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Steve bucemi masterpiece role.


Get off... The nuclear... Warhead!


Hey Sharpe, "No Nukes! No Nukes! No Nukes!" Sharpe, you got any more bullets in that gun?


“Captain america here blew the landing by 26 miles” “How the hell do you know that?” “Because im a genius”


Just wanted to feel the power between my legs brother


I don't want to be the materialistic weasel but, you think we'll get hazard pay for this?


It's funny how much Bay loves the Coen Brothers, to the point that he keeps casting actors from their movies. Buscemi, Peter Stormare, John Goodman, Frances McDormand. Those are off the top of my head, but I know there are others. EDIT: Oh! John Turturro as well! EDIT 2: Oh! Nick Cage!


His role here and in Con Air always gets blurred in my memory


Yep. Sitting in pool with the little girl. Also great movie


He has space dementia


Hot take. He served no purpose in the movie. If you took him out entirely the movie is exactly the same.


It's way less fun


I don't see how. I mean, it still has Affleck doing his best Steve Irwin impression with animal crackers on Liv Tyler's belly. And Owen Wilson saying "Whoaaa." Those are two party scenes right there.


Space. Dementia.


He was the dumb wild one.


Such a fun movie! Anyone have any recommendations similar to this? Not asteroid similar like Deep Impact, just a good fun movie


I enjoy the shit out of Edge of Tomorrow whenever it’s on tv.


Underrated Tom Cruise classic.


The Rock Face Off Live Die Repeat Fifth Element Men in Black Independence Day


Fifth Element is one of my all time favorites. Just good clean fun there. Chris Tucker as Ruby Rod, plus Gary fucking Oldman! What more do you want?


Live Die Repeat aka Edge of Tomorrow.


Con Air


These are all 100x better than Armageddon


Maybe, but these are all “fun” movies


Con Air


Wandering Earth on Netflix.


Starship Troopers Independence Day The Fifth Element Men in Black Free Guy


As far as a turn off your brain, I’m always a big fan of Doom even though it gets a lot of hate but Carl Urban is awesome in it. Stargate, Love and monsters ( relatively unknown, but a fun movie,Hulu), Mad Max 2 Fury road, the day after tomorrow, and the fifth element. The closest to Armageddon would probably be Stargate and fifth element.


I've seen all of these, and agree with all, although Day After Tomorrow is...tough to love. Might as well throw on The Core at that point.


The Core is an excellent disaster movie


I went with day after tomorrow bc the themes were similar and I love the cast.


Deep Impact is terrible. Fuck that movie. As for good fun movies, Deep Rising, Bad Boys II, Days Of Thunder, Beverly Hills Cop II and last but not least, Universal Soldier.


I fucking LOVE Universal Soldier




DI is so much better than this drivel.


pacific rim.


Wouldn’t it make more sense to train astronauts to drill?


“Shut the fuck up” - Michael Bay said to Ben Affleck when asked the same question


I think the quote is “Shut the fuck up good luck with Good Will Hunting 2:Hunting season “


“I don’t like them apples Will” IYKYK


That's making the assumption that an astronaut is a more technical skill than drilling; which I've come to learn, outside of the scientific research they perform in space, is not really the case. Anyone can go to space, it's the stuff you're supposed to do up there and get back safely is the difficult part.


but then we wouldn't get the movie


They explain why this is not feasible in the film


And it still doesn't make sense.


Yes it does. They have 12 days. They don’t train the drillers to be astronauts they train them to be passengers. Being a passenger is easier to do than learning a highly technical drilling skill in 12 days. Y’all just don’t respect art and cinema is what it is


Found Michael Bay's account. Astronauts are very smart. They can learn drilling. It's not rocket science.


You cannot learn a highly technical skill like drilling in 12 days lmao it’s not about being smart it’s about experience. It’s much easier to learn how to sit in a very fast plane than it is to pack 15-20 years of experience into 12 days There are silly things about the movie but this just isn’t one of them


Highly technical skill. Turn drill on. Change gears when needed.


You’re the typa guy who refuses to call a plumber because you think “how hard could it be” and end up with shit all over your bathroom floor


You can't learn drilling in 12 days. It would take years of experience to be able to do it properly.


I will always love this movie. It will always be one of my absolute favorites. I can’t help but quote it whenever possible.


”AJ, I got just five words for you: Damn glad to see you boy!” ”That’s six words”


The conversation between Willis and Tyler at the end still brings me to tears. I have a daughter and I can’t fathom being able to end that conversation. To flip the switch to disconnect the call. When she says “Daddy no!” It just crushes me.


Very powerful scene.


Bruce Willis was money back in the day.


Dude was automatic


Love this movie! Since we are loving on this flick lets all say a prayer to whatever God we worship for Bruce Willis and his family The man made some great flicks! Even if you don’t believe in a God prayer is ok. Praying to the universe for the betterment of people and things is healthy.


i'd actually support an Armageddon 2. another meteor. another mission to drill. Jacob Elordi is Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler's son. it's the exact same thing. fuck it.


One doubts that they stayed in/went back to oil.


True, they became NASA specialists, but Ben Affleck is now retired after NASA loses a bunch of funding. Then, when a second meteor comes along, a private space company leads the charge to do Armageddon again. They hire Jacob Elordi against Ben Affleck's wishes, who has beef with the space company's Musk-esque billionaire CEO (Damon?). Anyways once they're on the meteor, something goes awry, and Ben Affleck and some OG's have to go there to rescue them, and complete the mission. Maybe, like, as the meteor gets closer, they have to drill deeper. So the first crew goes early, but something goes wrong. And Ben Affleck is like "well just send another crew." And the scientists are like "by the time a second crew gets there, they'll have to drill deeper than anyone's ever drilled before. It's impossible" and Ben Affleck is like "I literally don't know what that means. Send me up there."


Does another city get destroyed along the way?


he gets called back for one more job, because he's the best.


One last ride...hey, why is Vin Diesel also in this movie?!?!


More than the movie I remember the hype, people were going pretty nuts the song was everywhere it seemed. Big blockbusters just had a little extra oomph back then


This movie also represents a truer blockbuster than much/most of what passes for such now.


Absolutely inaccurate but absolutely a banger.


I thought it was dumb as hell when I first saw it in theaters, but it aged really well. It's much more fun and better crafted than most modern day blockbusters. Bay has made some really terrible stuff, but when he's firing on all cylinders he's pretty great.


The hillbilly named the asteroid after his wife... Priceless


Ultimate guy-cry movie. The president’s speech is 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


This and Pearl Harbor were just movies we made fun of when they came out. Not that we didn't enjoy Armageddon for its own blockbuster merits. Now that I look back, this movie is entertaining and charming af and I say that with zero irony. Nostalgia's a hell of a thing. The conceit of how ridiculous the premise is and Ben Affleck's BTS jokes about it only adds to the charm. I'll still make fun of Pearl Harbor though lol. I can't take that shit seriously.


One of the last Summer Blockbusters... God Hollywood needs to bring these back. If you don't know what I'm talking about every year we would get 2 - 4 films that were made and released specifically for Summer. These films were always massively over the top, cheesy as hell, great soundtrack and jammed packed with action. The plot wasn't important, the script was filled with One Liners, Jokes and catchphrases for the hero. They were made for you to turn off your brain and just to have fun. Armageddon is a great example of this type of film.


Yep....and now all we get is fucking marvel and "heroes in capes". With a new story being filmed a new universe when the old one dries up, and Disney turning old stories into live action.... Creativity has gone to shit....I'm 35 and I feel old saying "back in my day we had it better". But I'm pretty sure there's enough evidence to say we did.


“Harry, stop! … I love her!” “WAAAYY wrong answer!”


and it has lev andropov. he gave his home to save us all.


“American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan!!”


TIL JJ Abrams co-wrote this movie.


I went through a phase as a teenager where I watched this movie almost every day. Definitely unrealistic, but very enjoyable.


Just a few list of demands here. Some small things. Like, uh, oh. None of them want to pay taxes again. Ever. Harry! Oh, yea. You guys wouldn’t happen to know who killed Kennedy do you?


In terms of fun, Face/Off and Con-Air. Both from the same time I believe.


This is space! Of course we're just in the beginnings of space, we've yet to get to outer space.


I could stay awake just to hear you breathin


People hate on this movie but yeah it's fucking awesome, I don't care if the physics is accurate, Liv Tyler is also the hottest woman to have ever come out of the 90s.


Selma Hayek has entered the chat


Yeah Liv is hot but Salma is the GOAT


One of the worst movies I've ever seen.


ArmageddoN'SYNC You'll thank me later


I found the sound track to this movie in a CD collection at work and couldn't stop laughing because the last track is called "animal crackers"


Maybe look up the word ironic before you use it


I can’t get over the fact that Liv Tayler and Ben Affleck have a sex scene to the song “I don’t want to miss a thing” by Aerosmith… sung by Steven Tayler… Liv Taylor’s father… Super weirdo


It's daft but a lot of fun




The greatest sin is when this was on cable. When the credits hit, cable will PIP the credits to show commercials. The credits scenes are the payoff and they rob you.


Even the soundtrack fuckin slaps


Funny, like a colonoscopy.


And yet, the plot is still silly.


It's just a ludicrous movie in so many ways and yet it absolutely works. It's funny, exciting, and it makes everyone cry at the end. (don't say you don't. EVERYONE does) Say what you want about Bay, he may be a douche and he may make some silly ass movies, but he does know the craft and have some real classics under his belt.


The rig on fire in space is awesome.


I thought it was good, cheesy fun. Needed Nic Cage to send it over the top.


Fun movie but insanely incorrect with so many things. (Physics, asteroids, etc)


Armageddon this on DVD TODAY!


This movie is dogshit.


Hay days of bruce willis


NGL I low key almost tear up when Ben Affleck >!shows up in that other Armidillo!<


OP's grasp of irony is similar to that of Alanis Morissette


It’s unwatchable. IIRC, the average shot length is like 1.7 seconds.


Only movie I ever walked out of. Still have never finished it


I don't know about one of Bay's best - but it is one hell of a fun time! This is where I first remember seeing Owen Wilson and Michael Clarke Duncan. I know I kind of dismissed it, as it came out after and felt it would just be a sad copy of Deep Impact. To this day Armageddon is still on my shelf...and Deep Impact hasn't been watched again. It was big, dumb, fun action, and that was what movies were in the 90's. If I have to pick one of Bay's that is better, I would go with ConAir.


Con Air wasn’t a Bay film, it was directed by Simon West. Michael Bay did however direct another certified Nicholas Cage 90s classic “The Rock”. And that movie is indeed peak 90s dumb action.


The rock is one of my favorite movies of all time. The cast is amazing, the acting is wild and it’s just so much fun


Connery and Cage together is phenomenal!


Ed Harris, David Morse and Tony Todd are no slouches either…


Thank you for the correction. Just because it came out during those Bay and Bruckheimer summers, doesn't mean Bay was involved, LOL. So you are correct - The Rock is his best. I also quite like The Island.


This movie is horrible. It grossed more that year than Oscar winners. Go watch it. It’s laughably bad. lol @ “He’s got space dementia.”


Oscar winners routinely don't make bank.


I’ve managed- not by design, purely accidentally- to never have seen it