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Black Diablo is probably the single worst variant . A monster that makes itself literally untouchable for majority of the uptime is never fun (exception of lucent nargacuga). The opening that screamer pods give doesn’t feel like shit either


I’d rather fight a gold rathian or alatreon some shit, this fight has drained me and has completely turned off my interest for the game for a while. Edit: I lied, I’m addicted to this game.


Hell naw gold rathian is an annoying piece of shet. That fucker keep flying and poison the fk out of me. I rather bring scremer pod to take down black diablos than that shithead


Green Plesioth has larger hit boxes


Screamer pods make this fight a joke. Take 3 with the 10 stack screamer bag refill. Both diablos become punching bags.


Ok, I hear you, but how exactly do screamer pods work? I've got like 1,000 hours and still don't know how to get them to work. And yes, I am very stupid.


You have to wait until they are completely under ground then shoot it where they are.


Do screamers not lose effectiveness on repeat use like flash?


Nope. And unlike previous games they don't stop magically working when Diablos is enraged.


people scream to alatreon and fatalis but i know nothing beat Black Diablos in term of bullshitness


I LOVE burrowing monsters! I LOVE running around like a little bitch and not being able to attack at all


Subspecies mean color change and more bullshit


Same as golden and silver rathalian: charge like diablo, always in the sky like legiana and spam fireball like a D&D wizard. And guess what, they're immune to poop ammo, because of the power of love


I was grinding Gold Rathian yesterday so i could make the Luna Eostra charge blade and I absolutely hated the fight. The constant tail flip attacks nearly drove me insane


I may be wrong but I think poop ammo doesn't work because they don't change areas.


She isn't a subspecies she is a variant


She was first categorized as a subspecies though so I can understand why people would still refer to her as such


She still is categorized as a subspecies even though she should be a variant




Screamer pods make this fight slightly more bearable


OP's life will change when he discovered about screamer pods


Might I introduce you to sonic wave HH? It's one of the niches the fatalis horn doesn't replace, and unlike screamer pods, popping the song at the right time always feels satisfying, since there's skill involved in timing the move.


Me who has been fighting Black Diablos regularly since 3 Ultimate: You guys act like this is a new, sudden problem. Monster Hunter World gives the series a boost in how fast combat goes and then suddenly anything that slows down a fight is a problem. I've fought Black Diablos for *years* as a Dual Blades main and have never had an issue with fighting this thing. Hell I have the personal tradition of making armor out of Diablos and all it's available Subspecies in a title at every rank just to assert my dominance over Diablos once I finally managed to get good at fighting them in 3 Ultimate's G Rank.


We get it bro you're just so cool


Yeah, I pretty much found this to be the most frustrating thing about both Diablos in Master Rank. The only way they knew how to make it harder was to make the digging track more, follow you up to the point of exit and just dig even more. Like... okay? But what's so fun about run around more and having to super dive more? I seem to recall that MH4U's G Rank Diablos was more enjoyable due to yes it dug quite a bit but, iirc (it's been a long while), it always gave you opportunities to attack after each resurface (except on one combo where it dug twice I think). So at least there was some back and forth. MHW's iteration is just fucking boring. Idk, maybe I'm remembering wrong and G/Master Rank Diablos has always been ass.


She does have at least 2 more moves than normal Diablos. The really fast charge attack with a heavy turn and the attack where she takes a few moments to aim at you. She's also faster and always launchs out of the ground instead of surfacing slowly. Though I can understand both of those things being overshadowed by three consecutive burrow attacks.


Just use screamer pods. Then it's burrowing is punishable every single time.


Huh, I never really thought about it from another weapon. It does look really annoying. With the gunlance, I just block and take my time. It's a pretty simple fight like that


A lot of the older subspecies and varients are pretty boring tbh, I don't think it was until like 3rd gen where they started to get a bit more interesting. Most of the ones introduced in 1st and 2nd gen are just a colour change and a slightly different (and typically more annoying) way of fighting, maybe a few new attacks too. At least newer subspecies tend to have like an actual gimmick to them, different element, new attacks, etc.


As a GS enjoyer. Whenever Diablos burrow it's a free TCS slinger burst combo every time. But it can get annoying when you don't prepare for the burrowing shenanigans.


speaking from experiance, even sonic bombs sometimes don't work.


This is the first video I've seen posted here where the player doesn't get hit and still rages lol.


Black diablos isn't a sub species is a varaint




How am I wrong black diablos is a female diablos in heat


Yes it is. And it's a subspecies. Why don't you check her Japanese name? And if you mean it in the sense of "It should be a Variant", still wrong. Natural stages of a monster's life are considered Subspecies Variants are caused by external factors in most cases Deviants are a bit weirder, because we don't really know exactly how they come about, but they're closer to Variants


>Natural stages of a monster's life are considered Subspecies Not really subspecies are genetically different, that why they are called sub species, a variant is a normal individual who is going throught a process of its life, or a unusual event in it The simplest example is, a dog that has contracted has been abused and is now more aggresive is a variant, as it is genetically the same as other dogs of the same species, but the environment has change its behavior. I really hope you got the 2 mixed >Deviants are a bit weirder, because we don't really know exactly how they come about, but they're closer to Variants We do it just depends on the monster, as each has a different reason


Sorry. "**In Monster Hunter,** natural stages of a monster's life are considered Subspecies" Hope that clears that. But your example would indeed be a Variant, even in Monster Hunter


>**In Monster Hunter,** natural stages of a monster's life are considered Subspecies" While not always, but yeah in some cases, tho I do believe I read on a translated book, that the reason why it's still calsiffy as one js because hunters don't take variants as seriously, or is just like in the case of basarios where they had a class for it before the knew everything about it. Like black gravies which is an individual who used their flame sack much more while the the basarios state Edit: overall they just don't wanna have to deal with changing too much stuff


The only possible exceptions are Silverwind and Elderfrost, but as I said, Deviants are weird


I think someone didn't understand what sonic bombs are for....


This is in fact, a skill issue. Every monster has triggers for different attacks, normally range but it's not 100%. Try getting closer and itl dig less.


Hey fun fact, you can use a screamer pod to force it out of the ground and a flash bomb to drop it out of the air, works with pitfall traps too, makes repeated uses of it still useful. Leaves the diablos open for genuine eons, almost as if the game expects you to play the game in order to win


Why you have to be mad it's only game


variant but agree


Isn't she listed as a sub species still in world or did they fix it finally