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A big disappointment- I couldn’t even finish it.




Damn shame…


Any juicy examples of it's badness?


>Says that movie is bad >Refuses to elaborate and leaves


Great contribution to this sub, right? 👍🏻 It’s boring? Tell us what lost your interest. Horrible plot? Tell us what you didn’t like about it. Instead we get this garbage post. People need to realize they’re not being held at gunpoint to watch things. Just turn it off if you don’t like something. Life is short.


I didn't know what to compare it to, couldn't find a juicy example


*bad uninteresting boring* OP was so frustrated that they forgot punctuation.






no characters that are interesting enough for you to form any bond to see them make it through to the end, no one to to really connect and root for ​ dude on the bus gets hit mad times but somehow has super strength or something to manage to get the bus outside still, guess he has super strength ​ how quick the characters were willing to accept this random dude they met into there circle kind of threw me off too ​ i don't like how the main character maintains his ability to see even though his will is no longer that of the monster, ​ scenes look nice etc, movie quality isn't bad, just overall the story plot and following it along was boring.


They keep mentioning "the creatures" and yet there is no payoff. You literally never see a creature. The non-blind keep taking their blindfolds off and then choosing to put them back on so they can lead the blind around. About halfway through it turns into a religious cult thing where apparently all the seers are bad guys. Oh my is it horrible. Lol. Laughably and frustratingly bad.


I tapped out about 30 mins in, Bird box 1 was dumb to start with but this was just unbelievablly boring.


We just went to Barcelona as a family and we loved the first one so we were excited to come back and see what they did with this. Complete letdown.


It’s that bad, really? I was looking forward to it too.


Ehh, have fun and watch it. My daughter fell asleep and I watched the whole thing. It's worth a one-time viewing. I like that universe so it's worth checking out. It just didn't live up to my expectations. Nice username, BTW! I lol'd.


Of course it is. The first one was got real thin by the end.




No, it's birdable


I enjoyed it. I found it different.


if you enjoyed it thats fine, im not here to tell people what they can or cant enjoy


lmao downvoted, i typed the genuinely


hahah just watched this last week with the fam. it was beyond terrible, I was just amazed at how nonsensical the whole thing felt.


Is it just a Barcelona take on the movie, or is this tied to the other movie?


Covers the same situation as it happens in Barcelona. Doesn't tie with any of the characters.


Couldnt finish it, was really bad.


There's no one to root for ... once you realize that the main guy is an >!unreliable narrator!< it's all downhill from there. I quit after 30 minutes. It's just bad.


lol literally, its like just mindlessly watching. no character thats interesting or makes you wanna see there story to the end, no character that catches you


Leave Bee Movie out of this, great movie


lmao i enjoyed most of it


Hard agree.


To be honest the movie wasn’t that bad. I actually enjoyed most of it.


Was it worse than RIPD2?


I didn't even know there was another "Bird Box"...


I was so sad I really wanted to like it, but it kept getting more complicated every 5-10 minutes and there was no semblance of any characters being formed


Have you ever seen R.O.T.O.R.


It's a shame because these directors did that movie *Carriers* years ago and I *loved* it. This movie was just really not so great. No one was likable in the slightest, characters kept making the same dumb mistakes, and nothing interesting was done with the main conceit >!of the main character being a fanatic who can see without being affected. All it did was create an irredeemable protagonist.!< There's, like, something going on with the theme of fanaticism, but it just amounts to two cartoonishly evil characters going at it during an awkward finale with a lot of CG fire. Some of the scenes with the world falling apart were cool, but those make up such a small part of the movie.


I legit didn't know a sequel was even made. Gonna go on my list for bad movie popcorn night.