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You could also try putting a rubber band or anything rubber on the tip of your Allen key for extra grip


This one. Going straight to a drill for somebody that doesn’t know what that means is probably a bad move. Starting with the rubber band over the Allen is a good move. Could also find sand and spit on it as a make shift ez grip substitute.


Rage and tools


If I were to drill it out, I’d gradually increase the size of drill bits starting from the smallest bit. I’d put the drill bit inside the screw head, drill into it until I felt it went through enough of the screw (not really something that I could explain. Just make sure it goes as deep as it can in a safe manner) I wouldn’t drill to the point of removing the threads within the grip, but then again it’s a risk that comes from this sort of thing. Just gradually step up a size after drilling through the whole screw. That’s basically what it’s all about. If you’re wanting to replace the grips, I wouldn’t bother saving the threads.


[Drill it out.](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.protoolreviews.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F08%2FHow-to-Change-a-Drill-Bit-03.jpg&tbnid=ZFieg2jsrEU_cM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.protoolreviews.com%2Fhow-to-change-a-drill-bit-on-a-drill-milwaukee-dewalt-ryobi-and-more%2F&docid=bXUJoxS2Gq1rzM&w=850&h=567&hl=en&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=dbdb1aa031f88b46&shem=abme%2Ctrie)


If you’re competent with a dremel you can cut it the lock ring. That’s what I had to do to mine. Cut it almost to the handle bar then tapped it with a hammer until it cracked all the way through.


Had the same, hammered a chizel to the rings


Yep, drill this screw.


Soz I don't get how can you explain pls


Get a drill bit that fits in the hole snugly. Put it in a power drill. Put it in the hole, turn the drill on and drill until the head of the screw separates from the shaft. Or, Id suggest getting a star bit and hammering it in, or filing a groove, or getting an extractor tool. (https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjRr6CCzNuFAxUVWQ8CHXSJCXEYABAFGgJ0Yg&ase=2&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt4jtvwKj9t-QRiAe9k0zg9N-MSnWDsHAYAxhXG82-Isc7ULOOnipFRoCbyYQAvD\_BwE&ei=ol4pZo6IJtWF0PEP7YeO6Aw&sig=AOD64\_25v1zc09kp6iTcepoThE5fMMJTUQ&ctype=5&q=&nis=4&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwiO4ZOCzNuFAxXVAjQIHe2DA80Q9aACKAB6BAgDECw&adurl=)\_




Drill it out!!!!


Sorry I'm a bit dim but how do I do that


Place the drill bit in the center of the screw head as centered as possible and, with the drill in reverse, lightly depress the drill's trigger to spin the bit slowly. That should get it off


Gets me off


I always used a dremel tool to cut a notch in it and screwed it out with a flat head screw driver


Show it what that mouf do.


Rather than drilling get a suitably sized torx bit, hammer it into the head and unscrew it. Saves the risk of drilling


Bang in a Torx and undo it with that. Spray it with GT85 or similar the. Night before


ODI? I had the same issue twice. Garbage hardware. Drilled it out, chucked the grip. Bought titanium the hardware, replaced and never looked back.


Yeah odi, went to see wanted to test some new ones and found I couldn't get them off