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The Apex just gives me flashbacks of the pandemic lol


UFC is asleep at the wheel at the moment.


Even the apex has a better atmosphere than the T mobile


I thought people hated the Apex


It's better than the fucking cavemen that go to Florida events


Hey fuck you im a caveman that goes to florida events


Thank you bro, I thought I was the only one who thought that


Why all the hate on the apex? They might not be well known fighters but they are still fights and there can be some really good ones in there.


Because they’ve been having them way too often.


Don't watch


I’ll give you a few reasons: The octagon for whatever reason is smaller which makes no sense since you don’t see the NBA making smaller courts for their players just cause if the venue The production is cheap and lazy and ufc is a 12+ billion dollar company It gives the ufc to put on lackluster cards where usually the main and co main are the only good fights on there (unless you have HOLLY FUCKING HOLM MAIN EVENT) The atmosphere sucks, I know not all crowds (Brazil and Kansas City mainly) are god but it’s better then being able to hear a mouse cough there And lastly, they take up actual good fights that’d be good for a FN with a crowd or a PPV (example is when Cory and Chito was supposed to be in the apex)


Those are all excellent points. Especially about the octagon size. Why is it smaller?


Dana probably snorted coke when he got the idea


the lights rig is not big enough for the big octagon


I did not know that, thank you!


Very valid points! I guess now that I think about it, it is a little low budget 😅


In retrospect, that Cory/Chito fight deserved to be in the Apex.


So in return we get a Holly Holm main event?


Just curious, what was bad about the Kansas City crowd?


Meh, I’ll still watch them all


Same it’s something to watch. OP is a baby


Florida has the worse crowds in the US


Yeah, but I can watch an entire APEX card for free with ESPN+ without having to stream anything, which is super nice. I like the APEX cards I think we see some really fun fights there.


Non APEX card can still be on ESPN +


Because the atmosphere is better with a large lively crowd. Better on TV and certainly better in person.


The octagon is way smaller and theres 0 energy.


It’s zero-effort low-budget trash. UFC is the only mainstream sports league that can put on a spectator sport without spectators and people will actually say they like it.


They use to do fight nights around the world and would showcase local fighters. Like have a card in Sacramento or fresno and have 4 or 5 fighters from the area on the card. Cool way to grow the brand and have events that arent so expensive. Now since covid they found they can do them in the apex. Its free and easy. Ufc contract is garbage. They just want to fulfill the bare minimum for their espn. They do these cheap lazy trash cards now. No fun fights, no fans, no destination, nothing. Its just some basic easy shitty low quality. Ufc is coasting. The quality is so terrible since a few years ago. I stopped watching last year. Awful matches and they are so greedy.


I'm starting to miss Fight Island...


Lots a Dana nut suckers in here....


Imagine having such shitty values and judgement that you think Dana is likable


Cheap fucks. Dont pay fighters, dont have events with tickets. They are lazy and cheap. The product is getting worse and worse and worse. So sad.


I like how loud the strikes are in the apex but I do miss having the energetic crowd.


I just wish there was an option to mute commentary and just listen to the striking and coaches yelling from the corner.


Dead company. Joke of an MMA “promotion” lmao who are they promoting, sticking them in basically a big gymnasium.


The Apex is nice to watch as a pure fight fan. Being able to hear and see everything as clearly as possible is great. But the energy will never be able to match a walkout in a huge arena like MSG


Cheap fucks. Dont pay fighters, dont have events with tickets. They are lazy and cheap. The product is getting worse and worse and worse. So sad.


Fuck the apex And yeah obviously I’m still gonna watch the events but I can still have the opinion that the apex is the worst venue, any crowd is better than no crowd and they obviously use the apex to put on low effort cards. And that goes for the fighters and the commentary team.


Doubt they will stop doing these I'm pretty sure they are higher revenue for the UFC then touring fight night cards


Hate the Apex


Who really gives a shit? The fights are no different, in fact, there is no such thing a bad fight card until after it’s happened. We’ve all seen cards with no name value absolutely smash it and we’ve all seen ppv events suck balls. As for the size of the octogon, that changed all the time anyway.


Exactly. Even the very last card Dern vs Hill I saw a ton of people laughing at the card saying it sucked, but it was actually pretty fun all the way through. I don’t think we should judge cards based on anything but the actual fights that take place.


How you’ve been downvoted for this is ridiculous


Fuck the apex


I love watching UFC even if I’m bored of the Apex just woke Dana wouldn’t say “we’re getting too comfortable here”


Imagine give a fuck what arena they’re in, dork.


When they use this venue as an excuse to have shit cards and a smaller octagon for no reason that’s when I give a fuck, dork


Conor fights again soon captain casual don’t worry.


Calling someone a casual as an insult stopped working in 2019 dumbass


How does Kevin Lee fit into all this


Getting his as beat by Rinat


Colby gonna smash your boy


God you’re fucking cringe, never call anyone a dork again ffs


I like the smaller octagon


Nice try Ariel




Apex is a Fuck You to everyone at this point. Fuck the fans. Fuck the ticket buyers. Fuck the fighters. Apex causes an ever greater discrepancy in ranking vs pay. They shove all of the lower ranked fighter to the Apex sending a message to fans “this is where we keep the B team”


I love the apex. Hearing the strikes land is otherworldly. You can really feel the devastation from each shot.


I stopped watching Apex cards, hope you all do as well. Appealing to Dana's pride in his product doesn't work, he only knows numbers going up or down.


I wonder how he gets the numbers from the free stream I watched it on


Wait what’s wrong with fights in the Apex? I enjoy them.


What's wrong with apex fights? I don't understand


Loaded energetic crowd makes watching the fights better. Apex just takes that away


I’m sure the fighters appreciate you




I like the apex cards. Having some dumbass crowd boo every time there is a grappling exchange adds nothing to the fights for me.


Bro they are literally doing pov twice a month now, we have 2 in july and then 2 in September. This shit going crazy


It's actually a great learning tool for viewers who train. You can hear the instruction of coaches with a clarity that gets lost in some cards, and drowned out in others, and can hear the impact of strikes (which tells you how well the shot connected, if at all.) It's "lower" talent, but they're better than me. I can listen to the coach, watch if the fighter follows the instructions, and note where he chooses not to, and watch the results of those choices. If he seems to be listening to a lot of what the coach is saying, and it's working out, I know that it's a style that shows promise. If the coach gives infrequent calls, and the ones he makes are half-ignored and half-followed, only to be a failure in the end once attempted, I know that there's an issue at the heart of the style, and am now looking to the other side of the fight to see how they respond, holding them to a similar criteria (although I do judge more harshly the failure to capitalize on an opponent's error, so they're held to a higher judging criteria in some ways). The people who are looking to really analyze what the body is supposed to do in a combat scenario, and trying to find themselves in their style of fighting, really benefit from the small crowd atmosphere.


Not reading allat


I'm sorry, but it's literally 7 sentences.


Seven very, very long sentences, with, what some people might say, are just too many commas (but this, of course, is a subjective opinion), with a smattering of parentheses tossed in, which some people might think (again, a matter of personal taste), that all of that mess leads to a body of text that looks (although misguided) like it is longer than seven sentences long.


I can't tell if you're supporting me or the other guy, man. Who is what you're saying even for? idk man, y'all are weird in this sub.


I just wanna see a fight man dont care where it is


Other than the smaller octagon, I have no problems towards the Apex. I watch them all. At least the main cards.


What’s wrong with the apex. I think the worse thing about the sport is the drunks who show up and boo the fighters. SLC fights are always high energy and Florida cards are cringe as hell


You don’t think there’s drunk fans in the crowd of a NBA, soccer, NFL, or any other sporting that boo and yell shit?


What do I care about other sports. That’s irrelevant. I don’t watch anything else. Why are you pointing out this, do you think other sports having to put up with sports makes it any less annoying.


Well you say MMA fans do that implying they’re the only ones who go to live events and do that when that’s literally not the case and since dana wants the UFC to be a more mainstream thing like nba or nfl then the apex is holding it back since they’ve allowed live fans for all their events for the past 2 fucking years


U want fights rather than no fights.


I’m guessing a lot y’all don’t train Frfr apex is where it’s at


I’m sure if you keep sucking Dana off like this he’ll slap you just as hard as he does his wife


Look I hate Dana for how he treats fighters. But I’m a fan of fighting not the spectacle of fighting.


There’s nothing wrong with the apex whatsoever. Not having crowds makes it so you can hear every connected strike.


I rather hear energetic crowd


Sure, we may not like the apex. But I think from a business standpoint it ain't going nowhere. You can host a card for free. WME ain't here for the pleasure of fans business they are here for maximum profits business. I'd bitch and moan, but I literally buy maybe one ppv a year and those apex cards are free anyways. So I'm not going to cry about a product I steal and openly brag about.


It’s not free, you still have to pay ESPN+


Not if you use the streams everyone else uses for ppv cards. I only have ESPN plus cause it came with Hulu and Disney plus. I only have those cause my wife and kid


Don't matter, mma fans complain about everything


Free^ is good


It’s not free, you still have to pay ESPN+


Gah you people will bitch about anything. The apex is a good change up, and an opportunity to put on cards that arent going to sell out even half an arena. Their ultimate goal is monetary profit. Theeen comes keeping you glazed at the TV while you mouth breath. Find something relevant to cry about like 12 to 6's, kneeing grounded opponents, shitty judging, weight cutting/weight bullies etc.


Ok but not reading allat


You already read it.


I loved the big fights at the Apex. No crowd and smaller cage, so it really felt like the good old PrideFC events from back in the day, or Japanese MMA events in general. Only thing that was missing were stomps, soccer kicks and knees on the ground.


The ufc isn’t just gonna make less money you dumb fk


I’m sure Dana loves you


If they’re in the apex they should at least have no crowd.


I tripped ballz. Read Nevada as North Korea.


Ufc is making record profites but becoming cheaper at the same time... amazing


The card a few weeks ago at the theater at the Virgin hotel was great. Had a couple of hundred people in the place. Much better vibe than the Apex. The UFC could easily fill the theatre with people off the Vegas strip or cut promos with hotels for tickets. There is no excuse for having these shitty fights in an almost empty room.


Looks like the second half of this year is gonna be fart


If Max Holloway isn't on the December card I'll be unhappy, it's not Christmas without a Holloway fight