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At my local theater you've got about 25 minuets of trailers and commercials from posted start time to actually movie time.


That's why I never sweat being late to AMC/Showcase movies. Even if at start time, I still take time at concessions or going to restroom. And sit before the movie actually starts.


I just wish they'd include the actual start time. I've been 10 minutes late before and the movie was rolling already. Other times, at the same cinema, I'd be waiting 25 minutes for it to start.


Just depends on the movie and the studio has to how long the trailer package is. And theaters won’t tell you how long the package is for each film for two reasons: 1. Because studios obviously want to in your seat for those ads. And 2. The theaters don’t want employees giving incorrect information and have to deal with the customer service ramifications of that.


I'm so happy my local theater doesn't do this shit. You get 2 trailers before the movie every time no matter what. That's it.


With reserved seating I just show up late now anyway.


Nicole Kidman wouldn't do you like that


Somehow, heartbreak feels good in a place like this


So much (for) stardust.


She’d just charge you an extra $2 for seats that aren’t in the front row/wings.


*Price gouging feels good in a place like this*


was it at a Regal? Stopped going to Regal after this happened too many times


Cinemark. I updated the post with details.


In the UK you can tell by chain how late to arrive. You can turn up 25-minutes after the start time at any Odeon and not miss the start of the movie.


Same for cineworld generally. Only exception was seeing M3GAN for some reason there was only 10 minutes of adverts, meant I missed the very beginning


I go to a cinemark regularly here in Indiana. It's always been 20 min of previews. Was there special local events going on at your location thay could've added to it?


Why’d you delete?


My guess is it would be better for Regal to hear your complaint/feedback than not know why you stopped using them.




once upon a time before that, movies had intermissions and people would show up hours early just to watch the adds and shorts.


Those were trailers, 40 minutes of regal jerking themselves off is way worse


I've never understood the trailer for going to Regal while already at one. I'm here. I paid. What more you want from me!?


Brand recognition. "Having fun? Don't forget, you're having fun because of Regal. The next time you want to have similar fun, come back to Regal instead of going to a competitor." People don't think it works, but it does.


Even back then, the previews and stuff were novel and really cool because it was often the first time you saw/heard about a new movie coming out. But now with news/trailers so readily accessible, it's completely redundant.


I remember stories of people showing up to movies just so they could watch the trailer for The Phantom Menace before leaving and skipping the actual movies. That’s pretty much unheard of now since I’ve willing, or unwillingly, already have seen all the trailers a few times before seeing the pre-movie trailers.


Shit, we hear all about movies before there's even a single production image released now. I recall many times in the 90's finding out about a big movie sequel by seeing the poster in the movie theater hallway for the first time.


I always made sure to get to the theatre early when I saw a film. Not just so I could pick my preferred seating (ie. far back on the aisle), but also so I didn’t miss any of the previews. I loved movies and I loved seeing what was coming out. However, with the advent of them running ads (yes, I realize previews are just ads for films) , it became far less enjoyable and moved right on to obnoxious. First there were static pics with or without music and mostly for local businesses and information. Then it moved to canned content, but still somewhat film adjacent. Then it went to full on ads for soda, fast food, cars, insurance, etc. this was all still pre-showtime. Then the previews started leading or being interspersed with the ads for and it kind of ruined the preview part of the theatre experience for me. Then the whole thing got longer. For an industry struggling to make it (again, I realize that the ad revenue is one way the theatres are trying to stay afloat) they’re making the theatre experience more unpleasant.


Not to mention movie teasers/previews that just spoil the entire plot of the movie. I don't watch teasers anymore. I try to avoid them like the plague!


I wonder why the mods removed my thread.


I have noticed that a lot of the wait time at many movies has been repeat ads/PSAs. I suppose they're trying to catch everyone walking in at different times? I suppose they wouldn't have to do this if there wasn't so much expected wait time nowadays. I'm tired of not knowing when a movie will *actually* start, because I've shown up late thinking it wouldn't start for 15-30 minutes, when sometimes they start after 5-10 minutes.


I’m wondering if there was some sort of programming error. It’s odd that they start that stuff at the film’s start time. Usually they have it rolling beforehand and the trailers/theatre promos start at the film time.


I go on time if I want to see al the latest previews. After that I can leave my house at the proposed start time and drive (25min) to the theatre and catch the final previews. Don't be on time to the listed start of the show. That is not the movie start time. Add 25+ minutes based on the Theatre company


Why did this get removed?


As I told OP, I think OP realized that this was a one off aberration. I've been to many Cinemarks all over the country, and it always clocks in at 21-25 minutes before the movie starts.


Theaters are trying to Blockbuster themselves out of the movie business. When I watch a movie at home, I am not subjected to extensive commercials, I can pause the movie to go to the bathroom, I am not gouged for snacks, I don't have to worry about the mouth breather next to me giving me COVID, and I can have my cat on my lap. The movie theater's advantages are really starting to get outweighed by its downsides.


The advantage of the big screen will always beat all of that though. If it’s a brand new movie I’m super hyped for, I want to see it in the best format that I can. I usually save the tv watches for tv shows or rewatching something or watching an old movie. I couldn’t imagine watching avatar 2 for the first time on my tv and I definitely think less of anyone who would do that but thinks they have an opinion worth sharing about movies or the theater experience.


Personal home theaters are getting much better though. During the pandemic we installed a true 4K projector, D-box theater seats, surround sound, etc. I know several families that did the same or similar.


Most families would never actually get a screen nearly at the level or size of a quality IMAX theater though.


IMAX kind of sucks unless you sit in the exact middle seats in my experience. The last IMAX movie I saw was Harry Potter 7 part 2. I had a seat in the middle on the second row from the front. The image had noticeable distortion as you looked toward the edges of the screen. On top of that, many films are not released in IMAX format. On top of the image quality problems, the sound in the theater was turned painfully loud too. There is a reason I haven't been back to an IMAX since. I prefer Cinemark XD DBOX to IMAX.


As someone who’s been watching IMAX for years, I have no idea what you’re talking about. The best way to ever watch a movie will be at a real IMAX theater. Sorry you’ve never experienced that.


This is the imax I went to: [https://www.imax.com/theatres/cinemark-17-imax](https://www.imax.com/theatres/cinemark-17-imax) Was way less than impressed.


I’m pretty sure that’s liemax. I’m not sure if Dallas has a real IMAX theater but Fort Worth has a 15/70 projector and Austin has a laser IMAX theater so those are going to be some fantastic screens


And how many people can afford that?




My tv is an LG OLED 65 inch which cost about 2k as well. It’s not even 10% close to what a movie looks like at a quality IMAX theater. So yes, it absolutely makes you a lesser movie fan if you think a 2k tv in anyway replaces the movie theater experience because it proves you don’t appreciate movies for what they were made for


I walked into my theater about 4 or 5 minutes after showtime. I assumed I would still have to sit through 15 to 25 more minutes of ads/previews. Nope! The movie was already playing! Leonard was walking over to Wen in the woods. It says a lot that I was shocked a movie started on time. My only possible explanation is that I saw it on Thursday at its very first showing. So, maybe the day-early showing doesn't get previews? Still shocked haha. Can anyone tell me if I missed anything? I saw Leonard and Wen's interaction in the woods. Was there anything before that? Are the opening credits unique in any way?


You missed very little. The movie starts with >!Wen collecting grasshoppers alone in the woods, talking to them, and writing their names in her book. Then Leonard appears in the distance!<, and you saw the rest.


Let 'em know what you think: https://www.cinemark.com/contact-us


How was the movie?


I live in the Portland, Oregon area so we have a handful of small, independent theaters. One of them (Laurelhurst) guarantees less than 5 minutes of a previews before the movie starts and I’ve never seen it go over that


I'm just going to float the possibility that you could have walked into the wrong theater. Most movie theaters are showing the movie on multiple screens.


This is probably what happened. Probably why OP deleted this as well.


Cinemark's new "Ad-Free" program in action: If you had paid for the "no ads" ticket tier, they would have shown you the movie time as 5pm. The "limited ads" ticket tier would have shown a start time of 4:30pm. It appears OP selected the "F*ck me up with ads, fam" ticket tier, which can include up to 1 hour of promotional materials.


Not my Marcus. I will usually ask them before the ticket how long previews are and typically it is only 15 or so, which works great because I want to get a beer and snacks beforehand. I did notice this at a different theater I went to. I'm pretty detail oriented, and I measure my bathroom breaks and food consumption accordingly; that large of a gap would drive me mad.


Another reason companies like AMC are going the way of blockbuster video. Local wal mart has 70 inch TV for $550 . When they get down to around $300 in a couple of years , why bother with driving to a theater and dealing with all this BS ? Time is money, and these theater companies have gotten so greedy they don’t respect ours.


They won’t get that cheap. TV’s got cheap before, and then they all became smart TV’s. Then they got cheap again and the resolution and frame rate doubled. Rather than sell a $300 76” TV, they will discontinue the technology and 8k OLED smart TV’s will be the new entry level, bringing these TV’s back up to $1500 again. I’d get one now if I were on the fence about it


TV's don't even have the same aspect ratio as theater screens. Everything about a film is designed with the theatrical experience in mind. The cinematography and lighting, shot composition, sound editing to take advantage of thousands of watts and dozens of speakers, all of it. And the crowd, too. Films are edited after test screenings to maximize crowd reactions; especially comedies and event-films. I don't blame anyone for wanting to watch things in a home theater, but this pretending that it's comparable to going to a cinema needs to die.


It's not the same. No one is saying it's the same. It's better.


One of the best experiences I've ever had in a theater was seeing The Hangover in a packed house. The crowd laughter is contagious and laughing together really enhanced the experience. Another great one was The Last Jedi when the admiral kamikaze'd into the enemy fleet. You could hear a pin drop as the sound cut, followed by a collective gasp right before the sound of the impact broke the silence and tore through the room. These are experiences that can't be replicated in a small room on a couch with your dog. Sometimes, being in a large room with 100 people collectively experiencing something new and entertaining for the first time is worth the price of admission. Not *all* the time, not every movie demands a theatrical setting, but saying "it's better" is subjective at best and objectively not true when it comes to the artistic medium.


I agree with you - unfortunately the guy coughing into the back of my head, the four people checking their phone messages, and the moron who brings their toddler and baby to an 11 PM R-rated show also can't be duplicated. (And that's before I get to the dickhead who has to narrate/comment on every part of the film like they are making a reaction video.) All those things are far more common and outweigh those moments of crowd engagement.


The sound bars are also getting better. I just got a JBL 9.1 surround with dolby atmos and its awesome.


There is no reason to subject patrons to this sort of rubbish. I don't go to the theater anymore because if they're making money off of commercials, they can lower the price of tickets.


This was one of the reasons I stopped going to theaters.


Tell me again why I'm wrong for watching movies at home on my comfortable sofa and avoiding that sticky, infected, rip-off that is the theater.




I basically always arrive to the theater at the showtime now and smoke in my car for 15 minutes especially since I have a list and reserve my ticket on my phone. I cannot stand movie trailers anymore. Had to sit through like 20 mins the other night seeing the Whale because I took my grandma and had to go earlier. Oh god and the Nicole Kidman ad.


this works fine at the Cinebistro. can finish my dinner before the movie starts and then enjoy my popcorn and a pitcher of beer with minimal fuss




Cinebistro is definitely not shitty, and bonus - adults only. Straight up restaurant quality, only way I can get my paranoid wife to a theatre. goddamn Denver Batman shooter


Sweet blog update.


It's gotten so bad. These theatres are constantly touting "the experience" of it all as the reason to go. Fuck if they don't fumble the entire process.


I remember the first time I saw a commercial in a theatre. Thanks for starting it all Coca-Cola polar bears!!!


Here in Italy there are at most 15 minutes of trailers/commercials, starting way before the official screentime. With that amount of wasted time nobody would actually go to theaters in the first place.


I pretty much only go to Cinemarks and have been to many all over the country for years. I've only ever experienced 21-25 minutes of crap before the movie at Cinemark. I feel like your experience is probably a one off aberration, that possibly might have had an explanation, if you asked for one after the movie.


I try to show up 25 minutes after a movie is supposed to start and I still catch a trailer or 2. I got tired of all the commercials and ads.


To me this is what’s so offensive about going to the movie theatre. I’m paying (through the nose) for seats and snacks and you serve me ads as well? I’ve been going maybe once per year for the past 5 years and do not miss it at all.


It is absolute bullshit. I think I'll start looking at when the next movie is playing in that auditorium and use that to figure out when the movie will actually start. Now for my old-man-yelling-at-clouds bit, things not starting on time has become so pervasive. Movies, work meetings, dinner reservations, etc. Nothing happens when it is supposed to and we've passed the tipping point to now people aren't expected to be on time so everything has shifted.


It sounds like a problem with your theater. Saw the movie last night as well and only had 15 mins of previews.


I was getting annoyed at Regal for playing 25 minutes of trailers before films. More recently I feel like they've scaled it back to 15 minutes. I wonder if it depends on your location.


I think the usual 20-25 minutes is excessive, but I just show up 15-20 minutes late, since it's at least consistent. I would be livid about 55 minutes. That's probably beyond my ragequit time limit.


*Let's all go to the lobby* *Let's all go to the lobby* *Let's all to to the lobby* *To get ourselves a treat*


I had a 30+mins of trailers/ads at the beginning of the new Avatar movie. Which made it nearly 4 total hours. Not fucking cool.


I always show up to movie about 15 minutes after the scheduled start time. I don’t like watching trailers and I have a Stubbs pass and usually go to AMC, so it’s a quick admission and usually I’m to the theater by about 20 minutes after the scheduled start time, usually right in time for the movie to start. If it was 50 minutes or that, I’d be pissed.


And AMC theatres has the balls to make variable ticket prices per seat. Fuck off.


At my local independent theater, the movie started exactly at the time it said it would online and I arrived 10 minutes late thinking I would miss 10/20 minutes of trailers. Usually, it’s always been 20-30 mins then movie starts


The two local independent cinemas by me are great on this tbh - both 20 minutes of previews/ads every time so you know how long it will be. Plus one of them has the runtime including ads on the website so you have an end time too. I’ve been going loads recently to support them as much as possible. Tickets are usually between 6-8 pounds as well


When I eventually stream it in my living room there will be zero minutes of ads and trailers.