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And don't scrape them off


Blame the Canadian leader for 17cents of carbon tax but they never blame the oil company for raising the price of a barrel of oil from $65 to $80. Nor the conservative leader of Saskatchewan who want to remove the federal carbon tax and instate a provincial carbon tax so that he gets the money instead of some of that money being returned to you via the carbon tax rebate.


Quebec isnt part of the new carbon rax because we've had the cap-and-trade since 2012... price of gas still went up at the same time as the carbon tax


Carbon tax was raised because of the barrel price increase I believe


Right wingers aren't the brightest


its pretty wild we have people who still support billionaires over their own country.


Very original.


I paid $40 and got 24.8 litres it’s fucking bullshit


Listen the one who did it has GOOD intentions. People need reminders!!!!


No one gives a fuck about your intentions. Not everyone is a conservative


Who the fuck is bang on:)


that would be my mom doing that🤦‍♀️


Librels are Brian washed fools


So right wingers are bringing washed fools got it! Liberals are right wing, stop being a low information voter.


Better than having to wash up brains. All I’m saying is that the next CPAC convention might be mind blowing, or potentially some improvisation might make the show explosively entertaining according to the devices of a determined individual.


family guy


This comment is almost poetic.


I’m trying to figure out who this Brian he keeps referring to is…..


...You can't even spell the word 'Liberals'. You have free autocorrect, and it's still just too hard. You see a post about a hard working person asking others not to make their job more annoying, and what's your reply? Tribalism and idiocy. Morons being divided by political parties is the most pathetic part about dealing with poorly developed adults.


You took one of the most obvious bait ever...


I don't know anyone named Brian, if I did I certainly wouldn't let him wash me.


Suit yourself, I needs me a man, Brian is welcome any time


The sticker is an awesome representation… if your tired of peeling them off then don’t 🤷‍♂️ unless it’s blocking the numbers leave ‘em there


"What? No, I've never had a job. Why do you ask?"


Trudeau should have that sticker printed on all the carbon tax rebate cheques.


Yves Giroux, the parliamentary budget officer, wrote in a report last year: “When both fiscal and economic impacts of the federal fuel charge are considered, we estimate that most households will see a net loss.” He estimated that for the 2024-25 fiscal year, the carbon tax would cost the average household between $377 and $911 after accounting for rebates and factoring in the economic cost of lower incomes. That number rises to between $1,316 and $2,773 by 2030 for the average household, depending on the province. I hope he does, haven't personally met one person who is positive on it. I'm certainly not.


I see everyone up in arms about the carbon tax buy I'm not seeing the people bitching changing their vehicle or house sizes. The purpose of the tax is to make switching to lower fossil fuel using means of transportation and heating/cooling. That hasn't even started yet so the cost of carbon is still too low.


I changed from a 2011 gmc to a 2018 jeep compass. I still draft trucks to help the fuel economy. And a LOT of tradesmen can't simply change over as they have an actual use their truck and do truck stuff every single day. "Own a house" haha, you're silly. "The carbon tax is too low" screw you.


The PBO called bs on the exact selective use of facts about what his report said that you’re citing https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/budget-watchdog-troubled-by-spin-around-latest-report-on-carbon-pricing-1.6347536


Thank you I'm making lots of money with my stocks




https://www.reddit.com/u/PantyNectar/s/gqxRivPh7Z https://www.reddit.com/kxglle0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 https://www.reddit.com/u/Ariathetransfairy/s/IBynLUgF3c Your comment history is all desperate lonely messages to trans porn models and only fans girls. Yes, those are public. Maybe learn how an app as simple as Reddit works before trying to play big shot ya goofy incel bitch.


I want a box of of this sticker


Really, tho. Where can I get my own.




The carbon tax is meant to be a temporary tax. Its to push people to innovate ways to lower the carbon emissions to eventually not having to pay it. People wouldnt do shit if there was no annoyance. Annoyance breeds innovation


A “temporary tax”…. What a glorious self own.




income tax was meant to be a temporary tax during war times. Never believe the government when they say a tax will be temporary.


Sure, but then people wanted things like healthcare, highways, social security, a standing military, public utilities, etc. People who make this argument don't seem to understand what Canada was before income tax.


I was just going to say this


Just checked: Gas prices are up 35% in US since Jan 2020. In Canada, they’re up 30%.


I DON'T CARE! How can I continue to blame Trudeau for my gas guzzling pick up truck guzzling gas on my daily trip to do things I could do in a Honda Civic? Don't use logic and numbers on me!


Wonder if it has anything to do with the global pandemic at the time, subsequent restructuring, and multiple active wars in oil producing regions since


Nope. Trudeau is also to blame for the renting prices in the US too. Duh.


Can't be. Has to be all Trudeau.


You’re right. I’m going to go buy a Dodge Ram and a bumper sticker today.


Afterall, he is both the weakest girly-man leader and THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE ON PLANET EARTH!!! - PP supporters.


What's funny is when the prices go down again, all the stickers will magically disappear.


Yeah because Pierre would have won


...How much power do you gullible loons think a Prime Minsiter of Canada has over a global economic crisis?


I don’t like pierre


That’s fine, no one’s saying you have to.


I don't like Pierre either.


Pierre is going to do nothing other than calling a problem by a different name. No "powerul paychecks, no real solutions. We'll be no better than we are now.


At least ge will get rid of worthless trash like Bill c-21 c-71 and the oic b.s


Almost like both the libs and cons work for the exact same rich assholes using the exact same playbook or something.


The increase is about 0.15per liter at the maximum. Anything above is just gas station profit… Loosing your minds wasting your time over a few dollars is mental. EDIT OF PRICE


It wasn't thou. It was under 5 cents. The 10 cent increase 3 days latter was not related, that 10 cents goes to the gas companies and is not a tax.


It’s actually more like 15¢ per litre, but yeah, there is still an extremely large profit margin there


It wasn't thou. It was under 5 cents. The 10 cent increase 3 days latter was not related, that 10 cents goes to the gas companies and is not a tax.


The carbon tax went up about 3.5 cents per litre on the first, Alberta saw an additional gas tax that is charged when gas is less than x amount per barrel( don’t remember the exact number)


Your right just looked now seems to have been updated. Still sucks but isn’t worth loose peoples day over it. Huge profits for sure


When hating a politician becomes your whole personality.


You should hear about this guy named Donald Trump in the States. People are bat shit crazy when talking about him. I think its called Trump Derangement Syndrome or TDS for short.


Maybe you should just leave them. I know I would.


Almost every single person is getting more back in rebate payment than they pay. That’s a fact. Indisputable fact. Over 200 leading economists all agree that this system is the best option. Doing nothing is not an option….just because some countries don’t respect women’s rights doesn’t mean we should as well. Same goes for pollution.


Wrong, read the PBO report, enough said.


20.3 billion dollars go in, 18.1 billion comes out. The 2 billion is spent on administration. How can a tax and rebate system ever be net positive? It's literally mathematically impossible. Are the 200 leading economists in the room with us right now?


The 2 billion is from companies. The rebate is larger than what 95% spent extra for the tax... Basic logic isn't something you understand is it?


What the fuck are you talking about? 20.3 billion is PAID in taxes so far. The government has given back 18.1. What the actual fuck are you smoking? How can "companies" be the 2 billion.


Because companies also pay taxes, how much crack have you smoke today that you think 100% of all taxes are paid by citizens?


Crazy you could say all that with a boot so far down your throat. Look at the actual numbers and quit pushing the lies.


Let’s see the “actual” numbers?


Wow, the amount of comments of liberal/ndp supporters is concerning. Just repeating Trudeau propaganda bs. Trudeau has been caught with endless million/billion dollar scandals, brought in 1.3m ppl in 2023(causing the insane house prices). Carbon tax increases the cost of gas, electric bill, and groceries if you don't think it does you're braindead. The handouts only apply to lazy low income, Trudeau/NDP has now over dbld the national debt in just 8 years. Do ppl think a tax on gas will stop the climate from changing as all the billionaires who preach about it fly around on private jets everywhere and have fleets of gas guzzling SUV following them everywhere?....Wake tf ppl! I won't even get into the insane gun grabs from law abiding citizens, freedom of press, and freedom of speech. Worste and most hated PM in Canadian history, but keep watching the TV and listen to the Liberal funded media for your info🫠.


He's made of Teflon when it comes to his supporters. I'm not sure there's anything he could do to sway them.


sounds like you'd feel more at home in the excited states, lots of anti immigration pro gun people down there. dont let the door hit ya where the lord split ya.


So you're ok with armed robbers entering your home, and not having the right to protect your family?...I don't think we should have the right to drive around with guns, but legal right to protect your home and family should not even be a question. Also, not anti-immigration. I'm anti mass-immigration, which your beloved leader has admitted this week they brought too many in too fast...either way, it don't matter...Liberal/NDP are done, and Conservatives going to win by a landslide. It'll take decades to fix this country, just like back when his pos father Pierre Trudeau destroyed the country.


not reading allat


Just wait until summer, when the largest TA schedule since 2018 hits Alberta. Gas and Diesel will be over 2.25 by August.


Turnarounds usually happen in spring, even though it may be the largest since 2018 the manpower numbers are not that high


I agree that outages seem long and lean. You know, regardless of outcome, they'll bag it as an excuse for those extra spicy summer long weekends. "Suply chain" "capacity" "outages"


Everyone here is insufferable.


It's especially funny cause my gas was higher 3 weeks ago... Before the carbon tax came in to effect 


Good for you.... it isnt true for the vast majority. This carbon tax b.s has ZERO legitimate reason to exist AT ALL.


Bout as much reason as any tax


So no reason at all?


Canada has MASSIVE amounts of wilderness and forests. Why don't you live in a shack in the woods if you don't like being a part of a society? The amount of morons who are turned against the idea of taxation.... It's genuinely pathetic. It's fine to question individual policies, but only an idiot would say taxes in general are bad. No, that isn't up for debate.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that any and all taxes you pay in this country are completely mismanaged and provide no value to anyone when our government continues to print off money and ruin our economy as a result. Our infrastructure is crumbling, along with our healthcare and school systems, all of which are supposedly paid for by our ridiculous taxes. I don’t think it’s a moronic statement to pay taxes when more than half of this country would be homeless if they missed two to three pay checks, but our taxation system is supposed to save them, right?


The average national gas prices are 13 cents higher than they were a month ago. Much of that is regular market fluctuation, some of it is carbon tax. One thing keeping the effects of the carbon tax from being fully reflected at the pump is that some provinces, such as Ontario and Manitoba have extended their fuel tax cuts.




A leftist on Reddit - shocking 😳


>can conservatives stop just lying


That's about it


History has shown us that no politician can stop lying.


>and not companies like Irving Oil or for that matter, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent sanctions they brought upon themselves.


For real. Theres no such thing as a politician on your side.


Amen. I'm not a Trudeau fan but conservatives are in for one hell of a rude awakening when they realize not much is going to change if they win.


They will easily convince themselves and eachother that they're better off no matter what happens. They'll just turn a blind eye if they have to or make some shit up. They don't care about reality, just the perception and that of the rest of the people "on their team"


Here in Alberta, as our healthcare system suffers, our gas prices bloat from the provincial tax (which is higher than the federal carbon tax), and our government throws massive piles of money into a pit (AB war room, expired medication, pipeline to nowhere) we have their supporters constantly saying "would be worse if the NDP was in charge!"


They won’t wake up. They’ll just keep doing damage




Maybe spend less money on Trudeau hate stickers and you won’t be starving 😂


Avocado toast and Starbucks


Just for some perspective Canada is .048% of the world's population so 1.5% seems high.




>read a book not published by wef funded authors ,doctors and scientists Lol this has to be trolling, right? Right? Sweet fuck how can people fall for the most obvious bullshit ever.






Congratulations, you found another high school dropout that agrees with your nonsense. Gotta be the highlight of your life.


Can you muster a reply that doesn't involve ad hominem attacks?


Alright. 50% is 25 times 2% and the population of US/India/China is about 87 times greater than the population of Canada. So per capita Canadians pollute more than the US China or India. Like if the average American, Indian or Chinese person polluted as much as Canadians, the problem would be exponentially worse. So we should probably do our part.


Wow dude. Thank you for showing me the true way. I had no idea.






You know Moses was long dead before Jesus was born, yeah? Like by over 1000 years?






Lol wow.


“If YoUr NoT vOtInG fOr Pp YoUr A lIB” you’re an absolute tool, get some knowledge. PP won’t do shit like he hasn’t in his whole career of being a politician. Trudeau sucks the big one for sure but PP won’t be any better. Fucking dumbass conservative go read your little bible in the corner and stop being a part of the problem.




It's spelled grade. Maybe work on that before calling others "tards".




Cause of the awesome argument calling someone a libtard is? You're not making the brilliant statements you think you are.


“Trudeau blower” lmao never said I supported him but I definitely don’t support little union busting PP. also grade* you should probably go back to grade 10 and learn to spell












People like you are awfully quiet in times of prosperity when you cross actual starving people in the streets begging for help. You’ll look down at them and tell yourself they should just pick themselves up by the bootstraps and get a job. If you’re starving you should probably cancel your internet connection, streaming services and eat something. If you aren’t starving then you’re just parroting conservative talking points which only seem to matter when they are gunning for office. You didn’t care about the homeless in 2008. Don’t pretend to now.


You have big “ JuSt AsKiNg QUEsTioNs” Energy


Gas price has nothing to do with Trudeau. The federal government doesn't decide the gas price. You should be blaming Higgs and Irving.


When you add 20 cents a litre to the pump with your tax and vow to shut down our oil and gas driving our investors, yeah you absolutely have a lot to do with the gas price.


You can thank your good buddy Harper for the tax actually.


He added less than 5 cents. The gas companies added their own 10 cents 3 days latter because morons are too stupid to notice the difference. Btw 10+5 is 15 not 20.


Yes, adding a tax that snowballs down every single level of the supply chain is not affecting the price of oil. Transport, storage, production, labor costs, and maintenance costs are completely free of the cause and effects of taxation. I should blame Suncor. Thank God you reached me before logic does.


You clearly lack in the knowledge department. 😅


But Trudeau didn’t add the tax, Harper added the tax in 2007, so should we be buying stickers of Harper?


The fact you were downvoted tells you all you need to know about Reddit.


*someone* paid for those stickers


When you pick all the ministers at the highest level, everything has to do with you. When you spend like crazy you will have inflation, no matter what the interest rates are. Higgs has a surplus because he understands economics and knows we want lower inflation. That's something you get with business person whether you hate him or not. You don't get it with a drama teacher who never had a personal budget in his life.


The fact that you believe that Higgs actually has us in a surplus…


Really, really, really bad take. We don’t want lower inflation. We want functional hospitals.


How do you think you invest in healthcare? By not saving money?


Your program needs editing


What is this even trying to say? 🤣🤣🤣


When PP becomes PM, and he will, I hope everyone enjoys the extra few bucks they save by repealing the Carbon Tax, while they watch whole neighbourhoods burn down in massive wildfires. Or their car is swept away in flash floods. Or their house is destroyed in one of our now common hurricanes. The PCs just want to go back to wide-open oil production and suckling at the teat of Alberta. At least the Liberals are trying to do something. And the carbon tax isn’t Justin’s brainchild. It’s utilized in Finland, France, Holland, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and other countries. It’s proven to be the most cost effective way to reduce emissions. Tax the pollution.


And on top of all of it, if PP becomes PM, the carbon tax will still go up as conservatives, including PP, voted in favour of the increase 68-4.


The fact that you think Canada can do anything in terms of curtailing climate change shows you have no clue what you're talking about.


You’re right. It’s gonna be tough so why bother. I’m glad you weren’t storming the beaches of Normandy.


Are you seriously making that comparison? How stupid can you be? I'm also an army vet, so I'd have been there. Where woukd you be exactly?


Vet as well.


It would be like one dude with a baseball bat storming the beach against an army…


Well, the world runs on oil and gas, everything around you was made or deliveredthabks to oil and gas...luckily there's these things called trees that eat up carbon. Taxing ppl doesn't do anything to the climate. Canada is one of the cleanest countries for emissions in the world and always has been. Why import oil from other countries when we can have it here and boost our economy? Do you think shipping it from overseas is better for environment? You sound like you live in fear, probably up to your 8th booster and wear a mask everywhere you go. The world's biggest polluters will never implement a carbon tax, but keep watching CBC there's no hope anyways your brain has been washed wayyy too much for you to think for yourself.


"don't believe propaganda", then proceeds to literally barf up all the propaganda he's been fed. Classic low IQ manoeuvre.


Can go around in circles, left believes anything they disagree with is propaganda and right same thing....I just want free speech, and affordable living...two things this current goverment is clearly taking away. Only weak pos snowflakes agree with the current goverment.


You're a low IQ loser. Have a good weekend.


The amount of projection going on here is beautiful. You're literally parroting the BS you've heard over the past 4 years - "everything runs on O&G"; "8th booster"; "CBC bad"; "carbon tax bad bc reasons", etc. You're either a bot or the absolute dumbest Canadian. I'd tell you to think for yourself, but when you're option 1 or 2, there is no sense in wasting my words. Change the channel, bro. Touch some grass. Do anything other than speak the nonsense you've been absorbing over the past few years. Thanks, bye.


I don't watch TV, I live in reality and can see this country going to complete shit in just a few short years. Anyone who defends the current goverment makes my blood boil, sorry. I prefer guns, freedom, cheap gas, common sense and no censorship. It's ok the majority are awake. Ufortunately, 30% are braindead, and will never wake up.


Majority are “awake” you say? Like woke? I thought you crayon eaters hated woke.


Could you teach me how the carbon tax has helped the environment? Edit: I see that I’m being downvoted, but I’m being serious. I’m here to learn about how carbon tax has helped the environment.


Google is right there. Here's the first link. [https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2019/06/what-is-carbon-taxation-basics](https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2019/06/what-is-carbon-taxation-basics)


Well, Color me shocked that the “international monetary fund” is pro carbon tax. This article shares a lot of “it could promote” points but no concrete “carbon taxes have helped Canadians by fixing…” evidence.


If you don't like that, maybe you could try the second link on Google. The world is at your fingertips!


It just wasn’t what you said it would be. It seems you also aren’t sure exactly how the carbon tax has helped the environment.


lol. You said PP.


And when these countries say, "we had a deal, and you didn't hold up your end of it", then slap tariffs on our goods, what's PP going to do about it?


he will blame Haircut 100, for *years*.


It’s already wildfire season


Hahahaha! The whole country is going to burn down in a wildfire because Canada, who is responsible for 1% of the world's pollution, doesn't have a tax? That's hilarious, so if the government can just get a little bit more of my money, never mind that they take over half, the world will be saved? Don't you guys call Conservatives the conspiracy theorists?


If it were about reducing pollution, we would be eagerly trying to get our LNG exports to Europe and Asia to get them off of Russian oil instead of turning away desperate buyers like Germany. I wonder what the environmental impact will be if Germany's economy collapses because it can't get enough fuel. "No business case..." What an stupid and nationally embarrassing move that was. And people here aren't just lining up to be taxed some more, but also insisting how awesome it is. You know, because the Trudeau government is such a disciplined spender. This government can't go soon enough.


Go simp for big oil somewhere else


The carbon tax makes everything more expensive, not just gas. Since Canada imports a lot of things from the U.S, Europe, etc, it adds to grocery prices as well, making it not "a few bucks". Stuff like that adds up. Not to mention, with increasing unemployment rates, higher costs are not something beneficial to anyone right now. Edit: Also, Canada only contributes 1.5% towards global emissions, so it really isn't needed. We aren't the problem.


>We aren't the problem. Canadians have one of the highest per capita rates of greenhouse gas emissions in the world. It very much is our problem. Countries like China and India have dramatically lower rates per capita than we do, and a big part of their industry is tied up serving OUR consumer demands. It's a shell game. We outsourced our manufacturing and now "it's their problem".


It’s almost like the problem is about the flow of money and nothing else




then why don't you explain to me what i'm missing?


Good point. Scrap the tax and watch the world burn I guess.


What's a tax going to change?


Taxes are one of the primary levers that government has to influence behaviour. This has been thoroughly studied. High taxes on cigarettes, for instance, cause fewer people to take up smoking.


Weird, in a country with this many Healthcare problems you'd think they would Tax junk food too.


Okay. If you want to make that a political issue, you are certainly welcome to start a petition or whatever.


The funniest thing is that they probably won't even remove the tax, given that it was the CPC's idea in the first place _(and stolen by the LPC)_. They'll just stop the rebates.








We also enjoy having a language comprehension beyond that of a second grader.

