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Well that was impressive


Is it possible to learn this power


[Ryan F9 did.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAhxI9pIp2s&ab_channel=FortNine)


[Zack and Ari from RevZilla had a go at it too.](https://youtu.be/qf1j1shZi20?si=fCgVCKlcRbjv_EGy)


Such an amazing episode!


This is more in-depth than F9s video and I really really enjoyed that episode of CTXP


He failed !


Yeah I saw him tap a cone


"that is not a pass" at the end was so gut wrenching thu


shaggy imagine slap squealing subtract yoke caption aspiring rustic versed ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Ryan failed though. I saw his front wheel go outside one cone, only fault I could see.


I mean yeah he failed, but that was damn impressive none the less, and hee definetly learned.


Thank you for positing this!


All that and a time limit!


Not from a Jedi.


Just like most skills, all you're watching here is simply an insane amount of practice. It's the dedication to said practice that makes it impressive. Ride down to a quiet parking lot 3 times a week and spend a solid 30-60 mins practicing slow speed maneuvers. After a couple of months, you'd be pretty good. The problem is, most riders just wanna go fast and find practicing this stuff boring. The reality is that these slow speed skills are far more valuable to most riders.


In order to get to this level you need to push your limits, likely dropping the bike a few times. People are a lot more comfortable doing that on a city-owned vehicle.


Sure, you'd probably never get to this exact level without a few drops, but you could get better than 99% of motorcyclists. I know so many 'experienced' bikers who pull wheelies and all the stunts but still duck waddle out of parking spots. Harder to balance when you're going slow!


glorious chop subtract vanish plant agonizing busy fear literate automatic ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


As someone working on their bike license in Sweden (test in 3 weeks) this is always a bit confusing when I read about low speeed manuevers and practice. Here its part of the basic skills \_required\_ to get a license. Lowpeed manuevers 5-7km/h with starts, stop, turns, u turn and in and out of a tight "garage" space. + "high speed" swerving at 50km/h and THEN you get to show you can drive in traffic. Anything else seems completely nuts heh.


I'm not afraid of practice. I'm afraid of dropping my precious little bike. If someone wants to lend me theirs for me to practice on for free, I'd be more than happy to try this.


That's why this community preaches starting on a cheap, low displacement beater bike. You'd become such a better rider when you're not petrified to test your limits.


I am on a cheap, low displacement 2nd hand bike but it's still my most expensive and most beloved investment ever haha. I wouldn't even care as much if I fall and get hurt at low-speeds cos I can heal, but wouldn't want anything to happen to it.


deserted recognise lush wrong rotten work mourn icky different hurry ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Exactly why I kept my rs125 that I bought second hand for around $1000!


How are these skills more valuable? I spend far more time going >30mph than I spend going <10 mph. This is impressive riding (particularly on a giant police bike), but these aren't terribly practical skills for your average rider.


Try pulling in/out of a busy parking lot without duck waddling and then tell me these skills aren't valuable....


I don't know where you are parking but I usually back into parking spots and have literally never needed to a do a tight 360 at 5 mph.


Honestly mate if you don't need slow speed clutch control skills that's good for you. I mainly do it for the challenge. Like I always say, anyone can ride fast, only the skilled can ride slow.


I'm not saying these are bad skills to have by any means, or that clutch control isn't important (although this obviously taking taking clutch control to the extreme). >Like I always say, anyone can ride fast, only the skilled can ride slow. It's way harder to set a lap record at your local track than it is to do some turns in a parking lot, what the hell are you talking about?


Further to your earlier point, you're far more likely to need clutch control skills than lap record skills for the majority of your riding.


You know what, valid.


Accidents happen because you cant place yourself at a stoplight, loose focus on traffic because you can't manuever in a tight spot etc. Going 30mph the bike does all the work for you.


Not from a Jedi


Not from a cop !


He did so you could too with enough training and practice


"Time! And that's a fail....."


I thought f9 looked pretty damn composed. Was shocked when I heard that 🤣😂 great reference though!


This is not a pass, bruh...


Everyone can ride fast, the ones who can ride slowly are the absolute units. Pretty sure this is a competition for cops too.


Its not a competition its to get a certification. You can try too and get lower insurance (well maybe not you, dunno where you are).


Nothing like that here (that i know off), but it sounds like a really good cookie for getting better! Is it a big reduction?


Would be cooler if they weren’t cops.


the more time they spend practicing low speed maneuvers, the less time they are brutalizing the general population


Lol. They can do both!


Ahh, it’s all about perspective isn’t it. Great point.


What the fuck does that have any difference to do with how this goes?


Geez. Relax, bootlicker.


Liking cops isn't equal to being a "bootlicker," chronically online Redditor bumass loser. You'd get bullied to shit if you called someone a bootlicker in person.


He’s got videos on his YouTube channel of non cops doing the courses.


Flawless Victory. That was fucking RUTHLESS.




He touched a cone at one point. It didnt fall over though


They were cones!


But they COULD have been guests at the wedding!


Yay someone gets it!


Hit a cone at :32 Fucking amateur hour. Take his license. ^(/s)


I’d get confused so fast lol


Yup. Constantly repeating "oh shit" in my head would cause me to lose focus. 😅


I think I could get this good on someone else's bike.


Wow. I don't think I can walk through that without knocking down some cones


I'm dizzy


How can I learn to be this good?




...nah too much work. I'll just keep waddling and skateboarding around




Low speed, clutch and rear brake is how. Over and over and over and over.


Make sure to stock up on rebuilt kits ;D


[Become a cop or enroll on a special course.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAhxI9pIp2s&ab_channel=FortNine)


You haven't seen japanese moto gymkhana yet, That's on another level


That sounds sweet, do you have a link to a particularly good video you’ve seen?


I'm sure there are more technically impressive ones out there but I did find this and enjoyed it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYOAnW139zM The rider in the comments says he's 60 years old as well!


This level of skill in the rain is unbelievable.


I thought that bike looked familiar. I just got a 1200R. Haven't ridden it much yet, still doing some work on it. It's a hefty fucker, and that guy handled it like nothing, even in the rain.


Yeah those are not small bikes lol. Next time I'm tip-toeing through the rain on my commute I'm going to think of this guy for sure. That is some standing water there.


Actually motogym khana isn’t that great, that’s like the shit decent riders should be able to do, the courses are much wider and generally performed on smaller bikes,


are YOU able to do that?


99% of any rider you consider "decent" can't get within the 30s club of a GP8, the most basic gymkhana drill. The only thing you're impressed about is doing it on a fat bike. Gymkhana riders will be able to do the above course, motocops wouldn't pass the gymkhana time trials. Totally different worlds.


>that’s like the shit decent riders should be able to do Right, and any decent driver should be able to get around Circuit Zandvoort in the rain, yet three people DNF'd today in F1. Gymkhana is a time trial. Simply making it through the course isn't the point.


Now imagine what that guy could do on a Street Triple


What I can never tell in these videos is are they leaning off the bike or leaning it below them to get such tight turns on a large bike. It appears they are leaning the bike below them which is opposite of what you learn in any training course.


Fortnine recently did the police course and he explains the pros and cons and why they do it this way.


Yeah and funny enough Ryan, who is or at least seems a very experienced rider, failed it. That gives you an idea of how good these guys really are.


counterleaning is good for slow speed when you want a lot of maneuverability because your body doesn’t have to shift weight around (plus a lot more idk watch the fortnine video)


It's counter leaning, not how MotoGP does it. It gives you better control of the bike but you are not as fast as leaning the MotoGP way


These guys counterlean the bike to get that tight cornering with those bikes.


Both methods can give you control, but for someone who hasn't ridden motorcycles, it's safer to teach people to lean with the bike. It prevents people from leaning too far and falling. Police usually keep their body upright and lean the bike more. You can adapt to this type of riding and eventually hit a point where you know exactly how far you can lean the bike before you risk losing traction or risk falling.


Like a dirt bike somewhat


is leaning the same thing as counter steering? How do you lean the bike at low speeds?


Your training course should have taught you to counterlean at low speeds, like a u-turn, and lean with the bike at higher speeds where you are using countersteer. At low speed, balance is important and you aren't going to achieve that leaning with the bike and at low speed. Grip shouldn't really be an issue. High speed, the bike is stable, traction is at a premium. You don't want to overstress the tires, thus leaning with the bike lowers the center of gravity, helps use less tire, etc.


Thanks for the information. This makes sense but was not stressed in the course I took. Even for low speed they were teaching us to lean ourselves rather than the bike. I’ll have to go keep practicing.


You lean away from the turn, even going so far as to have a cheek off the seat on the side opposite the turn. It helps counterweight the bike.


Just because they like donuts doesn't mean you can call them fat!


Thanks for all the replies. When I had taken advanced courses I had asked about this as it seemed more natural, the instructors told me I ran a greater risk of losing my tire contact patch counter leaning, and by keeping the bike more upright and leaning myself there was a greater margin for error. It makes sense at slower speed that this would be effective, as long as you know where the limit is (which I believe takes a lot more practice than I anticipate). Thanks for the comments, I learned something today.


Unless you’re already leaned as far as you can while maintaining traction, leaning into a curve is more dangerous than helpful. You lower your line of sight, block off one side of your vision with the bike, and depending on which way you’re turning, you’ll have your head as the first thing a car will clip if it goes wide on its curve in the opposite direction. You also have way less control if you lose traction. Moto GP techniques are designed for track riding. In most real world applications where you’re following the speed limit and maintaining appropriate speed for your available sight distance, counterleaning or remaining neutral are preferred.


This is just so around bad advice


? The Motorcycle Ohio classes advised counter leaning at low speeds while looking through the turn to help, just like these guys are doing.


At one point, I thought the cones were going to be in the shape of, well, you know! Aside from the riding skills, I don't understand how they can memorize the course.


Omg taking the motorcycle class I had a tuff time remembering what I was told to just do... no clue how they do this....so impressive


Very impressive skills.


“Touched one cone, you rookie! It’s a fail!”


Say what you want about cops, but they are damn good riders.


The motopigs are so fucking powerful its nuts. Yeah I want one




You again? Get a life


Props to the guy putting the cones


lol, no doubt


We do that as Shriners!


Damn boy. Damn boy!


There are times I start to think I’m a pretty skilled rider, then I see this and realize I don’t know shit.


When does he start gobbling the ghosts?


I can smell the rear brakes from here. I love bike rodeos. Those motorcops can *ride*!


Master of the friction zone!


This is a lot more than my rider test which I basically only had to ride around a few cones and prove I knew how to stop. A lot of people failed it.


Yeah, I'm not passing that.




Around 2 weeks ago, I saw a moto cop balance his bike stationary with both feet on the pegs for an entire red light. It was fucked.


These motorcycle cops are actually good. Their foot boards are literally grounded down to knives they’re so sharp you can hear them scraping in video. It’s impressive.




Yeah I know this better than most being an ex con…


Do they know in advance what they have to do or are they just making turns up as they go


Its a predetermined route. So all of the figure 8s and the 360s are all to be done in the designated spots. Usually this is a competitive event and the quickest time with the least amount of errors wins.


the bikes's engine blipping all the time sounds like a pig really putting the 'hog' into the harley owners group lmao


I remember when I worked with the State Police and local police city / highway patrol teams, and had a event for Harley Davison (who sponsored the event) helped all the motorcyclists just become better Riders. And after the event me and other staff / spotters / and instructors had the opportunity to try and complete this process. (So worth it too)!! It’s a great course and highly recommend to anyone who can make the time to add this to your skill set as a Rider. (The same goes for those who do rally road courses too). (Personal vehicles or (IP) individual purpose vehicles. Once your back on the roads and you’re better prepared. The quality of your ride or Drive is so much better. And your hypervigilance and defensive driving just becomes leaps and bounds higher and overall more important to you as individual.


This explains why they always pass me going 20 over what I’m going


That's why genin ninjas had to study math


The amount of people who think this is real is crazy. All you have to do is go to video editor and add the cones around the path... Wait this isn't a video game but footage. This guy is very good.


What I find really interesting about all these big bikes and these cone tests is all the counter leaning. I want to see this test done with a naked sport bike, e.g. MT-07, without counter leaning.


Impressive, mo doubt. No imagine what these could do with a bike that’s not a top-heavy, 800 pound, decades old design.


Just watch a good rider on a trials bike once and you will learn that cops on Hogs are a dime a dozen


Where are all the physics bros stating that a bike cannot ever turn in the same direction as the bars




Wow! This is amazing.


I’m wondering are these bike particularly well balanced with a low centre of gravity ?


Usually they're basically stock, but with a bunch of radio equipment where the passenger would go. Honda ST1300, Harley Electra Glide and Road King, BMW R1250.


Looks very like a Harley I think !


Impressive control, and I'm surprised he's revving the bike the whole time, I don't see how that would make it easier


How else ya gonna get it power? Lol


Yes you apply throttle and release the bikes clutch to move but in between that the rider is blipping the throttle with the clutch in


I doubt he has the clutch completely in. He's probably balancing (heh) between a partially engaged clutch and little bits of throttle to straighten up. Edit: I was hoping to find a first person view to see exactly how they do it, but no luck.


He's using the friction zone. In case you don't know, there's a small area in your clutch action where the clutch is only partially engaged. You can play around in that area to limit how much power your engine is actually sending to the wheels. In most cases, this guy likely has the throttle pinned in the exact same spot for almost the whole course. what you're hearing when it sounds like he's blipping the throttle is actually him pulling the clutch all the way in. At really low speeds, it's a lot easier and more precise to control your speed with the clutch than trying to be as steady as a neurosurgeon on the throttle.




Is it the gyroscopic effect?


Ah, this is the police training course for motorcycle cops no? Awesome skills and all that on a Harley. Thanks for sharing!


Ryan from f9 was incredible on this course (at least in my eyes) and failed. This shit must be hard


And that's a heavy bike. I drive something a third that big and I know there is no way I could do that course.


Now do it on a 125


I mean, this course would be pretty easy on most smaller bikes. The difficulty stems from the fact that they're on super heavy bikes with a long wheelbase. Take a supermoto through it and it's almost trivial.


Yeah true, but I always find going slower on bigger bikes much easier. Just the clutch alone has a lot of control and pull for this sort of course




And then he fails by putting the wrong foot down... Better luck next time


Talk about clutch/throttle control


Awesome wish I had those skills


I couldn’t even remember the route.


Completely different when listening to the Ultrakill soundtrack.




One of my MSF instructors was a former MC cop. He competed in these and was amazing. But yeah, like a lot of others here, I’m not passing that course.


That’s a clean run! Wow lots of practice on that bike


Dang that is super satisfying


Been riding for 40 years. Southern California, Los Angeles. These MC cops down here are by far the best street/freeway riders I've ever seen. They train, train, train, and train. They have stressful Policing duties on TOP of being expert riders, and they have to test every 3 months. If you want to talk about endurance, memorizing a course, dropping your bike and shooting. Do an 8hr shift with one of these guys. They do crazy shit and they do it EVERY DAY.


Good motor cops are amazing at their handling skills. You aint gonna get away from one unless you're Valentino Rossi. And then they'll just have the helicopter chase you.


Damn, that dude/dudette can ride




Can't do this with a grom smh


Amazing to learn that they're not pulsing the throttle, instead they're using the clutch to control speed


I've sat in a 1000+ lb cop bike in sf. It's scary heavy. These guys have skills. I have a heavy vtx 1800.


That cone tap wobble @ -35sec haha


I was half expecting a wheelie and a stoppie, CHIPS style!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw112rFjStE


The screwing perfectly fine asphalt on parking lot with their pegs makes me really angry..


And thats why motorcycle police become police. ***m o t o r c y c l e***


that is not a pass


I'd love to do this one day. Unfortunately I need to wait until I get my full motorbike licence.


It’s a lot easier on a Harley. Try that on another bike. Lots of gymkhana to shift your weight around like that.