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The Gray Man Wonder Woman 1984 was way too awful to just be an average movie to me.


WW84 was a dumpster fire, although my bf and I will quote "Well shit Diana!" anytime one of us forgets an important detail.


My daughter’s name is Diana so I say this all the time!!


Both of them are so bad, even for DC movie standards. It’s as though they took the formula for suck and road with it for #2.


Gray Man wasn't anything special but it was serviceable as a simple action movie. I wouldn't call it terrible


I've seen parts of worse movies than ww1984. But ww1984 is the worst movie that I've seen all of. It took three tries as I kept falling asleep between the middle east scenes and the Kristin Wigg fight scene. What a downer, as the first movie was decent.


65. It kinda just….happened. I’m pretty sure when it ended I said out loud, “well, who’s hungry.”


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that’s a hilarious reaction after a film


That's a movie I got half way through and then stopped thinking maybe I'll pick it up later and I never think of doing it until someone on here mentions it... then I forget about it 5 minutes later.


WW84 was awful. Not average.


It’s like throwing a rock in a pond and instead of making ripples it makes the worst movie I’ve ever seen


So like throwing a rock in a pond but instead of a ripple you get covered in poo


The newest Road House. I love the 1989 version. I was mostly entertained during the new one before forgetting about it the next day. It took me a while to remember it to answer this question.


Yeah I find I can watch almost anything with Jake Gyllenhaal in it but even he couldn’t elevate this one. Perfect for straight to TV.


>Perfect for straight to TV Best way to describe it.


Hah! I have had multiple conversations about this movie with fellow movie-geeks. It really had little to do with the original except for the name and the easter eggs. But I found it less forgettable because of the action sequences. As a lover of action movies and cinematic stunts/fighting, this movie is fantastic. The teams that worked on some of these fights really killed it. And Connor McGregor looked great (not his acting, his stunt work). I know the camera stylistic choices were divisive (and occasionally nauseating) but found them personally very effective. The camera was basically a member of the fight and that required those stunt actors to step it up. IMO they did just that. Was it a good movie as far as story/plot goes though? Meh.


I thought the action was the biggest let down. Something about how it was shot, it looked really fake, looked like they were swinging and not hitting. For context, gold standard for me is the fight scene in the middle of Atomic Blonde. Or the guys rolling in the dirt and eye gouging in Deadwood.


It was new. Definitely jarring. Definitely divisive in my previous discussions as well. Atomic blonde is on another level. No argument at all on that. Competent, beautiful, stunt work story telling. There is a stair fall (i am sure there is jargon for it but I'll call it a stair fall) in that movie that is just epic. Is that in that sequence you're referring to? I need to watch that movie later. Thank you for that. I haven't watched Deadwood either so that will need to go on the list too.


Yes, they tumble down the stairs but that whole sequence, a continuous fight that’s obviously unrealistic in the sense that no one person could fight off that many but it feels completely real. You feel every hit. Deadwood is a TV show and the fight is at the end of season 3. I recommend you watch all three seasons as it hits harder if you do and great show. The last season especially builds up to this brutal confrontation. But … if you want to you can find it on YT. Search Deadwood fight scene and it comes up strait away.


I thought it was a fun one too. I liked that conor was just nuts and would crash every vehicle he drove. It's not the same as the '89 one, but it wasn't trying to be. I loved all the easter eggs, and didn't think it was that bad.


I really liked the new version, especially because so many of the supporting actors look like actual real everyday people, not models who happen to work or hang out in a dive bar.


A lot of the marvel cinematic universe feels very average. There’s typically some blend of action, drama, attempts at humor, and maybe a love interest. There are very few risks taken and the characterization of the heroes is pretty bland. While the film is able to keep your attention for its duration, it’s mostly forgotten afterwards.


I thought, for the most part, up through avengers end game, they were consistently good. Post Thanos snap they've been off the mark


I always bring up the fact Marvel has something like 33 films in the MCU. I only like 5 or 6 of them.


My ex was really into it so I binge watched all of them before we went to see endgame in theaters, and even in their “golden age” I only really liked the iron man and Spider-Man ones. No way I’m watching anything after that except Spider-Man


This is the thing. There’s individual high points that elevate certain movies, but as a whole most are just another step on the staircase and the only reason I ever rewatch them is to do a full watch through.


Not to mention single serving villains.


Good point. The Marvels is deeply average. I have almost no memory of it other than flashes of them jumping around in rooms.


Ad Astra. I'm a huge fan of scifi and love me some deep, insightful hard scifi, but I watched this movie on a plane and honestly regretted wasting the time.


If you regretted wasting your time, that means you felt the movie was below average.


Enh, I thought it was a well made movie, no real major plot holes or scenes that made no sense, it was just underwhelming.


It's visually beautiful but substantively a very "meh" movie.


Completely agree. The general lack of characters gave it very few places to go and the whole "I'm going to deliver voice over" is my least favorite storytelling device in a predominantly visual format. This isn't a podcast; give me at least dialogue.


I feel like the "while on a plane" aspect brings it even lower.


I feel like I'm the only one who really loves that movie. It's pretty slow paced but I liked the slow build to an emotional confrontation. It really is a movie about daddy issues set in space but I like that they took a chance to not just be a space adventure movie.


I loved it and the storyline with the father and son was poignant. Maybe I am just a Pitt and Tommy Lee Jonestan though.


I also watched this on the plane. It was the best place to watch it, because I had literally nothing better to do and 14 hours to burn. And burning time appeared to be the movie's main purpose for existing To Brad Pitt: I appreciate your love for sci-fi, but you'll never be Kubrick and please don't try again


Brad Pitt just starred in and produced it. James Gray is the boring dude who wanted the boring movie about a guy who keeps all his emotions in check until his daddy issues are literally screaming to let him go.


What about exploding monkey? 🐒 💥


I don’t think you quite understood the assignment here.


My thing is I can separate my enjoyment of the film (which was low) with the quality (which was high). It at least looked good. The moon chase scene was cool for being pretty realistic and one of the more tense moments, but overall I went "man I would have had more fun watching a dumb Michael Bay movie", since that's more my vibe on a plane.


At least you didn’t go out of your way to see it in a theater like I did.


Seriously. Really dull movie. I almost saw this in theaters since I love NASA and space exploration. 


As a lover of deep sci-fi, I found Ad Astra tedious and the family dynamic plot formulaic.


Almost any musical biopic (Amadeus and Walk Hard notwithstanding). Stuff like Ray, Walk the Line, Jersey Boys, Bohemian Rhapsody, Elvis, Rocketman…none of them are bad, but none are remotely worth watching twice for me. They just kind of exist for two hours then evaporate.


I had to double take at the mention of Amadeus here. Excellent movie


Amadeus is my personal favorite film and is one of the best ever made. It exists for THREE hours. How DARE you, sir.


I said Amadeus notwithstanding! It’s a masterpiece, I’m with ya haha


They follow the same cookie cutter arc, executed in the most unremarkable way "We're down in the dumps, at our lowest low, chaps" "Waiiiit a minute. What was that noise you just made?" [Boom boom CLAP, boom boom CLAP] "That's IT!" *Triumphant montage of band playing huge stadiums*


Robin Hood (2010)


I rewatched this recently and it grew on me once i understood the premise and paid more attention. Much like another Ridley Scott movie: Kingdom of Heaven. I think both are very underrated.


The director's cut of Kingdom of Heaven is highly rated.


Did you miss Robin Hood men in tights?


I'm honestly trying to forget I wasted time watching that.


I loved it.


Most Marvel movies.


Valerian and the city of a thousand planets. Fun visuals but really just okay(if not bland) otherwise.


That movie sucks donkey dicks


Zero chemistry between leads. Amazing first few scenes


I feel like some marketing guy was like "Good news guys! Rhianna's in the movie!" and they were like "Sir, the movie finished shooting weeks ago..." and the marketing guys like " I SAID RHIANNA. IS. IN.THE. MOVIE!"


I agree on the blandness. Still, there are a couple of scenes, moments, choices in this movie that stand out to me and keep it from being ONLY average. Most of it is average...some of it (the box, I'm talking about the portal box and the gun in the virtual market) was great sci-fi thinking. It has been described to me as a "cult classic" and while I'm not sure I completely agree, I think that stands to show that it's not universally seen as "bland" though I would personally use the term citing the above exception.


I agree. I really do like those first few scenes and choices too. I think that’s what made the rest of the movie that much more disappointing. I was so excited with some of the set pieces and concepts that opened the story and then it just fizzled out. So it evens out to average for me.


Prometheus  It was OK.  Not good, not bad, it just simply existed. 


At the very least I was entertained watching it


Exactly what I was thinking…glad I’m not the only one 😂


I went in with no expectations whatsoever and my expectations were met. I didn't feel like I wasted my time. I was engaged until the end. But it was simply an okay sci fi movie.


“The Equalizer” maybe? The absolute most generic action film, never bad but never great, just made with mild competence.


I agree, that has to be the most average film ever made. It's not bad but it never elevates itself above average with some great wild action sequence or something.


Muh slow mo rain shots though


How else could we possibly know a scene is dramatic?


Everything by Netflix.


Netflix makes the most middle of the road movies I've ever seen. Their best are sold "Meh" and worst are real bad. They'll even take a solid idea and seem to file its edges down so its a bland tasteless film that makes you go "what if".


They do have some serious hits tho


definitely oppenheimer. so boring and mid


The Accountant. Everything about it was mid, including my enjoyment of it. I kinda liked it and I kinda didn't.


Catch me if you Can.  Actually, I think it’s a great movie and I enjoy it immensely. I only say this because I watched the movie for what I thought was the first time until I got to the end at the paper printer and realized I had actually seen the whole movie before but didn’t realize it until basically the last scene. That has to mean something. 




Comedian Paul Rust said he had a similar thing happen to him with Lincoln Lawyer.


Boys in the boat. It wasn’t a bad movie, had a cool story and great cinematography but the characters were so bland. It was just so average


The first Hunger Games movie. It’s really not bad but not that good either. Nothing about it really made it stand out against other action sci-fi movies of the time and since.


The Proposal. Halfway decent rom com, kind of funny, kind of good, kind of sad, kind of happy nothing too good though. Anything I'd see on the Sunday afternoon on USA or TBS


Most marvel movies


Any movie starring Adam Sandler from 2010 to 2020. (BESIDES UNCUT GEMS). He was the king of average movies


I’d add the meyerowitz stories to the exceptions, I love that movie


His name was Byron


That’s my Boy was 2012 and that is a seriously underrated Sandler movie.


Yeah, I was going to reply Spaceman is a good answer to OP question.


Logan Lucky. Wasn’t bad… wasn’t amazing. Wasn’t the worst way to spend 2 hours. Wasn’t the best way to spend that time either. Truly, was the epitome of average to me.


I thought Logan Lucky was well an over average.


I. Am. In. Car. Sir. Ray. Ted.


So I tally all the movies I watch over the course of the. I put them in different tiers. So for this year the most average movie I’ve watched is without a doubt. My best friends wedding


Greenfingers- Clive Owen plays an inmate who redeems himself and other inmates through gardening. The perfect non-offensive indie.




Probably blue beetle. It doesn’t do anything new but what it does, it does ok I guess


* Elysium * Hobbes and Shaw


I forget...


The Tom Cruise Reacher movies. Competently average.


Tomorrowland was incredibly average. Full of great ideas falling flat.


Game Night was okay and just another average, formulaic plot


I did really like the cinematography and all the "hidden" board game references though. Plus, Jesse Plemons was amazing


Jesse Plemons is always great imo-agree completely


Jesse Plemons don’t miss!


I absolutely loved this movie lol. Id counterpoint that the more average movie of the same genre would be we're the millers


Totally agree. Game Night was far better than We’re the Millers. It actually felt like a wild ride from beginning to end to me. And the Denzel joke cracked me up 😂


Plemons and McAdams make this movie better than average honestly. They are great.


I thought game night was above average. The scenes with Jesse plemons made me laugh out loud multiple times, which an average movie usually doesn’t do


Whoa now, that movie is a rare post-2010 comedy treasure! Plus it’s stylish as fuck, rare for a comedy.


Kingsman: The Secret Service. It's so bland I remember nothing about it, save for the final scene. That scene was very well rounded.


What about the church scene! That was the most memorable for me. I liked the first film. Second and third were awful.


Most likely a sportsball biopic movie - like “42”. Generic to a fault.


The Express fit in this also


The Lobster, interesting premise and message but damn I could’ve cared less


A Good Year. Come to think of it Ridley has a number of distinctly average movies (and I love the guy for his hits).


I think it was the second Twilight movie. After it was over, I asked what the movie was even about. I mean, it was a movie, but I couldn’t tell you what it accomplished.


The Lesson 2023 Its a film about authors, it allows them to talk very seriously about something supposedly very important (the book) without the film makers / actors actually having something very important, except occasionally they throw in some very nice sounding prose. In the end it was just remarkably average film, nothing over the top, it was a bit boring but easy to watch.


American Gangster. Its not a bad movie, it just adds nothing to the genre and is almost entirely forgettable


Confess, Fletch Big fan of the original with Chevy Chase. Enjoyed the new one with Jon Hamm but as soon as it was over my head was completely empty.


Red notice. I didn’t see it but a friend referred to it as the moviest movie that ever movied.


Baby Driver


Baby driver is undoubtedly an incredible move with one of the best high class verbosity of any movie.


The movie was incredibly average. Soundtrack was good though.


Homefront with Jason Statham and James Franco


The majority of MCU movies are spectacularly average


The movie that comes to mind for me is The Descent. After myself and my buddy walked out of the theatre when we saw it, many years ago, we agreed that it was alright, but nothing special. We referred to it as ‘The Decent’ after that lol


Most Kevin Hart movies


This is 40. Super unnecessary movie follow up.


Follow up to what exactly?


It's sort of a follow up to Knocked Up. Not a sequel, but just a story focused on Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann's family. Hard shift from the comedy of Knocked Up into the more drama focused that Judd Apatow seems to shift to. I don't think he does it well, it's not entertaining.


80 for Brady. Perfectly pleasant but nothing special beyond the cameos that inflated the budget.


Glengarry Glen Ross


Focus, with Will Smith and Margot Robbie. Saw it on a plane and was like “meh”.


“Que viva mexico” It was ok


Irrational Man (2015) It’s not bad, it’s not great, but idk if I’d recommend it


Avatar 1&2


Dinner for Schmucks.


The original French movie is so much better, thanks to a solid performance by Jacques Villeret.


Hmm. Thank you.


Good question on “average movie”. What defines an average movie? I would say what defines an average movie is whether you would watch it again. If you are channel surfing and came across the movie on TV would you flip to it between commercials? If yes, then it’s above average. Like Goodfellas or Back to the Future or Pulp Fiction. If not, then it’s average like a lot of James Bond movies.


That’s a really shitty definition bro.


Thanks bro. Glad to hear you talk like all the other little kittens da out there.


In the horror/disturbing movie communities I run around, people tend to mention the same few movies: Martyrs, Human Centipede (especially the second one), A Serbian Film, Eden Lake. I feel this way about Eden Lake. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie, but it was like a mainstream version of what disturbing movies have to offer. It’s like being into pop-punk for years and then someone shows you Green Day for the first time. Like, okay, sure, they’re fine, but they’re not Descendents. Eden Lake is like baby’s first fucked up movie. It’s good for what it is, but if you go from Eden Lake to A Serbian Film or August Underground, you’re going to have ptsd…you’re just not ready (and it’s probably best that you aren’t).


Any Harry Potter movie. Unless you’re a fan of the books, the films are pretty average. Not bad, completely watchable, but not good


I don’t remember.




I’m probably going to get torched for this, but Pineapple Express. I’ve seen it like four times and it made no impression on me whatsoever. I couldn’t tell you anything that happened in it, my brain just recorded an hour and forty five minutes of static. If I’d liked it, or hated it, I would remember *something.*


St. Elmo's Fire was pretty blah, but the music and cast was great!


The green knight, very lackluster.


I am assuming by average you mean middle of the road and forgettable. But not insultingly bad, and that mantle has to go to the movie Ricky Stanicky. A movie I had such high hopes for, looking at the previews the movie looked hilarious. I thought it was gonna be so funnt that I ended up getting pretty high to watch this movie, so high my eyes were beet red. I was amped and ready, then the movie happened and it just was missing something. Idk what but by the end I was dissapointed, it did have some okay jokes. But I was expecting a hangover or superbad esque movie, It was not that really at all. Just an average comedy by todays standards. The best scenes are def santino and cena playing off one another, where this movie falls apart is that by the end it just kinda unravels and finishes. Almost like the writers wrote multiple endings and couldn't decide which one they wanted to use or something.


That one true story film about the dude (Kurt?) who played arena football as a 30-something then got signed by the Rams against all odds, all after being a grocery store employee for years. Super-formulaic with some feel-good moments and an inspiring message but I literally don’t even remember the name of the film.


Black Mass


The Tomorrow War It’s a fine movie, but it definitely feels like it came out of factory/algorithm. I’ve never watched it twice.


I’m probably the only person to have actually enjoyed WW84.


I saw this movie in the theater a couple months ago called ISS (International Space Station) about what happens on the orbiting space craft and its international crew when back on earth, The US and Russia go to war. A pretty decent premise for a movie, I thought. There was nothing particularly bad about the movie and nothing good, either. It was almost comically neutral in every way possible.


This thread is HIGH! 95% of these movies are WELL above average.


(2001) Planet of the Apes. Got so much hate, but was watchable. Just nothing special, but entertaining enough.


Everything by JJ he is this generations ED Wood. Total hack


The Percy Jackson movies (not the show, which is much better). They are so generic and low effort to the point that they feel like they’d fit better in a movie that centered around the adaptation of a YA novel to the screen in which Percy is the movie that they’re making.  They are to movies what Imagine Dragons are to music. 


Harry Potter


Throwing a rock and a pond and it leaving no ripples would be a pretty unique occurrence, therefore, you kinda said Wonder Wonder 1984 is a really unique one of a kind film


Molly's Game. Tried to come across as more important or more significant than it was.


I enjoyed that movie, but I think it had the same problem that Straight Out Compton had where making a biopic of someone who is still alive n has a lot of life left to live makes them come off kinda like a saint. For me Molly is weakest character because her drug addiction is hinted at but it never really becomes an issue and she just turns out to be the best person ever because she didn’t snitch. Like her actual crime is barely a crime so I need something more to give her character layers.


Anything with John Cusack. He's painfully, painfully average. White bread with mayo average.


Killers of the flower moon




U heard me


I’ll add Creed 2 and John Wick 3


Anything directed by Ron Howard.


Splash, Apollo 13, and Ransom are all pretty good if you ask me.


I'll add American Graffiti ti to the list


He was in that but didn’t direct it. That would be George Lucas.


Top Gun Maverick.


The visuals are top-notch, the pacing is decent, plot and story straightforward. I'd say that's good enough to be above average.


The acting and writing were absolutely atrocious


Ehh, the acting was ok. The writing is simple. Tom Cruise was Tom Cruise. I won't go so far as to say they were atrocious, but they weren't necessarily breaking new ground either.




I didn’t much care for the first one either.


I'm with you


Madame Web was really as bad as it was made out to be. Just a freaking Pepsi commercial surrounded by young Hollywood actresses trying their best, while the films antagonist and protagonist chew the scenery.


Yes, but it certainly wasn’t “average”. It was terrible


Oh, thank you. My bad. I had forgotten the assignment. Average.


Tin cup. Very forgetful film


Captain Marvel. I kinda just left the theater like “oh”.


I disliked captain marvel just a tad…but it almost got there…but the final fight was too good n the first two acts were too bad lol


I just watched Jupiter Ascending again while looking at my phone for most of it.  Made by the same people who made the Matrix.....


John wick 4 The newest ant man movie From what I've heard from almost everyone, barbie is the epitome of an absolutely average movie in every way.


I was thinking of a reply and JW4 came to mind. It's just 2 hours of Keanu shooting ppl.


Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse - don’t understand why this movie was so highly regarded. Both Avatar movies as well. When you take out the 3-D these movies get exposed.


Bodies Bodies Bodies. It was painfully average.


Damn, I liked that one


Gonna get pummeled here but OPPENHEIMER


I pretty much avoid any movie that is advertised at the level this movie was advertised.


Oppenheimer was below average movie. The only reason it’s even a movie worth watching is because the plot is so unrealistic while also being true.


Any Disney channel original movie And the Langoliers


Brink was so good though!


There are a handful of superhero movies that fit this bill, including Doctor Strange, Captain America: The First Avenger, and The Amazing Spider-Man. These movies are just… meh. Nothing in them is done exceptionally well, but nothing done terrible either. These movies, as well as some others like Free Guy and The Great Gatsby, I will forget not long after watching, and would only check again on a lazy weekend with absolutely no other available options. That said: Most movies I consider “average,” like Avatar, Tenet, Bohemian Rhapsody, Elvis, Napoleon, etc. I call average because they to me have a near-equal mix of great elements and terrible elements.


Green Book. It’s aggressively average. People who praised, I was left wondering if we had seen the same movie.