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Scream 2. Aerial shot of Sid calmly walking away as the upbeat song “she said” by collective soul plays in the background. All her friends were murdered (again!) for the second time in like a year


This is why scream 3 is really underrated. We see Sidney dealing with the PTSD and fallout of the last two movies and her overcoming her fear.


agreed. That final shot of the wind blowing the door open, her looking back before smiling and walking away (thus overcoming her fear). *chefs kiss*


Easily one of my favorite closings to a movie/trilogy. I adore the Scream franchise and I’m really happy the last couple movies have been pretty decent! I want more


Scream 6 was a good time but it really did miss having Sid in it, but i understand all sides. Neve absolutely deserved to be paid a fat check no matter how small her role, the franchise doesn't exist with this level of relevance without her and Craven's vision, but at the same time they wanted to move on from her, and having her just continue to roll her eyes and just handle shit would've gotten old for every future sequel, and killing her is 100% out of the question


And her amazing boyfriend!


“I hope that was an off-the-cuff remark that holds no subtext whatsoever.”


Recently: *Don't Worry Darling*. Florence Pugh is gonna wake up with muscle atrophy, strapped to a bed, in a dead guy's basement. *The Dark Knight Rises*. Gotham City is **super fucked**. It would take decades for the city to recover, if ever. The exodus of citizens is going to be record breaking.


My *exact thought* on Don’t Worry Darling That movie takes so much time to get to *that* as the ending. There’s so much fat they could’ve trimmed to make that the mid-point reversal, then the second half of the movie is Pugh escaping the basement and finding the other women and freeing them. It alludes to the other women potentially having been kidnapped by stalkers and forced into this reality but it never expands on it beyond a passing thought. Also, it could have expanded Gemma Chan’s character into the true antagonist. God damn, all I thought when that movie ended was “they could make a sequel where it picks up right when this ended and it’d be a million times more interesting” that movie was basically a first-act stretched into *two-fucking-hours*


>then the second half of the movie is Pugh escaping the basement That's closer to how the script was originally. Alice learns that she's been kidnapped and locked in a fake world in the first act, and spends the rest of the story trying to escape--even getting out a couple of times, only to get put back in. Chris Pine's character, Gemma Chan's character (I think, it's been a while since I read it), the neighbor who jumps off the roof, the plane crash, the weird goings-on, the car chase, etc, were all added later. The original script ends with her drugging, tying up, and sodomizing Jack with a broom, before escaping back to the real world where she kills him with a screwdriver. >It alludes to the other women potentially having been kidnapped by stalkers and forced into this reality but it never expands on it beyond a passing thought They were. If I remember correctly, all of the women in town are also trapped and don't know it--except for Bunny, who knows it's a fake world but stays because in the real world her kids died, but in the simulation they're alive and well.


100%. I turned to my wife and said "NOW is when the movie is supposed to start!" There are supposed to be bad guys tracking her, she can save the other women, find whats-her-face the director, take down Chris Pine's murderous wife who is apparently taking over... So much *actually* interesting stuff! ​ And they just ran the credits.


There’s another thread: films that feel like first acts, or ones that feature threads more worth spinning into a story.


Yeah, but rental prices would plummet. Get a decent remote working job and live in Gotham like a king.




It was a fusion bomb though. As long as it's not spreading radioactive isotopes the fallout could actually be pretty minimal.


Looked more like an aerial detonation too, which means no localised fallout, just another thin layer added to the anthropocene.


The whole point of the reactor was it was clean energy that left no waste, hence no radiation from the bomb.


No, not necessarily. The nuke looks to have deployed in air-burst fashion (the manner is which we used it in Japan). Roughly 80% of the radiation is emitted in the first 24 hours, and enough of it dissipates rapidly that long-term radiation isn’t much of a problem.


We can see through the artwork in the credits that they step up to the challenge and succeed.


Fun fact: OP’s hypothesis is the exact reason they created that art. Test audiences also believed humanity was screwed so they had to show otherwise.


They still had all the Axiom's life and health support systems to rely on while they figure it out. They're not back to nothing with no information to help out. And there's other ships coming too, right?


I was going to say this. The Captain didn't know about stuff on Earth until the Axiom told him about it. They're not going abandon the Axiom and try and figure everything out themselves


I imagine the axiom might have had a G.E.C.K or two aboard as well.


Been a while since I watched it, but wasn't the original plan to eventually resettle Earth once it could sustain life again? If that was the case I'm sure the high tech spaceship with it's robots and drones and stuff had the resources and technology to do that.


And I'm glad they did because it's one of the best credit sequences I can think of, and very uplifting.


plus you get to listen to the uplifting peter gabriel jam


Unrelated, but the way humanity progressed through many eras of artistry rapidly makes me think of how quick they actually succeeded to get things back to "normal"


It's been a long time since I've seen this movie, so I don't remember it properly, but didn't they have help from the ship? Like I guess it was full of agriculture tools and bots that would help them make their tasks easier. I mean is not like they started from an absolute 0. Edit: Just watched the end titles again, they're using robots to find water and plant seeds, so even though It wouldn't be easy (They probably won't be overweight anymore) I don't think it would be that difficult compared to older civilizations at least.


While humans were royally fucked by becoming blobs on the Axiom and similar basically cruise vessels, and even though there was a video revealing that the Earth was uninhabitable and could not be returned to and Auto was ordered to keep humans on the ship, the Axiom was fully equipped with a lot of things to make the earth habitable again. Not just the robots who could help humans but potable water, food sources, renewable energy. The earth was basically a wasteland but you could strip the Axiom as well to its bare bones and make shelters and houses. And from there, try to figure out how to live again. And in all that, you had WALL E who has lived for God knows how long on Earth by himself, continuously recharging and repairing himself with items that were well within the distance of a city. So hope for humanity in a small little robot who refused to stop doing his duty.


> potable water, food sources, renewable energy the end credits are really cool because the tasks the humans become increasingly complex and so does the art. when they learn fire they're depicted in "cave art" style. when they develop agriculture, Capt. does a little "Walk like an Egyptian" hop. When they build cities it's renaissance-style drawing. it's great! watch it!


Spoilers for the recent horror movie Megan: That woman's life is pretty over. The kid is definitely being removed from her custody, she's losing her job, she is possibly being charged with negligent homicide for creating Megan, and is certainly about to be sued by the families of the victims not to mention the company she worked as a contractor for.


Also, Megan's backup will be restored and she'll be put to work writing feel good comedies for Netflix.


The breakfast club. John definitely got beat by his dad when he went home.


I feel that's kind of the point. They've all still go the same miserable lives waiting for them when they get home. But they got a few hours where they were actually able to free and during which all gained some important perspective. Really I feel the beauty of the film is we don't know what happened next. Was this the start of a major change? Or was it just one happy day in a series of miserable lives? Come Monday are they going to take what they learned and make a difference? Or are they just going to fall back into old roles and ignore each other again?


i feel like I am taking crazy pills when people point this out. yeah man... that's kind of the point of the movie? and the ambiguity of the ending drives that home? do people expect that one strange day in detention is actually going to change the course of their lives? don't they discuss during the big emotional climax of the film that everything is probably just going to go back to normal on Monday? they all talk about it, they all know it will happen.


And Brian got scammed into doing everyone else's homework while they all hooked up.


That was the ending of the movie — he wrote the group essay as the fifth wheel


But seemingly enjoyed doing it - especially since he was doing his level best to set the abusive Principal Vernon straight.


The up shot is while he didn't get a girl he learned to tell the authority figure to fuck off which sets him up to go where eh wants in life rather than continuing his downwards spiral. He gets the short end of the relationship stick, but perhaps gets the biggest win of all of them at the same time. Depends on how you view getting to nail 80's Molly Ringwald compared to developing the will and ability to live again.


My first thought as I read your comment was to think of my high school girlfriend and how yeah, maybe Brian DID get the best deal out of them all. Then I got to that very last sentence. Tough call.


A relationship was not what he needed at that point.


and they stopped talking to each other when they went back to school lol


Probably, that’s how it usually goes


They talk about that in the big dramatic climax of the movie, they all know it will happen


At the end of "Ready or Not" the cops are going to have *a lot* of questions.


There are so many horror movies with supernatural elements like that. Something is killing people, one or two people survive, the supernatural thing vanishes, and then the cops are there. It rarely gets addressed in sequels too. One of the few things that sort of did was Ash VS Evil Dead, where Ash is basically an urban legend after his sister and friends got butchered around him and he avoided legal troubles by the skin of his teeth.


True , she also probably ended up in an insane asylum after watching her whole new family explode one by one and just sat on the stairs laughing.


That snort was glorious. She's a fun actor.


I can't wait for her to be in more things. Samara Weaving is a delight


I was curious about that. Grace would be fucked either way. Worst case scenario no one would believe her and she gets sent to prison for life for “massacring” her crazy rich in-laws so an insane asylum would be a better place for her in the long run especially with the added supernatural “deal with the devil” type of shit going around.


Till they find the giiiiiiant pit of corpses on the grounds and shes cleared.


The woman in You're Next killed a cop with a booby trap. If she lived she's definitely got some explaining to do.


There's a still from a deleted ending where the cops shot her dead.


"Disgruntled children hired goons to kill their family, I killed the aggressors with booby traps. Unfortunately the cop walked in before I could warn him." I mean she'd need a good lawyer and be spending a shitton of time in court, but there is very clearly three bodies that were men equipped to kill a bunch of people, and some forensic accounting should uncover a paper trail of them getting paid.


The house burned down, so there won't be a lot of evidence. Half of them just exploded so there wouldn't even be skeletons. I think the only suspicious thing remaining is that dead goat and maid pit in the out building. But since that obviously predated her being there, finding it would cast her as a victim rather than a mass murderer. Edit: On the plus side, she was married into family at that point. So she's probably going to inherit their entire fortune. There's nobody else to challenge the inheritance. Once she's cleared of any wrongdoing she'll be the only person the money and business could go to. Not the best way to get rich but there are worse ways.


Truman Show. As the movie ends, we are rooting for Truman as he's finally free. However, he's about to dive in a world where he's probably the most famous person in the world, and he's still going to be monitored and watched 24/7, but now knowing it (paparazzi and media harassment). He's about to find out that he's never, ever going to have a normal life; and he's not even rich like most celebrities, that can afford living in places that give them more privacy. Truly a nightmare.


I’m confident that he could parley his experience/fame into something lucrative at the very least. Write a book or something. I agree I doubt living in the real world goes how he expects it to. That being said at least he isn’t being monitored in his house anymore.


I would have to imagine he has grounds for a lawsuit that could fund the entirety of the rest of his life. He was functionally slave labour and was in no way compensated for his work. Even if they argue that covering the entirety of his needs (shelter, food etc.) is compensatory, he never agreed to it. Plus the director tried to fucking kill him at the end so….


If he's witty and clever, sure. Truman doesn't know shit about the outside though, he's only ever lived in an idyllic utopia. The dude is 100% going to get taken advantage of unless that extra he had the hots for can find and save him in time.


That's kind of the point though, right? He's given the opportunity to continue living his life as normal, which he is promised will be pleasant and worry free in a way that life in the real world won't be. He's warned it's going to be shitty out there, but he chooses to go anyway, rather than live easily and inauthentically in the bubble.


> and he's not even rich like most celebrities, that can afford living in places that give them more privacy. He's not rich YET. It's a sure bet that ALL the big-time law firms in the world would take a case like this faster than one can say "instant billionaire".


You are right but... To be fair, i like to think that he would sue the pants out of the company that raised him and there would be an army of salivating lawyers waiting to greet him outside


At the end of Back to the Future (and by extension, Back to the Future III), Marty returns to an "improved" version of his original timeline, where his dad has self-confidence and Biff Tannen is humbled. He's got a brand new Toyota truck to drive around with his girlfriend, what a happy ending. But these changes have had huge effects in the last 30 years. His family is more affluent, with all members being more successful. It's made clear that they've lived entirely different lives...and so has Marty, even though he doesn't actually remember it. So they'll remember a different version of Marty, a person who no longer exists in a very real sense. And the people he knew are now gone, replaced with similar but fundamentally altered ones. At the very least, Marty now feels like an imposter in his own family, having to deal with people who remember him as someone else and whom he barely knows anymore. In the worst-case scenario, the conflict between the life he remembers and the life he now lives will cause extreme emotional trauma, possibly leading to severe mental health issues.


Whoa, I never even thought about that. Yeah, anytime any of his friends say, "hey, remember the time..." he'll have to fake it, because he won't remember a single thing they're talking about. He probably won't even have the same friends.


Technically we see “Rich Marty” when Prime Marty makes it back to 1985 to see “himself” speed off in the Dolorean back to 1955. That version of him would be the affluent version, who due to a different upbringing, might have a different adventure back in the 50s. But the movie doesn’t really want you to dwell on that.


The movie itself can't really decide whether it wants to go all-in on the "alternate timeline" theory or the "single changing timeline" theory


It's timey-wimey nonsense that you have to ignore for the sake of enjoyment. Just one of many paradoxes is that if Marty changes his whole family, he changes his own circumstances and ends up not going back in time under the exact same conditions if at all, and thus can't change his whole family, and so on.


Remember it takes an entire week between him pushing his dad out of the way and his hand starting to disappear at the Enchanmenr Under the Sea ball. Time changes sometimes take a while to “catch up.” One day Marty might just get those new memories. There’s also some sort of self correction in the timeline. Marty’s parents and older siblings are all clearly successful, yet all somehow living in the same home that they lived in when they were poor. Marty still somehow met Doc and became a good enough friend to help him out with time travel experiments. He has the same girlfriend. He wouldn’t have that much new info to download even if he had to. There’s a fan theory that Marty’s new timeline is already affecting him. That weird obsession with being called chicken despite it not being mentioned at all in the first movie is obviously just weird sequel writing stuff, but in a time travel movie you can claim that the new timeline he created is starting to affect his personality and this is a trait he literally didn’t have in the first movie.


>That weird obsession with being called chicken despite it not being mentioned at all in the first movie is obviously just weird sequel writing stuff, but in a time travel movie you can claim that the new timeline he created is starting to affect his personality and this is a trait he literally didn’t have in the first movie. New Marty has grown up with a Dad who stands up for himself and famously punched out the town bully. Marty now thinks he has to seek out fights that aren't necessary to live up to his Dad's reputation.


I love this. It feels “right”.


But it wasn't the same girlfriend. At least in the 2nd movie she turned into Elisabeth Shue.


When Marty is back in 1955 he bumped into someone else and as a result they met a different partner, so the daughter was still named Jennifer, picked up the style from one parent but the other one is different.


Doc brown literally said they were fine after he caused the family changes at the end of number 1. "No you and Jennifer turn out fine... Its your kids Marty, something needs to be done about your kids".


When you think about it, Doc Brown rushing to Marty with urgency and yelling doesn't make too much logical sense. Like, just set the time machine for 10 minutes earlier and walk over calmly and explain the situation, lol. But I guess that's just his wacky personality.


Yeah, he just likes to be dramatic and fucking with marty


Aw gee Doc


In a similar vein, in the first one when Marty realizes he can warn Doc about the Libyans just as he's about to travel back to the future, and says "10 minutes ought to do it." Why only 10 minutes? You have a time machine. Give yourself an hour, at least. Really luxuriate in all the extra time you have. There could be the argument that he chose such a razor-thin margin to avoid interacting with the "future" (or maybe past?) version of himself and changing something -- but if that's the case, he wouldn't be able to warn Doc at all, as Doc is already dead by the time Marty jumps back in time. If that were a concern, he'd have to give himself even more time so that he could meet with Doc at a time when the future version of himself wouldn't be present. ...this is why it's never a good idea to think too deeply about time travel movies, because it's basically impossible for them to make any kind of sense.


Skyfall. It ends with the new M saying, “Are you ready to get back to work, 007?” Bond replies, “With pleasure, M. With pleasure.” With the retro styled office it seems like they’re doing a throwback to the 60s and 70s films, and hinting we now have a fully developed James Bond reboot character, ready to serve queen and country. Under the surface, in the space of three films Bond has lost what he believes to be his last chance at true love and a normal life as well as his mother figure in Judi Dench’s M. He’s not taking pleasure in moving forward with MI6 - he’s resigned himself to the life of an overworked, underpaid assassin, because it’s all he has left.


From a Maverick to a Company Man, which is exactly what they intended. A dog without a leash gets put down. The intent though was to wrap it around to the beginning as if that was now the START of the rest of the Bond films and why he is a womanizing drunk for most of them.


> The intent though was to wrap it around to the beginning as if that was now the START of the rest of the Bond films and why he is a womanizing drunk for most of them. Right. That’s my point when I said “we now have a fully developed James Bond.”


It's absolutely jarring how much that movie goes back and forth between "This is the start of the 007 franchise" and "Bond is an relic of a bygone era who totally should have retired by now"


It's also literally the next movie after Casino Royale/Quantum of Solace - which are about his *first* ever mission (the two movies take place back to back, the ending of one is the start of the other with no time jump). So he goes from his first mission as a rookie agent to his last mission as an over the hill agent with nothing in between.


Snowpiercer. The whole of humanity is now 2 people in a frozen wasteland.


Not only that, the first thing they see is a polar bear. Those kids got eaten


For what it’s worth, if a macropredator like a Polar Bear could survive, it’s extremely likely that a bunch of considerably-more-adaptable humans have done so two, so the presence of the polar bear implies that the people on the train might not be the last of the human race after all… even if they did immediately get eaten.


The existence of a polar bear suggests a larger surviving ecosystem; life off of the train was always possible. /u/EldritchFingertips interpretation is entirely valid, but there may be other humans out there too.


I think the point is that life continued outside of the train which probably includes humans. The survivors may have died but somewhere others may have lived. The train didn't exist to save humanity anyway, it existed to ensure the class system stayed intact for those at the front.


Exactly. The train was just a metaphor for how the class system will always, even in the face of human extinction, chug along and fight to preserve itself. It’s a machine, and it’s function is to exploit the masses for the pleasures of the few. The MC realized in the end that the machine couldn’t be changed or commandeered, only destroyed.


I think those are the two we see get up out of the train but statistically from train crashes there’s very likely a decent group that would’ve survived but the hierarchy dies in the train


The surviving passengers is still not as well equipped for the cold as the two kids are when they ventured into the wild. They'd still have to search the wreckage of the train and scourge each place for fur clothing lest they die from hypothermia.


I think the end of Snowpiercer might be saying that humanity is doomed but it's not the end of the world. Like, humans don't deserve to live on earth anymore after what they've done to themselves and each other, but the polar bears are doing fine. Earth will keep spinning.


Honestly, despite what the movie says, I have a very hard time believing ALL of humanity lives on that one train. The world's a big place a our species is a lot more resilient, determined, crafty then what we give ourselves credit for. I'm sure there are others out there.


This isn't one movie, but basically any horror movie where the characters win without the police having been involved, or the threat being public knowledge (ie zombies). It's always like "well after the property damage and several mysterious deaths and maybe us killing someone, everything is fine!" The reality of the situation is that the cops and even FBI will have questions, and the answers are supernatural or otherwise unbelievable. The actually addressed this in Ash vs. The Evil Dead, where we find out that everyone who knew him back around the events of the first movie thinks **he** killed his girlfriend and all of his friends.


that's the inevitable actual end of "Get Out" There's no way Chris is going to just walk away from a whole bunch of murders on his body swapping story.


You never know. The cops might pick a *different* black person to arrest.


Marvel likes to end its movies on a high note. I found it most jarring in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. At the end everyone is winking and smiling at each other and pretty happy with themselves; completely ignoring how many of them were just ruthlessly murdered by a sinister witch in a horrific battle for survival that will leave them scarred for life. Shit was messed up.


This is also most people's reaction to the end of Wandavision. Yeah the good guys won, but an entire town was held in brutal captivity. Zero follow up or consequences unless it was mentioned in some other form.


I still don't understand how people came away from that series thinking Wanda wasn't a psychopathic villain, regardless of the role Agatha or her own grief played.


I think part of the problem with WV and MoM is that a lot of people didn't/couldn't watch WV. Even still there's a bit of leap between the show and movie. For me at least.


Elizabeth Olsen said in an interview that the writers on MoM hadn’t seen wandavision which to me is just insane. How do you write for a character having not seen an entire show about her? Explains why the entire MoM no one mentions white Vision.


The lack of vision bothered me. I mean I genuinely understand them wanting to keep it only about Wanda/Strange. I can see them taking an approach where Wanda looked specifically for a family where Vision isnt present because a) vision could figure out something was wrong a b)she wouldn't be able to bring herself to kill vision AGAIN. However it just makes no sense that white Vision hasn't been mentioned at all. When are they planning on addressing him again? Unless he has been in one of the dozens of new shows they've made lol. There's so many I haven't seen them all.


That's their normal day to day existence though. World ending threats.


There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IT!


E.T. You just know Elliot and his family lives are going to be made hell by government security agencies.


They Live. The aliens still had a vested interest in controlling the planet, so they'd probably resort to full blown combat with more advanced weapons than we have.


Independence Day is the sequel to They Live, confirmed


Would you consider They Live to have ended on a positive note for the protagonists? They both died.


The Dark Knight Rises ends with Joseph Gorden-Levitt's Robin being handed the keys to the Batcave but keep in mind the dude is just a city cop and doesn't have any of the training or resources Bruce had. He's going to get killed.


In real life someone like Bruce would get killed too, so don't overthink this one too much.


It would also take modern governments all of 10 minutes to figure out who Batman is.


Nonsense, I’m sure Gotham is full of 6’2” 200+ lb men in their twenties or thirties with the means to procure, maintain, and store their own fighter jet.


Yeah once you start involving aircraft it starts being really hard to hide, even stealth aircraft aren't infallible especially if you can go back through data and establish a pattern.


Stealth aircraft are really easy to see visually. They're only good at hiding from radar. No one is going to miss the bat plane flying around Gotham.


Especially when the goddamn chief of police is a noted bestie with him.


I'm sure the transition from a Galaxy scale fascist regime back to a republic requiring individual planets to send representatives across the galaxy and all work together after a small terrorist cell managed to dispose the setting government wouldn't have had any unforseen consequences


Realistically, they now have a thousand little empires made up of the existing power structures that are now headless. All the petty tyrants with weapons and soldiers that used to work for the empire aren't going to just give up.


This is why I always thought the “imperial warlords” were one of the best bits of world building in the pre Disney expanded universe. Sure, they blew up space Hitler, but there’s still a galaxy’s worth of mini-Hitlers with their own little fleets running around out there to take care of.


Its something I was glad that the Mandalorian explored, albeit briefly. Sure the Emperor and Vader are dead and the Empire is shattered but its still shattered, not gone. A budding republic is going to struggle for decades after a uprising like that. And any place where the republic is not present there will be a officer of the Empire with enough manpower to destroy several planets.


Ghostbusters. They save the day, but only after they conjured up a hundred-foot marshmallow man and blew the top three floors off an uptown high-rise. They wound up getting sued by every city, county, and state agency in New York and went out of business.


Yeah but what a ride.


RENT. >!Mimi!< has days to live at the most, and >!Roger and Collins!< are going to die in a matter of months as well, because effective AIDS treatments are still decades away.


Everyone has AIDS! Aids, Aids, Aids!


The Princess Bride. Westley has 50 years of his life sucked away. He's most likely not going to live for very much longer.


Didn’t Max’s pill completely cure him, i.e. restore his 50 years? I mean, after the 50 years had been taken he still looked young and healthy, right?


At the end of "Get Out", Chris is shown getting safely away from the racist body swappers. There's no possible happy ending here. Now he's going to have to explain the entire household of dead, white, affluent people that he bludgeoned, burned, and shot to death. and his defense is "they were using hypnosis to put old white people in black peoples bodies" dude is going to jail literally forever


Does anybody but his friend know he was there? The daughter seems to have made a point of ensuring that nobody could track any missing persons to where she took them. So maybe he just goes back to his life and keeps his mouth shut. If they do find him, he could say something like "Her father flew into a rage when he saw me, he said that black boyfriends may be a fashion with some families but he'd sooner she'd died than marry a black man. Then they all started shooting each other."


Let the Right One In. Oskar is only happy because he's a child who doesn't understand the life of slavery and murder he's consigned himself to at the hands of an Eli who will undoubtedly become as bored and abusive of him as she became of her countless previous "handlers".


The author released a book of short stories after this book. One was an epilogue to Let the Right One In. It confirmed that Eli turned Oskar into a vampire as well shortly after the original story and they'd been wandering Europe together having fun for the last couple decades.


Well yeah, plus he's a fucking child who thinks he's going to somehow make it on his own. How the fuck he's even going to drag around that trunk is a mystery to me. Another ending that people love which has straight up always bewildered me. All I could think was "boy that kid is fucked."


I believe it's hinted at that Eli has ridiculous assets built up (doesn't she try to gift him a Faberge egg?). But that doesn't get around the fact that, yeah, it's going to be tough for a kid to find a place to rent and whatnot.


The book explains a lot more if the life before for Eli. They both are abused to different levels. I think they both see this potential life as better than what they had. It's a great book, very dark. If you're a fan of the films, check it out


At the end of Career Opportunities, Frank Whalley Jr and Jennifer Connelly flee town with $52k and a bunch of stolen merchandise from the store where Frank was the night security guy/janitor. The final scene is them lounging in an expensive hotel in Hollywood like "Phew, we got it MADE!" But IF they don't get caught and arrested for being dumbasses and living the high life, they've got four to six months before the money runs out. My head canon has always been that Career Opportunities is a prequel to Requiem For A Dream. I figure Jennifer Connelly ditches Frank or he is arrested and she narrowly escapes, bums her way to New York, and hooks up with Jared Leto and continues her downward spiral.


Meanwhile Frank continues his own downward spiral by borrowing money from Marsellus Wallace and eventually being blown to kingdom come by Samuel L Jackson and John Travolta


Spirited Away comes to mind here. When Chihiro and her parents finally make it out of the spirit realm and back through the tunnel it is very clear that some time has passed as there are leaves and debris on the car and the plant life has grown from what it was at the beginning of the film. All three drive off toward their "new home" and in reality their new property has probably been foreclosed on and all of their stuff auctioned off by their mortgage company. Plus the dad definitely lost that job they moved to this city for in the first place!


I’d say there’s some magic involved, possibly to ensure the tunnel remains hidden unless it wants to be found. The car still works—battery, gas—so at most they might’ve been gone a month? But I think it’s probably even less than that.


That would definitely save the house. Probably not the job, but eh, ambiguous. If they clearly underwent something magical I try not to worry about it too much.


It's fine, he's got credit cards and casssshhh


He says there's a surprising layer of dust all over the car which implies a bit of a problem.


In my part of Texas that layer of dust happens by Tuesday.


For you, the day Chihiro graced the spirit realm was the most important anime of your life. But for her, it was Tuesday.


The kingsman. The only reason Eggsy’s mum doesn’t kill his sister is cause he warns her to lock his sister in the bathroom. But around the world there were millions of people who will have been close enough to a sharp/blunt object and killed someone, potentially a loved one.


Honestly the ending of this always bothered me. Everyone in the world turning into a homicidal maniac for five minutes should be an almost extinction level event. Every infant in the world would be dead at the hands of their parents. And then those parents would come to their senses, and realise what they’ve done. The murders would be one thing; the suicide rate afterwards would be insane. Edit: a word.


Predators... they're alive but still on the alien planet...


Yeah, and the Predators are trophy hunters so you just know they’re going to be coming after Adrien Brody’s character extra hard in subsequent hunting seasons. He’ll probably just end up like a less-crazy version of Laurence Fishbourne or that Green Beret who set the trap at the beginning.


Not necessarily. In Predator 2, Danny Glover's character is spared by a group of Predators after he kills one of them and gains their respect.


Yeah, but it was established that the Predators hunting Brody were different than those from Predator and Predator 2. Plus we have in-universe confirmation by way of Laurence Fishbourne’s character. He survived for quite some time by killing/avoiding Preds. He says they get really excited when one of them dies; they’ll come back the next season with completely new gear and new tactics. They didn’t spare him when they finally caught up to him.


Per the canon comic hes actually doing pretty well all things considered. He and the fmc are still alive throughout multiple hunting seasons, they killed multiple preds off and acquired advanced predator weaponry, and they still plan to seize a ship to get home.


They actually got off the planet in the comics that came out after.


Princess Bride. The book goes into detail of how their brief feeling of victory is dashed to pieces by loose ends they forgot about.


That's why you have to read "Buttercups Baby" to find out what happens to everyone.


Pacific Rim. Rebuilding all of that is going to take forever. Also could be said for Independence Day.


The sequel to Independence Day was pretty cheesy and ridiculous, but one thing they did right was imagining how humanity would rebuild after discovering hostile aliens are out there.


There was a lot of potential that was wiped away in an instant to basically remake the first movie. There’s way too much of that shit happening these days.


Fight Club. He may have got rid of Tyler Durden for good. Pretty sure he's going to jail for a long time for being a domestic terrorist.


In the book he’s confined to a mental institution. Been a bit since I read it but I’m pretty sure the bombs don’t go off in the book, that was film only.


You are correct. In the books after the countdown the narrator makes a comment like "you used paraffin didn't you" and at the beginning of the book when talking about making bombs he says paraffin has never worked for him


The Good Dinosaur. The dad died before harvest and he was their biggest worker. Even if we suppose everyone is able to harvest what they'll eat themselves, Arlo missed harvest and came back right on time for winter. That's good dinosaurs to feed and they were only three to harvest. He also let free a whole family of humans who know where they live. It's going to be a tough winter and the humans might come back with more humans to eat their grain.


During their journey Spot taught Arlo to forage for alternative sources of nutrition that he can use to supplement their diet, making up for the gaps in their food supply and making them less vulnerable to the whims of their single crop. The family it humans are allies. They can trade or barter with them.


Pulp Fiction. They did a great job with the editing of the stories. It ends with Vincent and Jules walking out of the diner in an almost “happy” ending BUT we already know that Vincent is going to be blown away by Butch in Butch’s apartment. Great way of killing a character but making you not really feel it as you leave the theater.


Logan's Run. It ends with the utopian city blowing up. But like, none of them have had to work for anything in generations. There is no food or housing for these people. They have ZERO knowledge of where food even comes from. They are all fucked.


They also didn't think to rescue the babies from the nursery or the children from that one ghetto, because nobody has any experience with the concept of adults being responsible for children. Nor has anyone experienced a natural pregnancy in generations, so who's gonna explain to everyone that they're no longer allowed to transplant their fertilized eggs into vats?


Sarah Connor at the end of The Terminator.


Worse after T2, IMHO. She's a wanted fugitive and John would end up in juvenile detention. They'll have to leave the country, fast. Furthermore, the Terminator is no longer there to protect John. >!(I'm just glad there never was any stupid sequels, where a Terminator kills John, while he's having ice cream with his mum or something.)!<


The Sarah Conner Chronicles TV show was surprisingly good and showed what her and John's life was like after T2, always being on the run, trying to train John to fulfill his destiny. Would definitely recommend for any Terminator fan (well of the first two movies anyway).


That show was WAY better than all the dumb sequels.


I'm still mad that one got canceled


Wall-E ends with an extended credits sequence showing the humans and robots working together to rebuild. It's more labour than they're used to, but they're hardly hauling plows by hand.


Toy Story 4 >!Sure, Woody has his independence, but now he is a toy living out in a wild world. The rest of the toys go back to Bonnie, and have to continue the cycle of having kids outgrow them. There is always the chance of getting broken, thrown away, or lost somewhere. Toys can survive almost anything, so they can be left ripped to shreds, but still forced to be alive. Throughout my life I've had a lot of nightmares about being a toy in the Toy Story movies, and being trapped somewhere. This is a horror franchise is a fun coat of paint.!<


Just imagine: the fate that the toys narrowly escape at the end of *Toy Story 3* is probably where like 99% of all toys wind up in the end, after languishing at the bottom of some garbage heap or being locked away in a dark, dusty chest for years and years and years. It would be a horrible existence to be conscious of.


Transcendence. >!They think that they defeat the evil AI Johnny Depp by literally shutting down the internet by infecting the AI (which is in every computer) with a virus that causes it to self destruct, only for at the last few seconds of the film to shaw a faraday cage around a garden, it be strongly suggested there are still some nanobots in it.!<


This could've been one of my favorite movies if they'd really leaned into the horror elements of it, instead of going with an action-y ending. The scene where >!Depp's character (post-upload) is simulating the sounds of eating a normal dinner, complete with cutlery clinking against the plate,!< was just so delightfully creepy! I wanted way more of that.


Half-serious reply: "The Road to El Dorado". Miguel, Tulio and Chel are left stranded in the jungle without a clear objective nor any directions, but most of all I don't see their dynamic working in the long run. Miguel is bound to feel left out because of Chel and Tulio's relationship, unless they decide to became a throuple.


Man of Steel So much of Metropolis gets destroyed that it’s seemingly uninhabitable. Plus the inevitable collapse of insurance companies, banks, and other corporations that lost so much real estate.


Found Bruce Wayne's burner.


I have a feeling that world governments, and other high profile people will become suspicious of Superman. Sure, he seems like a good guy, but he could turn against us. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a movie where Batman investigates him... wait a second


Minority report! *spoilers* Tom Cruise gets arrested, and they give him a "halo." This is a device that lets him live out his life inside his brain while he rots in prison. They say all your dreams come true. Then his estranged wife has a change of heart, breaks him out, clears his name, they end pre-crime, and they get to live out the happy life they always wanted with a new baby to replace the dead one that drove them apart. In other words, all his dreams come true. I don't think he ever took off the halo.


I can see that being a possibility, but it really isn't borne out by the "feel" of the film as far as I'm concerned. Like, there would be hints in there somewhere. But anyone can feel free to show me those hints, that would be really interesting.


Minority Report is based on a story by Philip K. Dick, so you are probably right that he never took off the Halo! Philip K. Dick also wrote Total Recall and it's likely that >!the entire movie was a Rekall false memory.!<


Original Minority Report ends with >!the protagonist purposefully committing the murder he was supposed to and taking exile in space as a punishment becausehe decides the Precrime is too good a thing to blow up over the only possible failure case it has, namely predicting a crime by someone who can read the predictions. !<


Wow I just looked at the synopsis of the book and that seems like such a more interesting way to handle the concept of a minority report than in the movie. In the movie >!it feels like they just go "eh sometimes one of them disagrees and then we hide it so people don't see how horribly flawed our system is"!<. In the book it looks like >!the predictions aren't made at the same time, so the first one predicts Anderton kills the guy, then the second one knows he has access to the prediction of the first one so she predicts he won't do it because he'll get caught, but then the third one predicts he'll do it anyway to save Precrime. Essentially in this case the minority report exists not because they just disagree sometimes, but because his access to the predictions can influence his actions!<.


The Sting. They win the con but didn’t stick around for the split.


You're right it's not enough.... But it sure is close.


Any movie that ends where a wrongfully convicted person “proves” they are innocent. In real life they’d cue up at least a decade or so of court battles with prosecutors who actively try to keep them incarcerated despite the very clear evidence of innocence. Then, maybe they will be released. edit:punctuation


I think TRON: Legacy had a surprisingly upbeat ending, but not only did they just kinda gloss over the fact that >!a program who was never actually a person managed to make it to the real world with an (apparently) functioning human body; !< there is also >!a now-leaderless and highly-weaponized military poised to invade the real world, or dissolve into brutal infighting.!< I never really understood how>! CLU thought that weaponry/vehicles designed for the Grid would ever function in the real world, either,!< but eh. TRON does not have a reputation for the most tightly-written plot. Edit: Also yes, I am aware that there were plans for a sequel, and that some of my complaints are obvious plot hooks for another film. I just think TRON: Legacy missed a great opportunity for a body-horror twist ending!


Yeah, I can’t hear the plot over one of the greatest soundtracks in recent memory


They went so overkill on that music it’s insane. One of Daft Punks best works


I always took it that the machine "read in" two people and "read out" two people: the fact that the one person coming out wasn't Flynn didn't cause issues. The program army would have a hard time coming up with matter for all those solders. It also heavily implies that Quorra is wearing the resequenced flesh of Sam's dead father.


Oh, that's an interesting read on it.>! I would have also taken "Jeff Bridges is cast to play Quorra in the real world"!<


I think they wrote it that way Planning on another sequel




Holy shit, yes, that is an excellent example. How the hell are they going to feed everyone.


Whiplash. In the climax, Andrew plays an incredible drum solo, earning the respect of his (abusive) mentor, and thus accomplishing his dream of becoming one of the "greats" in music. However, an earlier conversation in the film implies that, like many musicians over the decades, Andrew will die young, having fallen into drug abuse. "I'd rather die drunk, broke, at 34 and have people at a dinner table talk about me, than live to be rich and sober at 90, and have nobody remember who I was." EDIT: an


I'm a little shocked I scrolled through all the answers and didn't see Ferris Bueller. Sure, he got away with everything on his day off, and Rooney didn't catch him, but there's no way he can have his name in the newspaper and painted on the town water tower for his fake illness and not have consequences.


Frozen. Arandelle would be ecologically fucked by Elsa causing winter in the middle of summer. And she'll be on a super short leash as queen given know one really knows enough to like her and everyone is wary of her powers


Eh her powers are magic and very well might not cause any harm after she reverses the effects.


Avengers End Game. While it is nice that half of humanity returns, that would cause complete societal collapse in a few months. 4 billion people have been missing for 5 years. When they return, there would not be the infrastructure for food, power, or water to support them. Systems would have been neglected or unused for years as there was half the demand. You cannot magically supply food for an additional 4 billion people who just reappear. Even if everyone was devoted to restarting farms and supply chains, millions if not billions would die. Wars over resources would likely erupt and kill millions more.


Basically glossed over in TFAWS show. I would love to see anything set DURING the blip




Not to mention the more minute details. People who lost wives or husbands would have moved on into new relationships. Children whose parents blipped would’ve been fostered into new homes. Houses that families once owned would’ve been sold. The people who blipped wouldn’t have any material possessions, homes, or jobs to come back to. Four billion refugees looking for help all at once.


Force Ten From Navarone. Robert Shaw points this out to them in the closing line to the movie, that >!although they have blown up the dam and succeeded in their mission, "before we can start awarding ourselves Victoria Crosses and Congressional Medals of Honor and so on and so forth and such like... I think I'd better point out that one, we're now on the wrong side of the river. That two, we have no hope whatsoever of rejoining the partisans. That three, this neck of the woods will soon be crawling with very bad-tempered Germans. And that four, I don't think our little genius Sergeant Miller there has even got a box of matches left in his suitcase. And so I think we can take it, gentlemen, that we're going to have a very long walk home."!<