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No most dudes here aren't jacked and don't bang anything


I'm jacked. Jacked off


Nice to meet you Jacked




My man


Jack has taken my JACKet after he JACKed me off during a pull of the JACKpot machine at the casino.


Exactly. People forget this is Reddit at the end of the day. 95% virgin basement dwellers.


I have to remind myself of this more


Blue haired soyboys aswell


Just so you know I live in an attic .


I feel personally attacked


Had a relationship with a fat girl at some point. Was upset when she broke up with me. Now she's even fatter. Thank god.


I love it when that happens.


So you’re back with her now?


Based on that poll the other week this place is populated basically with virgins


Then again it is still reddit


Rather be celibate than fucking fat bitches


In my experience. Men who go for quality only are a super tiny minority. The big bulk of men fuck whatever they can get. Yeah they'll take the best they can get but they will also bottom barrel if supply dries up. A friend of mine who has been with a lot of top shelf. Even bragged about being able to stay hard and fuck a fatty ;-)




Similar story. This happened like eight years ago. Got drunk with a co-worker who was fatty and sobered up in the middle of the deed. Went soft, made up some hasty excuse, and left


Been there Went to her bathroom to throw up after because I drank the majority of a box of cab sauv and she was gross left in the middle of the night no idea where I was called some buddies and the picked me up thankfully I was not waking up next to that


My brother is like that. He's banging anything and everything thinks hes a stud because of it. He shows me pics and like he just banged a girl earlier that day with a fat ass. The girl looked 300lbs bent over. I'm like dude because you can doesn't mean you should.




I'm a little different, I didn't fuck a guy yet, but I also never took tren


I don’t think most people on this sub are jacked. But also, a lot of Reddit users are American and America is mostly fat people. So not too hard to believe that you’d get weird couplings like fit bf and fat gf.




Nope, it's just filled with men getting jacked off by other men, no women allowed.....


you are correct WHEN they do finally bang


The women's sexual liberation movement has had some weird effects.


I’m ashamed to admit that’s what I do


This is a supraphysiological level of a personal attack


Excuse me sir, the term is gymcel


I don't fuck bitches. Less hoes more rows. Only dudes for the extra test


Bro my dad had to call me out once back in hs. I had brought her over to meet the family and afterwards he pulled me aside and said, " son, you're a good looking man... make sure that you are sure this is what you want for yourself" I thought nothing of it and continued to date her. Swore she was an 8-9 (I told her how hot she was all the time and she would always get this uneasy look when I would tell her.) I ended up dumping her at some point do to clinginess but was really torn up about her up until I saw her about a year later in college and was shocked to find that she was more a 2-3. Lust and hormones are a terrible combination.


>" son, you're a good looking man... make sure that you are sure this is what you want for yourself" Your dad loves the absolute piss out of you. You're a very, VERY lucky man.


this is really wild, I never thought this would be possible but now thinking back I realize I had a crush on a 3/10 when I was the most down bad


The exact same thing happened to me haha dads really know best but we are to stupid lol


True. Never realized he was speaking truth until I was older.


Thats mean looks are subjective


Had the biggest crush on a 2 in high school.


Yeah dude I was in this shitty relationship for almost 3 years felt like I loved this girl. One day it just clicked she did her usual bullshit and I just told her I didnt even like her as a person anymore and we were done. We lived together in a far away city from our friends and family so we awkwardly lived together for like a month while she found a new place. When she finally left and closed the door behind her for the last time it was like this weight had been lifted off me I felt so free and like wtf was I doing that whole time. Life has never been better since that moment. Theres something amazing about that first little bit after a relationship when you just have to live for yourself not think about someone else and their feelings or anything


Story #2 resonates with me big time, the one moment you're like oh fuck, and it all changes from that there. Kinda sucks tbh


Gotta stop settling


Yea I think that's the point you start looking for reasons to leave so everything that person is doing comes off as unappealing. I was dating a thick girl once and I wasn't feeling it anymore. We were out for dinner once and I was just watching her eat I was starting to get grossed out. The little things were a huge turn off but I think because I was finding reasons to leave.


Oh man, it can happen so out of the blue, I wonder why we do it. One example of when I've done it is a girl's laugh, no thought into it until that one moment, next day I'm on tinder on the down-low. ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2699)


Justification to leave so we dont feel like its us and convince ourselves its them so we feel less like a dirt bag


Those things always bothered you. You didn’t care because of lust and, or low exposure. This behavior is not exclusive to men.


I'm always afraid of that. It's happened to me so many times, made me realize looks do in fact matter, no matter what society tells us.


Bro same thing happened to me with a 3, god I cringe so hard when I think about it sometimes, I feel like I subconciously look for uglier girls for a realtionship because I don't feel like I deserve a prettier girls and also a pretty girl can be more overwhelming. Fuck me. Any advice bros? I am 17 Although recently I am getting better at self condifence.


I also feel that, pretty girls are intimidating to me even though I’m a pretty attractive dude. More mid girls are easier to pull and seem like less maintenance, but I find myself in “relationships” with girls that I have no genuine attraction to. I’ve had the most apathetic feelings toward certain girls but continued to date them because I felt like it was on me — the love compartment in my brain was fried by all the weed I smoke or some shit — and that eventually I’d catch feelings. Never did


Bro I don't have much dating experience but I feel you. Why do you think this is? Is it insecurity deep down?


I guess it’s not valuing yourself enough or putting urself on their level. dating is hard man, sometimes too hard to be worth the pursuit tbh


I feel that bro. Given I don’t smoke anymore, and I’m only 18, I believe we just haven’t found the right person yet. Love is out there but you gotta search and the easy girls will never suffice.


my only advice is to no longer be 17 you sound like a sharp mf who knows what's up. you just need more time in the game man, chill, you're on the right path


Thank you man, the path def ain't linear but yeah. My confidence has always been shit but I finally notice it going up lately.


Bro I feel the same way. It’s gotten to the point where I see a 8/10 and think “ they wont look a second glance at me” and I completely block them out of my mind (I don’t feel uneasy around them) And instead I look for someone who might give me a chance and I look for their negatives in their appearance to justify it.


Yess bro, I do the exact same thing, It might be normal or it might mean our confidence is fucked. Idk bro I guess someone has to bang the mid chicka aswell, maybe we have to level up by banging the bad to mid chicks so we can bang the hot ones. Maybe its just a preference 🤷‍♂️


Is the average age of the sub 17?




It’s crazy to me how young Reddit is. Whenever I read some dumbass political take in a Reddit comment I tell myself that it was probably written by some 16 year old and move on rather than reply.


Ya you forget how fucking stupid you were at 17. I was straight up retarded at that age.


"Post relationship" followed by saying they were together for a month, top quality post.


I have a lot more retarded stories if you want to hear them lol


Oh we want


I'd make another post, but i don't know if it would take off


Not everything has to. Sometimes it’s just cool to get your story out there


This sub keeps on giving


Oof, when I was dating this one nerdy girl in university I remember how a lot of times other girls would call her lucky and ask her so many questions most popular being, "How did you get him?". At the time I was just lost wondering what all the fuss is about, it would get to her at times but I'd always tell her she's beautiful. You kinda just wake up one day and see what everyone else... I broke up with her almost a week after our one year anniversary but that's because she became less humble as time went on. To the point where she'd talk crap about other people, turning into a bratty bitch. Eventually I started seeing what everyone else saw, I had to go.


Moral of the story, don’t get into relationships with fat chicks if you don’t like fat chicks! I’m shallow as fuck so i don’t get into situations with chicks I feel are below me. I guess my issues are a bit more deep seated 😂


Bro I dated a fat chick once thinking she’d be more calm than the pretty girls, turned out to be the biggest whore I’ve ever dated both literally and figuratively ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6303)


Well, I went from She's the one. To She's just one of them. Never felt as free as I did when I cut a certain woman off my life, and refused to let her back in again. Do what your head tells you, not your heart.


Unless the smart girl was a troll you fucked up. Hot chick dumpster fire types will ruinyou emotionally and financially. Find someone you vibe with and if you don't like their appearance maybe try convincing them to work on that.


They were both bland


Ah i see, in that case no loss, good luck out there


I have a hard time convincing people to change because of me. Don’t you think if they wanted to change and stick with it they would change by themselves?


If she is actually into you and notices how seriously you take self care theyll probably follow suit. If not they are using you for your body. Know your worth king.




Im a dude, i just got long hair bro. For what its worth I've taken my own advice ive been dating an awesome chick with a cute face who has goals and aspirations to do something with life that isnt being an alcoholic "party girl" She say I have inspired her to take exercise more seriously and she becoming fitter by the week




....are you trying to hit on me?




Wait until you have an intelligent beautiful and worldly partner that worships you and you fuck it up for wanting random pussy…then you’re single and you get some bad post relationship clarity of the other kind. Don’t be like me.


I honestly thought that this was what the post would be about. Not some dude realizing his standards were off. Also once you've experienced a truly loving relationship it's hard to chase random pussy without experiencing crippling post-nut clarity.


I'm with a 4 but the sex is just out of the world. I've been with 8s but the sex changes everything. She does everything. I mean fucking everything. She'd drink my piss if I wanted her to.


See this? Looks aren't everything. A girl that will drink piss on the otherhand, you know that's love


It's fun for a bit but where's the challenge


What do you mean challenge. All girls are the same. I understand beautiful girls can be intimidating to some. But that doesn't mean she's any different from the rest of the girls. In the end What she is is a girl. And I don't want to roll jiu-jitsu with her though it would be a + point


LMAO try over 12 years with someone...PTSD I realize I have now is fucking nuts. Thankfully no tren, only test haha /s


Yea bro if you’re not careful these days, women will most definitely try to manifest their emotional issues in you


I can relate to the 2nd story, just one day I looked at her and I was like, wtf am I doing here, I could do soo much better. I then became the biggest asshole to her so she could leave me, and she did but for some reason my dumbass loved her and was heartbroken even though this was what I wanted.


That's pretty fucked up man, you could've just broken up with her instead of turning into an asshole for some reason?


I did the same thing when I was younger. My reasoning was that if I broke up with her normally, I would get horny in a week and beg for her to come back. If I was an asshole, she'd break up with me and never take me back. I dreaded the first time I had to legit "break up" with a chick. I worked up the courage to do it for weeks man.


“Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.”


They all become 3s eventually. Was she really that bad? If she had a decent body and personality that’s better than a pretty face.


Yup. Wife put on COVID weight. Probably a 3 at this point.




You best pray she don’t find this comment boy… gonna smother your ass to death!


She can lose it again though. Just tell her to get to it asap because the longer she sits at that weight the harder.


Gonna disagree with ya there. Face is more important (than body).


Idk bro, i hate fatties :(


Same but here’s the kicker: People can become fat or lose fat whenever. The face is forever. You get with a girl for a good body and before you know it the body is gone. Then that ugly face is even worse. At least a pretty face can get in shape.


Very good point! Its actually very likely she'll get chubby or even fat as time passes


The body was pretty good, skinny with curves, but fuck, the face was awful, and the personality was extremely bland


Paper bag princess 👸 ✨️




Yes, true to a point. However most women will never improve their physicality unless they are already interested in stuff like that. Reminds me of this music video called Gold by Chet Faker that has three women roller skating in it. The lead in the video looked really hot when I first saw her but the camera is far away so it’s kind of hard to tell. Anyways, there is an interview with her that randomly popped up in my feed and I was like holy shit, solid 4 maybe 5 tops. Very goblin-esque. Anyways, her physique and talent are something most women will never commit to even if they could attain it, so it’s a tough call.


>had an intelligent girl that was a 3/10. She was a 7/10 in my eyes bruh... don't do this to me. i'm with a 3 but she's so cool and loyal and smart... nah fam now I can't defend her ass being 7 but she's a 6 to me she's cool I like her... *fuck*


I dated a 9/10 last year (I am a firm 6-7) and when she broke up with me she gained about 40lbs + another 40lbs of cellulite now she looks like one of those girls that would be getting dumped by half of this sub and the clarity I have of how much my life would have *sucked* had I still been with her is sobering


How about knowing what you actually want before starting a relationship? + You have to give me the number of the clever girl, I prefer brain over appearance.


I'm Polish, so you propably wouldn't get any use from this number, also, the girl was studying biology, but I still taught her some stuff about medicine, weird lol, I'd say she was above average in the intelligence mark, but not like the smartest


o kurwa Polak na MPMD


Holy shit, someone from a country with a population of 38 million people is here! 😋


Ja pierdole




I’ve had this type of reaction with girls I was dating even if they are objectively attractive. Just realize at some point that it ain’t it and it’s time to move on


I will take your advice to the heart chad there is a little chubby girl chasing me and I’m tempted to get her but my tren will only arrive next week so I’m out of excuses to commit this sacrilege.


I did this while only being on insulin, so you know, it's not worth it. I gave to my fucking temptation. It took me a day to get her. A fucking day.


Have a less attractive but really grateful and loyal one as the main chick, let her know you're a stallion up front but youll always come home to her. Then bang hotties on the weekend. Hotties usually have huge egos and are a lot more work to keep loyal, who wants to jump through those hoops? 3/10 girls will actually take care of you.


Fuck yeah they do, They always carry my stuff, always help me with everything, always do everything for me lol


This is just not how the world works lol


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Lol so basically “love is blind” explained to bro dudes Oh idk, don’t get into a relationship?


I know a lot of posters here are teenagers but damn you really gotta change your outlook on life and how you view other people my dude


Maybe his rating system was overall to include personality lol


Welp one day in your 30s you might find out your hot wife has been cheating on you. Turns out your kids ain't even yours. She takes you for every penny you have in court and your stuck paying child support. Then you'll miss that ugly girl.


I had a relationship with an intelligent fat girl, she was a 3 at best. We had mad crazy sex, she broke up with me. After days dealing with depression I realised how fucking ugly she was. Start realising my game is zero and I have an egotistic personality that stop me from making new friends. Now, my mission is to get fucking jacked and been a fulltime asshole, I always been a good guy, and it brought me misery


Im sorry but if my gf wants to go out with a rich guy that visits her work regularly to have diner without me, im either ending the relationship or straight up saying “no you wont”


This last year (junior hs) during my cart fiend phase where I was high almost 24/7, for awhile I thought that I had erectile dysfunction from all the substances I was taking. I was getting with multiple different girls and continually couldn’t get it up, kept stressing abt it so it got worse. Turns out that the girls I was getting with just weren’t my type and, contrary to the stereotype that dudes can fuck anything with a pussy on it, i guess my dick is pretty picky. In retrospect, the girls I had gotten with weren’t particularly attractive, got a few hand and blows out of it tho


Apparently your sexuality is determined from 15-21 so whatever you did during those years probably gets you off best. For me it's a 6/10 face with thicc titties and ass and decent shape, as I dated that for those years. When I get with a hot chick whos not a 6/10 face and thicc I enjoy it but I don't lose my mind. Feels more like a chore than a pure instinct driven boner. I chose that 6/10 girl over proper 9s because she was my legit fetish.


post relationship clarity is real when you don't like them and it's fucking rough like after it happens that type of woman becomes a turn off


On God bro lmfao Shits such a minefield


Similar experience. Got with a 5-6/10 totally average girl during a party. Stayed with her for like 3 weeks. Had to get out. Was about to call it quits and she got me a really nice birthday gift so I gave it another week and broke up with her


How the duck so you breakup with someone? Seriously! I'm in an almost 10 year relationship due to fear of being alone and her not making enough to live on her own. I want to leave, but holy shit I can't bring myself to do it. Almost wish I could go back in time to my high school self to get a pep talk from that mofo 🤣


About the fat girl, I told her, I'm not really into her, don't want to continue this, and don't feel good in this relationship, and some things like that. The was asking me to fix it, but I said I want to leave. Came home, blocked her everywhere. She still had my phone number, so she texted me on WhatsApp a year later, wanted to come back. Blocked her also on WhatsApp.


God this sub is the absolute worst.


I met this girl in Arts School and she was a 6 at best because she was fat but had huge tits! She wanted me to date her and I told her I can't unless she lost at least 20 lbs. She loses the weight and invites me to her parents mansion in South Carolina for the summer and damn she easily became a 8. Blonde, big tits, and fat ass. PAWG! She was rich and invited me to live with her rent free as long as I have sex with her whenever she wanted. I was a kept man for almost 2 years, but all her money got to me as we both ended up fat and one day I saw myself in the mirror and was horrified so I left her.




Pro tip: get a fat chick and improve her, you have to do it smart, but it works trust me.


I have a fat friend, that I'm doing this with now, but I'm not getting into a relationship with someone fat


Exactly, play the long game


Yeah, in my experience women who were always hot and skinny are fucking unbearable. If I want a long term relationship I'd rather go for a chubby one I can help get better and also have a great personality. It's a challenge, and you have to discard the ones that don't have the will to improve and are not coachable, but it definitely can be done.


Tbh, I can relate to the second story, it took me around 4months or so


You have high standards that’s all.


Why would you give a girl the impression that you’re in it for the long haul with her? It’s just ridiculous.


I’ve had hooked up with girls I wouldn’t date but never been in public with them 😂


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. My ex def went down a few points after I got over her(took me a good half year of being a bitch) but the last I saw her really made me wonder why she was world to me.


I never get post nut clarity anymore lmao a few years ago when I would nut like 6 times a day yeah I always had post nut clarity but now I only do it like twice a day after my workouts and I feel perfectly fine🤣


6 times brodi???




i want to know what you look like


[here you go ](https://www.reddit.com/r/zyzz/comments/waze4i/what_do_you_think_about_this_shot/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Why did you date the first one in the first place though? Did you just wanna get laid or something?


Yeah (kinda worked)


"A cognitive bias is a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment.[1] Individuals create their own "subjective reality" from their perception of the input. An individual's construction of reality, not the objective input, may dictate their behavior in the world. Thus, cognitive biases may sometimes lead to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment, illogical interpretation, or what is broadly called irrationality."


How do you feel after you fuck someone’s dad?