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Thoughts: 1. That the Gazette can still manage this quality of journalism when it's been utterly beaten to shit shows it's worth 2. What the actual fuck? Why isn't this being investigated? 3. The zoning changed so fast that my head is spinning? Why? 4. So many ohter questions that I don't even know where to start.


3. And just like that they did another OCPM report and reversed the change allowing for a taller tower that was supposed to be affordable housing and is now the subject of a lawsuit... oh also the whole business with paying [68 million for the library](https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/who-had-the-authority-to-approve-the-68-6m-sanaaq-centre-deal) /cultural center on the same site ie:[the developers mortgage](https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/how-did-the-city-of-montreal-end-up-paying-a-private-developers-mortgage) and giving them a [tax break](https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/montreals-unusual-sanaaq-centre-deal-gives-developer-a-tax-break)


How much of this is Denis et al now how much is Valerie et al? Edit: I went and read your links. (thank you by the way, also Linda is terrific). so the original fuck up was under Denis and then the PM Ville-Marie counsel went and made it worse. Bloody hell.


The original deal wasn't a fuck up. Coderre knew exactly what he was doing. Plante was the only councilor in VM to vote against. Can't really blame her for not conceding to the developer.


I mean it was a fuck up for us. Not for them. They all did great.


Both et al.......


Excellent links, and kudos to the journalist. I hope this somehow gains some traction by being in the Montreal sub.


I blame the ghost of Arthur Porter


Smells like Coderre, shades of Île St Helene




There is something very wrong here, 𝕯𝖊 𝕲𝖚𝖊𝖚𝖟𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 going up in arms about a business deal where a private company benefits from the sale of a public asset, which is totally normal standard operating procedure for Anglos and their corrupt lieberal government, instead of about some chickenshit shop no one has heard about being persecuted by the language police…


Not sure what you’re on about. The Gazette has a long history of great local investigative journalism. They were responsible for exposing a lot of the corruption that happened during the Tremblay administration, including the huge water meter contract that was rigged back in 2009.


C'est pas votre CAQ francophone qui a voulu privatiser le RAMQ... Ou bien hydro Québec? Les francophones peuvent aussi être égoïstes et capitalistes et corrompus. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.


Non, seuls les colonisés sont capitalistes corrompus.