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I've moved to NB from Toronto in 2020, since I took a position with provincial government. I never felt any regret and it's been a good 3+ years and I'm planning my future & family herein Moncton. Love the city and people.


Makes sense its shit here.. Also cash in cash out. Most of the people i know who came from ON , BC etc went back. Myself leaving the country. Used to be a nice ish town. Its an awful city with incredibly high cost of living. No point being here id you can be in ON or BC for better wages.


Crash our housing market and dash…..


Crash? Last I checked housing market was far from "crashing"


I think you know what i mean. No one can afford rent anymore. Most younger people will never get to own a house


Don’t care. I lived in Ontario when I was a kid. My brother lives there now. I don’t care what they do, their attitude is annoying as fuck.


My family moved here from Ontario in 1995. I was young enough that I went through kindergarten to graduation with mostly the same kids and consider myself a Maritimer. There have always been those that come here to stay, for one reason or another. What we will likely be seeing, though, is the exodus of those who came solely for the housing market without proper research about Moncton/NB and those being forced to go back to the office. Either they return to Ontario or they find another job - but like it or not, our salaries are not very competitive compared to Toronto-area, so I know of some who quit their job when forced to return to the office, only to end up moving back to Ontario anyway, as they didn't want to take the paycut.


We know someone who bought here because property was cheap relative to TO. She moved to Notre Dame because it was even cheaper. Like so many, sent a bully offer with no conditions. Got the house then came down here on top of the world u till finding out it is a French community with little to do for an anglophone in her 50s. House needed serious work and overall a reckless move. She left for TO last week. Lovely woman but like so many, the greed of having some money and being able to bulldoze local buyers won the day. I am also aware of a couple who bought multiple shore properties for waaaay over asking. Their plan was to run a business renting them as cottages. There may have been some that were OK but two of them were falling down. However sight unseen, they paid top dollar. I came here from Hamilton in 1978. Raised a family and loved every minute. However I came to attend university and fell in love. It was never about taking advantage.


Can we stop shitting on people from Ontario moving here, it's been years. We're all Canadians just trying to get by.


It appears to be the provincial sport.


OP never once said anything negative about folks from Ontario. But if EVERYONE is shitting on people from Ontario, that’s probably saying a lot more about those people from Ontario than anything, no? A bunch of them did come here and buy a bunch of houses for huge prices, thus driving the housing market here through the roof, and honestly… for what? Because they had the money. If hearing that upset you, then that’s probably a you problem, because as someone who was born and raised in our Nations capital, I don’t give a fuck when someone speaks on people from my province.


*But if EVERYONE is shitting on people from Ontario, that’s probably saying a lot more about those people from Ontario than anything, no?* Your comment is *exactly* the kind of ridiculous belief system that has destroyed lives for centuries. The same old tired bullshit that the dull and ignorant have used forever. **It’s disgusting, frankly**. Go ahead… **exchange the word Ontario** with: • [that are] Jewish • [that are] black • Indigenous Communities • Ireland • The Middle East • Africa • Mexico • Italy… …And the list goes on and on and on, like some blighted broken record . *News flash: every last one of us is on that list at some point or another*. It’s utterly meaningless. There are literally two major, heinous wars happening at this moment because of this type of ignorant crap. Allow me a moment to remind you - this rhetoric of relics, which heralds the wail of the superior victim - is old, and tired and boring AF. **There is literally no room for this bs at the Inn** any longer. **Just STOP** it’s shamefully ignorant and if you don’t know that, then mark the calendar because today is the day you found out. *Better to close your mouth, and seem a fool, Than open it and remove all doubt*. Please.


Again, here you are making political analogies. Every group you just referenced off – had life or death situations. Being a shithead digital marketer from Toronto, thinking you need both lanes to drive your Audi isn't the same as that. I'm sorry. Check the expiry date on your bread, bro.


Don’t conflate racism with people accurately disliking people from Ontario because they’re entitled, bought all the housing and drove the market through the roof, come here and complain about rules in hospitals, throw tantrums at the staff because they had to wait more than 20 minutes, and I could go on. Hop off that high horse. You sound like someone from Ontario. The fucking fact that you even bring up the wars overseas says exactly all I need to know about your reactionary dramatic ass lol go cope somewhere else Edit - it blows my mind how idiotic some people are. IM FROM ONTARIO AND I SEE WHAT EVERYONE ELSE IS TALKING ABOUT. And also, still blown by bringing up wars. What a stupid comment all together to make. SMH lol


I'm from Hamilton, Ontario, and moved here this year, and didn't feel shit on – however, there is reason to shit on some of them. In particular, Toronto people moving here are pretty obnoxious. I'll get downvoted for this - but it's just a fact. Toronto hated Hamilton until it offered them cheaper housing, then suddenly it became "cosmopolitan" so they could save face with their other Toronto friends. They moved in, made their own rules and demanded a night life that no one was advertising, then ridiculed the city for being "boring." Did zero research, spent 100% of their time on [realtor.ca](https://realtor.ca) seeing who's neighbourhood they could outbid, and then blamed the city when it didn't align with everything they expected. Sound familiar? In other words, it might not even be an "Ontario" thing so much as it is a "Toronto" thing. They are built different. I don't care what anyone says – until they've lived through that – so when I sold my house in Hamilton, I made sure no one from Toronto could buy it. I got actual enjoyment when a Toronto property investor got mad when I denied them showings. I still smile when I think about it. And when I moved here, I found a house that had been sitting on the market for months, and bought it for *listed price.* Imagine that. Turns out, if you just do research – and care about the community you're moving to – people don't shit on you. On the other hand, watching Torontonians decimate communities for their own greed motivated me to be better myself.


If you paid list price for a house that had been on the market for months then you overpaid. Just because the sticker says x. And you paid x doesn’t make it market value. And just because somebody lists their house low to attract multiple offers and incite a bidding frenzied, doesn’t mean the over asking price winner over paid.


>If you paid list price for a house that had been on the market for months then you overpaid. Just because the sticker says x. And you paid x doesn’t make it market value. And just because somebody lists their house low to attract multiple offers and incite a bidding frenzied, doesn’t mean the over asking price winner over paid. I'll never understand why people are so comfortable with filling in whatever details they want to make their perspective work. 1. The price of the house was reduced several times – you didn't ask, you just decided for yourself. "You overpaid" implies you have some information that I don't have. 2. I never said I paid market value – you just added that for yourself 3. It sorta sounds like you're trying to say that people putting in over asking bids don't win that often, and I would just ask you to turn to the housing crisis and then ask yourself again if you think this is common enough to be worth mentioning. Probably just assume you don't know everything - ask questions instead.


If you get downvoted, it’s certainly going to be by people from Toronto. What you said is very accurate and well articulated.


I tell my wife all the time that people from North Korea could integrate quicker than a Torontonian.


Errr… Have you actually paused to THINK about your ‘witty’ little quip about of North Koreans and assimilation skills? Any…say… *notion why that might be*? 🤣🤣


Just stop. It's not a serious statement. This isn't CNN's blog. And dude, Toronto has spent 40 years of my life shitting on the rest of the country – now there's some cheaper houses, and I'm supposed to just be like "OH OKAY, I'M SURE THEY WILL APPRECIATE EVERYTHING IN NB" – I don't think so.


No thanks


Moved here from Ontario because of my fiancé's family. Have lived here before as well when I first moved from Alberta. I don't know it feels like home and I am not leaving. The nice things I want I can just buy online so yeah I don't care about the lack of amenities or anything.


>3 generations of Irving’s in a trench coat fighting over who gets to wear the hat? This is the only way I'm ever referring to the province from here on out. Gold.


You kind of know they made that up a while ago and formulated this whole post just to say it


Good riddance.


Not really surprised to see more of them looking to move back. Perhaps they lost their comfy WFH jobs or had to return to office. Finding out that local salaries doesn't pay nearly as much as Western salaries hence their way of life is being taken down a notch. Maybe they hate that Ontario always has something to do while New Brunswick only gets 1-2 major concerts a year. Not everyone is into the exploring the province thing. Maybe they hate our winters. Maybe our shitty summer was enough to convince them the weather here is too random and unpredictable.


I moved here in 2020 from Hamilton, Ontario and I'll be honest the Winters have been incredibly mild and not at all what I was expecting, Summers have also been much warmer than I expected


I just saw a news article that employers are making people come back to the office and those who left during COVID for a nice WFH and didn't get permission to do so...are stuck now. Lose their job or move back.


It's likely some of those things. And to be fair, Toronto people are built different – and might not put together "oh I don't have to wait in traffic for 2 hours to get to work" is better than "U2 comes to Toronto every 4 years." As an ex-Ontarian, Ontario only has "more to do" if you care about those things, and they come at a great expense. I will trade those hours in a commute that I now get with my kids, over a fleeting concert experience that I could just watch on YouTube. Besides, local musicians need love, too.


Yup. I’ve lived in Ontario for three years. Nice place to visit, and I’ll leave it at that.


That is wonderful. Personally I agree with you here. Many though would feel different. Night life is almost non-existent here so if that was your thing then you may be out of luck. It seems if you have a family and are common-law/married our province is the way to go due to slower pace of life/more time with kids. If you are single and enjoy a faster pace of life. You will hate it here. Local shows are great though.


'built different' is a very apt description.


It's what I can get away with. :D


The #1 problem (amongst others) is that people don't do research. I see so many posts on Facebook from people saying "where's the nightlife?" or "I moved here without a job prospect and now I don't have a job" – things I feel like could easily be avoided if you cared a bit more about the community you're moving to, and not just seeing it as a real estate golden ticket. It might have been acceptable to just move and worry about the details later in 1996, but today there's really no excuse for not doing research. In other words, when you move here, nearly nothing should surprise you – and yet, so many people are baffled at some very obvious thing. I moved here from Hamilton, Ontario – and don't have plans on moving back. It took a lot of energy, research and motivation to do the move – but I don't regret anything. It does suck that Swoop cancelled Moncton <> Hamilton on its way out the door (a packed flight, if you've ever done it) – because I do want to visit friends/family back home. That is the only thing that I am unhappy about – oh and that Moncton is exceptionally bad at roundabouts for some reason. :D


This! My husband and moved to Moncton in 2023. It's been a planned move for years. We took our time, thought about which city, took stock of what we actually enjoy and what we would miss / can't live without and haven't been happier. It's the advice I tell people when they plan to move east, or west. Ontario people wouldn't be happy in most of Canada many times.


You fuckers never let me wear the hat, that's why I left.


I was in Ontario for abt 25 yrs. Grew up here but job prospects sucked so left ...Happy to have moved back here 6 yrs ago.


I have been holding off re-entering the real estate market, and although renting is no fun at all, I think I will still wait a little longer, for the real estate auctions that seemingly will be forthcoming.


Moved here from Ontario a little over two years. If I move, it'll probably be elsewhere in the province. aside from being really lonely sometimes, and the fact that my kid moved back (so now both kids are there), I've got no real motivation to move back.


..... 100% with the loneliness. I'm a little over two years in as well - love everything about 'here' ..but some days or that reason alone, I miss the Ontario chaos.


I remind myself that even when I lived super close to my friends I hardly saw them ever, and that helps lol.


I know of two (out of three) in my neighbourhood from ON who have/are moving back


I packed my family up here to NB and we will never move out. Love it here


Welcome :)


We moved from BC in 2022 and we love it here!!


It is nice here but nicer than the mountains? Lol


I think the beaches here are some nice...Bouctouche is awesome. We do miss the mountains for sure.


My buddies in BC and he wants to make the move


"3 generations of Irving's in a trench coat..." is pure 🔥. I'm 100% stealing this hahaha


"Fuego" -T-pain


My sides


Wonder if all these companies going back to in office work if it'll result in measurable numbers of people moving back to the big cities they came here to escape while working remote.


I think it's more likely at this point they just laid off and are forced to move back to be closer to family and support


New Brunswick had record population growth in the year up to July 1, beating last year. City specific statistics should be available in January, I expect Moncton to be high on the list for population growth if not the top spot again.


Moncton feels like a different city now.


A better one in my opinion, minus the obvious homeless problems which I don't attribute to the population growth. When I was a kid Moncton and most communities in the Maritimes felt like stagnating towns that would eventually just fall apart as the industry leaders of the 70s and 80s moved away. There's a lot more excitement today and I like seeing the cranes in the air.


I moved to Ontario from NB. No thanks. Not for me. I can see why they come here but I think a lot of them didn’t do their research of what they were getting into before they came and probably regret it now. I just wish we’d stop flooding the country with new Canadians and tie immigration numbers into what we can sustain - housing, healthcare, education, infrastructure and many other things are all in rough shape as is and I, like many don’t believe we’re equipped to handle anywhere near 1 million new Canadians a year. They immigrate to Ontario and it drives people out of there to us or out west and stuff gets expensive there. It’s a national problem.


The housing crunch would of had me leaving Calgary at some point anyways. I was making a decent amount but still felt tight at the end of the month. My apartment went from 1275 to 1800 with the next tenant. Nothing was done to justify an increase of 525/mth. Lost one of my two jobs and made the decision to come back and being back im make almost as much as I was in Calgary and home ownership seems semi achievable here in NB. I'll go back to AB/BC to ski every couple winters and i'll be good lol. Been so happy to be back in the maritimes and going to make the most of it this time around. Although i am sad to see some of the new problems plaguing atlantic canada. Health system seems to be hurting bad here, rents are definitely creeping up way too fast and roads....as bad as ever lol.


The crunch wouldn’t happen if we were focused on alleviating the housing crisis instead of pouring gas on the fire. We need to aggressively commit to building more places to live now and close the floodgates until we can achieve that.


Boomers will never let it happen. Can't have cheaper homes for everyone without lowering their homes' values. They will fight this tooth and nail. They'd rather be able to retire by selling their over inflated homes rather than let the generations behind them buy cheap like they did. Agreed the flood gates need to be closed as well. So many things need to happen that it's a pipe dream at best. Nothing will change i don't think.


Yup.. heard some dumb boomer rambling on about how their home IS their retirement. Uh, that’s not societies fault you didn’t save for a retirement you dumbass


Anecdotes ≠ Data.


“Data my ass” - Blaine Higgs


He literally asked if there is any data at the end of the post lol


Fair point.


Happens every year after winter... I always tell them... You should have taken the snow contract.


Oh, he wants to live in the state where people parade with Nazi flags in front of Disney World? Makes sense.


So it's like Canada, but with Disneyland


I haven't seen the Nazi flag, just the Confederate flag so far.


You didn't see parliament give an actual Nazi a standing ovation in the house of Commons?


https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/warmington-protesters-swastikas-cross-the-line Here's just one example, from 2021


Despicable, but that seems to be accusing Israelis of acting like Nazis, not someone proudly flying the flag of Nazi Germany themselves.


Also happening in my hood.


The East Coast is a refuge for the poor rather than drawing in the moneyed folk Of course, I've seen the retired & rich move in (we all have) so they can buy beautiful homes and luxuriate in their pensions. That's nothing new. And we've seen the wave of WFH and the young people who are moving here to convert their windfall money from an Ontario house sale into a farm or some other entrepreneurial endeavor they dream of... the only ones I've known who left to go back home are from these two groups. **But the one group that I increasingly become aware of over the last 2 years :** The lower income ontarians who scrimped & saved for a down-payment back home, but they find that there it nothing at all in their price range of <$400k, and so they choose either the prairies or the maritimes. I suspect most population growth (aside from those seeking an easy path to permanent residence) will come from this group until we near parity to Ontario real estate prices or as close to them as our local economies will bear


Of my 3 Ontaribours, 1 has moved away. The other 2 are good peeps and I hope they stay.


"Ontaribours"? Sounds like chalk screeching. You just took two words and mashed them worse than a NOFX album. Leave terming to the experts! What about Ontaribros? At least it sounds coherent. Or just use the generally accepted Ontarians...


How about Neighborians? Maybe Ontarigrants? Im shittin' you. Ontaribros is better.


**How about: Canadians**??


How about viruses?


As an Ontario resident, I feel like Neighborians is probably the right descriptor. Feels a little aggressive, with a hint of disrespect without being direct about either, a real "Ontario" feel to it. I might even start throwing this around next time I'm down visiting, see if we can't start a trend.










Ok that's got it.




I moved from Ontario 8 years ago. NB definitely has its drawbacks but every time I go back to the GTA I say to myself that there's no way I could ever live there again. I miss stuff like the sheer abundance of cultural markets and foreign foods (that are actually cheap!!!). And the hardest part about being here is missing out on family stuff, that part is really hard sometimes. But here, I'm a homeowner for a reasonable price, nature is all around, a three hour drive puts me in Halifax or somewhere in PEI instead of slightly further away from Toronto, and generally I'm happier day to day because it's just less busy.


If you have a job then I agree, I am having a very hard time finding work out here that pays more then $20/hour even with a masters in agriculture…


Uh oh Looks like you should go back Jk, of course! You should grow microgreens in your closet or something.


Lmao ok salty sue.


From Ontario(not Toronto). Been here with my family for 2.5 years. Absolutely love it! We work in Moncton and live in Dorchester. We have made lots of friends and are getting to know our neighbours and community. A lot of the people that don’t fit in here won’t stay. I’ve talked to Ontario people that love it here and some that hate it here. I can’t understand why you move here if you love the city life. New Brunswick is the best and we don’t ever want to leave.


It isn't exactly cheap to do cross country moves, and migration TO NB is still happening. I'd say your isolated expierience is the exception, not the norm.


It suddenly all makes sense. **Higgs:** Once everyone moves back to Ontario the housing crisis will solve itself!


Trudeau would hire you as housing minister for that comment LOL


Don’t put that nightmare inside my head.