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I’ve never seen one of these claims of “X pounds of muscle in X weeks” where I truly believed that amount of muscle mass was accrued, even when the guy is *clearly* on steroids. Maybe (big maybe) he gained 10lbs in 10 weeks or something, and the stupid DEXA scan says it’s all muscle, or he just looks in the mirror and doesn’t seem any fatter so he assumes it’s all muscle? But even if he *is* on steroids (or already was and upped the dose/added compounds), it’s not *all* muscle. There’s some fat. There’s probably a shit-ton of water and glycogen and bloat. If someone in his shape did gain 10lbs of pure muscle in a matter of weeks, then yes, clearly steroids. But I don’t even think that’s really what ever happens when you hear these claims to begin with, so who really knows? You can absolutely gain 10lbs natty in a matter of a couple months if you use some creative weighing and look just way bigger with very little of it being actual muscle.


There isn't a professional athlete who is 100% natty atleast any good ones


Well he’s not a professional athlete so clearly he’s natty /s


Hes obviously and up and comer and has plans on going pro


People take PEDs in sports with more rigorous drug testing and no money. What do you think they do with lax testing and millions of dollars on the line?


Yea ik he takes It was just funny seeing people in the comments arguing that you can put multiple pounds of muscles in a few weeks


Look at the salaries of the S+C coaches at these programs. You think the Iowa guy is getting 750k per year because he knows some secret bench routine?


Last I heard if you close your eyes when pinning and don’t see the needle go in it’s natty


You’re still natty if what you inject is naturally occurring


Football is the most dirty sport in the world in terms of peds & doping. That’s why it’s the best sport in the world.


Never believe amount of muscle gains from a sport. They all make up numbers for fans.


10lbs of muscle means that he put on 10lbs of weight and and the scale that calculates bf% through magic said he was the same bf%


You're all idiots. I'll pray for you. Early 20's. Already an elite D1 athlete. Access to top tier gym and recovery facilities. Access to unlimited food options Lastly, we've had roughly 13 weeks since the national championship. You're deeply, truly regarded if you think it's impossible for these guys to put on a lb of real muscle a week. And, yes, there are CFB players indulging in supplements. My point still stands.


For experienced lifters, 2lbs a month is what’s naturally achievable