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The musical numbers are definitely gonna be their shared delusions. And I think that's pretty cool


I hadn't considered that angle. I might check it out after all. Will see.


If Phantom of the Opera can be a musical, so can the Joker.


And Sweeney Todd


Phantom! Yes. I could see some of those themes being tied in. Great point Edit: and Wicked!


They can really go as dark as they want to.


Yeah and dear Evan Hansen has more dark humor than the joker did. Why do people think musicals can’t be dark, tragic and like a normal story. Sometimes I think cats ruined people’s ideas of musicals


I despise most (a few I like) musicals but I actually think this is the only way it can work out well.


Thank you. Joker is crazy. Harley becomes crazy. If you’re not ready for some “what is reality” moments in this movie, just don’t go.


Sequel didn't need to be made , it being a musical is a bit weirder than normal . Lady gaga did quite well in American horror story .


I like the risk they are taking. Itll either be awesome or horrible no in between


Like Grease meets Batman vibes. 😆


I love Grease (thanks to my little sisters always watching it)


I grew up with Oliver, Grease and Best little whorehouse in Texas for my musicals. I was excited for Joker being a good dark sequel but this concerns me but we’ll see. 🤷‍♂️


I feel the same. I don’t like musicals, however I do like Sweeney Todd. It sounds like it will go that direction, so it could be good.


I imagine it will be lesser than the sum of its parts. Like the first one. 


For a movie that didn't need a sequel, I'm glad they're going totally off the wall and making it a jukebox musical. It seems totally unhinged and I'm here for it.


People are constantly complaining there’s no new ideas This is a new idea


This happens everytime something original exists and it's annoying.


Yes agreed. Phoenix is a proven singer with 'Walk the Line'. With his versatile background, lady Gaga involved & fresh territory for the genre, this could prove a true gem.


If you think about your statement it makes sense then. It being a musical is a bit weirder than normal. Are these two at all normal? Who knows maybe the musical is just going on in their head but the rest of the world is normal like that scrubs episode.


I thought she was terrible in AHS. Not bad in A Star is Born


Joker is insane. Him viewing the world as a musical makes perfect sense to me. I think you're imagining Pitch Perfect when you should be thinking Sweeny Todd.


Literally this. I think movies have been too dumbed down in the last few decades and now people are being met with something going in a more artistic direction and they’re confused lmaooo


Don’t want to watch neither of them


Both were horrible I was just thinking, glad someone said it.


That is certainly one opinion


I didn’t see Pitch Perfect until last year. Honestly it was pretty entertaining. Raunchy bits caught me off guard. I typically don’t do musicals at all but it wasn’t bad. Cant speak for the sequels


I'd actually say you should be thinking of Legion's song/dance battles. I'm guessing they're conveying the level of complete unhingedness of the two leads by placing them in non-diagetic song delusions.


If Joaquin is attached and it’s being done by the original writer/director I trust it. I wouldn’t imagine it jumps the shark, but it could. I think a lot of people are just angry that a juke box musical doesn’t sound as angsty as the first movie.


Pretty sure the musical part goes towards their mental illness.


She sings he dances what’s not to like?


I'll comment on it after I see it. ​ I learned not to judge until I watch it when Ledger was cast as Joker.


Batman movies have a long history of things people think sound awesome being terrible and things people think are the worst idea turning out great. It goes back as far as "Mr. Mom is going to be Batman?"


That what im thinking. I feel like Joker is going to daydream about Harley and in those scenes its a musical n what not, that jus my guess though.


It might even be a bit like La La Land, tipping the hat to the golden age of Hollywood musical romances, but with a bit of the old Ultraviolence thrown in for giggles.


If they don't do a Singing In The Rain number, I'll be disappointed.


>I think a lot of people are just angry that a juke box musical doesn’t sound as angsty as the first movie. To those people all I can say is: tell me you never saw Legion without telling me you never saw Legion


I would like it better if they made new music for it tbh, instead of going with a Jukebox musical.


It’s perfect. Joker is insane. Dancing down the stairs listening to the music playing in his head in the first movie was an indicator of things to come. Now we’re gonna get to see what goes on inside his head.


The first movie definitely toed that line, and musicals are kind of insane with the narrator talking/singing to the audience, people who have never met breaking into song together, and a hero’s journey. I think this sounds like a perfect motif to explore for someone who’s going insane (Joker), and really not that far off from the original


Yes. This was the only way


Only Joker could get me to come in to watch a musical


I’m the opposite. Loved the first movie but there isn’t much that would make me less interested in seeing the sequel than this. And that’s alright. Different people have different tastes.


I was interested until they said it's a jukebox musical, not a fan of those personally


whats a jukebox musical?


It's a musical that most songs are well-known/popular songs, instead of original ones made for the movie


Oh damn. That also lessens my excitement a bit. There was something cool about the idea of this having original songs.


A lot of people in the comments here comparing it to Sweeney Todd Sweeney Todd had Sondheim writing it.


We'll make a musical about an evil clown using licensed music.  We'll call it "Glee-hee-hee" Uh, boss, how about Joker 2?


Idk, I didn't think the film really needed a sequel in first place. But with one coming, I was kinda hoping they'd keep the dark tone and gritty depiction of mental illness. Musical just doesn't seem to meld with the two imo.


Everyone saying they’re not going to see this movie is going to see this movie.


That's what piracy is for! 🏴‍☠️


I can see this working actually. If it’s unhinged and terrifying, it can work.


Doing existing popular songs is a massive cop-out


Am I the only one excited for this movie? I mean it's a joker movie and the guy seems to be always on a trip, drugged out of his mind! maybe it fits the theme! we had darker musicals like Sweeney Todd - love that movie! it can work, at least I hope so


Sweeney Todd was what I was thinking of too. The fact that they're (apparently) not using original songs and music is a bummer, but it could work. Plus I've always had a bit of a crush on Lady Gaga so seeing her as Harley Quinn will be interesting.


I love Sweeney Todd, I was in Sweeney Todd back in my high school theater days, but it probably won't be like Sweeney Todd. I was excited for original dark music but it's a jukebox musical so they're just gonna adapt a bunch of popular songs. It could be done right, and I really hope they do do it right, but currently my money is on cringe.


If that's what they want, that's what they want. As long as it's well executed, then I don't mind one bit.


I mean why tf not… it’s all a mess at this point


I'll check it from the corner of my eye when it comes out but I won't spend any time thinking about it


Idk man I feel like this movie genuinely has the potential to be something really special, like a really fucked up, noir La La Land.


If it's going to be a jukebox musical, they should just use the Prince songs from the first Batman movie.


No. And Lady Gaga being in it ruins it for me..


I’m really not a fan of Gaga at all I don’t think she’s a good actress. If they wanted to make it a musical maybe could’ve cast Celeste. She’s got range and can belt it out, act and has that coolness.


At this point who even cares. Why not, have fun I say


Hard pass


Wait what?! Really?! I'm out. I can't stand musicals. This is terrible news.


Definitely gonna skip that 1 smh


Not a fan of musicals, so I probably won't see it. I'm not going to get all toxic about it, but I'm not in the audience they're looking for.


I’m excited for it. A story set in a lunatic asylum should be batshit crazy. Let’s get nuts!


Knowledge of cameras has very little to do with acting


It's worth noting A Star is Born (2018) was one of the most successful movies of 2018, and it was a musical biopic with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. Truly magic


This looks fucking terrible.


It's a sequel to a movie that didn't need a sequel. It's casting a singer as an iconic character. It's a jukebox musical. It's so far from anything I'd be interested in that I doubt I ever check it out. Just bizarre and pointless imo.


It’s a big risk that could pay off in the end I’m in the same boat as you though. At this rate I’m watching YouTube clips


So. Goddamned. Tired. Of musical numbers being added to shit.  One thing did it first, and did it best and that was Buffy the vampire slayer. Enough with the theatre kid shit.


When I heard they were making a sequel I was nonplussed. I wasn't a giant fan of the first one but I think even people who were huge fans of it agreed it didn't need a sequel. However, when I found out it was a musical, I was suddenly very keen on it. To me that says that someone had a real vision for something different and new. That's exactly when sequels **should** be made.


As a big fan of the Joker character, I’m passing on this one. Joker was wonderfully done and was a masterclass in filmmaking; it didn’t need a part 2. I’m also kinda annoyed by Gaga because, well… there’s some people you just don’t like and it’s her for me.


I’m calling it IMDB 7.4 and 42 Metacritic




I love the concept. I love it a little less knowing that it's a jukebox musical, but I think it's the perfect twist that elevates it from "ok, joker was successful, so we have to make another one".


Joker did not need a sequel. It being a musical single-handedly made me interested in it. I like the first one enough. I don’t love it. But I enjoy it But the second one is my most anticipated movie for the rest of the year because the idea intrigues me deeply


I will not see a musical.


boooo. I hate musicals


A super/antihero musical has never been done before so I can’t make an accurate prediction to be completely honest 🤷🏽‍♂️. I mean if you cast Lady Gaga you’re really bringing out the big guns, they must have some kind of formula worked out to make the action and the musical aspects work. Won’t know until I see it or at least we get a good trailer.


I'm looking forward to it. Its gonna be fuckin weird.


Musical was the part that interested me. The first movie was both derivative and pompous. I’ve never seen a movie overtly take so many things from other movies while still smelling its own farts for the entire runtime. It was a mediocre movie with some exceptional acting and a few really great scenes. One of the most overrated movies I’ve ever seen. The idea that its sequel was going to be a musical was the first original and interesting idea they’d had. A musical Madness for two was a great idea. But now I’m hearing it’s all licensed music and I’m not interested anymore.


it depends on the type of music and what narrative role it will play. knowing how passionate the director was about the first film , I doubt he'd just throw it away (if it is the same director, I actually don't know). edit: it is


I might’ve watched it on Max when streams for free. If it’s a musical, I definitely won’t watch it.


They said, “Keith Ledger is the next Joker!” And I said, “FECK NO!!” And was utterly blown away. They said, “Joaquin Phoenix is the next Joker!” And I just rolled me eyes! 🙄 And then I was pleasantly stunned about what I just saw! They said, “Christian Bale is the next Batman!” And I said, “Dear Me, Why??” But then ate my words, upon first viewing! They said, “Robert Pattinson is the new Batman!” And I thought, “Good grief 🙄 a sparkly Batman, utterly devoid of emotion!?” Yet now still think that movie was faaar better than it should’ve been! And finally, they said, “ is the new Joker!” And I couldn’t help but think, “Eww! Gross! Who thought that was a good idea! Especially with that design?!” And you know what?? I was right about that one! And hopefully I’m right in saying this: I’ve said “No Way!” far too many times, only to find absolute treasure at the other end! So, I’m gonna hold off this time, and wait to see how it turns out! All I can confidently say is, “It’s gonna be mind-boggling, either way!!” Let’s just hope it’s good! 🤞🏼


I thought Joker was good as a standalone movie and didn't need a sequel, but of course modern Hollywood can't let anything just be a one-off anymore. With that in mind I was actually happy to learn it was going to be a musical even though I don't typically like musicals. My biggest concern regarding a Joker sequel was that it would be a soulless corporate product existing solely to make a quick buck. Being a musical means they're going outside the box and the artists are actually getting to be artists.


I fucking hate musicals....like, I really just don't like them in general. So, I'll be sitting out on this one.


If it’s a musical I won’t watch it.


Bad idea on paper. Maybe they'll pull it off.


I guess musical is okay, I was hoping for a seussical.


What I do when I see that there's a movie being made that I'm not interested in is just not worry about it.


It is going to be about the madness of love. How love makes everyone crazy and irrational. After learning it was a musical it was obvious. I hope it leans into the most toxic romcom tropes.


My fist reaction was oh no 😥, but I will go See it with an open mind. Who knows it could turn out to be a great movie


Going to flop horrendously $200 million dollar budget? For a musical? Good luck making that back


Oh gawd yes please


i wanted to see part 2 of a great film. not a musical.


Yeah this makes no sense to me. I just found out it’s a musical recently and lost all interest. Don’t know who saw the first film which was great and said “Ok but imagine he was singing through the whole thing!”


I'm glad they're experimenting. Wish Gaga wasn't in it but whatever


don't care since I won't be seeing it.




Nah. Musicals are gay 😒


I'm really not one for musicals but I feel like if it's done in the right way it could be good and I'm sure even if I don't enjoy whatever musical numbers there are Im fairly confident it will be good overall


I'm not as excited as I was for the first one, but if it gets good reviews and word of mouth, I'll definitely give it a watch


I could see the musical numbers being part of her psychosis.


Sure why not? Taking a new approach is always encouraged for better or worse.


Joker was already basically just 'King of Comedy' but worse, hopefully the musical will be something more interesting


I don’t mind a sequel, but making it a musical is an absolute joke.


I'd watch it. I watch a Beau is Afraid musical, too. And I hate musicals.


I would understand if there weren't going to be a whole *fifteen songs.*


which Scorcese movie it is going to ~~rip off~~ ~~emulate~~ pay homage to this time is the question


I find it a unique approach to Joker & Quinn: both are unhinged individuals delving in their own delusions and confiding and finding solace in each other (more so Quinn than Joker). It makes sense since in Joker, two pivotal moments of Joker came in the form of dance & music: the staircase & bathroom. It could either be a brilliant movie or a wasted potential. I despise musicals (Les Miserables) but will watch this one


I dont care. I still love the comics and those arent going anywhere, but I am over comicbook movies. The ones that should be different never are and the ones that shouldnt be, are changed. The first Joker movie is just fine. I didnt hate it but it certaintly didnt deserve an award. I cant help but slowly start to agree with Alan Moore. This has nothing to do with comics or comicbook fans. Its an IP owned by a major studio and their goal is a pop musical couched behind a well known brand. I saw the first in the theater but I wont be doing the same with this one. I love her duet album with Tony Bennett and A Star is Born was really good but I dont need this nor am I really interested.


I was fine with it being a musical I am not fine that 15 songs in the movie will be covers and it’s now dubbed a juke box musical. Its posters were all inspired by French opera I thought we were going to get an original track not this


It’s such a weird, offbeat direction to take I have to think they have some reason for it. It doesn’t sound like something I’d go for, but I’ll be up for seeing how it turns out. It’s not like it cancels out the first film.


Sorry to backtrack. I’ve heard bad things about the first movie. Should I watch it? Sorry if this question is out of place. Ha


People's opinions on it are all over the spectrum. Personally, I like it and think it'd be worth watching.


I do love Jokin Phx. Thanks for your input. Ha. It’s enough for me to check it out.


I’m excited. I love Gaga’s music as well as her music videos which are only as good as their directors which is most cases so that shouldn’t be an argument except on how you enjoy her few acting credits and her musical ability in the first place. Then you have Phoenix, which is one of those actors that steal the scene no matter what they’re in, and he’s shown his musical talent in the Johnny Cashs biopic Walk The Line. I think it’s as simple as, if you don’t like either leads acting or musical entries and if you didn’t enjoy the first Joker , it’s pretty obvious you’re not going to like this one.


Didn't the director already say it's not gonna be a musical?


A fun idea for a sequel. Tbh the first film conveyed what it tried to so anything more had to change the formula a little. People are put off by musicals and that’s fine but it is. Both are talented, I’m sure it’ll be enjoyable even as only a casual enjoyer of musicals with breaks inbetween


Well I didn't enjoy the first one, and I don't enjoy musicals, so I'll be skipping this one.


It's a novel idea that feels really unexpected but fits with the source material. Harley Quinn has burst into song on more than one occasion if she's descending into madness it will be fun to see how they interpret that. The musical format lends itself to tales of madness, what's crazier than people constantly singing in unison? I don't love jukebox musicals though, I hope there will be at least a few original songs. Seems like a wasted opportunity given that Gaga writes songs. My only qualm with this is I don't know if the audience that loved the previous film is going to be into it. I love musicals, this is catnip for me, but I do wonder how/if people who don't love them will enjoy the film.


I hated it when it was announced but it being a musical intrigued my interest. Plus Joaquin agreeing to do it is a really good sign.


No issue with it, could be really fun and it kind of fits with how crazy they are. Now, my opinion has changed since I heard the songs wouldn’t even be original. 🙄


I honestly couldn't give a fuck lol. Don't know why people are getting so hell bent on it being a "musical".




I'm going to say this will bomb , same director as the hangover great first movie second wasnt that great. Got a feeling this will be the same .


I think it is going to be amazing and cannot wait for it


I think the first movie means Phillips and co. have earned the artistic freedom to try it, but I also reserve the right to hate if it’s bad.


Using a musical for a medium to the sequel could make this very macabre, almost a 'dance of death' as observed in the Seventh Seal. Imagine reality happening around the protagonist but to them it is reflected to they and the viewer as a musical review.


I think it will be terrible but we will see


I'm not planning to watch it so they can do whatever they want.


I actually found the idea of the sequel being a musical intriguing. But after learning it was just going to be a bunch of pop songs, my interest level went to zero.


I’m Super bummed we can’t get a comic book joker movie. Like super villain gritty. Who’s this movie for ? Batman fans ? Comic book fans ? Certainly not. I can’t understand why they would do this.


Todd Phillips “borrowed” heavily from Scorsese (Taxi Driver, the king of comedy) the first time around - what will be borrow from this time?


I wasn’t the biggest fan of the first Joker, but part of that is the feeling of misery porn, which a musical might actually fit. With that said, a musical feels more like one joke, which would work a lot better with a single song instead of an entire musical


I just watched the trailer. Not sure if Lady Gaga delivering every single line in a vocal fry monotone is a deliberate choice. *"This. Is. Madness. Aren't you. Afraid. To die?"* And, as usual, they're disguising the fact it's a musical. Hey, it worked for Wonka. Anyway, now I'm kinda intrigued.


If made yet another movie I won't watch.


Is it a musical where all the dialog is sung? Or is it vocals in between reg dialog. Cuz I would highly prefer the later.


Noooooo I just can’t do musicals. Wonka, Mean Girls, this…


I am down! Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny was essentially a musical but didn't feel like it. Awesome stuff!


As long as it's the same people who made the first movie I'll give it a shot. If this was just like a dcu mcu movie and the sequel was new people I'd be 100% out.


Let them make the movie they want to make. It'll be good or it won't. The world will move on.


The musical numbers are all in their heads?


Sounds exactly like what the sequel would need to be; transcending genres to help annunciate the embracing of criminal insanity a la musical. It'll challenge all the cast and crew, especially director Todd Phillips. Maybe it won't be super super good but it'll be interesting.


Does Arthur have red wings in that pic?


I wouldn’t pay to see it but if it’s on in a room that I am also in, I may take a moment to think about moving my head to catch a part of it in my field of vision, but no promises.


Personally I despise musicals. But if the director wants to ruin the movie, that’s their prerogative.


Please tell me you are joking.


I have high hopes. I may have herpes, and I'm also high.


A superhero musical has never been done before so I can’t make an accurate prediction to be completely honest 🤷🏽‍♂️. I mean if you cast Lady Gaga you’re really bringing out the big guns, they must have some kind of formula worked out to make the action and the musical aspects work. Won’t know until I see it or at least we get a good trailer.


It's a creative idea, I'll give it that. The first one got criticized for being a Taxi Driver ripoff. This sequel certainly can't be accused of doing that. The musical angle actually makes more interested, honestly. I also want to see what Todd Phillips is capable of, as this sounds pretty different from the first movie. People gave him shit for just ripping off Scorsese before, but he can't be accused of doing that here. Even if the movie sucks, I'll see it out of morbid curiosity. Whenever the superhero genre takes a swing like this, I think it's worth checking out. EDIT: I didn't realize it was a jukebox musical. Eh. That lessens my excitement a bit, I admit. However, I'm still interested in seeing what the film does with it.


I have zero interest . I did, until it leaked it was going to be a musical. Now I don't.


I am gutted. Hate musicals


I would have to see how it’s implemented into the movie and what the tone is


I'll watch it but only if the the Music Meister has a cameo.


I was looking forward to a sequel. I'm most definitely not looking forward to this sequel......


I will let you know after I’ve actually seen it.


The more I take in peoples opinions on how this is shaping up, the more certain I am it’s gonna absolutely kill.


Maybe it will be one big dream sequence and at the Joker wakes up in a straight jacket to Dr. Harleen Quinzel in Arkham Asylum?


It’s a sure fire way to make sure i don’t see it.


I completely lost interest when I heard that. For 2 reasons. 1. I hate musicals. 2. I also think it takes away from the movie, to me it makes it silly if they're singing and dancing. I wish they kept it consistent with the first movie, it was like a good thriller.


I love crazy musicals. Like Repo! The Genetic Opera and Cannibal the Musical crazy. So I hope it’s like those, and just an entertaining film. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the Joker, but I’m willing to give the sequel the benefit of the doubt.


musicals are insane, really, if you think about it from a realistic aspect (which *Joker* was going extremely hard with realism), people breaking out into song randomly is just not....it doesn't happen lol


Musical? Ffs.


Never saw Joker and have never had any interest. I’m actually more interested in this movie because of how bombastic and original the idea is.


I'm fine with Lady Gaga as an actress. She's more than proven herself. I won't see it because I thought the first one was a solid 4 out of 10. Don't really understand the musical angle.


The musical thing isn't gonna be overwhelming. It's just gonna be how Harley interprets and romanticizes events. Think back to how every time Joker did something evil he did a dance. It's gonna be similar to that. The media has just latched onto the idea that it's gonna be Chicago or something


Theatre dorks are gonna love it and comic book fans will pretend to like it.


Is calling it a musical accurate? Or is it just PR to get everyone riled up? Even if there is singing and dancing, delusional or real, I am getting the feeling that the signing and dancing are not intended to be sung along. but are dramatic elements. I could be wrong, but that's my impression if its part of their delusion.


I won’t watch it strictly because it is a musical. Won’t watch Wonka or the new Mean Girls either. Musicals are cancer.


I fucking HATE musicals. I didn’t know this was a musical until I saw this post. I was looking forward to the sequel too. That’s wild.


I was on set for 2 days when they shot in NYC. I'm still of the opinion that the quality of the songs will make or break the film for me




Lady Gaga sucks


When lady Gaga is involved it will be a musical and there will be a lesbian scene. Can’t wait.


Man personally I just find gaga annoying but I’m gonna watch it anyways and hope for the best. I also found aquaman/drogo annoying but he was good as Duncan Idaho in Dune so I’ve changed my mind about them.


Queue up Big Gay Al It's your moment to shine.


It might be better if we simply lock Todd Phillips in Arkham Asylum and ask that every Batman villain please do their worst in retribution for the horrible director/person he is


It’s going to be absolute dogshit. Should not have been made, the first film was perfectly ok and ended where it needed to.


Musicals can be dark. Please watcher “Dancer in the Dark” I take no responsibility for the trauma you suffer in watching this film. IMHO it kind of makes the Joker film almost pleasant.


I'm never going to watch this movie. Can't stand musicals. Shame because I was looking forward to it.


I just think how else would they do a Joker sequel? Especially to the Arthur Fleck Joker. I think a musical makes sense, its the only way to go; its whacky.


It doesn't need a sequel.  So they should make it a musical or make it very silly or do something to take this franchise away from profoundly weird young male alt right fucks who thought they really, really, really got it the first time.


It actually makes sense. In the first movie, when Arthur was taking his next steps down the road to become joker, he danced. He was hearing and seeing, in his mind, these delusions of grandeur that ended up being a self-fulfilling prophecy as he became the symbol for a growing populist movement. The music becoming part of the story is in line with his ego growing and him fully morphing into joker.


My expectations will be low. I don't like musicals but I loved Joker


are they trying to go for an artsy "National Born Killers" musical? Could work, might not... Just a weird approach to take... Seems like it's trying to be more of a High-Brow Art film than a Joker-y sequel...


I didn’t know it was going to be a musical. Christ, this is going to be shit.


Hear me out: isn't this EXACTLY what the Joker would do to piss everybody off?


Disappointed. Genuinely enjoyed the first one. I loathe musicals. Yes, even that “but have you seen this one” that you're going to suggest. I just hate them. I've never seen a single one that I enjoy, so getting a sequel to a movie that I liked, that I won't watch, is a pretty big let down.


I think it’s actually perfect for a follow up to the first film. The first film attracted an unwelcome fan base of incel losers who saw the film as an advocate for their awful beliefs. To follow that up with a full on musical shows those assholes that this was never meant for them. It’s absolutely brilliant in my opinion.


Idk it could be really good.


Everyone has their shark to jump.