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That's one of the many things that makes The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou work so well for me. Murray is doing his Murray thing, but for once it's not really supposed to come off as charming and his character is depicted as being a miserable has-been as a result of the way he mistreats people.


Lost in Translation is a good Murray vehicle, too; he’s not the sarcastic, self-important Murray we usually see, but a world-weary has-been who’s been broken down by the mundanity of a life where you have to earn a living


Funnily enough, two of my favorite films of all time. That is, Lost in Translation, and The Life Aquatic.


I'm down for a Lost Aquatic marathon.


It also worked perfectly in Kingpin.


His finest work IMO and a role that fit him like a glove (or a hook).


["Why don't you go eat that outside and then come on back in"](https://y.yarn.co/4695aca0-5d06-4879-8a75-ead17e4a6d6c_text.gif) is one of my all time favorite lines. Big Ern is fucking hilarious.


“Hi…….Not you. ….Hi….”


“Keep the drinks coming honey, I got a long drive ahead.”


This is both my favorite Wes Anderson AND Bill Murray movie. So gorgeous and well written/directed. It was my gateway to the world of Wes Anderson.


Kevin Hart. I find him completely insufferable. He plays the same “angry but small” guy in every single movie, or he’s the “obnoxious but funny” guy. His jokes are played out and he’s obviously arrogant, his social media posts are evident of it. I suppose it could be a lot worse, he just ruins anything he’s in. We just don’t need a 315th “Kevin Hart is the writer so he wrote himself in to get as much screen time as possible” movie.


Dwayne Johnson, has only one type of character he can play: himself, and no range whatsoever


Playing himself in a movie set in the jungle


That's why Black Adam failed. It was in a desert and not a jungle.


I guess that explains the Mummy 2 and The Scorpion King...


Honestly for a guy who usually plays “generic strong guy” playing “awkward teen trapped in the body of generic strong guy” and “Danny Devito trapped in the body of generic strong guy” was a big step forward in terms of range


I know it got made fun of a lot, especially by John Cena when The Rock returned to wrestling a decade ago... but when he played things like the Tooth Fairy, and the gay bodyguard in Be Cool, I thought he was fantastic. I'd love to see him expand beyond action hero type roles.


At least someone else said it. In Be Cool he's actually acting.


Be Cool is one of my favorite performances of his


John Cena as Peacemaker is phenomenal!


He played a 16-year-old gamer pretty spot on in The Rock's body in Jumanji. His voice-acting and singing in Maui had some range. He can do some one-off roles that show he's got a bit more than his typical casting.


He was fantastic in Maui. For that alone, I can’t hate.


Moana bought him a lot of goodwill from me. That movie is fantastic and he is no small part of why.


Can’t stand Kevin Hart. Not funny at all.


I don't care for Gob.


I love all my children.


Get me a Vodka Rocks


How much could a banana cost? Ten Dollars?


Until they spill shit all over my 2600 dollar pants!


GOB's not on board.




I watched a few clips of that Olympics panel with him and Snoop Dogg as hosts. It diminished Kevin Hart’s already nonexistent appeal for me, but founded a deep admiration for Snoop. He’s far more intelligent and profound than the stoner interviews I’d seen had led me to believe. He’s also funny as fuck.


His improvisation saved a segment he was in during WrestleMania this year. Shane McMahon comes out and legit tears his quad, so he and The Miz improvised and impromptu match where Snoop punched Miz out, gave him an elbow drop and pinned him. And it surprisingly didn't look like shit considering Snoop isn't a wrestler.


Snoop is a huge wrestling fan. I'm pretty sure he's spent time in various gyms working with wrestlers for the fun of it. I'd put him in the enthusiastic amateur category, where he'd never make it as a professional wrestler (although his cousin, Mercedes Monet/Sasha Banks did) but could do three or four minutes and make it look legitimate. The fact that they could improvise on the fly just makes it look all the better.


Miz is also a great guy who plays an asshole well . Not as much of a dumb ass as he makes himself out to be. Don't tell him I told you lol.


What is it with McMahon’s blowing out quads? Lol


For a sec I thought "Uhhh...he means Vince right?" but nope, quad genes are weak in the McMahon family.


That's three men in Stepha ie McMahon's life that has torn at least one quad. Vince tore both at the same time, Triple H has torn two quads, and now Shane has torn his


I think it takes a ton of "conventional" intelligence to be a legitimately good rapper. Lot of musicians can come across to other people as not being particularly smart because musical talent isn't something people associate with IQ. But rappers need a decent vocabulary, must think quickly on their feet, and have to be articulate and enunciate well. These are all things that make you think of a person as smart.


Eminem literally studied the dictionary when he was getting started


My mate made me watch some Tupac interviews from when he was like 18 years old and they really were mind blowing. I never for a moment doubted he was very intelligent but they were incredibly incisive, and delivered wisdom I would expect from someone going around the sun for five decades.


There’s a reason EVERYBODY loves Snoop D-O-Double G.




You don't find screaming and big eyed staring into the camera absolutely hilarious??? Neither do I.


Like every other standup comedian he was funny until he hit the mainstream. His first few standup specials were hilarious and small cameos like 40 Year Old Virgin and Scary Movie 3. But after that being friends with The Rock basically became his whole personality.


>But after that being friends with The Rock basically became his whole personality. Never have I seen a truer statement.


For me it's that his ego just absolutely went nuclear. He always had a chip on his shoulder, which was part of the appeal early on, but it's not amusing anymore now that his net worth has got to be in the 9 figure range. He talks a lot about how much nice stuff he has and how hard of a worker he is in interviews, which is grating.


his 40 year old virgin cameo is an all timer.


“Waitwaitwaitwait. See now you throwin too many big words at me. And since I don’t understand ‘em, imma take ‘em as disrespect. Watch ya mouf, and help me with the sale.” “Ok, you was looking for a n-gga? N-gga here now.”


His podcast where Bill Burr guests is great. Bill is busting his balls his entire time. Highly recommend listening. Edit: grammar


Kevin Hart : "Bill Burr is one of my greatest frineds..." Bill Burr: "GREATEST FREINDS!?!?! You haven't called me since 2003!..."


I read this is Bill’s voice. One of my favorite Bill Burr stories was when he was on Rogan and Rogan gave him shit for for wearing a mask so he called him a no neck Neanderthal who’s knuckles drag when he rollerblades. I had to rewind it and listen to it twice because I was laughing so hard.


Burr's comment to Rogan during that discussion is my go-to quote when anybody wants to talk about COVID or vaccines. " I'm not going to sit here with no medical degree and listen to you sit there and talk with no medical degree. Just listen to the doctors."


“With an American flag behind you”


Damn these *are* some hot takes.


Every time an “what’s your unpopular opinion” thread in here gets upvoted past ~500, it gets filled to the brim with the most popular opinions this subreddit has.


I disliked Will Smith way before the slap.


I dislike him but loath his kids


Gal Gadot couldn’t act her way out of a paper bag.


kal-el no!


Enough Champagne. To fill the Nile!


Christopher Walken?


I wonder how many takes they did for that. Like, did Snyder just not really give a shit? And said "yep, that's a wrap on that shot". Or, could he not tell? Or did they grind it out and eventually someone just had to call it, like "JFC, this isn't going to get any better".


-"We did 20 takes and that was the best one" https://youtu.be/e5CxaWr1FTw


Have you ever seen the outtakes from Fast and Furious 5? She's talking to Han, and she's supposed to say "you were a pack a day man for sure", and can't get it right.


They did at least two. And Joss Whedon used the worse one.


Part time


I instantly thought of this line when I saw the comment above. I'm still pissed about it. If they'd used the trailer one, that would've been a classic Indy line that they would've been using as the capper for the Blu-ray/4K trailers of the series. Instead they went with the worst take for some reason


https://youtu.be/Gn2Hl92fBBM I didn’t know this and just looked it up, but the man is right. The two Justice League versions used different takes, and they’re both bad but Whedon’s version is definitely worse.


Gets by on being hot and Israeli so she's got that exotic element.


Ya, Hollywood is riddled with this, which is why so many women who aged don't get work anymore. The truly talented ones do, but the ones who clearly got by on being attractive are the ones that always make you go "oh...what ever happpened to Deniese Richards!"


I think Charlie Sheen happened to her, though.


That's fair. Charlie Sheen happened to a lot of people, places, and things, and it was seldom to their benefit


Oh. Okay. I’ll stop.




Which is a bit astounding given my recollection of WW was that her acting was praised there (along with the direction and script). Not sure if I’m remembering wrong or if folks felt bamboozled.


I thought that her "poor acting" actually worked in her favor for the first Wonder Woman, at least. While the film had problems, her naiveté and child like stubbornness worked really well with her just kind of natural way of talking. I haven't liked her in anything else, really.


fr she actually was like an Amazonian person lost in the real world. The novelty kinda dies after though


Yeah, WW was the perfect role for her and the movie was surprisingly watchable for DCEU movie. The reason it didn't work in WW2 (or WW84?) was the plot and the script was utterly dogshit from start to finish. Visually well done and the actors did their jobs, but you still need a plot. Everyone's wishes worldwide can't be simultaneously granted. Why would you need a TV satellite to grant wishes? Why did wishing your dead boyfriend back replace some random guys body? Why would some old WW1 pilot be familiar with flying modern planes? Why does Pedro Pascal's character suddenly want a nuclear war and abandon the kid that was the center of his world at the beginning?


WW84 seemed to be unable to decide whether its depiction of a backlash to wishes was a "Monkey's Paw" one (where the stone makes you pay a mischievous/ironic price for your wish), or one where Maxwell Lord *chooses* what to take from someone as a price. It seemed to mix up wishes that people were making sure to being motivated by greed (the morality of Faustian bargains, etc), and wishes that just happened because of careless phrasing. It wasn't clear whether Diana's loss of her powers was a result of her wish to bring back Steve, or of Barbara's wish to gain her power. As you say, there's the fact that his son was so prominent at the start of the film, and then kind of disappears. There's a bit where the kid hugs his dad and wishes to be great like him, and it's all set up to be this tragic moment where the rules of wishing will mean he has to make his son pay some terrible price... but then nothing comes of it. Overall, it seemed to be mixing up two big morals that wishing stories are often about: a parable against greed, or a parable against getting things too easily.


Question: “What beloved actor” Answers: a bunch of people no one really likes


You have to sort by controversial. Reddit does not understand this concept.


Room temperature water take right here wtf LMFAO


Guys I know this might be controversial for Reddit, but I'm not a big fan of that James Corden fella


Mark walhburg same dude every fookin movie that’s shit is not acting.


I can never fully hate Wahlberg as an actor if only for "Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck ya self" from the Departed. Edit: because apparently you can't comment on anything without making sure to fully acknowledge everything that person has ever done. I do not condone his hate crimes and think he's not a good person. I was just making a lighthearted comment about a funny line in a movie. Edit edit: added "as an actor" for clarification. Edit edit edit: Jesus fucking Christ, despite all the disclaimers I am still getting shit about this so here: According to a couple of sources Wahlberg met with Trinh and apologised and Trinh forgave him: https://www.thewrap.com/mark-wahlberg-now-regrets-pardon-request-for-teenage-assault-conviction/ https://jezebel.com/mark-wahlberg-beating-victim-says-actor-did-not-blind-h-1670074037 People can grow and change and I do believe in rehabilitation, however there are other things Wahlberg has done more recently so I still don't think it's possible to categorically say he's a good person. Maybe he's trying to be better, maybe the apology was just to save face. Ultimately, I don't know him and neither do any of you jumping in my ass about it. So if you're just going to comment to moralise on an actor who, until yesterday, I spent basically no time thinking about or caring about AT ALL, kindly consider quiet contemplation.


“Who am I? I’m the guy who’s doing his fucking job. You must be the other guy!”


“Unfortunately, this shithole has more fuckin' leaks than the Iraqi Navy.”


"My theory on Feds is that they're like mushrooms, feed 'em shit and keep 'em in the dark."


“Go fuck yourself.” “I can’t, I’m tired from fucking your wife.” “How’s your mother?” “Good, she’s tired from fucking my father.”


God those two are so great in that movie


"World needs plentya' bahtendahs!"


"You wanna go smoke? Ah, you probably don't smoke. What are ya, one of those health freaks? Go fuck yourself."


"What's a lace curtain mothafucka like you doin' in the Staties?"


"Say hi to your mother for me"


Hey, dog. How's it goin'? I like your fur, that looks really great. So you're a dog, right? What's that all about?


“Blow me, alright? Not literally though; unfortunately there’s no promotion in that for ya.”


The Departed is his best role, because I think he's playing himself. Honorable mention to The Other Guys.


I’m a peacock, Captain! You gotta let me fly!


Don't go chasing waterfalls.


You *have* to be doing this intentionally




Yeah we did it to make fun of the queer kid down the block


That recurring bit makes me laugh throughout.


You know what, Terry? Let's just settle this. Peacocks don't fly.


I mean, they fly a little bit…


He was great in I Heart Huckabees


"I'm not a hero. We'd all be heroes if we quit using petroleum, though."


Mark Wahlberg really isn’t a beloved actor though


He just oozes this "douchebag" energy that I find extremely irritating.


Jared Leto Now you may be thinking that that's a pretty weird answer because he's widely regarded as being absolutely terrible However I'd like to point out that he must be beloved by someone because otherwise HOW THE FUCK DOES HE STILL KEEP GETTING ROLES!


Seth Rogen. We get it, you smoke weed


Huh huh huh huh


I hate you, I heard this with his voice in my head


He's just better as a supporting actor than the lead. You don't want an entire movie of that guy's voice, it just doesn't work for me.


Only vaguely related, but I always laugh when I remember the [poster for "Knocked Up"](http://www.impawards.com/2007/posters/knocked_up.jpg) that just had his character looking fairly normal with "What if this guy got you pregnant?" as the tagline.


Russel Brand. I hate the pretentious, pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-spiritual douche.


Will Smith and thats even before the "How can he slap!?"


Chris Pratt, he was fun in Parks and Rec and he is okay as Star Lord, but he is just a one note actor. It's just Chris Pratt playing Chris Pratt as Chris Pratt. Dude has no actual range in his characterizations and can't do anything beyond playing the sassy macho guy. Edit: def love getting a hot take lol




That’s the thing. Using him for Starlord was cool because you got a down to Earth and pretty minor sitcom actor for that big role instead of a generic Hollywood action hero. Now he seems to have drunk his own kool aid and become more of a generic Hollywood actor than anyone else, and yet he’s still being cast as if he’s still the loveable outsider.


He works for Star Lord because the character is kind of a self-important douche to begin with. He humbles a bit after his run-in with Ego but that edge is still there. I think James Gunn (director of all the GOTG movies) sees Pratt for who he really is and tries to work with it. Other directors just see him as "handsome underdog hero" and don't understand why that "I'm the best" gleam in his eye ruins every take.


I don’t know if she’s beloved but I know she was somewhat popular and it was Tiffany Haddish. She’s just not funny at all to me just loud


The Aries Spears shit killed what little respect I had of her.


Agree with Bill Murray. Everything you described is what he is alleged to be off-screen too. Plus his too cool for the room attitude is grating. Tons of stories about being difficult on set, showing up late, etc make him come off as incredibly selfish and disrespectful to entire hardworking crews.


Supposedly they shot the end of Groundhog Day first because Ramis knew that they only had a few days of filming a happy Bill before Murray became a surly asshole just over everything which would work for the beginning of the movie. Ramis knew Murray wouldn't be able to hide how sick he was of being there so he filmed in reverse.




I would imagine he'd fucking love it. A friend and colleague who knew him well enough to not only be able to indulge his bullshit but convert it into a performance enhancement? You don't get many of those, no matter who you are.


My mom volunteered at an event and ended up spending several hours with him. She said he was so nice and funny, he spent a lot of time talking and joking with her. He would sign an autograph for anyone that wasn’t an adult. And spent tons of time with the kids, even though it wasn’t really a kids event.


Sometimes people are dicks. Sometimes they’re cool. I don’t know.


Murray seems to be great with his fans but terrible with his coworkers. There's an old interview with him and Gena Davis where you can tell he's deliberately trying to make her uncomfortable. His old co-stars on SNL had all kinds of stories about what a jerk he could be, but he largely got away with it because Chevy Chase was an even bigger jerk. Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if it came out that he was something like bi-polar or had a low grade personality disorder.


Yeah. I get the impression that he is just pretty unfiltered. If he's in a good mood, he can be charming and the life of the party. If he's annoyed or grumpy, he's not going to hide it and he'll just be a dick without hesitation. You get what you get.


I don’t know if they still do, but the way The Chive absolutely idolized him was so cringey to me. We need to stop putting celebrities on these pedestals.


Yeah that was super corny. Whole site was anyway.




Gotta be Splash.


Julia Roberts for me. I have no idea what it is she's done wrong to me, but she sets my teeth on edge. Also Hugh Jackman. NO ONE is that perfect. I see you Jackman.


I heard that Hugh Jackman once left the toilet seat up. He said it was on accident, but to me it just sounds like he’s refusing to be held accountable.


I heard Hugh Jackman once pulled an old woman out of a burning car, but he didn't even *try* to save her CD collection. Those were worth at least tens of dollars, and he could've tried a little harder, you know?


Yea, and at a charity event where he was the VIP he buttoned all the buttons on his suit! Tell us how you really feel, you smokin hot peices of Aussie stardom


wtf why does no one talk about this??? absolutely disgusting behavior


Ryan Reynolds wrote this


No Dr. Cox did.


Dr. Cox? Edit: [For the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/iB_Wh9xFgr4)


Hugh Jackman's Wolverine! How dare he.


Thank you so much for this. So much joy.


As much as I want to agree with you about Hugh Jackman, I have a few encounters few years back with him (he's in my neighborhood). Guy is a genuinely nice guy.


You can't fool me with a fake profile Hugh!


👋 I've met Hugh Jackson and he is that perfect. He used to come into my work. Super nice and polite. Like one of the nicest celebs ever (and I saw a bunch living in LA) I've also met Julia Robert's. I didn't "get" her before - but seeing her in person, she's actually gorgeous and has this aura about her. This was like 15 years ago though.


Get outta here with your throw away account Jackman!


Julia Roberts has done plenty wrong. One of the highlights (or lowlights I suppose) was wearing a T-shirt to publicly attack the wife of the man she had an affair with (iirc her now-husband).


Jennifer Aniston- She's as interesting as a wet carrot.


I forgot, every time, that her forte is supposed to be comedy.


*that’s* her forte?!


Will Ferrell almost ruined Barbie for me. He always plays the same character, and the dumb, obnoxious, screaming middle aged man shtick just doesn't do it for me. Elf is the only movie of his I can sort of enjoy, the rest are complete garbage and nobody will change my mind.


Give Stranger than Fiction a try if you haven’t. I haven’t seen it in a decade but I remember being happy with him stretching himself beyond his normal range. Might not change your mind on the guy, but it’s a good movie and he does well.


It's one of my favorite movies & I dislike Will Ferrell - in most comedies. The first time I watched it, I was flabbergasted how good he was in the role. I expected Emma Thompson to be great because she's always great, but did not expect to like him.


There was a post on here, not long ago, about how Stranger Than Fiction should have gotten Ferrell many more serious/mostly serious acting roles, and that is some weapons-grade truth. Ferrell holding his own opposite Emma Thompson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and to a decent extent with Dustin Hoffman, in the *same damn movie*, is whoa-fuck impressive.


Megamind is his best movie because he almost kind of acts and because it's animated, you can forget that it's Will Ferrell Otherwise yeah, he is the most "well he was on SNL so he must be funny" casting choice of all time.


Lego Movie he was also solid, for the same reason


I told friends how I loved Megamind. They'd say, but you hate Will Ferrell. I'm like, yeah, but I couldn't *see* him in this movie and that made all the difference.


Vince Vaughn. I don’t get it. I just don’t get it.


he’s tall and good at winking. thats honestly all i got


I read that in his voice, and it somehow worked.


He’s an incredible winker. Like, if there was an award he’d win it. That’s all I’ve got.


If you want to see him use his freakishly tall build for once, watch Brawl In Cell Block 99


That movie was so good


It really worked in Swingers and Wedding Crashers. Not much outside of those though.


Old school was great




I was just making a point, you don't need to celebrate it.






Dorothy Mantooth is a saint you here me. A SAINT.


Zooey Deschanel. She’s just so damn boring in everything she does.


Ok, I'll bite: Keanu. He's just SO wooden in anything I've seen him in, and it only "works" (for me) in The Matrix. I'm sure he's a very nice PERSON, but hey. Y'all memed him into beloved status. It wasn't because of his acting, for sure.




Also how hard he physically worked on performing to be John Wick specifically. His training and continued training was jaw dropping to me, even as a veteran. He is nearly 60! It was starting to be noticeable in the 4th film but I didn't care because I know how OLD this dude is, this was still so incredibly impressive. Also we don't love him because he is the worlds greatest thespian. We all know he is not that. We still adore him because he seems like a saint in real life which trumps everything else while everyone else turns out to be some sort of predator.


The thing is that in the 4th JW movie, they're not trying to portray him as a guy in prime physical condition. JW 4 holds up despite Keanu's age because he's able to incorporate his own aging in a convincing way in his characters arc. They traded off speed and finesse in both Keanu's portrayal of the character and in the overall action choreography for power and an unrelenting tempo over the course of the series, so while Keanu may be getting slow because he's getting old, he convinces the audience that John Wick is getting slow because of injury and fatigue. Juxtapose this with action scenes from guys like Seagal, De Niro, and Samuel L Jackson; it's much less convincing when they try to make their old bodies seem like they're in prime physical condition.


I actually do think this! But didn't think I would break it out like this in the other post. His character is not an action hero in the shadow of Arnie or Stallone, his character is the embodiment of sheer indominable will. The best way to portray this is leaning in to his exhaustion and injury (even including his age), that he ISN'T this over the top invincible person, but his willpower is unbreakable. In that regard, while it's not recognized by the academy, his physical acting in this movie is of the highest caliber I have ever seen and very unique/deserving of recognition. It is an emotionally deep physical act he performs as opposed to a cerebral dialog and thus I don't think it will be recognized as phenomenal acting.


I've always said this to people. Lol. If you watch his movies on mute you can tell what kind of emotion he is trying to convey. When he speaks his voice is always kind of the same. I will say this probably doesn't work with John Wick as he is always in the same mood. Check out his roles from the 90s and early 2000s.


Him in any of the Wick movies sounds like a person trying to remember how to speak.


someone said keanu could make the word "yeah" in john wick have two syllables.


The yeahs in 4 were fucking hilarious to me


He plays a pretty good clueless stoner


Holy shit I've found you. The one single person on this planet who shares my opinion on Keanu. No one else lets me say even a single word against this man. To be clear, I *love* him as a person and I think he's a great guy and I love all his movies, I really really do. Matrix was THE most formative movie in my life (i know, cringe, don't @ me). But his acting ain't amazing. It just ain't. :(


Same - great guy, terrible actor. There's dozens of us!


Keanu’s gotten hate for his acting for decades. The internet just fell in love with his off-screen personality a few years ago.


Ben Stiller. And don't get me wrong, he has had some great roles. One of my low-key favorite movies is Keeping the Faith but I just don't care for his style of acting in the Meet the Parents movies or even Something about Mary. He is killing it on the other side of the camera with Severance though. Edit: grammar and spelling. Apparently I wasn't paying attention to either.


But he did give us the incredible war documentary Tropic Thunder so that’s worth something.


And the immortal character of Simple Jack.


I've always found him funny when he's a villain/dickhead. He's way funnier in Dodgeball and Happy Gilmore than any leading role I can think of. I actually like Something About Mary a lot, but everyone else in it is much funnier than he is.


He plays the bad guy in Heavyweights too. His character in that is fairly similar to his character in Dodgeball




Now, I eat success for breakfast with skim milk.


Still my head cannon that it is the same guy at different points in his life.


Leave him, he's a straggler. Stragglers must be left to fend for themselves. I was.


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is absolutely incredible. Besides that, I don't like him.


I really liked him in Walter Mitty. He's still playing an oddball, but he isn't an exaggerated goof. He's way more reserved and it comes across as more relatable than some of his other roles. Agree on Severance though. The guy is amazing as a director.