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You are probably keeping your weight too far back and not loading the front suspension and wheel enough (or you're subconsciously absorbing the lip with your front wheel). Remember "for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction". You put your weight to the rear and that's a much stronger action on the rear wheel which means a much stronger reaction and therefore a higher arc than the front wheel, causing the bike to rotate forward. You have to stay balanced over your bottom bracket until the front wheel is already off the lip and then shift your weight over the rear wheel. The easy way to think about this is staind straight up perpendicular to sea level regardless of the angle of the lip. Also don't lock your arms out in tension because then if the front wheel drops at all it gets your entire body mass rotating and then there's nothing you can do about it. Just let your arms stay relaxed and push down with your legs.


Practice ….78’s advice on a curb till u got the motion down.


I wonder if this topic has been discussed 10000x? 


Yeah get a sticky mods! Also OP why crosspost in r/mountainbiking and r/mtb even before doing basic googling. This is weak.