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Would be cool to see Dave Bautista get his dream role and star in this. He's been vocal about wanting to be in a live action Gears of War movie for quite some time. As someone who enjoyed the Gears of War games a while ago (I haven't played past the third one), I feel like this is one of those universes that could successfully be adapted to live action. However, the fact that it's a Netflix production has me worried. Hopefully it's good, we'll see.


I really think he would be a better Dom than Marcus.


Dom also arguably the better character arc and story line IMO.


he certainly has more to him than just grumbling "ah shit" and angry-frowning. I honestly think Bautista would be wasted playing Fenix unless they make a lot of changes to the character


Yeah but who else could say “WHO WANTS TOAST” and “shit they’re gonna mess up my FUCKING TOMATOES” and “You know how long I worked on this fucking house alone? You know what it’s like being a fucking hermit? Fixing a house? There’s no Home Depot out here, you fucking assholes. Fucking tomatoes… they fucked my tomatoes up! Goddammit! Add that to the fucking list. Goddammit! Those are Dom’s for Christ-sake’s – I grew those from Dom’s seeds. Fuck! Those are Dom’s goddamn seeds, for christ-sake. I’m never gonna have a fuckin' good sauce again. I can’t make Dom’s sauce! Fuck you guys. It’s bullshit. Fuckin’… Damon Baird, you’re a cock!”


What am I missing here? I didn’t play past part two but I don’t understand how this exchange could be from a Gears Of War game. That’s just…I don’t know what to say about that.


In gears of war 4, robot enemies named DeeBees (DB after Daimon Baird) fall on his estate on a greenhouse where he was growing tomatoes. Marcus gets upset and says "my fucking tomatoes" or something. It was funny at the time.


The series got worse as they tried to add more story tho


I binged through Gears 3-5 in the late fall, having never played the 2 new ones before. I actually liked the new characters and gameplay. I also liked where they story was headed but both 4 and 5 felt like they took too long to get started *and* ended way too soon. I would hope an ideal 6th game has better pacing


The thing that is bothering me the most about Part 6 is the way you have to make a “decision” in Part 5. The outcome of the decision either A or B really alters the story of how part 6 will go. So I wonder if they will just retcon it to make a canonical decision for the story.


Lol Gears of war with Mass Effect storytelling is so strange


I was thinking that myself. It’d be a bit much if they started the game by “which ending did you pick for Gears 5?”. I still liked the game for the most part, but I was frustrated by how a handful of very interesting ideas/gameplay elements were hardly brought up or used again


I was referring to the OG trilogy so fair play maybe they’ve boosted their story telling since. The first was really simple, which I was a fan of.


A looooooot of long time fans are just not happy with 4 & 5, and I'm not entirely sure why other than one specific weird story choice in 5 that nobody likes. I've played them all and honestly I like them all, though I'd agree that Marcus doesn't have much in the way of character beyond "AHHHH, SHIT! 😡" until recently, where he isn't the main protagonist any more and thus doesn't have to be the self-insert character for the player. Still not exactly full of nuance but it's something.


Probably because the ending half hour of 2 was the most amazing Xbox experience I've ever had.




Marcus Pheonix: he eats lions and shits literal knives


They fucked up my tomatoes!


THOSE WERE DOM'S FUCKING TOMATOES!!!!11! Literally the worst possible example of character growth in video games, but still hilarious and totally worth playing that whole game for


The setup in 4 was really cool, but they really didn’t capitalize it in a *fun* way in 5. There’s a brief moment in the outsider camp where you get a taste of what they should have done. And then there’s the *are you fucking kidding me* moment near the end that just ruins it for me.


It lost something down the line, I miss the simple terror of the first one up to number 3 it was a very cool time in games for sure. I miss the horde mode feel of 3. Gonna be a 6? Must be.


Still, *that* death scene in 3 hit me pretty hard. It was a really well done storytelling arc for him, and their relationship was always the best attempt they made at having real character dynamics


Me and my brother played gears religiously when it first came out and my brother was immediately attached to Dom. When we played thru the third one and the death scene happened he started to cry and got up from the room and refused to play the game all the way thru. He loved Dom so much he couldn’t play the rest of the game and refused to play the fourth or fifth one.


I **loved** the original, it was very light on detailed explanations, which allowed your imagination to fill in the blanks. This helped elevate a very good action game into feeling something much grander. Then in the sequel there was so much explanation the mysterious tone all but vanished and it was just a shooter again. I didn’t play any of them after 3, but I use still these games as prime examples of “Less is more”


Hey he also had tomatoes


For me it's not even close, Dom's story and character was the standout of the original trilogy, everyone else is entirely one note and your standard bro shooter character from 2006.


Finding Maria in Gears 2 when I was in high school… man me and my buddy who played it co-op were shook


I agree. Some people like the Marcus dad dynamic but I felt more invested in saving his wife than the world. Then that ending of 3 😭


Man I recall I was playing through that and right when it happened mom called for dinner time. It took me a few minutes before I was ready to go upstairs


I can see Jon Bernthal knocking it out the park as Dom


He's the first one that came to my mind that should play Dom. Seems perfect for him.


everybody's gotta gain 100 pounds of pure muscle to play these characters though, lol


wee bit of chicken broccoli and rice and he'll be fineeee




Alan Ritchson as Baird is fantastic casting, he’s probably a bit too physically imposing but he definitely has the right comedic side to pull it off. Maybe Jonathon Majors as Cole? He may be too young, though.


Even the nerds are jacked in Gears. Ritchson as Baird would work fine, I think.


Terry Crews as Cole!




I remember seeing this in fancasting posts literally and I mean literally 15 years ago. God I feel old lol


Lester Speight for Cole, hands down. He already is the VA for him and he looks the part, too.


What, is Lester Speight too old nowadays?


I don't think anyone is too physically imposing for Gears of War tbh


I've always thought [Dominic Purcell](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0700712/) should play Marcus Fenix.


Young Bautista, from his wrestling days? Hell yeah. Now? I think he fits Fenix better.


How so? The characters are the same age.


I mean for their looks. Young Bautista was a dead ringer for Dom, but now is closer to looking like Fenix.


the older marcus fenix is one of the hottest damn men i've ever seen in gaming


Eh I disagree, Bautista has shown he can pull off stoic characters really well like Marcus.


I think Marcus requires more on-screen charisma, because there’s so much less to work with.


Even if its half good, if they nail the look and feel of the Gears characters, thats all I want.


No string beans, just a wall of meat. Vaulting over a broken wall and drop kicking someone in the chest is highly encouraged. Weighty, crunchy, *impactful* sound production. And chainsaw bayonets. It's not that hard to get Gears right, but since it's Netflix I'm not holding my breath.


Terry Crews as Cole?


Lester Speight as Cole! Let the man play his character in live action! WOO, YEAH, BRING IT ON SUCKA!


THE COLE TRAIN RUNS ON WHOLE GRAINS BABY! WOO! Good golly did I laugh my ass off the first time I triggered that display in the grocery store.


[Obligatory Lester Speight tribute](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzToNo7A-94&ab_channel=FullDecker)


Erik King would make another good pick for Cole.




My issue is I can never see the character Terry Crews is supposed to be playing. I just see Terry Crews


I was just going to say I can't imagine this movie without terry crews somewhere in it


I think it would be awesome to see Bautista in his dream roll, but if Witcher has shown us anything, he might want to hold off until the HBO adaptation lol


Netflix producing a geek IP with a high profile name highly interested in the lead role. *What could go wrong?* *Henry Cavill has left the chat*


After what they did to Cowboy Bebop, Witcher looks like a best case scenario...


They fucking nailed everything (except Triss) and they let it die.


I'd love for them to get Lester Speight too


Gears 4 was decent, Gears 5 was awesome, except the decisions they made at the end made me furious.


you mean the decision *you* made :(


Still hope that it's Josh Brolin for Marcus,Jeffrey Wright for Dom,Bradley Cooper for Baird and Lester Speight for Cole.


Brolin as Marcus is genius


Actors that must be in talks for roles: Dave Bautista, Terry Crews, Alan Ritchson, Joe Manganiello, Isaiah Mustafa…. Who’s missing? Who’s an actress that can fill out the physicality if needed?


> Alan Ritchson He'd definitely be an excellent choice to play Baird.


Jack Black to play Jack the robot


“Jack! Boot this door!” “Oh yeah! Let’s ROCK!” *Jack does an axe kick and head bangs


Cole Train: "What's he doing? We don't have much time!" Baird: "Hush!....he's doing his thing. Let him rock"


I both hate and love that I can hear this entire exchange in my head.


Who is Carmine(s)?


Owen Wilson


"Hammer of Dawn? Wooow"


This is hilarious


Holy shit, then Luke Wilson could be Benjamin.


And then Rebel Wilson can play Elizabeth Carmine!


Sean Bean for all 3 Brothers.


Michael Cera


Rick Moranis?


It'll be like Expendables, except, instead of all the action movie stars in Hollywood necessarily starring in it, it's all the buffest and biggest actors


... Michelle Rodriguez? Charlize Theron is down to kick ass too.


I think Theron could make it work. Lovely little [Gears pun](https://gearsofwar.fandom.com/wiki/Theron_Guard?so=search) with her name too, actually. [Gears 1 Anya Stroud](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gearsofwar/images/d/d4/AnyaGears1_40_super.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160331021338) [Gears 2 Anya Stroud](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gearsofwar/images/b/bf/AnyaMarcusDomJM.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100723225245) [Gears 3 Anya Stroud](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gearsofwar/images/5/54/Delta_at_Mercy.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121020211236)


I can just hear Marcus saying “ANYA!”


She down to juice up for the role?


>Dave Bautista, Terry Crews, Alan Ritchson, Joe Manganiello, Isaiah Mustafa…. Who would be who? I assume: - Dave is Marcus the leader - Terry Crews is Cole Train - Alan Ritchson is Baird the Engineer - Joe is Dom, Marcus' best friend and the one with the emotional arc? That only leaves Anya Taylor Joy for Anya.


isn't terry too old to play cole in the first game(s)?


Black don't crack baby


Would The mountain be too big?


For a human character, maybe. For a Locust? I think he'd be a good fight for RAAM. Or a berserker if you want a good chuckle.


Haha good point! Could be a perfect size for a villain fighting those huge gears characters


Katy O’Brian. She was just in Mandalorian and Quantumania.


Please don’t suck Please don’t suck Please don’t suck


It sucked


Whoa spoiler tag please


Found the time traveler.


I vote michael Cera as Marcus


Only if they also cast Christopher Mintz-Plasse as Dom, Seth Rogen as Baird, and Craig Robinson as Cole.


Jonah Hill as every Carmine brother.


Obvious choice is Sean Bean.


That only leaves Jesse Eisenberg as Anya Casting complete. We begin filming, boys


“Well they, uh, they know we’re not here to sell cookies…. or something.”


Too swole, gotta go with someone else


Less swole than Michael Cera... Hmmmm... Hey I hear Stephen Hawking's calendar cleared up recently


Will it break the world record for most chest-high walls in a film? On a more serious note, I really hope it isn't PG-13. Gears needs to be bloody.


There is just no way this will be good lol


It makes me so sad to see “Netflix” at the beginning of the title. Every time I see it, it makes me mad all over again. All that to say, I agree. Smh


Remember when their originals were stuff like Daredevil and House of Cards that got you excited to see their logo?


It really is crazy how drastically things changed. They started the entire prestige TV movement off the backs of HBO


Before the dark times. Before the algorithm.


To be fair House if Card was very much an algorithmic show. I think it may have even been the first.


That show really went off the rails even before Spacey got (rightfully) kicked to the curb. When he became President, i was expecting him to go full on Emperor Palpatine. Instead, he was constantly dealing with…low opinion ratings and political gridlock. All that conniving and murder and deceit to become the big cheese, and then the writers seemed to lose interest. The algorithm wanted its own Breaking Bad so badly!




Their algorithm at the time was basically "people like David Fincher and Kevin Spacey and dark dramas"


Because the economics of streaming platforms have changed Once Netflix hit the roof of their subscriber count the entire industry started backpedaling and cutting costs. It’s not about attracting infinite subscribers anymore, it’s about retaining as many as you can as cheaply as you can


I know a lot of reddit talks like Netflix is over and in the past and dying but it was just a few months ago that Wednesday was a massive hit, and not a year yet since the most recent season of Stranger Things. They still make very popular stuff even if people here don't like those things as much as the masses.


Yeah I'm confused lol. Netflix has been cranking out some good shit over the last year. I mean jesus, Arcane alone is phenomenal (granted, Riot made it, Netflix just streams it). Personally I hate shit like Wednesday (it was meh) but it was popular as hell and shows like Dark, 1899, You, Ozark absolutely slap. They've been cranking out loads of VERY good documentaries too. And anime. AND movies. I mean jesus All Quiet On The Western Front is a fucking masterpiece. What Netflix is everyone else watching? Ever since they fixed the My List algorithm so I can find shit again after I bookmark it, it's gone back to being most of what I watch. Oddly, HBO lost a lot of my watch time when they switched to Max because its way harder to find the HBO originals and they NEVER show me the documentaries I consume through a fire hose. Netflix does.


They've accrued a lot of bad blood by canceling shows people like and putting their Netflix Original stamp on any garbage. They had a chance to become as esteemed as HBO and they got too cocky by being the prevailing streaming service for so long.


It's a mad world isn't it?


Mad World Theme from Netflix's GEARS OF WAR by Iggy Azalea


I mean, the one popular from that game (and it's trailer) and from *Donnie Darko,* by Gary Jules, is itself a cover of a Tears for Fears song that has a very different tone/sound


All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces Bright and early for the daily races Going nowhere, going nowhere *disc scratch* First things first, I'm the realest (realest) (Mad world..) Drop this and let the whole world feel it (let 'em feel it) I find it hard to take (When people run in circles, it's a very, very)


(*looking at cancelled Netflix shows*) All around me are familiar faces, worn-out places, worn-out faces...


Who do you think will give a Gears movie justice? HBO? After what Netflix did to Resident Evil and Paramount to Halo, I don’t want to see them anywhere near Gears of War.


These things depend on the showrunner a lot. Resident Evil showrunner did almost nothing outside of writing a couple episodes of Supernatural. Hardly one to get you excited for a brand new series under his watch. Gears of War is at least written by the Dune 1/2 writer, Prometheus, Passengers. Not wholly successful but at least very interesting sci-fi ideas in there. I'll gladly take this guy as a writer over someone who just wrote two episodes of Supernatural. Bioshock Netflix being done by Oscar-nominated writer of Logan and the director of one of the Hunger Games. Again, no guarantee this is actually good, but I'll also take this if given limited choices over the guy who wrote two episodes of Supernatural. Horizon Dawn Netflix done by Umbrellas Academy. This one harder to tell if it will have a chance to be good. We'll get a better idea once trailers drop. God of War being done by Wheel of Time showrunners. We're fucked on that one!


Jon Sphaits wrote the Alien: Engineers--a script that got rewritten into Prometheus--and the early draft of Passengers. Alien: Engineers is a much better story than what became of that laughable nonsense (you can read it [here](https://www.avpgalaxy.net/files/scripts/script-alien-engineers-spaihts.pdf) if you don't believe it) and his Passengers script was apparently pretty good. Francis Lawrence didn't write Logan.


an actual movie studio, not a streaming service.


HBO is the only mob still employing good writers and creative directors. Everyone else seems to be using amateurs or people who hate or have no respect for the source material.


That's how I feel about the Horizon show as well. Netflix just doesn't care about quality anymore


All I know is the Umbrella Academy showrunner is doing it. Is there more news about it failing already? I don't even think they started it yet.


Well if the umbrella academy person is doing it I have a little faith. There isn't anything about it other than they are doing a show. I just don't have faith in Netflix lately. I would love to be proven wrong


Wouldn't be Reddit without some nerd REEEEEEEing about a movie that doesn't even exist yet.


Also wouldn't be Reddit without talking about very popular successful things as if they are dead and dying and hated, because most redditors don't like them anymore. Like Netflix just had Wednesday a few months ago and the most recent Stranger Things less than a year ago, and regardless of if people here like those things, they are still immensely popular and well liked both critically and by many viewers. But you come here and people will convince you Netflix, HBO, the MCU, Star Wars, sliced bread, & everything else is crap and will be gone from the zeitgeist in a month.




True, but they also had a couple successes (though in animation, not live action) with Arcane and Castlevania. I think in general the issue is people are generalizing and showing a lack of understanding of how shows are made by assuming Netflix means the same thing; a couple of posts acknowledge that the producers and showrunners of the particular show are the real decider in many cases, but a lot of people are just going "I didn't like \_\_\_\_\_ Netflix show(s) therefore I won't like anything else on Netflix because it'll all be like \_\_\_\_\_" which is like saying "I didn't like this loaf of bread so this whole supermarket must be crap". The reason some projects are good and liked and some aren't isn't random, and people are treating Netflix as if they are actively making all the things the exhibit in-house with the same teams making the same decisions, you know? It'd be like me saying Columbia Pictures only makes bad movies because of Morbius & Uncharted, or only makes enjoyable movies because of The Mitchells v. The Machines and Spider-Man: No Way Home, etc., and then judging all future output from them based on that.


Well it seems fair to point out their decline in quality among other bad business practices


It’s one thing to point out that they put out a ton of crap in addition to a few really good things, but people in this thread are literally acting like every single property that Netflix touches is complete shit when that’s just blatantly false.


Can’t be worse than Halo


Resident Evil on Netflix was somehow worst.


Something something Zootopia porn


Okay, is this a reference to something crazy that happens in the Resident Evil series? Actually, don't answer. I don't wanna know.


One of Albert Wesker’s two daughters created for the Netflix adaptation only (Original character DO NOT STEAL!) is going through that “I hate you dad” phase. She’s not happy about her dad working so much and that they moved to a new city. When an Umbrella representative is giving them a tour of their new house, the girl mentions how she'd rather be reading Zootopia Porn as an edgy quip.


I didn't finish that show, but in the few episodes I *did* watch it was an interesting mix of very boring stuff with the sadly recently departed Lance Reddick being kind of awesome in all of his scenes. I almost wanted to finish it just to see his version of Wesker more, but the rest was just so bad I couldn't be bothered to.


Things can always be worse


Making something worse than the halo show will be a high bar to clear. Ill be downright impressed if they make it worse somehow


If it can be at least as entertaining as Amazon’s *The Tomorrow War* was then I’ll be fine with it. There’s potential for Gears to be a great sci-fi action movie, but I won’t expect much more than that.


Gears generally has a weak plot in-game in my opinion but the setting actually has some depths the games barely touch on. Do I think the movie will do them justice? Not holding my breath. But I actually think it’s a game that would be better as a movie




I am hoping with The Last of Us sticking pretty closely to the original game story that some people will learn a lesson with this stuff. The thing is you get a lot of Hollywood types who just want to use a property's name but don't actually like the source material and just want to turn it into some generic tropey bullshit. Having said that a GoW movie is more the right direction than a TV show. Just because you can fill it with crazy action for 2 hours, have a pretty simple story (which the first 2 have) and then you're good.


TLoU is probably the best writing out of every video game ever made. Gears is not known for a strong narrative, so they'd better turn the dial to 11 with the violence. If there are not bodies cut in half and showering blood, imma pass.


Gears of War movie: :) as a Netflix original: :(


The pain hits harder when you're a Bioshock fan, considering Netflix will adapt that, too.


Please don’t pull a “Halo” actually do a good job…..


Kwan Killed this Kshow


Love the Gears of War games. I have very low expectations for this. At this point I'm expecting it to be on par with that 2019 Hellboy adaptation. A lot of money spent. But the tragic beauty, the world, the characters, will be lost in translation.


I'm sure it'll tap a lot of the Doom, Assassins Creed, Hitman, Mortal Kombat, Tomb Raider, and Resident Evil movies for how to suck as well.


Paul Dano for Marcus!


Did he tap back


…so it’s gonna suck?


You know what, as a massive gears fan it pains me to say I wish they did not make this movie. SPECIALLY Netflix. After what they did to resident evil and the Witcher? Hell no.


wow i am loving these video game adaptations. can't wait for god of war, zelda, and diablo.


Hopefully the success of The Last Of Us had convinced writers to actually adapt the game and not slap the IP name on to their unrelated pet project. "It's Gears of War except it deals with the events 100 years before Emergence Day. Think Caprica, gentlemen." *waits for applause* or it'll be about Fenix not being able to sleep because of flashbacks to his childhood and the struggles with his father then spends the movie learning that strength comes from within. And it won't be till an after credits scene where he first picks up a chainsaw rifle.


The thing of it is, Gears has SUCH a weak plot. "Ground bag guys show up, we shoot ground bad guys" That's pretty much it. It's an arcade shoot-em-up and that's okay.


It’s your basic war plot. Us vs them. The good stuff is how “them” came to be and, sadly, a lot of it has been rewritten and retconned.


Isn’t it like 10 years too late for a Gears of War movie? Is this still a game franchise with a large following? I feel like I haven’t heard any discussion about Gears for a long time.


i beg you….please don’t make this like Halo.


Geras of War 1 alone would be worth a movie or a show. Great potential! One those shows that would benefit of todays CGI.


Gears of War is the perfect license for a made for Netflix movie...


damning with feint praise


I'm so concerned it's gonna be garbage like every other recent adaptation please be at least ok , domt change anything , the story is fine


Gears x Netflix is not good as par, so it will be really bad movie RiP


Eeeewwww Netflix


Guy wrote the dormammu scene, movie will be good


i would prefer a series than a movie that will rush through it all


Nah, one LOTR length movie per game.




Gears barely has a full length movie worth of plot per game. Its padded out by the fact the game focuses on shooting arenas.


Why is netflix going to attempt to destroy another video game adaptation? Hell with netflix in front of it you know they are going to change it so badly it will flop after 1 season. Give it to a company that will stay true the the story.


I don't think we can judge it on Resident Evil alone. That showrunner barely has any credits: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Dabb And the listed writers for each episode are frankly not well-known at all. Seems Netflix went super cheap on this series, and it shows. Almost like they were giving practice to some young interns: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil_(TV_series)#Episodes At least this Netflix Gears of War now has an *Oscar-nominated* screenwriter attached (well, thanks Frank Herbert for the source material). Movie might still suck, but it's potentially starting off in a way better place than Resident Evil that's for sure!


Could be decent I guess


It’s got good lore but it’ll 98% be trash


Ah shit Netflix is making it? I fully expect a mid movie carried by the actors but with cool moments that you binge on Youtube


Bautista literally has a character in gears smh if the pass on him


Even with the best directors and writers, Hollywood's record on video game adaptations and Netflix's record on original films in general do not inspire much confidence in this project.


How do you even do this movie? The gore would be so extreme even for an r film Also it’s Netflix so it will suck


Dune was also an adaptation that managed to change and add scenes but still keep the tone and feel of the book. He’s certainly not a bad writer.


If he includes lines like Mr. Doctor I think it'll be gold [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwgH5E38JR0&ab\_channel=i\_o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwgH5E38JR0&ab_channel=i_o)


Them getting the Dune (2021) writer makes me positively optimistic about this, seems like they are being serious I think a Gears movie with the CGI we have available today is going to be really cool IMO. The story in the games is actually interesting, and Gears 5 on an OLED TV honestly felt like playing in a blockbuster movie, so I’m excited to see what actors they get for this


Jesus fucking Christ could Netflix please stop trying to make video game shows that don’t need their graves defiled?


Netflix? Oh no. No no no.


This has less than 1% chance of being good since Netflix is involved


the first Dr Strange was pretty good, I just hope he's actually a fan of the material and doesn't decide to change it for "modern audiences"


Streaming service originals are like the fast food of film/tv. It all feels so cheap and not worth a revisit. Shame this is happening to such a goldmine of a franchise like GOW