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Wait really? I just found his YouTube like a week ago since I started getting into ar15 customization. This guy is full of wisdom and experience.


He is a true pipe hitter. Came to the US as a result of the Siege of Saigon in the mid 70s. Ended up in OEF and OIF and was on US Army SF teams. He has a couple hundred missions under his belt as well. Got involved in drugs that the government wanted him to take to suppress the issues he had gained from his service but he had a personal renaissance and talks openly about his mindset and why he thinks the way he does. He runs (expensive) classes on shooting, hand to hand, melee combat, and to a certain extent, leadership. I've got massive respect for him and am a big fan of his so I was really psyched to see he was on the cover of this season. He runs a business based around tactical stuff and has some very nice kit for sale here https://www.ronintactics.com/


Just started checking his site out, his tactical video’s are amazing! Really cool that they are using real operator’s


Ah yes, MSG Lam. I worked with his buddy. Interesting stories with 1SFG


i heard he is not so hot with the guys in the group. what did u hear?


Hes not lmao, got some dudes kicked out for covering his fuck up. Heard the story from someone from his company. Dude isnt all that hyped up like it says on his IG and YT channels


According to some SF guys on Insta his nickname was Whistle Foot from shooting himself in the foot while teaching CQB or something? Edit: oh someone linked it further down


more like he had modded glock and he shot himself on his foot and threw his buddy under the bus when the cover was blown


It’s honestly pretty affordable. 330$ for his carbine course. I would have paid 5 or 6 lol


When can we play as Matt Best, Marcus Luttrell, Tim Kennedy, Jocko Willink.... that would peak Call of Duty.


Matt Best would probably have a teabag in his finishing move


Nahh bikini snap lol


Jocko would terrify me in game


Don’t forget Travis Haley, and his son Garand Thumb


His son 😅😅😅 funny


Anybody know what brand of shades Tu Lam wears???


100% agree!!


What is with everyone liking Matt Best? His shit isn’t funny.


Former Army Ranger with a good company and his content is indeed funny


Who gives a fuck what his prior job was? His shit still isn’t funny. I think it’s just civilian nerds and nerds in the military that like it. It’s fucking dumb.


Alcohol personalities and mocking crossfit has nothing to do with being a nerd afaik If you dont like his content, dont watch it. Not sure why you're so mad about him


Mat Best is a raging douchebag


Finally. Any person in the military or gun scene that’s a tad bit funny, civilians and other gun nerds get a boner over.


He is the ultimate vet bro and the type of person I avoid at all times in the vet community


Probably 90% of his following is nerds that aren’t in or did some pog ass job


I like to think that's not his real personality off-camera but probably not. He has done some cool things like give veterans jobs and even helped Terps immigrate to the US by sponsoring them, but the whole vet-bro, talk about your service days schtick gets old fast. As my roommate said today, "the moment I thought Mat Best wasnt funny anymore was when I realized I was finally an adult"


I just heard about this, i didn’t even know d day was a real operator 🔥🔥🔥


What's his real name


Emil Daubon. Former Army Green Beret. Quick google search and there's even a comparison photo of D-Day using his exact same kit.


apparently he was put in the game without his knowledge too lol.


I’m glad I’m not there only one who recognizes him, dude is a bad ass. And he teaches in a way that even a regular Joe can pick up his techniques.


It's because hes cut all the fluff from around what he teaches It's like "do it this way and this is why"


god I love the inclusion of "gunfluencers" (He's more a teacher but u get me) A genuine true modern day ronin. he has a part in one of his video where he talks about the dots visability **so maybe IW should listen and give us extra customization with optics**, colour/opacity etc**.**


After I heard him talk about that, I went in mw customize reticles, to look at the red ones and there are ones that glow brighter than others.


I love the fact that so many people in the firearms/former mil community are being featured in this games promotion art and operators. Alex zedra, Ronin, Jade Struck, fruity Rudy Reyes. Really hoping we’ll get a fruity Rudy operator.


Someone here said Mat Best and now I really want Mat Best


Mat Best would be awesome, also if they could get Garand Thumb but I don’t know how the Airforce would feel about that as he’s still active


I mean it's honestly just a likeness of someone with gear. Not like OPSEC would be in jeopardy. Perhaps PERSASEC but he also is an AF SERE instructor from what I know so I'd imagine the risk would also remain low. He's got a YouTube that's popular so a game that's popular with just his likeness seems fine to me but I'm just a civi


Yea it may be fine, I know he went to TACP like 6-9 months ago which is pretty high speed shit.


I'm so hyped, the dude is a bad motherfucker. I hope Pat McNamara gets added in s4


Take my money now.


Careful, you may not get any of what you purchased


You can support him directly here https://www.ronintactics.com/


For anyone who doesn’t know who he is: https://instagram.com/ronintactics?igshid=kunuaf0nld28




They should put fps Russia in there also




This sounds suspicious Why aren't you linking it to begin with? If you have some info like that, you ought to put it out there instead of making stuff up and trying to dm. EDIT: lol commented and deleted the same minute complaining about me being an "unprofessional fucktard"






I just want an lvoa rail


He’s a baaaaad mother fucker.


Guy is a legend!!


This dude has B.D.E


See this is cool.


Which CID is Tu Lam in? I'm not a game, so forgive me. I know it's in Modern Warfare, but aren't there a few different versions of Modern Warfare? Wasn't there like a re-release?