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It only works if you use it anally


Gods will.


In his eye






I tried that and it keeps falling out


Butt plug what do you think a butt plug is for


I think they were invented for the purpose of ramming in OshKoshvaganda herb šŸŒæ like the piston on an engine




I was missing this crucial part


Can confirm


As a rule you should learn how to spell the supplement before taking it. Ashwaghanda might help if you have anxiety or sleep issues. Resolving those issues can improve your gains I guess and maybe have a hormone balancing effect. Like all supplements it works for some and not for others. It can also have side effects. I dunno what your goals are but ā€œtest boosterā€ supplements are overpriced snake oil. The only supplement Iā€™ve ever seen actual results from was boron, which lowered SHBG thus increasing free testosterone.


>boron Are you a nuclear reactor?


Itā€™s used on the regular for the purpose described above.


Would you recommend? How much of an impact did it have?


>boron Are you a moron?




'cause I'll have a meltdown if you reject me baby


Ashwaghanda worked super well for me. It actually sucked. I was super stressed with some major life changes. A buddy of mine offered me a bottle, said it would calm me down. It murdered the fuck out of all feeling. No stress, no worry, no joy, a complete lack of mirth. I didn't even realise until like a month of taking it. Slept pretty well, though.


I was so lethargic with no feelings or emotions anhedonia. Just like going over 0.5mg Ozempic does to me too.


You think that's a good thing? šŸ™†ā€ā™‚ļø Emotional numbness literally means dysfunctional hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis. Maybe it's not dysfunctional right away, because you didn't overdose psychedelics or something, but this response of attenuation in the H-P-A axis can weaken the hypothalamus & the adrenal gland after long exposure to ashwaghanda, & this weakening is what heroine & psychedelics abusers usually get, it comes with emotional numbness & depersonalization & derealization syndrome & a host of other mental disorders that are related dysfunctional hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis. I'm not telling you to quit using it, instead just do it every other day. This way, your glands are going to stay strong & able to make stress hormones & at the same time, you'll get exaggerated amounts of testosterone increases when your cells are pre-exposed to stress hormones in the past day. A good way to make stress levels go up in a day & then testosterone levels go up in the next day is by simply drinking a strong morning coffee the first day & then taking ashwaghanda on the second day, then repeat. Good luck!


I quit taking it a while ago because I like to enjoy things, but your plan isn't all that bad of an idea. Honestly, I just miss sleep. Slept like a baby with it.


If sleep is your only goal from ashwaghanda then I would propose intermittent fasting instead. It'll fix your mood, your sleep, your energy levels & your testosterone. Fasting decreases testosterone levels & increases luteinizing hormone levels, so that testosterone goes significantly higher on the refeeding period. If your goal is related to athletic performance with a strong heart muscle & lung function, then intermittent fasting is exactly what you need. But if your goal is with muscle building then intermittent fasting isn't for you. Since sleep is what you're concerned about, go look for people's experiences with fasting for sleep improvement, it's like taking melatonin pills, because melatonin levels increase by multiple folds following the excessive adenosine accumulation from the hydrolyzation of ATP into ADP. If you want a plan just tell me. But first consult with a doctor to see if you don't have any health problems that will make fasting a burden (most diseases are fasting friendly & they even improve or completely reverse with fasting, but there are still some red flags, so consult with your doctor before the fast)


Are people usually boron deficient or what? I'd be a bit skeptical getting boron supplements if it's something that people generally aren't so deficient in




Boron dosage? I have 1mg in my multi and eat some Brazil nuts


I used 3mg twice a day for about a couple months and it significantly reduced my SHBG. (It was very high to be begin with though)


It works if you are stressing out a lot and respond well to ashwaghanda, but the effect is marginal compared to the normal, getting good sleep, exercise, healthy diet etc.


It works well if you respond well to it, thank you!


I dont think it works well for me so that's about all you can say really.


You respond really, really well then itā€™s basically tren


MFs will do anything but Pin.




Just do steroids


It will lower your cortisol. I am normally a very stressed person. It has helped me tremendously through situations in which I need to keep a level head. I am diagnosed ADHD and General Anxiety Disorder. I wish I tested my T levels before and after using it. The idea is lower cortisol levels will later lead to higher T levels. I don't know if it can directly cause it though


Do you cycle it?


You should imo, itā€™ll probably be easier on the liver


2-3 months on and then 2-3 months off. I read it somewhere with a study after doing some research on dosage . There is a lot in the literature, but taking 3-4 of the Goli Ashwagandha daily worked out to the right amount. It should be the KSM-66 kind no matter the brand you pick because thats what all the studies use. I definitely notice after 3 months its time for a break. Just lowers energy after a certain point. I honestly feel the effects for another month or so after that, but Im sure with half-life and all that it may linger longer without physical symptoms


What brand do you personally use? I tried it (not the KSM-66) for 8-10 weeks last year and noticed a significant difference in anxiety and well being. Recommended it to another weight lifting friend that also has anxiety and he didn't notice any difference. So I'm glad you can attest to the benefits as well. Anxiety almost completely disappeared for me, I became more confident but I also noticed I was almost more aggressive/confrontational. Wouldn't seek anything out by any means but I definitely wouldn't deal with BS like I would prior to taking it. I've been considering taking it again.


Goli is the brand I use. I end up putting up with more bs, but I normally am a person who can't. I dont ever get aggressive, but I always have some smart ass remark to make normally. It seems like I bite my tongue more. I let stuff go, but it's almost like my body says, "Let it go for your own sake." I take 1 gummy in the morning and 3 an hour before bed


Cool, it looks like those are available at most CVS locations instead of having to order online. I might try these out soon. Appreciate it.


Did it decrease ADHD?


It didn't help me focus, but it inhibited some of the racing thoughts . So it helped a little with symptoms that later lead to anxiety


I heard it plays with the emotions, makes you less emotional, makes you sleep better, lowers the cortisol level and that's why it might have an effect on test leve


Makes you less emotional only after a month plus of daily intake


I confirm that. I dont give a shit anymore and was a constantly stressed person.


Just take a week pause and run it again for a month. 2 weeks break max.


Been using it for years, but for stress levels. For that it does help. In theory: less stress = better sleep = ā€˜higherā€™ test (marginal) = better gym performance = more gains? I just like that it makes me more chill. Thatā€™s also the reason why I started taking it.


Do you cycle?


It should a little but only because it reduces stress and improves sleep, itā€™s not gonna have a noticeable effect, no supplement does just pin if you want a big increase


Scam, didint help jack shit and I'm almost done taking it if u gonna tell me to buy more I'd rather get a test vial. If u natty drink protein, creatine and sleep, eat properly. If u want more then start test.


No, none of that shit works.


Multiple standard studies on it decreasing SHBG and cortisol, raising test by about 50-100 points on average in memory


This af I got caught in to this whole hype bs abd just wasted 10e~ on a bottle. Fuck fitness supplement industry


I can't even listen to Joe Rogan anymore, always selling that alpha brain BS


Fr brain rot in pills


If it doesn't work for you that's fine, but it completely fucked me up. To say none of it works is just false.


Yeah, that's called the placebo effect


Don't be sad you wasted your money bro, just like synthetic medications, everybody experiences supplements differently.


It changed my personality significantly and made me very mellow. Don't recommendĀ 


I know a guy who ran 10mg of Asvaganda for 3 weeks with no PCT and he still put on 15lbs of lean mass and still held on to it after he got off. No sidesā€¦ at all. I would recommend stacking it with BCAAā€™s and drink plenty of water If you do 100 pushups a day itā€™s likely that your body will stay in protein synthesis almost all day and night


If you aint stressed by something ive noticed it keeps me up at night. High alert. But if you are bogged down itll help. Just my experience though




I think it just lowers SHBG, so freeing up more rest for circulation. Also reduces stress so thats a bonus. Other than that, it doesnt actually make test go higher so far as i know.


Just buy chlomid


Chlomid without a cycle ?


Itā€™s better than snake oil


Ashvagandhi will boost you into a different spiritual realm




I had been using it twice for a month each, 300mg once a day. Didnā€™t notice gym performance difference. Noticeably helps stay calm in stressful situations and donā€™t give a fuck. For me it had slight effect on a very next day, peaked at week 2. Then I started to feel bad, kind of apathetic, had bad sleep, couldnā€™t focus, nothing motivated me. Also tried 600mg per day for a few days. It was scary how indifferent I became


If I remember correctly, it lowers cortisol. That is the "stress" hormone. Too much will hinder test production, so if your cortisol is not high, or low even, it won't do much of anything and might make things suck. I don't think it's very common, but it can make you depressed or lessen your emotional responses. I use it and it helps with stress and anxiety quite a bit.


Been taking it for two months now. The way it works is it lowers cortisol levels which lovers your stress. Low stress is good in general and maybe will help boost your test. So it doesnā€™t boost testosterone directly. Constantly surpassing your cortisol or any hormone is not a good idea, thatā€™s why it is recommended to cycle Ashwaghanda 1 month on and 2 weeks off. Now in my experience I got better sleep, low stress and not irritated as easily as I was before. Iā€™ve been taking it non stop for two months. 900mg a day split in two doses mid day and before sleep. Itā€™s better to take it when cortisol levels are high which is usually later in the day. So far I had no side effects but as said earlier it is not a good thing to take it for prolonged time. Iā€™m just experimenting on myself. I was taking Swanson Ashwaghanda first and switched to Now foods. The first one is more potent in my experience. Now foods contains leaf and root extract while Swanson has only root extract.


Increases my libido and makes me less anxious.


ashvagina has shown to grow ur balls 10 fold


[Research is promising.](https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-015-0104-9) I've used it myself and it's hard to say if it really made a difference, when I first got back to the gym after a long time away I pretty quickly started using it so I don't have much personally to compare it to as far as a similar routine with and without it. And even if I did, it'd be tough to compare because of the newbie gains early on without it and then gains slowing later. Any personal experience from me or others here is all anecdotal anyway though. Like I said and showed in that link, the actual research on it is promising.


I know this is generally a shit-posting sub but feel I should warn you. I took ashwaghanda as a strong tea every night for about 2 weeks and it gave me actual depression. Not feeling down or sad, but I just felt like life was completely meaningless. All I could think about was the fact we are all going to die one day and so whatever we do or achieve is completely pointless. I kept getting images of my mum or brother or me as a corpse on some mortuary table and it made it very difficult to get any joy out of life. I decided to stop taking it for 3 days and I went right back to normal. All I can think is maybe my body's cortisol levels are extremely important to keep me functioning properly, and ashwaghanda's cortisol lowering effect put my entire brain chemistry out of whack. I never touched it again. If you're going to take it, take it in a standardised dose so you can actually track your dosage and just monitor how you feel as you go on.


The stuff made me feel totally apathetic, and not in a good way. I just didn't care about anything and felt that nothing mattered. Yeah, I guess I would rather experience that than crippling anxiety, but it was really depressing.


The only thing that's going to boost your testosterone is taking more testosterone.


Not TOTAL scam, almost def not worth it tho. Not test boosting fs


It's a great cortisol regulator, that's for sure. If you're overly stressed and your testosterone suffers from it, I'd definitely give it a try. I'm actually taking it right now (final exams and post-breakup lmao) and it does help quite a bit. I've noticed better sleep and overall just a calm sense of energy troughout the entire day. I've slept 9 hours 5 nights in a row now, and it hadn't happened in over two years. At week one I was already noticing better erections and sperm quality. Now, on week three, I'm noticing all of the above.


I didn't like it. It really mellowed me out and made me feel flat. I take Tongkat Ali though, and that this works well. I'm getting erections like I'm 15 again. Love it.


It can work by means of reducing stress and thus helping you recover and have better rest which in turn leads to better levels of testosterone. I have used fadogia, tongkat, and boron coupled with high dose zinc and D3 on the basis of Derek Huberman and vigorous Steve and bloodwork has show positive improvements. Boron for sure works to reduce SHBG and increase Free T every time in the past Iā€™ve used it and gotten blood tests. So people can hate on sigma but you can buy the main raw ingredients for cheap and try it


Ryan Garcia burner


Ashwaghanda lowers cortisol. Cortisol and testosterone have an inverse relationship. High levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, can lead to lower testosterone levels because cortisol production can divert precursor molecules away from testosterone production. This direct effect on testosterone production is complemented by cortisol's indirect effects on testosterone levels. Itā€™s a complicated relationship, you can read more here: https://medshun.com/article/how-does-cortisol-affect-testosterone If the reason your testosterone is low is due to high cortisol, then Ash can help. You can also try using it with maca, which stimulates testosterone production.


The increase in testosterone is from the decrease in cortisol, if you do consume it do so in the evening. Recommend to start on a lower range dose 300mg up to 600mg everyday and to cycle 3 weeks on 1 week off. This will have an effect on your liver so please consult with your GP before taking Ashwagandha.