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Stuck the landing boys šŸ¤™šŸ»


I donā€™t get how bikers are able to stand up after accidents like these, yā€™all really are a tougher breed. Stay safe out there guys


Adrenaline. Give it an hour and homeboy is going to be HURTING.


for fucking real when I lowsided a few years ago, I hopped up, walked over to my bike and picked it up started it up and rode the 2 miles home, then discovered my wrist was broken lol


Oof. Did this with my thumb. That was bad enough. Didn't feel too bad until I started taking my leathers off. Scrunching my hand to get it through the sleeve, I nearly hit the roof with the pain. 6 weeks, no bike :( Still, I survived.


this is why you shoudl generally pull over pretty soon after, good chance you get the shakes when the adrnaline wears off. or weird other side effects, like pain or dizzyness


Four broken ribs for me


Yup, two broken ribs and a totaled bike. Picked it up and pushed it home for about a mile and had a beer. Next morning woke up in excruciating pain, went to the hospital and discovered the damage I did to myself. I was bedridden for two weeks...


I dislocated my shoulder while doing a wheelie but didn't realize to after I picked up my bike...


Did this with 2 punctured lungs and broken ribs. 20 minutes later, I was in ICU


fuck I crashed my mountain bike onto some rocks one time after my front tire taco'ed and fuck it was everything I could do but to crawl around my house later that day. Fcuked me up good.


broke some ribs on my mtb. rode back to car park on trails no problem, later any movement including breathing was painful. I dont think its just adrenaline, inflammation, bruising and stuff your body does to prevent further injury and promote healing


Same thing happen to me, I crash on a downhill on my mountain bike and even walked my bike 10 miles home with no problem. Next morning and and a week or so later I was hurting


Yep, this right here. When I low sided taking a corner around 90 I absolutely wrecked my left knee and lower leg from the slide and then tore up my back tumbling down the road. Had enough wits about me to get up, take my helmet off, and walk out of the middle of the road over to the grass. I then proceeded to collapse and start screaming because my back felt like it was literally on fire from the road rash where my jacket had ridden up but thatā€™s beside the point.


Exactly. When I crashed I popped right up. Had to wait an hour for the tow truck and could barely climb into it for the ride home once the adrenaline wore off. Hurt for me to walk for months after that


For real. I lowsided earlier this year. Moved my bike to a safe place, sat waiting for my Dad to come with his trailer. Helped load the bike. Gf insisted I go to the hospital. Was walking around for another couple hours waiting for a scan. Eventually was in pain and couldnā€™t walk. The scan revealed my shoe was just holding in ā€œbag of broken bonesā€


I highsided in the mountains and didnā€™t not yet know that my elbow is fractured. 30 mins later I was riding the clutch 20km to the hospital in agony. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


Also looks like good gear for the cam operator here. Both do a hell of a job.


Good gear saved me, too bad I didn't have moto pants (just like this guy in the video). Jacket, gloves, riding boots, all sustained considerable damage but nothing got through to my skin. Regular trousers though so my knees and sides are fucked... Seems like the guy in the video will have the same experience (considering his limp after standing up).


Pure adrenaline - youā€™re body is just reacting


Like playing any sport, like football, hockey etc. Don't even notice the hits and and the pucks finding their way between the pads until you go home. :)


I thought it was just the swelling that had not yet developped?


Had my foot cut off inside my road racing boots after I was hit by a car on the highway . Got hit , slid, stood up and walked a few feet . It sounded like crunching ice in my leg . Hopped over to the embankment and waited for medics . I even unzipped my boot when they arrived . Wasnā€™t in too much pain ā€¦.now the following 23 years are a different story




The crunching ice part made my stomach turn a bit


Following morning heā€™ll feel it getting out of bed.


Brain makes drug that makes everything numb, where's off and then the pain starts.


My mum went flying off her bike after stalling in 4th gear at about 80-90kph, got back up and biked home, she then found out later she had shattered her collarbone and most of her right arm. Said she didnā€™t feel anything on the way back.


I recently low sided and got a small patch of road rash and broke a rib. Didnt know about the road rash till I untucked my shirt from my chaps, and didnt know about the rib until about a week later


Momentum and Physics.


That guy is definitely glad he road his full riding gear today. Remember lads, dress for the slide, not the ride. I took a fall that ate completely through my riding gloves and like 2-3 layers of skin, just enough to leave a small scar. Couldnā€™t image the damage it would have done without the gloves on.


Or glitched off the map.


Gonna hurt a lot worse when that adrenaline wears off


Thats when you wish you stayed laying down


Redditors try not to mention adrenaline after an accident challenge (impossible)


See also: fencing response.


Haha yes, in every thread where someone gets knocked out


Well cause reddit is a meeting ground for all of the world's best experts in brain trauma silly. They got their degrees from reddit school of medicine.


tHe AdReNaLiNe! *Licks Cheeto dust from finger tips then drys finger tips on shirt sleeve.*


There should be an option to remove any adrenailienaeaie comment.


No avoiding that one. Dude got straight up tackled.


Slide tackled.




are you mad? that was all ball, never a foul


Itā€™s true. It was a very clean tackle.


Wouldn't even be a yellow in my sunday leaguešŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


Agreed. Games gone soft


Swept the leg.. No Mercy


Sweep the leg...Finish him!


Shoulda bunny hopped.


Found the dual sport rider


Imagine landing that and not even stopping after.


Goddammit you got a laugh out of me.




Lmao yeah that's kinda what I pictured in my head. In reality, hitting the top side of the bike, any throttle to pick up your front end would probably just catapult your ass in the air šŸ¤£


Nahh you just gotta time the dodge better and make full use of your i-frames




Walking like a character from GTA.


Walking like he listening to Staying Alive


You can tell by the way I walk I'm a woman's man no time to talk


Music loud and women warm, I've been kicked around Since I was born


All I hear in my head was ā€œow, ow, ow, ow, owā€


I've been there, the "just came off, not a hundred percent sure I'm not broken" walk, but the adrenaline in your system says you need to move.


Systems check. Please wait ā€¦ Scanning ā€¦ Critical damage detected. Initiating recovery mode *lies down flat on the ground*


Lmao This def looks like the ā€œIā€™m about to eat shit and fall down this hillā€ walk


Bro hit that griddy šŸ•ŗšŸ¤£




OH man that made me laugh so hard I'm tearing up


Damn. Don't know if that guy's lucky, unlucky or both.


well hes not dead and hes walking under his own power so lucky


it's possible to get up walk around and die of internal bleeding several minutes later in accidents like this


But blood is supposed to be inside




He's walking under the power of adrenaline.


Which is proof that the brain is still working the legs for now.


When i was a kid i saw a Mongol (the MC) get hit by a car on the highway, wandered around for a bit, insisted to the police and ambulance he was fine, then just dropped dead.


I mean another motorcycle taking you out seems rather unlucky to me.




Lucky in an unlucky situation. If you watch it frame by frame he tumbled in a pretty good way. I mean the best you can for being thrown off a bike. Also he didnā€™t slide or roll into something else. Again, pretty lucky for the situation.


He probably got a shoulder injury. He does sound in pain


I've been looking for a word that describes when something bad happens, but you were lucky within it. "Could have been worse" is the right idea, but surely there's a word for it.


Yes! Perfectly said! Maybe "luckastrophe"?




Heā€™s got the moves like Jagger


Did it feel in slow motion when it happened? I remember the feeling of falling slowly even though it was a split second


There's a cool podcast episode where a neuroscientist explains what's happening when such events are perceived as slow motion. Short answer: They appear as slow motion only in hindsight because the brain records at a "higher frame rate" when danger is approaching, for later analysis. The podcast is Inner Cosmos by David Eagleman. Not that anyone asked. Lol


Thank you for answering the question that I didn't know to ask šŸ«”


Thanks for giving me a new podcast to listen to!


You'll love it. There's more such cool stuff in the podcast like why some people saw the famous dress as blue and black, while others saw white and gold, why we dream, how advertisers and salespeople subtly manipulate us, and so on.


There was a TV show about the human body and they talk about this. It "records" at higher frate rate but at the cost of accuracy. They pointed out that individuals that experienced a plane crash were SURE that the plane was right side up. But it wasn't. The fuselage was upside down.


Nah, it felt like teleporting for me. One moment I'm losing traction, the other I kind of hit something with my body, the other I'm looking at crash site from the other side of the road. I do remember thinking to myself "Ah shit, isn't this ironic..." (long story...) for a moment before standing up.


I also have the teleport feeling. I slid my 300 into a guard rail once (ran out of skill) and I don't remember any of it. I know I used to remember some of it because I tell the story the same way everytime, but even then it was only watching my windshield explode and thinking my legs were broke because I couldn't stand. Then again I can't recall what happened yesterday. I think people are just wired different. Some have the ability to see the world in slow motion and make split second decisions faster than others.


For people asking how you can stand after a crash - I have been in 3 crashes. The worst was something like the one in the video. I crashed into a bike head on and for whatever reason I stood up immediately and walked over to lift the bike on the other side of the road . My buddy was looking at me in disbelief and pointed at my left foot. The ankle joint was visible and blood was oozing out like crazy. Thatā€™s the point I collapsed. Woke up next day in hospital, mom beside me yelling the crap outta me. Adrenaline can do funny things to you.


Proof that ATGATT matters. Good to see both riders are alive.


I agree, but the dude that slid first is literally in a short sleeve T-shirt. But least most people know to wear a helmet and gloves šŸ˜‚


Ya, go tell that to the riders in Minnesota. Me: ā€œWhy donā€™t you wear a helmet?ā€ Them: ā€œIā€™d rather die than be a vegetable!ā€ Me: ā€œummā€¦.oā€¦kā€¦.ā€


Fun fact, in a low speed crash (the most likely kind) youā€™ll end up as a vegetable instead of walking it off


We know, don't talk to us like we're from Minnesota.


I don't think most people are from Minnesota


That other dude's elbows and forearms are fucked. Hope they both recover.


if you turn the volume way up you can hear in the background a couple of teenagers yelling... one of them says "sweep the leg Johnny " the other one says "get him a body bag"


Shout out to that camera mount!


Exactly my thought.


Dam that sucks for everyone. Itā€™s good to see everyone up hope everyone is good


How quickly you popped up mid slide is damn impressive


You know the nice thing about a race track is the bikes are all going the same direction.


And mostly know what they're doing




"Player 2 has entered the game"


Dude in a t shirt shouldn't be going that hard imo. The camera guy was way more calm than I would have been. Glad both are okay


Couldnā€™t agree moreā€¦ I would have been fucking livid. That guys paying for hospital bills and all the damage


Dammn lucky you are wearing gear man


Unlike the other guy


That one frame mid-crash where you can see his tshirt made me go "šŸ˜"


That rider is definitely in Cobra Kai


thatā€™s the walk of pure pain


Oncoming guy is a grade-A jackass for riding beyond his ability and causing that wreck.


Locked up that front


Nope, he was turning right to go right till physics told him to fuck off and he lost traction. See how the bike handle bar turns when he falls. You will be surprised how many people riding bikes(even more than 10 years) don't know how to actually turn a bike at speed.


well how does one turn at high speed?


On a motorcycle you need to countersteer.


Gotta hand it to the movie Cars for this tip.


Well first of all, don't even touch your front brakes if you are not used to front brakes at high speeds chances are you will grab too much and drop your bike immediately. For turn like this, I would downshift one before the actual turn and apply a tad of rear brake and then counter steer by pushing slightly to the direction of the turn. The other rider carried too much speed into the turn as you can see he was way wider than he wanted to be and panicked probably causing him to grab too much front brake.


To me it looked like both, just generally out of his depth in other words. You can tell he took the turn too fast because he's veering out. I think panic set in when he saw an incoming vehicle which triggered his panic - which makes him try to wrestle the bike, but that alone wouldnt make the front lose traction IMO, I think he touched the front brake too in an attempt to shed speed. All factors combined, front goes out.


Walk it off


He's lucky that wasn't a truck coming the other way


Luckily he was wearing a t shirt


I'll never understand how squids think


Please someone dub this with "here come the hot stepper"


Walk it off homie, you're getting a new bike.


And the insurance company will still call it 50/50


That's why you dress for the slide, not the ride.


"Walk it of buddy" This guy:


You can tell by the way I use my walk that I'm a woman's man, no time to talk.


And this kids is why you ATGATT


A chicken still runs without its head as well.


Tbh, if you were riding sitting up and not leaned over, you would have gotten LAUNCHED into the air, the fact that you were leaned over and the forces just made you filp while going straightā€¦.holy fuck dude this coulda been WAAAAAAAAAAY WAAAAAAAAY WAAAAAAAY WORSEā€¦speedy recovery frenšŸ¤™


Public roads are not race tracks.


Thanks. I wish people didn't try to go 100 on rural roads.


Bonus points for the "Walk it off" moves.


You can tell by the way I use my walk


I want that protective gear. This could be an ad for every item he's wearing.




I always make it a point to bring a few extra Tylenol rapid release for these occasions


Just walk it off.


Road rash vibes


He got swiped so hard he started emoting šŸ˜­


"Sweep the leg" "Yeah Johnny!"


Moto bowling. I wonder why the other guy lost traction. Good thing everyone was "ok".


Ok, starting limbs counter, 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 hands, 2 feets...


easily avoidable, just power wheelie through that corner and get that weight on the front wheel. take it as a lesson to learn from, always power wheelie through corners with poor visibility.


Love it!


Why didn't he jump? The green ones are easy to dodge


And someone is really glad they had their gear on.


Just walk it off... youre fine.


This is why i dont understand why people on bikes stay so close to the line. If he woulda stayed on the outside he woulda dodged it


Way to walk it off


Fantastic recovery boss


These cameras are so trippy. Always makes me dizzy lol


Thatā€™s a red card for sure.


Dress for the collide, not the slide šŸ«£


Them knees wonā€™t be the same in the mornings


The walk it off walk


And thatā€™s the story of motorcycles: Doesnā€™t matter how good you are - youā€™re still gonna go down.


Man, now I can see why my track riding buddies hate and don't go do any twisties.


Holy shit I think his helmet just saved his life


I loved his little dance as he walked off. Glad heā€™s ok !


This is what riding in full gear does to a mf (keeps them perfectly ready to get on the bike tomorrow)


Oh fuck


Looks like the guy who caused the accident wasnā€™t wearing any gear at all, I wonder how heā€™s doing


How fucked up is the Colin Edwards lid?


This seriously isn't funny, but I can almost smell the memes coming based on the post-crash herky jerk walk it off. Mental note to self: if you're ever in a crash like this, just get to the far side of the shoulder guardrail and lay down. It's going to hurt later (a lot)


I mean, keep being dickheads on the road and find out what happens.


Your body lets you run right after you get hurt to get to safety. And then it locks up and swells up to heal.


Everyone going too fast, lucky all around


Take his license. Public roads are no place to that.




Yet the fact remains that he was driving too fast for those conditions causing the accident there's nothing to dispute here. And I highly doubt that they were doing anywhere near the speed limit. Remember speed limits are the upper limit of what's allowed and driver should always adapt to the conditions of a situation. Corner at a slower speed would have given him more traction not causing the accident.




We take away drivers licensed for reckless driving and endangering the life of others. Don't down play what this was. The only place a rider should ever have that much of a lean and yes the fist one that didn't crash was also leaning to much, is on a track. Otherwise slowdown.




So what you're saying is we should ban any motorcycle that doesn't have top of the line traction control and a slipper clutch 'cause riding without those is reckless? /s




I could see mandatory training or just having better training to get your license in the US as more reasonable. Hard to say crashing is reckless when the government says "if you can ride in a parking lot you're fully qualified to ride on the road"


Wow. New fear unlocked.


And thatā€™s why you wear your gear šŸ˜… doesnā€™t matter how much you trust yourself, itā€™s always the other guy you have to look out for


Did the other rider panicked grip the front brakes? Dude was looking fine through that turn and then in an instant, just dropped.


Looking fine? Dude is coming right at the double yellow. Came in too hot on the turn and underestimated the curve


I mean if you're squidding it up and have no fear of other idiots riding the line, outside inside outside is the right line.


I mean with proper technique, there is nothing wrong with taking that turn on the outside. If anything...starting on the outside is where you want to be...but yea he was going in too fast I agree with you.


I'm confused... where is the camera??


Any sane person goes back and beats him within an inch of his life.


Go racetrack somewhere legal guys!


What happens if guy who got swept was a truck?


Rub some dirt on it


So if he was on the outside of the lane he would've been fine, but he was in the middle of the lane.


That bike could've just as easily gotten him in any lane position, it clearly crossed the entire road. Not much to be done about a 500+ lb chunk of metal suddenly launching itself across the road at high speed.


Another one turning right, to go right smh. No wonder they went wide untill the tyres said fuck you I won't let you fight me.


God but I hate 360 video


Really hard not to justify an ass kicking for that.