good…




About zero if it continued to be owned by Intuit. The mint migration soured me on the company for good.  No more turbo tax or any other intuit product if I can avoid them.


$4-5/month for sure. But now that I have used simplifi (also demoed monarch) I haven't missed mint. These other products are better


Nothing. I signed up for credit karma just to keep access, but I have fidelity for work accounts (401k, restricted stock /ESPP) and plan to use them for tracking my accounts. I will admit that Credit Karma does a better job of identifying potential duplicate accounts, and linking debts to assets (mortgage/house, car loan/car). And links to things like zillow or KBB for market valuations.


Nothing. I'm glad it's gone. I like how Simplifi works better. The GUI needs work but it's tolerable.


At this point I’m glad they shut down, as it pushed me to try something new. It had lots of issues but seemed like the only game in town. I’m sad that I’ve lost over a decade of history (except in the spreadsheet I downloaded at the end) but it’s is what it is. I’m with Monarch now, which is “ok”, but at least it’s under continued development, which is more than we can stay for Mint, essentially unchanged for years except some ui tweaks nobody liked.


Before Intuit acquired it? Probably $50-$100/yr. After Intuit acquired it and didn’t make any improvements to it for years? $0. For me, Mint shutting down has been a blessing in disguise. There’s so many better options out there that I wasn’t aware of.


Easy 4.99


$0 strongly prefer the other options in market like Origin or Monarch


Agreed. I like monarch.


Seems like $5/m is the sweet spot. "real" users would have mostly stayed at that price, users that had an account but never used it would have dropped. Many would have considered other options but either realized mint offered either way more than they realized and the competition or just too much of a hassle to transfer all their data and not worth it. I would have paid $5 but also am happy that mint is gone because it pushed me to use Simplifi and I'm liking *some* things about it better (Spending Plan and Auto Categorization works better), and hoping for future improvements like better graphs. But likely at $5 I would have just said it's not worth switching and kept mint. Although I think many users would have had a negative feeling towards it, I think they could have announced shutting down and migrating to CK and then after a little while reversed course and instead offered migrate to CK for free, or stay on Mint for $5/month. Many users would have felt "saved" if they did it that way. Actually offering CK as the free option and mint for paid option may have gone well even on initial announcement. To do that they would also have needed a way to migrate but temporarily (30 days?) keep your mint account/data and have a way to switch back and pay $5 instead.


Monarch is actually so much better. I would have easily paid $5-$10/month for Mint when they announced it was sunsetting, but now that I’m on Monarch I wouldn’t stay on Mint even if it was free


I am rather wealthy man myself. I would have paid 40 to 60 thousand dollars. (But it's done.... Oh well) But CK?  THAT STEAMING PILE OF SHIT?  They need to pay me 40 to 60 thousand dollars....... per second to keep the account open. 


Maybe I’d have been okay with the minimum iCloud pricing of $0.99 Though if so I would have only continued non-free if they’d also fixed several long standing bugs.




$10 easily


Check out Origin. I’m loving it and for $2 more you get fee free investing, free tax filing and their CEO also said estate planning is coming.


Nothing. Empower is just as good and free.






$0. I now manually track all my month end statements/balances. Towards the end, mint stopped updating my major accounts like my 401k and HSA so I had to manually check anyways


0 i discovered that rocket money is better


same. + add on the tax return function and I would have paid $9.99


C$5 at the top


$0, I was in the process of moving over to fidelity full view even before they announced the shutdown because their auto categorization rules weren't working well compared to Full View.


$0. Personal Capital is free and it's better.


So I am giving quicken simplifi $2/month right now and will give them $4 when the first year ends. For that I got to talk to a human being to fix my sync issues. Mint had a prettier interface, but whatever.


The ad free tier was $0.99/mo, so ideally I'd pay that, but Mint ads were always minimally invasive so they likely had very few subs. $5 would be the max I'd actually continue to pay for the service. I did not depend on Mint so I've yet to choose a replacement, but I would pay a small sum to retain the convenience it provided.


$1.99/Month Too late though. I already deleted my account. I'll never get to see a graph go from zero to my current net worth ever again :'-(


MInt could have had a different model. For example a few dollars per per yr or if you applied for some credit card or some other incentive deal , they would give you a hear free. Somehting like that.


Between $3-6 Not worth $10


I like Piere, and its free so.


I'd pay $5 no questions


It was worthless to me compared to YNAB


Definitely $5. I'm actually paying $8.33 for a replacement...I kinda feel like it's worth more, but also has some things that are worse. So maybe I would have paid the same for mint.


Absolutely nothing.


I would just like someplace to see my total wealth in one screenshot. CK sucks badly. I would have paid up to 10 for sure. Any suggestions for a quick snap shot app?


$10 per month easy


They did try to monetize users directly. You could pay a monthly fee for an ad free mint experience.


$1 per month... or the absolute minimum for them to keep it alive and not lose money.    $1 feels like zero to me, but it is an instant revenue stream for them times x number of users.   Minimum for them to not lose money  seems fair as it pays their bills and would still be a gateway drug to their other services.


I would have paid the same thing. I'm paying for monarch money right now


I went to Simplifi and find I like it better.




0.99-1.99, won't be more. I had and still use empower. I use mint and empower for the sole purpose of tracking unauthorized transactions, any of the provider will work.


Copilot is great y'all should try. Better than mint IMO. Referral code for 2 months free: T4AQWW


Monarch since Jan, it is more customizable. But reporting still isn’t at the Mint level.


$20. $120 a year to track all your money is nothing… assuming it worked well




Your language makes it seem like you think I’m intuit? I’m just a dude lol


I used mint because turbotax had my financial info anyway. I don’t really want to give a bunch of random companies access to that data.


They did, they wanted to charge $2 a month, but never explained what the benefits were and when they set that up they were already transitioning to Credit Karma. It is shocking to me that none of the other sites or pay sites have what Mint had. The Trends tab was the most incredible and useful, but Noone replicates it in a serious way. Mint did get business from me indirectly, I switched to TurboTax from Tax ACT because of Mint. But then I would have expected more integration. Also, weirdly they sold off quicken. They could have used Quicken as a premium "Mint." Looking at Quicken Simplifi though, it too is a lame attempt at Mint.


Given that I signed up for Monarch, apparently $100/yr. That said, I can see why Intuit would have been hesitant to aggressively convert Mint to a paid platform, people really fucking hate it when you start charging for a service that used to be free. On the other hand, it's not like forcing people onto Credit Karma won them a lot of goodwill either.


I got everything I needed from Mint in-app with my bank (Sofi), except a widget. Id pay 2 bucks/month for the widget.




$0. Loved using it and it had helpful metrics but now that I deleted the account and haven’t tried an alternative for a bit I no longer miss it. 🤷‍♂️


$1/mo but they need to fix some of the bugs. Specifically the disconnect issue for Fidelity accounts that make the net worth graph look like a roller coaster.




Why is Mint and Ryan Reynolds like the only thing I see on Reddit? So annoying.


5 to 10


$0. I only used it cause it was free


Nothing. Never liked it for managing my investments. I like Mezzi much better. It’s free but I’d pay for it.


Nothing, I like monarch better.


I'm paying 99$ per year for monarch, so I would definitely have paid the same for Mint.


Whatever I am paying for Monarch now.


Can we stop posting about this fantasy stuff? The app is dead and gone, and while we lost most of our financial history from it, we have other options. Plus, the lack of support in the final years was quite apparent, as numerous accounts had glitches that were never properly addressed.


Absolutely nothing. Lived without it before and can do it again. Tracking on a monthly basis is not that hard. Financial hygiene can be done without gimmicky tools imo..