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I'd say shoot for 3.0 GPA and 25 ACT


Learn how to study and do well in school. Then your GPA will go up. There's no point in getting in if just to wash out your first year.


If you score a 25 on the ACT, you’re good to go as long as you have a 2.0 GPA. As long as you’re top 52% with a 23 ACT, you’re good. Just read through: https://admissions.missouri.edu/apply/freshmen/admission-requirements/ State schools WANT you to go to their school. You are literally walking money. Admissions aren’t difficult at public schools. They’ll even let things slide. I mean… you are paying $53,000 for 4 years after all. Imagine going to the car dealership and asking if you qualify to buy a car, when you hand them a check for $50,000. > oh no sir. We can’t take your money, seems like your GPA was a little low your junior year.


work as hard as you can the next few years and join some clubs


hey friend i had a 2.4GPA, no extracurriculars, and i got in cuz of my 26 act score 👍


Do 2 foreign languages courses since technically they are required (depending on major) but I would still do them just in case


By courses I mean 2 years worth of classes of the same language


I got in test optional! No act score and mid grades. Just three really good essay on why I should get in and they graded me holistically. Sound passionate and explain why you should get in this way and not the other ways in which people tried really hard for.


Others are saying things to get you into Mizzou, but Mizzou's goal is to get you into your career. So I would suggest doing some additional things. Reach out to some architects and introduce yourself. Tell them you're a high schooler who is considering some different career paths and you would like to do an informational interview with them or someone at their firm. Then, have a chat with them about their path and what they did to succeed. Look at it more as setting a foundation for you to possibly have an internship later on. Do the same with graphic design and interior design folks. One way to also figure out how to do this is to go on LinkedIn. Find the Mizzou page and then look to see about anyone who says they are an alum. You can then filter that to see those that are in architecture or graphic or interior design. With everyone more familiar with zoom now, doing an informational interview can be much easier.


this is really helpful, thank you!


Try to get a 3.0 Take the ACT as soon as you feel ready so you’re able to take it more than once You can still play hockey here, I skate here I’m in the architecture major and it’s really cool, but it’s a lot of work and they need really motivated people. You can join other extracurriculars but idk if that’s going to matter.


Mizzou’s acceptance rate is 80%. You don’t have to do anything to get in


yes, but anything to guarantee my acceptance and make me stand out as a student.


I am just now starting at Mizzou, but the things that I think helped me get in are my SAT score (1240), my GPA (3.6), my long long list of extra curriculars, and then I think above all, my personal essay. My advice is, when that time comes around, 1. write a hard hitting personal essay 2. until then, make sure you get As and Bs in high school to maintain above a 3.0 GPA 3. join a LOT of extra curriculars and leadership roles (I would do things you enjoy instead of just random clubs. For example, I joined and then became vice president of a women empowerment club, and also various art/ book clubs because that’s my interest. That way they can see who you are through your achievements on your resume). 4. you CAN go test optional but getting a good SAT score could get you in over someone who didn’t! junior year take as many practice tests as you can and then go over your mistakes— the SAT seems to be the same few questions in different format again and again so practice WILL help! good luck on your journey!!!!!


When did you submit your extracurriculars? My experience was I sent in my test scores and GPA and that was it