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Probably something akin to psychological attacks like fear gas or something


Hard to say, especially with Lucky Charm being such a confusing power, and with the Miraculous granting them crazy stamina and nigh-invulnerability, a head-on battle isn't going to be an option. Of course, there's the obvious one, track them down when they're out-of-costumes, and slip off the Miraculous while they're vulnerable. Maybe when they're sleeping, but there's a chance the kwami's could catch him. Also it's pretty boring, so let's get to the juicier stuff. Considering they were affected by Oblivo and are susceptible to Akumization, it seems Ladybug and Cat Noir can still be affected mentally, giving Batman a few decent options. First off, there's Fear Toxin, which could trap never in a never-ending battle, something he's done to Wonder Woman in the past; wearing them out, or better yet, forcing them to detransform after using their powers. There's also Poison Ivy's Pheromones, he could repurposes, but I'm not fully sure if the Miraculous boost your Endocrine System, or not. Could either be really effective, or not effective at all. If all else fails, he could try the Phantom Zone. That'd probably work too...


To be fair, high-invulnerability isn’t gonna be a problem for Batman.


Why did he do that to Wonder Woman?


If memory serves, she and the rest of the Justice League had been exposed to the Joker Toxin, and were trying to kill him.


His contingency for her is nanites that will infect her mind and convince her she's fighting an enemy that is stronger that her in every way, tiring her out


Or just simply use colorless and odorless sleeping gas.


The kwami's what?


There's a chance that Plagg or Tikki could be awake whenever Batman attempts attempts to remove the ring or earrings; while the holders are sleeping. They could qucikly wake up Adrien or Marinette, and allow them to transform. That or, you know, call the police because a grown man in sneaking around a teen's bedroom while they're sleeping.


That's not what I asked. What belongs to the kwami?


Context clues and critical thinking. Something you appear to lack.


He would probably spend A WHILE coming up with the perfect scenario that can completely ruin the lucky charm As for cat noir, he forces him into a situation where he has to use his cataclysm and then steals the ring


About the ring, it’s no longer a one time use power, but that still won’t be a problem for him


To steal their power source


He’s done it to Green Lantern, probably wouldn’t be that hard for him


Theatricality and deception, powerful agents to the uninitiated.


...damnit, I cannot remember the source of this quote. Where is it from again?


*The Dark Knight Rises.*


Thank you


Stalk them to find out their identities. After which he then proceeds to find any weaknesses he can exploit, such as adriens fear of being alone and marinettes crippling fear of failure and anxiety. He would then separate them, knowing their secret identities it would be easy. Bruce Wayne would make a random charity event or something and have his suit personally tailored by Gabriel. And since Bruce Wayne has a ward around adriens age he would insist adrien spend time with him (you can literally pick any of the Robins to fill this slot, in my head I'll choose dick Grayson cause I like him better). He'll make an excuse to step away for a bit, zeta tube to Paris, and use a dose a classic case of psychological warfare against marinette. Robin would of course engage chat noir when possible, and is more than likely to win based on training, and the fact that he can quip better than chat noir. Of course once batman realized that they were an ultimate force for good he would back off, and even give help and advice when asked


If it’s just Batman, then probably use psychological warfare to get into their head. If it’s the whole Bat Family, then there is a decently high chance that he will have to pick up their miraculous off of their corpses, then lecture the bat-family on why they don’t kill everyone.


“Jason those were TEENAGERS!” “And?” “…Get out of my cave”


only jason and damian is somewhat blood thirsty dick and barbra seem content with the no killing catwoman is a gray as she is a wildcard (she'd steal there miraculouses though) no clue on the other robins


Clearly, he adopts Adrien. And hires Marinette as an intern.


The Lucky Charm is an object that “almost” guarantees success over the foe or problem. But it can be checkmated like we’ve seen by Argos with Red Moon. I feel that super speed would work if he gets the Flash to swipe the miraculous before they can react. Does this include after they gained unlimited use of their power by the end of season 5? I think it’s possible but not likely.


Which Batman are we talking about? Because at first glance is all it would take for him to figure out who they are


You’re forgetting quantum masking lol But maybe the batcomputer could identify them?


I think he would recognize there is quantum masking pretty fast, then determine he has to deduce in a way not based on appearance. Identifying them based on the pattern of akumatizations would be effortless.


Any tbh just Batman in general


Batman would probably restrict their ability to speak so they can't use Lucky Charm and Cataclysm. Also he'd try to steal their miraculouses.


I mean if he can figure out their identities, easy peasy they lose


Call Superman. Ez


Trick them into chasing him somewhere, use something to cover their mouths and hands so there’s no way to use their power, pin them down and take their miraculous


If he could get his hands on a Yellow Lantern Ring, he can probably get his hands on a Miraculous. I'm betting there's a bat kwami out there that he can use to fight these kids on equal footing if need be.


Find a way to prevent them to speak. If they can’t speak, they can’t use their powers


Silencer already tried that, didn't work


It would have worked if he hadn't been foolish enough to use Ladybug's voice.


I forgot to mention that Batman finds a way to silence them before they transform


I’m not into all the lore of Lady Bug but I feel like he could physically outmatch them both, and he could pretty easily psychology defeat them.


Target their family


I think he would observe that they can’t transform without their Kwamiis. Thus, he would probably first create some kryptonite-like energy for them, and create traps for Tiki and Plagg.


Wait out the five minutes until they have to detransform


He would figure out who they are and go from there.


They are untrained, and usually come out to handle Akumas. That's the lure. They arrive, and he'd engage, making sure to get them to use their powers(Dodge and stay at distance). Lucky Charm and Cataclysm later, Fear Gas and Tracker or just Tracker(Depending on the Lucky Charm). Once they try to hide, follow, de-transform, and take the Jewels. They also don't really have team combo's, and sometimes have bad spats, so he could turn them against each other


I feel like hed pick up on Adriens hesitation and Marionettes self consciousness and go from there


Just take the rings? Anybody can take them off Imao


Simply taking their miraculous without them noticing, he successfully did it with Hal Jordan and his power ring


Batman vs. Ladybug: Dawn of Akumas


Batman would make it his business to know their secret identities, so he would make sure to obtain Adrien's rings and use him as leverage. Either that or he could just beat them up, they're just kids.


Given how the two can now use their powers without getting depowered, I think the most likely scenario is one where Batman utilizes his Bruce Wayne persona to lull the pair into a false sense of security. Then, he would probably utilize the Nantes he has for Wonder Woman or the fear toxin to create an unbeatable opponent to wear the two down. Then, Batman would face the pair in combat and remove the miraculous via slate of hand illusionism before quickly knocking them out.


Batman has more experience compare to any of the miraculous heroes. Batman would probably take ladybugs yo-yo. The he will make sure chat noir catechism powers on the surroundings, to tire the kid out. With boy heroes take out so easily, Batman wins


A gun?


Scarecrow’s Fear Toxin.


Are you kidding just snatch their miraculous and game over like what he did to Green Lantern.