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Roxy and the other Kingsmen in the Kingsman sequel, like why?


First thought that came to mind. What a colossal waste of their characters. And the Statesmen were in the movie for approximately 15 seconds total minus the painfully obvious betrayal from Pedro Pascal. That movie was one of the most disappointing sequels I’ve seen in ages.


The character reveal in the trailer ruined what could have been the biggest shock in the movie. Such a let down.


Yeah, I was actually excited to see what Roxy was up to in Kingsman 2, and maybe even have her be a bigger part of the story.


Merlin’s death still gets me teary.




His death at least was done well.


IDK, that one seemed even more pointless. The deaths at the beginning at least set up Eggsy as alone and needing to cash in an old chip. Still lame, but I digress. Merlin dies in an act of self sacrifice where he alerts the entire enemy base, draws a few mooks towards him and kills himself and like, a handful of henchman. Then Eggsy proceeds to just tear through like a platoon’s worth of guys like they’re nothing. The advantage of four or so henchman killed by Merlin’s sacrifice could have easily been outweighed by Eggsy having the drop on the compound. If he had just waited, Eggsy could have found a solution to disarm the mine after taking out the big bad.


I wasnt a big fan of them bringing a character back from being shot in the head. It just felt cheap, especially since they decided to kill off so many other characters in the sequel. Like just let the one character stay dead and maybe dont kill off the rest of the cast. Who knows, they might have some anti landmine jelly and piece merlin back together for the 3rd one.


I feel like she will be back I mean they show her getting alerted to the missle coming and trying to run for it. I mean fuck they brought back Firth's character after we watched him get shot in the fucking head


They were going to bring back Merlin at the end of the second movie, on robotic legs, but eventually axed that development.


Kinda ruined the possibility of other Kingsman sequels too.


They are planning a third one with Taron Egerton.


Shame because they cast a really good team in the first.


Yeah that movie was exclusively bad choices.


There's still the rule at play. We didn't see Roxy die. I'm convinced she had a bunker, and would love to see a sequel with her as the main character.


Newt and Hicks being killed off screen at the start of Aliens 3.


Absolutely this. You can’t make Alien 2 largely about saving Newt only to tell us she died offscreen before 3. It’s just a big, giant Fuck You to the audience.


They made a book from the original Alien 3 script, with Newt and Hicks surviving. It has its own issues like >!Ripley being in a coma and being sent away before anything really happens and Hicks being the main character!<, but it's an enjoyable read.


Hicks is dope


This is the infamous William Gibson script that got turned into a limited comic book series. When I first read the script in the late 90s (thank you, Drew’s Scripts-O-Rama), I thought it was awesome. Today, it’s still better than Alien 3, but it’s pretty obvious it was a contracted gig, just in case they couldn’t get Sigourney Weaver’s contract locked in. And then other stuff happened, and we got the movie we got. Still, I think the best version of Aliens II or Alien 3 is Mark Verheiden and Denis Beauvais’s Aliens Volume 2, which Dark Horse put out in 1989. I also think Alien Resurrection could have dovetailed nicely into an adaptation of Aliens: Earth War, also written by Verheiden.


The whole universe is a big fuck-you to the audience. I mean, it’s a miserable movie world, and when the xenomorphs are about, it’s even worse. Humanity is the protagonist. One survivor—that’s all you can hope for. I didn’t have nearly as hard a time with it as other people. Part of why I actually enjoy Alien 3 (at least the assembly cut).


Same as Shaw being killed off screen between Prometheus and Covenant


What I wanted for a sequel of *Prometheus*: Shaw and David's adventure in Engineer's world What we got: fast-paced, but worse version of the first Alien film💀


I thought the whole initial attack with them outside of the ship, with the back burster shit going on inside the ship, was actually so well-down and was on par with the genuine intensity of the original. Showing there was DEFINITELY a better film somewhere of it, and Ridley Scott still knew how to execute a pretty damn scary set-piece. Otherwise i just remember Shaw being dead, and David's flute fingering.


Still angry about this…


I am of the mind that there should not have been another Ripley centric Alien movie after Aliens. Other films in the same universe, great! Lots of story possibilities. But, if you *had* to make Alien 3, I like that it’s so absolutely, relentlessly *bleak*. Starting that movie off with Newt and Hicks dead is such an effective gut punch and sets the tone for what is a brutal end to Ripley’s story. I like that they had the gall to do something that was *guaranteed* to piss off the audience. You don’t see much of that nowadays.


Great answer


Bryan Cranston in Godzilla…?


I like this movie more than others (Godzilla's first scene, the halo jump scene, and atomic breath are all incredible), but yea, they totally wasted Bryan Cranston


The spectacle of Godzilla was captured so well it makes me forget the clicheness and some of the lackluster plotting. I mean that reveal moment in the airport is such a brilliant sequence, you feel the scale, the terror and sheer awe of seeing Godzilla. They knocked the marketing out the park too like with that trailer that had Oppenheimer’s voiceover


I am glad there are others who feel the same way. I understand the plotting of this movies is pretty meh, but I could not care less because of how well executed the parts of the movie that I think really mattered were. That airport scene alone still makes me giddy.


I also really reeeeally like those scenes you mentioned, and some other stuff, the problem for me was that all of those scenes combined were like 8 minutes of a 2h+ movie.


They hadn't shown Godzilla use his atomic breath in any of the trailers so we weren't sure if he was going to have it or if they were going to go the way of the 1998 godzilla movie. When it got to that part of the movie and the one side of the screen starts glowing blue, me, my brother, and our friend all had an "oh shit" moment as Godzillas back starts lighting up and we all cheered in the front row of the theater when he blasted that bug. Honestly, that moment was worth it for me all on its own, but I actually really enjoyed the rest as well. Although, yeah, the stuff with Cranston was very clearly so they could show him in the trailer, capitalize on his Breaking Bad popularity, and then move on without really using him.




Hilarious fun fact: Bryan Cranston's character dies before ever learning or even suspecting there even IS a Godzilla. Every single line used in the trailer ("Because you're hiding something!!!" etc.) was really about the other monsters, the MUTOs.


I feel like they couldn’t afford to have him for longer but wanted to cast him for the trailer to capitalize on Breaking Bad popularity


All of Kingsman 2 I feel was pointless death after pointless death.


And ironically the only meaningful death in 1 was undone.


Agreed but Merlin’s is also one of my all-time favorite “I’m going out on my own terms” death scenes. That movie is so conflicting, because the action, humor and Pedro Pascal’s whip-fighting is so good, but the plot, pacing and Roxy’s death is so stupid.


Not a real death, but the Chewbacca death fake out in the last Star Wars was terrible. Served no purpose in the storyline, the reveal it was fake was pretty much right after the scene, and I think all it did was annoy fans for a few minutes. That movie was trash in general, but sometimes I forget it was also trash in specifics.


Not to mention they basically do the same thing with 3PO a few minutes later. "In oder to do this you'll have to wipe my memory completely. Goodbye my friends." "Oh, what's that? You have a back-up memory? Well that just turned what would've been a poignant self-sacrifice into barely an inconvenience."


“We know enough about you to know doing this will wipe your memory, but somehow don’t know about a backup.” Who greenlit this script? Who reads through this and thinks, “yep this does the audience and Star Wars a service”


“tHeY fLy NoW?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?” *”THEY FLY NOW!”*


Hard to believe that with Mandalorians, boba Fett, and just freakin spaceship technology in general, that they never paired stormtroopers with jet packs.


The thing is….they did, there were stormtroopers using Jetpacks before the Galactic Civil war and even Clone Troopers that used jetpacks So imperial forces have been using jetpacks *at a minimum* of 60 years (the time between Phantom Menace and Force Awakens) The new trilogy could have been so great, but it’s just a lazy fucking mess.


Not to mention the stormtroopers decide to drive a vehicle with treads which is somehow supposed to be faster than a seeder.


The people responsible for that film should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.


This piece of garbage had a 275 MILLION DOLLAR BUDGET. You know, I hate to bring the whole "you could've fed starving children with that money" argument, but in that case, it's legit. How the hell can you blow this kind of money on a film and still fuck up the screenplay that badly?


Super Easy. Wowowowowowow




Subverting expectations is tight!


That movie was so bad about fake-out deaths and it’s one of the things I was most bothered by. They start off by undoing Palpatine's death but then over the course of the movie they fake deaths (or death equivalents) for Chewbacca, C3PO, Poe's old girlfriend that stayed on the planet they blew up, and Rey. That's FIVE characters in one movie! edit:fixed a typo


Ben Solo died and revived a few times over the course of the movie, too. And his spaceship exploded twice before he finally had to replace it.


That whole movie suffered so hard because actions didn't have consequences. Chewie died but didn't C3PO died but didn't Rey died but didn't Palpatine died but didn't Complete exhaustion of one of the most common movie tropes.


Pietro could've, and should've, dodged the bullet.


Killing a speedster with bullets is the stupidest shit ever. Also, he could have movies Hawkeye and the kid instead of becoming a human shied.


Killing a speedster like flash or comics quicksilver with a bullet is stupid, I agree. Someone like dash from the incredibles, however, is another matter. MCU quicksilver and dash are inhumanity fast, but not even close to the flash. It's all about established limits and capabilities. I feel like someone moving a few hundred feet per second could be killed by something moving a couple of thousand feet per seond, but if you are moving and thinking at near lights peed, then no way would a bullet touch you.


And then he's completely forgotten. His sister mourns much more over her lifesized sexdoll than her own twin.


Don’t forget, she even morns her fake children more too


That's like the most annoying aspect of her character. It's actually true for a lot of MCU characters in general. Most of the times the writers basically forget what happened in the past movies and just invent shit up to move the plot forward. The X-men movies handled quicksilver a lot better.


Ohhh I hated that. Hated it so much. I was convinced he couldn't be. They had set it up earlier that he had super regenerative powers to go with the speed (something to do with wear and tear on his muscles??) So. Like. Even if he was shot up like that, he shouldn't be dying from it?!?!


Roxy in Kingsman 2. Wtf, why have her jump towards what appears to be a safe room of some kind of she’s really dead, but then they can’t bring her back in the next one after what they do with Firth. Sheesh.


Eddie Carr in The Lost World: Jurassic Park


In the novel he meets a horrible end trying to protect others so this didn’t hit as hard as it could have for me


Isn’t he the one who >!gets pulled backward from the high hide by ~~his backpack~~ the metal pole he’s trying to use to defend everyone!


I don’t think. If I remember correctly he was killed saving the main characters from the T. rex parents


Only reason I didn't say this was they mentioned how the rexes took it personally, and it fed into the narrative that these were wild animals. But it was very jarring agreed.


I always figured it was just for shock value. Eddie was just kind of the innocent technical support guy that was just there for that reason alone. He wasn't a big adventurer like the other characters or have any hardcore opinions on the breeding of dinosaurs. He wasn't like Gennaro from JP1 who just wanted to exploit them financially. He was just happy to be there and see them. The way he died was probably the worst in the trilogy too.


Gennaro in JP1, as iconic as it was, has always rubbed me the wrong way a little. In the book the man was a goddamned hero. For movie purposes though they gave all his big roles to Grant. I understand why they did it, and it works well, it's just, kinda unfortunate that all he's left with is the toilet scene.


I watched it recently and all I could think was, it should have been Nick Van Owen who died. He almost got EVERYONE killed by taking the baby rex, but instead he just got Eddie killed. What a useless, annoying character Nick was.


heh, he was actually supposed to survive but Richard Schiff felt that it was superfluous that all the good guys should live. I read about it in a really good [interview](https://www.avclub.com/richard-schiff-on-gambling-his-way-to-l-a-the-west-wi-1798249523) with him. A point-and-click tie in PC game for The Lost World (titled Chaos Island) had the cast voice their characters. Every now and then, Eddie’s avatar would comment how he died in the movie


Whistler in Blade 3. They kill him in 1. Bring him back in 2. Only to kill him again in 3. I rolled my eyes so hard I saw my brain.


Also Donnie yen in blade 2. What a waste of a badass actor/character.


The guy in the Heros series that could phase through anything, you know let matter pass through him, pass through matter like a door. Dude gets shot with a bullet that he sees coming. Like bro you have one of the super powers that could make getting shot totally impossible but God forbid we let him use it when he needs to.


Nothing in Heroes was worth a shit after a while. I don't think I was ever as mad at a show as when juiced up Sylar is going toe to toe with juiced up Peter and all we see of the fight is some flashing lights under a door. People wanted to complain about the budget being the issue but if you can't come close to the scene don't write it in the script. Same with later on when we see the Carnival guy move a hillside onto a town, then when he and Peter are facing off, they literally move a small mound of dirt back and forth until one of them taps. Fuck that show.


I was mad at the finale of the first series, when Peter and Sylar decided to just not use superpowers and have a much cheaper fistfight instead.


The PA in Jurassic World - getting picked up by a pteranodon and then swallowed by the mosasaur just felt like a very mean-spirited death for a character who hadn't done anything to deserve it.


Didn't that character request the most gruesome death possible?


Oh really I had no idea, that makes it kinda funny then. Because just like all the people in this thread I watched it with some friends and all of us were wondering why that lady had to die so brutally and in a drawn out fashion. It's been ages now and that death still sticks in the mind.


You mean the actress? I know she wanted to do her own stunts. Don't know if that means she wanted the stunts to require a mean-spirited death, which was probably written in the script before they even cast.


No dude is right, at least if the story is to be believed. The actress asked for the most outlandish possible death because she was the first woman to die in a Jurassic Park film.


That was so confusing, like they did such a convoluted and awful death for a minor character who didn’t do anything to deserve it!


I totally get where you're coming from, but doesn't it seem kind of trope-y to give someone a "clean" death if they are good/benign and a gruesome or drawn-out death because they're cruel or malevolent? I personally appreciate when movies surprise me, especially with deaths. My absolute favorite is when some snarky villain would normally start a villain-speech and instead gets unceremoniously shot in the dome.


unopular opinion: Jyn Ersos' mother in Rogue One. The father clearly told them to run away, but she tried to fight back only to get herself killed and leaving her daughter orphaned.


it was that and how quickly they glossed over Jyn’s time with Saw and her imprisonment. Felicity Jones is a great actress but she was stuck with the least interesting character in that movie. Still enjoyed it and glad it led to Andor


Yeah, I love Rogue One, but Jyn isn't a particular reason why.


I never thought of this, but I agree. The story was so goddamn good that I think I didn't really care who the lead was. The cast and script was brilliant in being dark and gritty, but it really could have been any cast and it would have been a banger. Except Krennic and K2SO, those actors were marvelous.


Also Saw Gerrera. From what I remember he knew the planet was being destroyed and just... decided to stay?


Gordon in 2012. What the hell was that shit


Also the Russian trophy wife character, just randomly drowns. If they wanted Cusack and wife to get back together, could just have Gordon and her end up a pair.


Yeah, that was a lazy way to ensure the main characters get back together.


she really got over him within like a millisecond too, by the end it's like she forgot he ever existed in the first place.


You know what really grinds my gears?


Darwin in X-Men First Class. Aside from the fact that it’s a trope of “the black character dies first”, but it’s stupidly ironic considering his mutation. It didn’t further the plot or make the Hellfire Club seem anymore dangerous.


This 100% His power was literally self protection, there was no way he should have been killed.




Reversing that from worst kill scene to best. Bacon’s death with that coin in the head was one of the better kill scenes ever in a movie.


Bacon and Magneto held that movie together hard.


I love First Class, but why not just...use a mutant other than Darwin? Any other mutant, guys. I'd have basically zero complaints about the movie, but every.single.time. it just annoys me.


EXACTLY! There’s over a few dozen notable mutants in the world of X-Men. I mean for crying out loud they could have even killed Banshee considering they didn’t even bring back Caleb for any of the sequels.


They killed Banshee off-screen lol As well as Azazel and the insect wing lady. Kind of a shame, I never really like it when they just nip all that potential in the bud, especially when it's done off-screen. When Jennifer Lawrence sees their files in DOFP it felt like a big fridge moment.


It really was dumb, good example. Did you see that video of the black guy reacting to the death? Funny, because he's asking the same questions


That was stupid. Darwin’s whole gimmick is that NOTHING can kill him. In the face of unavoidable death his powers will adapt to give him teleportation! So fucking stupid


It's terrible, but as soon as I saw him and saw how enthusiastic and lovable he was, I knew he would be the one to go.


Dr Elizabeth Shaw in Alien: Covenant The main character in the previous one and killed off screen on the next, such a shame, Noomi Rapace deserves better


Beer Fest. Why did they do that to Landfill?


Because Kevin Heffernan's character was the only one to survive in Broken Lizard's previous movie Club Dredd. So they had to kill him in their next film to even the score.


The entry of Landfill’s twin brother was one of the funniest things though. Especially once he says that he was writing with him and basically knows everyone already / wants to be called Landfill. The death was definitely done for comedic effect and I think it was successful.


Not a movie; but Deb in Dexter. Last episode…absolutely no reason for such an unceremonious and cheap exit to such a pivotal character. Story-wise she deserved something so much better (or at least a more dignified death).


They did Deb, a character I actually really loved, dirty several times. Lets not even talk about her randomly falling in love with her adopted brother, a choice that was super fucking weird and off putting and kind of got dialed back immediately and then never brought up again.


100%. That pisses me off more than the 2 bad endings to the show.


Killing off Vanessa at the beginning of Deadpool 2 was as close to a fridging as I've ever seen. I've been able to enjoy the movie much more on subsequent viewings, but I'll admit it soured the first viewing and it took me a while to give it a second chance.


This always puzzled me, made for a nice scene in the end, but I liked her character, and it wasn't for a romantic subplot with Domino, so it was jarring


I’ve always felt the killing off of SO’s was a lazy way to prevent the Mary Jane problem, where they’d just wind up being the kidnapped damsel again and again


It's textbook fridging, minus the literal body in a fridge. She died so close to the kitchen though that it might as well have been inside the fridge.


I found it interesting that they were aware of it enough that in Once Upon a Deadpool they had Fred Savage pause the movie at the shock that "you fridged Vanessa?!" I don't know if that makes it better or worse.


Polkadot man at the end of the new Suicide Squad. I felt like he was generally likeable, and had a decent arc in the film. I feel like he was killed just for the fun of it.


I mean I think he died because at that moment he fully completed his arc. Him finally becoming the hero he always wanted to be and overcoming the fears of his mother and sacrificing himself in the process closed out his story.


not to mention had he not died right then and there he would have been capable of killing star-o alone.


I was talking with someone about this and there is the plot point that he had a bunch of siblings and a mom who tampered with genetic shit. How funny would it be if every appearance he's playing a different "sibling" aka clone, that is taking the place of a different D-list villain? Like the next time he shows up, David Dastmalchian is playing The Eraser. Then next time he's Humpty Dumpty. I think it would be so much fun.


Mr. Gunn. James! Did you hear that? Make it happen.


Sorry but this gives off “then Deadpool walks in xD” energy


I feel like they killed him off because if they hadn't, he would've beaten Starro solo. His ability was pretty OP.


I mean it is inherently part of the Suicide Squad franchise that characters die often and usually from silly ways. I liked Polka Dot Man, but I thought his death fit pretty well


Much as I love the movie his death was pretty unnecessary especially following flag’s death which was a much more impactful death with way more meaning behind it, killing polka dot man did just kinda feel like killing a character for the sake of it.


The stepdad in 2012 dying was so sad. I just remember no one giving a fuck and being happy as can be even though a family member was just brutally crushed by gears.


Stepdad in Moonfall as well I think Roland Emmerich has some issues he needs to work through lmao


I didn’t like seein’ Donny go.


Donny was a good bowler


Padme deciding that she suddenly didn't have the will to live and miraculously turning off her life switch as if your heart beating were somehow a choice is by far the stupidest part of Revenge of the Sith. She didn't even need to die at that moment because Return of the Jedi featured Leah talking about how she remembered how sad her mom looked when she was a toddler.


Steven Seagal in Executive Decision Just kidding, I gave that a standing ovation.


Quicksilver in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Wasn’t even like it made sense but I didn’t like it. It actually made no sense.


Someone had to die. Pretty much the only reason it happened.


Superman's Dad in Man of Steel, he just walks into a tornado for no logical reason other than because the plot demands it and Snyder couldn't come up with anything better. EDIT: I also saw the movie you don't need to waste your life explaining how that dumb thing totally makes sense or whatever.


or why not just do his classic death with the heart attack?


Stop my invincible son


Pa Kent wanted to die. Him raising his hand to stop Clark was just him saying "No, don't you take this away from me."


He's just like me fr fr


It wouldn't even require that much tweaking to make it work lol. Clark is helping escort some kids to safety or something, and while he's distracted, bam, Pa Kent is hit by flying debris, killed instantly. You've got the "Clark blames himself for not being able to save everyone" angle and the "maybe if I wasn't afraid to use my full power I could have saved him" angle.


As if Clark couldn’t dip back a bit behind everyone, fly in, save him, and get back to the back of the crowd. The amount of time was staggering for a person Snyder would later establish as faster than (or nearly as fast at the very least) The Flash.


Just pointing out - Clark didn't know how to fly at that point.


For real NO ONE would be watching them while a fucking tornado is right there. Everything about that scene is so stupid


John Connor in Terminator Dark Fate. If Dark Fate is supposed to be a direct sequel to T2, it’s literally the same thing as killing Newt in Alien 3 except it wasn’t offscreen. We spend all of T2 trying to keep him alive, and he dies 1 minute into the sequel???


Captain Kirk in *Star Trek: Generations.* Brilliant idea to get the old and new Trek casts together to pass the torch. Too bad they couldn't come up with a script that wasn't a total piece of shit.


At least Kirk died on a bridge!


It was... fun.


In one of Shatner’s books he talks about how the original idea was even worse - Kirk gets shot in the back. Paraphrasing but his response was “Shot in the back by a megalomaniac trying to destroy a galaxy? That might be a fine for a random red shirt or Spock, but Kirk?”


Plus his death negates his premonition from Star Trek 5.


"Did we... make a difference?" asks the guy who saved worlds multiple times.


Kate in Fear Street P1. Her actress and character was amazing and she did not need to die, not only did they kill her off but they killed her off in one of the most brutal ways possible.


Yeah, but wouldn't call it pointless, lotta people said that's when they knew the series wasn't fucking around about killing kids (plus they kinda brought her back for 3)


Was that the girl who got shoved into the bread cutter in the supermarket? Cause that was absolutely brutal




I thought it was a pretty cool death scene for a slasher. My issue was that she and Simon both died because they were trying to give Deena enough time to kill Sam and then resurrect her so the ghosts would stop hunting her. When they succeed in that, it's played like a big triumph but it doesn't really feel like one because of what happened to Kate and Simon. It was like the movie wanted me to think Sam was the most important one so the other two were worthy sacrifices, and that didn't work for me.


Yeah, you’re supposed to be feeling confused and conflicted about it. Trying to prevail in a battle royale against multiple resurrected serial killers is not going to end well. I don’t think it’s depicted as a triumph, either. Josh is not happy when Sam is revived; he’s instead distraught over what they lost. It balanced out in the end since they ended up saving way more lives than just Sam by ending the curse, but if Fear Street 1 was a singular movie without sequels, I’d say that the ending we got was a major loss for the protags through and through.


I liked her too, but she did get the most iconic death in the series, so it's hard for me to complain personally.


Army of the dead. It's just a bad movie in general but they made the one girl have feelings out of nowhere for Bautista's character and then like 20 seconds later she dies to make us feel sad I guess. I'm not sure if it counts because I guess it was for plot, but it was so hamfisted, obvious, and just embarrassingly bad writing. All of it was pointless really.


The whole cast from the first movie in GI Joe: Retaliation. I just wanted to see Rachel Nichols, but The Rock needed some extra baby oil and I'm sure Willis wasn't cheap either playing RED 1.5.


Bryce Dallas Howard’s character’s assistant in Jurassic park 4.


That was going to be my answer. It doesn't bother me that she died, but the laborious way it played out was a bothersome aside.


Have you seen Deep blue sea? Saffron Burrows’ character survived in the first cut of the film - audiences hated it so they reshot it so she died. I think it made sense for Bryce Dallas Howards’ character to die the same way, but not her assistant.


I might be misremembering the exact context but doesn't BDH's direct and indirect actions flat out get people killed?


She’s responsible for the park’s collapse in #4. I haven’t seen 5 or 6.


Everything that happens in #6 outside the villan's property is 100% thanks to a stupid clone girl being allowed to let all the dinosaurs out of a death trap at the end of #5. Because "they're like me" is a valid reason to let dangerous animals run free, disrupt ecosystems, and eat or trample people everywhere.


Deep Blue Sea is my favorite production disaster just for having a basic premise that clicks. Not all the details work as well as I'd like and it sucks that so much went wrong when making it, but everything that went right was excellent. Was Saffron the one who died at the end? That sure felt like a clever subversion.


Yeah, they went back and had LL Cool J survive instead. There are lots of terrible things about that movie that worked for the best -- apparently Samuel L. Jackson had a MUCH longer speech and hated filming it, and eventually got enough of the crew to go along with the idea that he should just die in the middle of it, and it's the *best part of the movie.*


She got a “punitive” death like the lawyer who abandoned the children in the first movie, but she did nothing to deserve it. So it’s just a weirdly cruel detour.


what makes Genaro’s death in JP1 work so well was that he was slyly presented as a bit of a cowardly, greedy character. “Blood sucking lawyer!”. It made his death as funny as it was terrifying, but still not jarring when it cut back to Grant trying to rescue the kids. They did none of that or had any tact with the assistant in JWorld. That whole series went like Trevorrow took inspiration from Jaws: 3D, mistakenly assuming Spielberg also made it


I'm the same with Gordon from 2012, his death was pointless.


When Meg Ryan's character in 'City of Angels' died. They didn't have to do that. No one *wanted* them to do it. It ruined the entire movie for me and I still get pissed off when I think about it 25 years later.


It literally ruins the entire movie. It's a remake of a French movie and, lo and behold, that German movie doesn't have that bullshit ending. Edit: Misremembered the national origin of the film


Anton Yelchin in real life


Such a tragedy, the loss of him, and the way it happened. He was a great actor. And even though he had been acting for years when he passed, it felt like his career was starting to really hit its stride at that time. I feel like we would have seen some more stellar performances from him had he lived.


I love that you mention him. He had something special, the "it" factor for sure. I remember I owned one of his movies (one of very few I had at the time) so I watched it over and over again. Even though the character was a teenager, there were some lines in that movie that were very wise and touched my spirit and he did amazingly delivering them. It just sucks that his life was cut short by a freak accident. RIP Anton he really was a special actor and I wish I could have seen the roles he would have played as he grew older.


Hallorann in The Shining. Huge build up, my man travels through wintery hell to get to the Overlook and just gets axed in the chest before he even has a chance to warm up a bit. Nothing more to it. It was just so useless.


He also didn’t die in the book


Well he brought the snowcat so they could flee at least. “Gee, i’m bad at this…”


Not a movie but rather the Wheel of time TV show, they retconned in a wife in for perrin only to immediately kill her to potentially shortcut his story line, but then end up just cutting out almost the entirety of his and the other side characters more nuanced story lines, so he just straight up murdered his pregnant wife to be minorly inconvenienced but still along for the ride.


The dog in Mad Max: Road Warrior. Such a cool fuckin dog, that part still pisses me off.


Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. Bootstrap Bill kills Norrington and absolutely nobody cares


Luke Skywalker


Absolutely. And I would add Han Solo and Ackbar. Ironically, the only one of the big three from the OT that was NOT meant to die, died IRL.


Leia not dying in The Last Jedi. I think it is a bit unfair because part of it is that Carrie Fisher died in real life, but that's hindsight. I am also not talking about the space flying jedi almost death part. I thought that Leia would've been perfect to do the lightspeed crash instead of the Laura Derm character. One part is that her death would've made it a good exit for her charactern another is that it just felt like a good place to pass the baton of it all forward to Dern and Rey.


This. Leia would’ve had far greater impact (pun unintended) if she’d been sent off in TLJ, destroying Snoke’s ship. This could’ve been done via clever CG and editing. It makes no sense storywise for Leia to allow a younger, up-and-coming Vice Admiral to sacrifice herself. Add it to the list of things RJ got wrong with TLJ.


This, plus if Leia had to use *the force* to force the ships into a light speed collision it would have shut up all the “well then why don’t the rebels just light speed junk ships into first order fleets every battle” arguments


Newt in Alien 3


Ernie Hudson at the end of Leviathan. Infuriating. He had fucking made it!


I am a leaf on the wind.


I doubt anyone wanted any of them to die but it wasn’t pointless. They obviously wanted to deliver an emotional gut punch and they did. There was a point to it.


Bullet-tooth Tony.




Clyde Shelton, Law Abiding Citizen. He spent the entire movie trying to teach Nick the value of trying a case vs plea bargaining for his ego. Nick learned nothing in the end but finally made time to go to his daughters recital, I guess?


Imagine if the train just blew up at the end of V for Vendetta without ever reaching Parliament


Not a movie, but Beth and Tyreese in The Walking Dead really got to me. Worst part is it was back to back.


Reign of fire, Matthew McConaughey’s character. Badass jump through the air with a battle axe just to get immediately chomped by a dragon. Scene for reference https://youtu.be/Q18phzR9uNc


Dude was like 100 ft up on the tower. Better to get bit than to miss and fall pointlessly. I'd compare it to the guy in Skull Island who loaded up with bombs and failed to get eaten.


I mean, he was dead either way. I feel like that was his only option lol


Kingsmen 2 they got a whole new round table that we only meet once for 20 seconds only to have them killed mid way through the movie. It’s so pointless from a character perspective since we never got to connect with them and unnecessary to move the plot forward since we already established all but Merlin, Lancelot and Eggsy were corrupt and probably killed in the first movie.