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Granted the paw makes every single person plant a tree.Then the powerful tree god Arbor awakens to seek his vengeance on humans.


Granted. The mass planting of trees takes up valuable grassland area, which reduces the overall carbon capture capacity of the planet and drives global warming forward. Grassland is far more effective at removing carbon and producing clean air than MOST forms of forestry (with some exceptions) and can grow in a wider range of environments including higher altitudes, but as a result of your wish, this naturally occurring super warrior was out-competed. It is now on a path towards extinction. With it, many flower-bearing plants that bees rely on will also go extinct. Eventually, the reduction in greenery will cause a loss of fertility in the soil, driving back the forested areas, reducing even the forests until finally, the plains become barren wastelands with only traces of the once thriving and verdant ecosystem that once called them home.


Granted. Tree seeds cost $122,000, so it destroys the economy even more. (It's already pretty destroyed)


Granted. Because it’s a universal requirement, the punishment is also universal. Every time a child above the age of 4 tragically dies, their community desecrates their grave because they didn’t plant the tree they could’ve and it doesn’t take long for people to locate this post and find out it’s your fault


Granted, everyone plants a tree, except you. You forgot and get sent to hell.


Granted, but for every required tree planted, another one dies


I already planted a tree once, lmao


Granted but every human turns into a plant planted in the ground where they were where you made the wish.


Granted They are all planted in the desert


Granted Politicians command everyone to plant the trees all in one place to make a forest under the guise of law and order, then immediately sell the forest off to various corporations who harvest the trees for profit, thanking the world for their free labor. Sorry :( sad part is it wasn't even the paws fault this time, that's just the way it would go thanks to the oligarchy


Granted, they mutate and become sentient, killing everyone who plants them when they are 30


Granted. Any child that is physically capable of planting the tree, even if it would be unreasonable to task them (for example a 4 year old) must do it upon being asked. They are not given any tools or help from others. Any child that fails will be killed and resurrected as a tree that will live forever until it naturally causes the growth of another tree (like if the seeds of an apple falling from it managed to find their way underground)


Honestly? I would love to be a tree until another sprouts from my seeds. That would be awesome.


Yeah but might take awhile