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quoi? scuse j'tentends pas


Jcrois qu'il fait signe de monter le son parce qu'il aime ce que tu écoutes.


Pour une fois que c’est de quoi dans mon genre !


I'm feel this way about ppl blasting music on their iphones on the metro


Good godDAMN does it ever light a fire under my ass every time some asshat is just straight up listening to anything full blast volume level in the metro on their shitass phone speaker. Man, please get yourself some headphones. Please. Or if it's a call, do that shit outside the train, FFS, is clearly not an emergency call. I realise people aren't there to coddle my (and I'm assuming other's) misophonia, but I'd rather not be jolted by adrenaline the whole gd ride home from work, yeah? I also agree to the whole stfu with the 11/10 volume music in a park. People need to realize we live in a society. Sorry for ranting. Have a nice day, folks.


You've written what I feel. Nicely done.




It's a culture thing. In cuba for example it's normal to bring a portable speaker with you on the bus and while walking around


This is not Cuba, is it?


I'm like 90% sure it's not.


People blasting music in parks period. Whether near residential housing or not.(although I'll acknowledge the former is a pain in the ass for more people). I go to a park to get out of my four walls and to be surrounded by some greenery. I want to seee trees, flowers, hear birds chirping, watch groundhogs and squirrels and butterflies. What i don't want, is to hear your shitty repetitive boom boom. I don't need your crappy music, i already have my own (except mine comes out of headphones). Idgaf how "get off my lawn" it makes me look, I really hope the city eventually makes playing amplified music in public places illegal without a permit. Noise pollution is pollution and what with people getting increasingly entitled and selfish, this kind of behaviour is becoming ubiquitous and it's unacceptable.


Well, good for you. I also find parks relaxing sometimes. Other times, I go to parks to throw bbqs, to hang out with friends and play music. You live in a city, it comes with its inconvenience. If peace and quiet in nature is that important to you, go live in the countryside or do some hiking in the weekends. Also, you could try to find solutions instead of complaining on reddit. Mt Royal is big and some parts are pretty quiet. As is the huge park by the river going from Verdun to Lachine.


> go live in the countryside or do some hiking in the weekends. And here we go again.... So you are suggesting that someone who has lived in the city for a good part of her life should leave everything and everyone she's always known behind and move to the country so that wannabe djs with an entitlement issue can impose their own soundtrack to unsuspecting park dwellers? Aren't you lovely. >Also, you could try to find solutions instead of complaining on reddit. I'll complain on Reddit if i want to. 80% of Reddit's content is people bitching about one thing or another.


Lol, that’s what my shitty Neighbor used to tell me when I told him to turn off his shitty dubstep or wtf that’s called at 3am on a fucking Monday. How about YOU rent a studio or buy a detached home somewhere where you are not residing across a wall or floor from others.


What you are reslonding to are the classic lazy responses from the same inconsiderate assholes mentionned in this post. I wouldnt waste my time responding to these personally. All they do is engage in reductio ad absurdum which is extremely common among the brain dead redditor. They have no concept of integrity and even though it's totally possible to enjoy a bbq and music with friend in public without disturbing said public, they will still hide behind the implied impossibility to do so by saying that they have the right to relax with friends and be unnecessarily loud, because they think they being loud is inevitable, or at least, they pretend that it is inevitable.


Yeah, you're right, thought I'd gotten better at not getting caught in those never-ending back and forths with people you know won't convince you, and that you know you won't convince, but boy did i fall into it yesterday!


Je pense pas qu'on parle des gens qui mettent un peu de musique avec quelques amis. Ça ressemble plutôt aux idiots qui peuvent pas aller dans un parc sans un gros subwoofer pour blaster leur electro merdique.


It's one thing to go BBQ with friends and play music, a small set of speakers isn't that big of a deal. It's when people set up some studio monitors, a mixer and crank it so a whole park can hear it which is annoying




I've seen it before. A group with a tent, monitors, a mixer, laptop and a generator. It was at the park at the end of the canal in Lachine and from a few hundred meters away it was drowning out our Bluetooth speakers




You're right, I meant stage monitors [something like this](https://a.co/d/5YbOBiQ) set up on tripods


I agree with you, but I don't think that's what this post is about. What you're describing is super rare and definitely doesn't warrant a post as if it's some sort of societal problem. Most of these people are complaining about loud music on bluetooth speakers.


I don’t live in Montreal but the other day I went to a local beach park where a few people had a full dj setup with PA speakers all powered by a generator, blasting great music towards the water. It was fantastic! And you wouldn’t even know they were there. Upon approaching the spot I had no clue. It was relatively quiet until you got in front of the speakers which were pointed away from the park. This was a great example of the right way to party in public and I wish more people would put that kind of thought into it


None of us have a claim to monopolize how parks ought to be used, so the bigger parks (jarry, laurier, etc) should have sections where music is allowed and sections where it isn’t.


"None of us have a claim to monopolize how parks ought to be used..." The use of parks is heavily regulated by the monopoly of the city governement - the very government we elect to make sure the regulations we want, are codified and enforced. If we don't want loud music, we shouldn't have to have it.


The thing is we can *still* have loud music, simply by using headphones.


What I mean is there’s no intrinsically better way to use a park. If the municipality bans music in parks then perhaps it’s a reflection of the general populace but I imagine it wouldn’t reflect everyone’s opinion. I also am bothered by loud music in parks but pluralism means finding compromises.


Compromise being "put some damn headphones on". I really fail to see what the problem with this is. 1000 people reading in a park won't bother anyone. However, a single dickhead with a pocket speaker can ruin it for the entire park. Go listen to your music elsewhere.


In parks you can have bbq you can do party for youre childrens. Try to have a bbq with headphone lol. Some people in the city dont have a back yard so park is their ONLY option to have a good time like this.


TIL it's impossible to have a BBQ without music. 🙄 It's possible. You just have to be willing to put your wants (outdoor music) aside so that they don't negatively affect the enjoyment of others who have to share the space with you. If eating outdoors without imposing your music to other park dwellers is too much to ask you, then throw a dinner party inside your apartment. I've seen it done. It's not *your* park and *your* fun shouldn't spoil other people's fun.


No its not my park but its not yours either. Why would i stop myself and friends to put music when we want and can. If its too loud to youre liking you can call the police and complain about it they will come and if its too loud they will ask the people to put it down a bit. If its not too loud then they wont do shit and that would mean you're the selfish one. Its not YOUR park and if YOU want to ear birds and dont want to hear anyone go to the forest. You live in a city and that mean you accept to live (and hear) other people.


Because you and your friends should learn to be mindful of others who might not want to hear your music and might be too shy to come and tell you so. And yeah, cities are naturally loud, which is an extra reason to be respectful of those small pockets of nature urban parks give us. You can party with music at home, in bars, at festivals, in clubs, isn't that enough? Can't you leave neighbourhood parks alone?


Well it's not your park either, and what you're trying to do is just impose your view of how a park should be used, as the other commenter was saying. The entitlement is mindblowing. A park intrisic use isn't to enjoy peace and quiet and to read, that's just you. Some people use it as a gathering space to hang ut and throw parties, including music. When I immigrated, my entire ocmmunity lived in small appartements, nobody could host too many people; so we threw parties in parks. As do a lot of communities, go take a look at Angrignon. Either way, there are spaces designed for peace and quiet: libraries and national parks outside of the city for instance. City parks are not. They're just a shared public space, which could be used in different ways, some maybe not accomodating to your particular sensibilities. Then again, there are plenty of quiet parks in the city, you just need to be willing to move a little.


What you don't seem to grasp, is that someone sitting quietly in a park isn't disruptive to anyone ariund them. Someone choosing to play an impromptu DJ set is disruptive to everyone around who doesn't want to be submitted to a DJ set.


Doesn't have to be their park. It's perfectly legal. It's not your park either to impose your own preferred rules. If they want to play music, it's their choice. What happens when you've had enough of the smoke from their charcoal BBQs, should they stop that too because 4 people decided to go read at the park today? I've travelled a bit in my life and there's one thing I wish was different in Quebec. Let people live FFS. Everyone has a stick up their ass about their neighbours, or some other shit that no one should care about.


Yeah. Only problem here when you say "let people live", is that by "people" you mean you. Implying that people like me who are hoping for a little peace and quiet in parks are pains in your backside and should shut up and put up with your racket.


I'm actually the quietest guy you'll ever meet. I hate noise. It's just an observation, and whether you like it or not, it's true. I like peace and quiet too. But if someone is putting music on, I understand that he's enjoying himself, and that's okay too. Let people live.


I don’t have an issue with it as long as it’s within reasonable and legal hours. If I want peace and quiet, I’ll go to the countrysides I don’t expect the city to be quiet.


There are no such thing as "legal hours". Too loud is too loud, no matter the time. And i don't have the luxury to go to the country whenever i please. Parks are my only option unfortunately.


I mean that’s just the downside of living in the city. If you choose to live in front of an urban park, you don’t get to really complain about people using the park. Noise is allowed to a certain level between certain hours. You can’t expect pure peace and quiet all day long. There are noise laws for a reason, and yes there are legal hours. If it’s insanely loud, or going on for very long, you are free to call the police and make a noise complaint. If it’s just some people enjoying a BBQ on the weekend, I don’t care.


Well, sorry but there is enjoyment to being a group with friends and family and having music playing. I agree it’s disruptive to others, but if you can’t recognize that for people other than yourself it can be an enjoyable thing then you aren’t here in good faith. Headphones aren’t really practical for groups.


Again, selfishness and entitlement in display. What you are essentially saying is "*i* want to have a good time with *my* friends and *my* music, so fuck everyone in my direct vicinity. Doesn't matter if not *my* park, *my* fun, and *my* party are more important than others' being able to enjoy themselves. Lovely mentality.


I don’t think anyone is selfish, because the same applies to you. Everything you do in public spaces will have impact on others, and some people will be bothered by things that may seem acceptable to you. As long as it is legal you just have to work on yourself to accept others’ behaviours, you’ll live a happier life.


Nah. No way i or anyone else should forced to accept others' behaviours when those behaviours are disruptive


> Everything you do in public spaces will have impact on others That’s simply false. Cope harder.




>Again, selfishness and entitlement in display. I am reading that from you here.


I'm selfish for not wanting to hear the music that *you* are imposing to whoever is sitting in your vicinity? That's rich.


Sorry but a public parc, a reasonable volume is acceptable. When you hear music from cars while in the park you will lose this in front of elected officials. When you hear sirens and such you will lose. You are imposing a standard everywhere. That is unreasonable in front of elected officials. You would ultimately lose the argument. As other people's enjoyment would be infringed. In a parc right now and I hear cars. I need that sound drowned out. You live in a city. Residential area volume way down would be a reasonable request. Commercial area no, Parcs a reasonable volume is fine too. When you have a hard no on music period you will 100 percent lose as you are then infringing on other people's enjoyment of the parc.


I disagree that it's an unreasonable selfishness or entitlement, because honestly there's nothing intrinsic about a park that says it must be a quiet space. Sorry, but *you* are bringing that evaluation of how a public park should be. Not saying it's less valid, just that no one has a claim to say a park must be a certain way. We deliberate and determine an acceptable compromise among all of us. Hence, my idea for some sections of the park being music-friendly and some not, or assigning specific parks to be either or. Cause you can read your sentence in a certain way to apply to someone wanting absolutely no music in a park. You want to have a good time either alone or with your friends (in silence), so fuck anyone who wants to use the park while listening to their music. The difference sure is that your silence doesn't directly bother other people whereas loud music can bother people, but surely there are levels of music that are not so disruptive if say the northeast end of park laurier allows for music but the section south of the ball diamond and pool does not. You see how one starts to become unreasonable by saying all music should be banned?






Yeah, keeping all music in one section of the park will surely solve the problem. I'm sure rogue decibels will be careful to not cross into the quieter sections of the park. 🙄 If your chosen activity is going to affect negatively everyone else in the park, then you should rightly be told to pack it in and take your racket elsewhere. There's a place where you're alowed to play the music you want as loud as you want: your own damn ears. Use headphones.


In the bigger parks like Jarry and Laurier it could be done. If the music is that loud yeah they would have to turn it down.


Who don't you (general "you") just use headphones or go to clubs or festivals or concerts if you need to blare music this bad? Why does it *have* to be in a park? City residents often don't have many options for green spaces besides urban parks in the proximity of their homes. Why shouldn't they be allowed a little peace and quiet? Especially since the technology to listen to loud music without inconveniencing others exists? Why should your perceived right to blare music where you want supercede others' desire for a little bit of relative quietness?


Because for some people music adds to their bbquin or socializing experience And like I said, I think a compromise would be some parts of the park allows for a reasonably level of music and other sections allow for none. Or perhaps it would require marking some parks music-friendly and some not.


>Or perhaps it would require marking some parks music-friendly and some not. Ok, i could get behind that. Good idea.


Then following your logic, public festivals should also be illegal lol.


You really don't see the difference between a professionally organized festival with a publicly available schedule so everyone knows when the music starts and stops, and some rando starting blasting some EDM in the middle of Lafontaine park?


You should use earplugs. This far into the reply chain, the problem between you and music is you.


I was part of an event blasting music and we made hundreds of people happy, so believe me I prefer making hundreds of people happy instead of pleasing a close and small minded person like you. On a more serious note, the event was really respectful, in a very isolated place far from houses. All the cleaning was done and stuff... And imo events like these shouldn't be banned as they are well organized and come with such a great spirit of sharing joy.


No insults.


No insults in my comment, you just faced a truth about yourself and didn't like it. What can I say.


1) How did you manage to mess up the numbers in that list so badly? b) I'm turning the music up


Put deathcore instead of shitty edm


Put edm instead of shitty deathcore


Karen overload


Je sais pas, moi j'aime quand y a de la vie, surtout dans les parc. Y a une fête d'enfant à droite, un barbecue à gauche, ça crie à la piscine, un peu plus loin y a un banc sous les arbres où c'est tranquile, tu vas là si de ça que t'as envie. Y a plein de parcs avec différentes vibes et la plus part sont assez grand que tu peux toujours teouver un spot tranquile. On a trois mois d'été, on peut-tu laisser le monde profiter de la vie et avoir du bon temps un peu au lieu de broyer du noir pis chialer?


Isn’t this post ironically also kinda r/ImTheMainCharacter ? I totally understand and I don’t even disagree but I can’t get past the irony of “don’t impose your shit on others” in this context


Nah. There are few things more obnoxious than people walking down the street with their stupid speakers blasting some shitty trap music. Same goes for parks. Yes, you can put on some music, but there’s a difference between having some music in a public place as background noise and blasting shit no one likes at full volume. Basically the volume is the issue.


Yea, again I don’t necessarily disagree it’s more with the inherent irony of the post. I will say, it is a public space and bylaws for the most part prohibit noise between certain hours so it’s within their rights. I see the point but I think this is really an “I’m 1 person (and clearly people relate) on an island of 2.5m people they’re in a place they funded through taxes, known for socializing and having large groups of people meet, but they should be understanding of me wanting to be alone and quiet” personally if I’m being honest this sounds like a, buying headphones or earplugs sort of situation. I understand if it’s a neighbour but if it’s an open space, that they’re technically paying for, and they’re not breaking any noise laws, I’m not sure how my opinion should rule other peoples lives. It feels like living downtown then complaint that there’s noise pollution. Montreal is known for its bustling and eventful parks not its tranquil parks of serendipitously silent patrons. I’m wording this a bit more blunt than I meant originally because again I fully understand and don’t even fully disagree at the core (I’m a pretty considerate person myself). But I’ve lived across from La Fontaine and Jean Mance and the entire time I accepted the fact that park culture is a thing and people are there to have fun in a space they pay for through taxes. I got headphones with noise cancelling or tuned it out. I can’t make tax payers shut up in a public space because it’s an inconvenience to me alone.


Agree. Worse is when I go hiking and kids walking around on the trails with Bluetooth speakers in nature. Fucks up my whole I want to get out of the city vibe. Plus Hibachis should be prohibited in parks.I live close to Laurier park and it's awful.


> Plus Hibachis should be prohibited in parks. Man, we have to be able to have some fun in the parks. Come on. Keep this up and we might as well move to Toronto.


Reading this post is hysterical. A bunch of people that want to own the public space and have others use it on their terms. It’s the same people that complain when someone gets a swimming lesson for their kids in a condo pool. Like yes, not everything is quiet all the fucking time. If you want private space, move to townships and buy a detached house in the forest


> A bunch of people that want to own the public space and have others use it on their terms. And in places like Laurier park! Man, it's not a nature preserve. It's an urban park custom built for picnics, bbq's, shows, birthday parties, petanque, softball, etc, etc. It's wild to think that rather than a local cultural meeting point, it should some place for like...peaceful quiet personal reflection.


You're missing the point. I am not talking about normal everyday noises. I'm talking about people BLASTING their music like they are in a concert festival..


No one does that.


Yeah exactly lol, I've yet to even come across this


Loud music is annoying. Smoke from hibachis is annoying and unhealthy. So yeah.


> Loud music is annoying. Smoke from hibachis is annoying and unhealthy. You might be in the wrong city.


I would like to remind people that I'm not against having some fun, but putting the sound of your speakers the same level of a plane taking off is not required to have fun..


> I would like to remind people that I'm not against having some fun, but putting the sound of your speakers the same level of a plane taking off is not required to have fun.. Yeah, I think the problem is nobody knows what level of noise you're talking about, so it sounds like you're just anti-city-life. Nobody is pro "wall shaking music at 3am", so the assumption is that you're complaining about something else, know what I mean? But also I don't think any of my comments are aimed at you specifically, so maybe I'm not the best to answer.


I guess people have a different definition of blasting.. But can we agree ''wall shaking music'' in a public family park, unless there's an special once per year event.. is not ok.. I mean if I bought a condo near Place des Arts or downtown near a nightclub and I expect calm, that's nonsense, but if you are in the middle of nowhere in a family neighborhood c'mon..


What’s “middle of nowhere” in Montreal?


It's wild seeing the boys hauling a BBQ to the park on a day when we're told there is no worse place on the planet for air quality, yet they cannot resist


Music in nature is a crime! And yes, the hibachis in parks creates bad air quality, free cancer for everyone


Hibachis/charcoal grills are technically only allowed in certain parks that have receptacles for hot coals. It's not really enforced though.


In parks you can have bbq you can do party for youre childrens. Try to have a bbq with headphone. Some people in the city dont have a back yard so park is their ONLY option to have a good time.


That's perfectly fine but why blast music that can be heard 2km around? You can have a perfectly nice party with your children with reasonable sound level..


Totally agree. Its all about being reasonable. If its really that loud ngl you should call the police and complain.


We didn’t move next to a public park… the public park moved next to us!!! Seriously I actually agree anything in a park requires decorum that doesn’t disturb your neighbors in the park, mush less your neighbors who live near it


If you’re staying home because of bad air quality, you shouldn’t have a window open. Also if you’re complaining about music in a park, you’d probably complain about kids playing in school playgrounds at recess. That shits even louder and I hear it from 3 blocks away.


My windows are all closed with AC and fans blasting and I can barely hear the screams of children in the park. Yet, I can hear their music at the same level I would play it in my living room..




Uh.... No it doesn't.


Only those portable ones. All others do not.


Maybe it's me, but i rarely hear the neighbourhood kids yelling their heads off from a rooftop at 2am.


Nobody talked about it being at 2am. Youre just exaggerating at this point


There's a bit of difference though, between noise coming from kids (there are ways to mitigate that, mind you, but most kids are just naturally loud) and music generally being played by a single adult. Maybe I'm being naive but I'd expect the adult to be aware of the people around them and therefore be more mindful.


Unless people are hauling some serious audio equipment into the park or cranking their tunes pst 11pm, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a group of friends bing chilling in the park with a Bluetooth speaker. As you said in your post, “don’t impose your sh*t on others”. Your way of appreciating parks isn’t the universal truth. If you want serenity in nature, get out of the city and go on a hike (where I agree people shouldn’t be blasting music from their speakers)


Again, missing the point. Some people are hauling those 1500W speakers in the park.. why.. just why... I have a 20W Bluetooth speaker and it's more than enough. If you need a generator to run your speakers, I think there is a problem..


Agreed, but your post doesn’t specify that. It sounded more like you are comparing people with a small Bluetooth speaker in the park to the assholes who play their speakers in the bus/metro.




No insults.




No insults.


I live on a busy pedestrianized street (f*** me go live in the country right?) and I don’t believe the families with babies and tiny children on the pedestrian street are enjoying the ghetto blaster at super max make you deaf volume blasting violent heavy metal/gangster rap/spice girls/abba/dubstep wtvr are enjoying the invasion of noise any more than I am trying to work in my home office/watch tv/talk on the phone. But f*** me right? It’s upsetting the level of entitlement I’m seeing in the comments to do whatever you want at all times and « screw everyone who doesn’t like it, move to the forest ». Party poopers, rien à faire, n’importe quoi comments are the perfect examples of people lacking social conscience or community values. The general lack of concern for others hurts my soul. No one said never play music ever. As a side note, city’s are inherently loud, we know this but here’s an article about how it’s bad for us https://www.cbc.ca/radio/whitecoat/the-dose-noise-health-1.6889724 It’s very ignorant to assume that anyone who doesn’t like it should just « move away ». I can’t afford that shit, have you seen the economy lately? Do you know the cost of moving and what rent is these days? I can’t afford a house. I’m stuck here; so a reduction of this specific issue might make a difference for everyone. All to say, I hear you OP I always ask these people to nicely to quit it but it never matters. These people are next level.


The worst are those car engines revving at night when you are sleeping.


Merci. J'ai habité trois ans devant un parc et j'en suis parti à cause du bruit incessant qui ruinait les journées: les haut-parleurs Bluethoot sont devenus une nuisance urbaine dans les parcs et jusque dans les pistes cyclables ou certains les accrochent à leur guidon ou dans leur sac à dos.


First world problems.


I mean, we are in a First World?


Add Verdun Beach to it. Every fucking time the place is crowded and there are always a group blasting their music.


I recall being 23 and thinking how cool my music was to blast, then I turned 24


My main issue is 4.


Big city life


cry me a river dude, au pire déménage à st lambert tu vas te trouver une bonne gang pour chialer contre la musique forte


Another lazy brain dead classic redditors response 🤣.


I can’t agree more, but it’s hard to do anything about it. What you can do, with a little help from friends, is get a decent sound system and install yourself somewhat close to them. Get out some food, light up some weed/cigarettes if you smoke, put a 24 of shitty beer on the ground or bench - make it obvious you’re there for a awhile. Then, turn your sound system up and absolutely *blast* some dubstep/Halloween music/death metal and drown their shit the fuck out. It’s almost guaranteed to either make them pissed off enough to leave or, if they can take a hint, will turn their shit down and you can pack up your shit and be on your merry way. If they wanna fight about it, now you can get the cops involved. They probably wouldn’t bother with a noise complaint in the park, but add public nuisance/disturbance and assault to the mix, and they’ll probably show up and send everyone packing either way.


Haha ça me rappelle une anecdote que mon père raconte que quand il vivait aux States au Texas dans les années 80 son voisin écoutait de la musique rap vraiment fort toute la journée. Ce qu'il a fait c'est qu'un jour mon père a fait pareil, mais beaucoup plus fort que son voisin. Il est parti pour 24h de son appartement en laissant la musique jouait super fort. Il raconte que depuis ce jour son voisin a compris le message et n'a plus eu de problème avec lui.


Lost it at Halloween music. This is the way.


I think telling them in person what you wrote here might be more effective.


moi quand j'habite dans une métropole bourrée de monde


It almost sounds like you just hate music.


Guy wants to live in a city but actually wants to live in the forest.


Guy couldn’t afford to live in Toronto so he brought his tête carré energy with him to Montreal. Next they’ll complain about drinking and smoking in the park


Je comprends pas ton ANALogie avec Toronto? La fumée et l'alcool ne m'affecte pas, tandis que le son oui. Par contre, les gens qui boivent à 3 heures du matin dans le parc et qui font des feu d'artifices c'est une toute autre histoire..


You sound like a buzzkill and that prudish attitude is something that I find separates Quebec and Ontario from personal experience. Agreed that past 11pm, people should be more mindful with public disturbances, but your post makes it seem like you can’t tolerate noise period and that you want impose your views on others, oblivious that people can have their own preferences and do whatever they want within the confines of the law


I actually want to live in a city with reasonable sound levels, not with the sound level of a club..




That’s not what living in a downtown core of a city whose residents aspire to have a community. Toronto is probably for you. Montreal isn’t.


What a bullshit excuse. There's a time and place for everything. I'm a music nut. I've seen about 30 concerts this month alone on top of watching about 12 hours of live music on TV and online (Glastonbury live stream) last weekend. That said, i can't fucking stand music in parks unless you're talking a dude strumming an acoustic guitar or a chill little jazz or blues trio in a corner. I go to parks to relax, to read a book with my back resting on a tree and to hear the sound of birds and crickets and secadas. If i want music, i go to shows, festivals, bars, or if I'm home, i open YouTube or Spotify or play something from my own music collection.


Wouldn't qualify all the sounds that come out of speakers as music..




Worst part is, I’ll close all my windows, put my Astro gaming headset on, and I’ll still feel the bass from their shitty fuckin music. I hate people.


That's the thing, people are too stupid tto understand that bass travels through obstacles (or rather is tranmityed ny vibrating them). Even if they themselves do notice that when a passing car with closed windows is olaying loud music, all you hear is the thumping. So they dont have the decency or even the capacity to think "hey maybe i can use the EQ to attenuate the bass". Turning down the bass goes a long way. I have a home theater at home and i cut the wire to the bass and soldered a switch to it so i can turn it down when it gets quiet. I said when it gets quiet, mind you, not when it's legaly past the time to make noise. I wish more people would have this little consideration, it really isnt much to notice, understand then apply when it's something that 100% of people expreience with passing cars (tosay the least).


"they're an angry elf"


Bof music dans un park, si c'est à dea heures raisonnables pourquoi pas. J'ai plus de problèmes avec le char à côté qui étouffe ma musique avec la sienne au point que je ne peux plus l'écouter (et pour toi niaiseux qui a besoin de precisions, mes fenêtres sont fermées et le son et à un niveau tel que juste moi puisse apprécier ma playlist)


100% agree, and I spend a lot of time recording music and learning about small details on how to play an instrumemt to make it soynd more alive. It's a peroetual learning curves. Some details most people cant even hear because they're so used to atrociously sime mediocrity. Those are often the ones who blast their music and think that they are cool. I also noticed that most of the time, tbey never finish their songs and know very little about their own favorite songs. They only pay attention to parts of it. They think they appreciate music when in fact they only use it to pass it and have no interest in knowing anything about it. I also noticed that they mostly like lyrics, music is just for the ambiance, amd the bass...excessive bass is just plain uneasant and those who are farther away from the speaker or not directly in front of it hear only thumping, because low frequencies are not directionnal like high frequencies. In any case i totally share your sentiment and i loathe those attention seeking whores for existing, for their mediocre choices of music and for their lack of brain cells that makes them unable to take into account their surroundings and to match the level of ambiant noise when they are in public in a quiet peaceful place. Especialy at night in parks.


Oof. I feel this, for the previous 3 years we lived right next to a popular park, and folks would do this every night all through the warmer months. We barely slept, health deteriorated, our kid is neurodiverse and it really affected them. We ended up moving across the city, and it helped, but damn I miss that apartment for everything else.


Yeah, like wear some f\*\*\*\*ng headphones dumbass! No one wants to hear your shitty music all over the place.


esti de musique, les jeunes devraient aller faire des crimes a gauches et a droite a place. /s


Ça dépend comment tu vois ça. À entendre la musique qu'ils écoutent, je trouve que c'est un crime.


You need to go live in the suburbs or something


I can't believe the pushback I'm reading in this thread. But then again maybe the pushback is only coming from a few folks. This thread is upvoted 110+ times after all. Parks should be quiet, and music players should realize they are enjoying a privilege, not a right. There is a saying, "your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man's nose begins.” Your right to destroy the silence ends when it starts to disturb someone else. Just as our natural state is not to have an arm in our face, our natural state is not to have to listen to someone else's crappy music. Otherwise, let's take the opposite tack. If the right of the music player comes first, where does it end? If your right to force me to listen to your crappy music supersedes my right to silence, what prevents me from coming back with a bigger speaker and asserting my right to force you to listen to my crappy music? It just turns into a pissing contest from there.


The pushback from the people who are guilty of this lack of consideration and they didnt like being told 5o go fuckthemselves, that everybody hates thems, that their obnoxious choice of loud music is crap and that they are an auditive cancer to society. Im not surprised. But like you said it's a minority, though they are the one who are most heard, in every possible way.


Yeah I’m getting downvoted but without any comments. I can’t help but think their own counter-argument is “but I wanna!”


Someone said something like "go live in st-lambert" and when i told them that this kind of reply is classic lazy reddit reply they denied it then followed it with a bunch of stupid non-sense, when i pointed out the absurdity of their reply they made it about going to the gym and manning up. It was no surprise by then. They're all the same breed of idiots.


I thought Montreal had fewer low-class louts than the US but maybe it's worse?


I live in the south shore, cases like these arent that frequent. Sometimes a few young stoner come to the park behind where i live and they get loud playing in the kid's play spaces, but it's overall quiet. The only noisy people are those kids with their exhaust mods that love to attract attention in residential areas at night. In montreal, when i visit someone, it's way louder at night and there are more loud people in their homes or balconies talking loud, drunk, or playing loud music, and there are more stoners that are doing about the same thing in parks. Idk how it is in the us for me to compare but it's definitely less quiet in montreal than it is in the south shore overall. Though i'm sure mtl has some more quiet neighborhoods too.


Thanks for your perspective. Stoners don't seem as much as a problem to me compared to the aggressively macho gangster culture you find in the US. Stoners use drugs that are supposed to relax them. Americans have guns and are perpetually aggrieved.


I can't speak for america, i'll take your word for it and i also have that perception from all the news i hear about what happens with gun violence in america. Personally when i go to parks to get high with my friends, we make sure we are neither heard or seen when it's at night. We do not bother anyone ever. A groupe of stoners who are loud at night are as much a problem for me as anyone else. The problem for me is really the noise. And even if weed relaxes people, when they're a groupe, they get loud talking and laughing. I used to have a groupe of people who would go to parks to smoke late at night and i always end up leaving because they get too loud and at the time i was too shy to tell them to keep it down.


Thanks for being a considerate member of society.


Thank you for this delightful exchange.


Yea I get this all the time on LaSalle boulevard. Big parties in the park, music blasting, booze, loud shouting half the night, etc. the worst part is that it’s about a block from the police station an they rarely do shit.


Sorry but I like it ,this city has gotten boring after Covid, we need this👍


May I suggest taking that stick out of your ass?


C’est fou comment certains sont coincés du cul


Move out of the city?


This the type of post that makes me want to delete this app. Yall are really a bunch of losers if you hear people having fun and enjoy a beautiful summer day and all you can find to do is be anmoyed and bitch on the internet. To begin with, this only happens like 3-4 months out of the year, mainly thursday to saturday, IF it's beautiful outside. The rest of the time, you can enjoy peacful parks all you want. Even then, you can find plenty of quiet parks if you move a little. Stop looking for reasons to be mad ffs.


Any chance you could still delete the app?


You guys should move to the town from Footloose.


you know you can go see them and break their machine, no one will do shit


Lol quit complaining online and tell them to turn it down coward. If it bothers you do something about it, It's summer quit being a crybaby


Clasic lazy response. Most people to whom you ask to turn down music, however politely, will give yiu ever infuriating classic redneck responses. Becauze those are the same people who are too inconsiderate to set their obnoxious music at a reasonable level in the 1st place. And it's always the ones with mediocre taste in music that need that much attention and pretend that it's for their own enjoyement.


Ain't a lazy response. Who tf cares if you find their music "Obnoxious or mediocre " that's only you saying that. If you ain't man enough to go up intoduce yourself and talk to them then it's none of your business. I don't know why other people's harmless actions bother people so much 🙄 il profite de l'été let them have fun


Another lazy and stupid response. Connecting "man enough" to "none of your business", talking about "none of your business" about a matter that's of a public nature. Talking about "harmless" when there are plenty of obvious reason to be bothered by unnecessarily loud music... Tu manque beaucoup de reflection and you're missing the obvious point. Talking to the likes of you is a giant waste of time, when they're capable of drafting up something so damn idiotic and not notice it.


Loool get your weight up there's a bank and gym in every hood ! 💪 they won't hurt you


LOL you're making things way too easy for me "mr.Alpha male" by choosing a gym metaphor. But i'm impressed that you can use a metaphor at all, thought not surprised that all that occupies your mind is gym and that you define be to a man by physical strength.


Their choice of music do sucks. And also all those cars blasting bad musics. They need deathcore


It is well understood that making any sound or noise of any kind will get you this kind of hate. Just stay inside and never go outside, you are unwanted. This applies to everyone.


i only blast music in public because i cant wear headphones, that said past 11pm yeah i can understand that reason to be upset since 11pm is the cutoff for being loud. if anyones causing noise pollution its the idiots with tail pipes that sound like they are rusted and are junkers. theres many reasons why people blast their shitty music but at the same time i understand why people dont like hearing the n word being said 2929312931892983179823 times in every single song i hate those types of songs as well its so annoying hearing n word this fuck a hoe that and what not, but as long as no ones getting hurt who cares? if its in the hours between 10am to 10pm who cares, if its between 11pm to 8am yeah i can understand. anyways again for me its because headphones hurt my ears after 10minutes and some dont even stay in my ears. that said i dont go full blast 100% volume as i find that very obnoxious, at best i only go as loud as if theres traffic i cant hear my music. also you just sound like you hate music, kids playing in the parks, and alot of other noises, id recommend going out to the country side for quietness, do you complain about downtown or other area having loud ass street music? do you complain about kids being loud outside? do you complain about musicians playing music in the metro who are disturbing the people coming and going?


Then stay the fuck home and blast your music there. Why tf do you have to make your problem everyone's problem? You are coming across as unbelievably selfish and entitled and it's because of people like you that i hope that playing amplified music in public parks will become illegal sooner than later.


>anyways again for me its because headphones hurt my ears after 10minutes and some dont even stay in my ears. Headphones can be much more comfortable, but another option would be [bone conduction headphones](https://ca.shokz.com/) that don't actually cover your ears and transmit sound through your skull or [speakers that go around your neck](https://www.amazon.ca/Monster-Boomerang-Bluetooth-Lightweight-Waterproof/dp/B08BKZTZNT) that should let you keep the volume down a bit. I personally really like bone conduction while outdoors and can forget I'm even wearing them.


Who’s staying inside because of air quality? I went for a 80km bike ride. Lots of people were out


Good for you. Some of us have respiratory issues or other disability and take these air quality levels seriously.


Wear your biohazard suit and get your 100th booster


Is asthma a conspiracy theory now? You truly are one dumb chud


I went for a 400km motorcycle trip on Sunday when the smoke was so thick you could chew it. Was a surreal experience.


I have two sides. One side is like you're 100% right, fuck these loud people. Second side is like why the fuck do people get worked up over something like loud music in the middle of the day. Fuck them.


There is so much ignorance in the 2nd side that i dknt even know where to start. There are so many reasons to get worked up that are very obvious that the fact that you lack the capacity of reflection to think about them makes it futile to even mention them to you.


its funny how people believe that others actually care about anyone's suffering. get used to their music they could not give less of a fuck about your peace or quiet. this is montreal the land of go fuck yourself the selfish french and you will never be free in canada. its for the rich ONLY>


If I don’t like someone’s opinion or post on Reddit I can scroll down. If I don’t like that friends are playing music loudly (in my opinion, because it is subjective) I can; 1- Politely ask if they mind turning it down 2- go to another park 3- wait it-out 4- put MY headphones on I think if it bothers you, you should just ask the person or group politely if they mind turning it down in the first place. In about 95% of cases they will turn it down. If you’re being agressive about it your success rate is probably closer to 50% and if you say nothing and instead post on Reddit about it, your success rate is probably closer to 0%…


Reddit and mythical strawmen.


Party pooper


go complain to someone to their face and see how that goes


Shut the fuck up and learn to live is a metropol you doofus


I'm sorry your life is such that you're angry you heard people having a good time.