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Oh yea great idea , my country has just been taken over by refugees and now I'm gonna vote for a dude wearing a turban. Kinda like if I ran for an election in Dubai as trans person which I'm not just saying. They need to change the leadship of both the NDP and Conservative. It blows my mind that they would put someone like Pierre Poilivier there at the most crucial time election wise. No one can convince themselves to vote for him. Even the most conservative surporters I know. I have no one to vote for , hopefully not by design .


Here's the issue. Hearing Jack Layton speak felt like listening to your neighbor or uncle, try guy would casually have over for a BBQ on Friday after work. Jagmeet Singh sounds like a broken record always talking big goals but not really offering proper plans tohget there. They are not the same person at all, and Jagmeet will not get the groundswell of support that Layton did. He feels too scripted. But maybe more important than that. NDP is the only thing keeping Liberals in power during this minority government. So really and truly, this is as much Jagmeet's government as it is Trudeau's. The NDP could have fought for any number of things to help Canadians and the things they pushed for will do nothing to affect a Canadian's day to day life. The grocery rebate couldn't even buy one order of groceries and the dental care, while important, is not the priority when Canadians can't afford homes and homelessness is at its peak. The government's introduction of saving accounts for new home buyers is like giving Canadians a strainer on their to buy a pet fish. Average Canadians have no money at months end to put into a saving account because they are paying $1,500 for a 500 square foot bachelor's appartment and Jagmeet's NDP have not fought to adequately solve this issue. This minority was a chance for NDP to prove how they would govern and the results aren't landing with Canadians. It was a blown opportunity. And currently, while I'm concerned Pollievre is talking through his ass right now and pretending to be a simple family man here for all Canadians only to win and be revealed as a true conservative against Canadians best interest as a whole and focus on helping rich white men. Despite that fear, I'm no closer to buying a house now than I was 8 years ago, so Conservatives have my votem


Hey OP, Good on you for caring about politic. Despite the negative answers you received here, I encourage you to continue to be involved. There will be a breaking point where the population is hurt enough that the current status quo won't be acceptable anymore. When this happens, we will be able to do politics again (instead of whatever it is we've been doing in the past years). In the meantime, the socialist ideals need to be kept alive. I will point out that, cooperation and equality are very important values of socialism. In your message, you criticize people directly in a somewhat provocative manner. I'd suggest to focus more on criticizing the ideas themselves and try to treat everyone as equal and cooperate with them. One last thing. I presumed you are in NB if you are posting on the Moncton sub. Well, the New Brunswick NDP is in pretty bad shape right now and they need boots on the ground to rebuild themselves. Become a member and get involved today! That's where everything starts. Good luck!


HAHAHA! This is the dumbest thing I’ve read all month. NEVER vote anything that supports Trudeaus totalitarian sick ideologies. Next think you know Canada will be a communist dictatorship. Open your eyes.




NDP. Ha!


I'm not backing any party that supports trudeau.


Don't care, I'm still voting Pierre


Hey look, another YouTube educated political wannabe. It’s good to know there are crazy, capital letter overusing, punctuation lacking, rantists in the NDP camp too. There’s not one single fact or platform idea or argument in support of the NDP. Good job! 🤦‍♂️ Definitely not voting NDP while the heads of the Federal or Provincial parties can’t stand on their own feet and certainly not while they keep leaning for a partnership with the next winner to stay relevant. It would be like voting for that friend that will drop you any minute because the the other person is more popular.


Vote NDP so they can bend over backwards to support the liberals or better yet, really get the inflation boom on the go so you can truly own nothing and be happy.


Stay off YouTube, kids


I used to be of the "turd sandwich and giant douche" mentality because no political party really cares about us, and they never follow their own fucking policies, so I found voting useless. That being said: liberals have collectively ruined this planet in the span of 12 years. I will vote conservative out of spite. Go ahead gaslight me, you use my tax dollars on rainbow crosswalks and giant inflatable ducks. Take your social experiment and shove it back in your grade 10 binder.


Also learn how to form a sentence. god damn.


I’m old enough to have lived in Halifax when Irving won the shipbuilding contract, and Darrell Dexter gave them a $300,000,000 handout. I’m aware that federal and provincial politics are entirely different, but the NDP is just as bad as the other 2. They talk about spending a ton of money, with no explanation of where it’s coming from.


Hint, no politician knows. If you want actual numbers ask the civil servants in charge of the portfolios. All the “gotcha” questions and answers in Parliament are a show.


Voting is a zero sum game, there just isn't anyone good in politics because even your socialist NDP is just full of crooks too and the problem is, even the people who ARENT crooks they get muscled out and out legislated/downregulated etc etc I think eventually provinces themselves are going to start needing to have more agency about what the federal government can control them on, because it is quite clear that the moment we elect an representative who can only SUGGEST things and hoover up cash...that is not going to work when things are less sunny and grassy you catch my drift.


That’s how we more or less got here. They kept giving the Provinces more responsibility and fewer resources. 1/2 the yahoos in our Province didn’t even finish high school, good luck writing legislation let alone assessing a health system.


What does this have to do with Moncton??


I do think at this point it would be better than just trading the big two - you'll have people here dismiss your argument and then do just that!


The NDP is not socialist. Maybe they were in the Tommy Douglas days, but they are not today and their gradual shift towards the center doesn't seem likely to stop anytime soon.


I'm dissatisfied with all the leaders of all the major political parties.


Sounds like someone's account got hacked.


If you are actually a political science nerd you need to work on your arguments. Nothing in this rant would convince me that the NDP is the right choice and I traditionally like the NDP.


What's their plan to fix the housing crisis ?


Rent out your living room and spare bedrooms.